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Mihk'a Epocan

Name... mihk'a epocan
Alias... n/a
Age... thirty-eight
Gender... male
Race... miqo'te
Clan... keeper
Orientation... heterosexual
Marital... sworn
Deity... n/a
Nationality... sharlayan
Occupation... enchanter
Alignment... questionable


All poise and decorum, Mihk'a's confident posture gives justice to his sinewy physique. Standing at a respectable 5'7", he's on the taller side where Miqo'te are concerned, with pale brown skin colored by the blue undertones that Keepers of the Moon are known for. He's thin and lean, with a runner's legs and a sleek, black-furred tail. Blades of ears stand from a wavy mop of carefully styled loose curls, and the strong line of his jaw and sharp edge of his chin give him a decidedly masculine face. The bright hues of his eyes stand as a stark contrast to his otherwise shadow-toned figure.

Scars & Markings: Traditional Keeper warpaint. Modernized by use of aether-conducting inks, he sports varying sigils on his body and marks his face in keeping with the customs of his people.

Voice: Sharlayan propriety, haughty indifference, and clear, modulated tones. It has a broad range, calculated and practiced to span from barbed, scornful admonition to soothing, honeyed praise.

Clothing: Modern professional. Button-up shirts, slim ties, peacoats, and dress shoes. His tailored attire sees precise adjustments to better suit his build and is always clean, pressed, and orderly.