Wondrous Sundries
Wondrous Sundries is an independently and privately owned curiosity shop dealing in everything from esoteric entities to foreign fineries. Seeking a tome passed down through various hands and lost to time? Looking to get your hands on some rare elixir that even Radz-at-Han might not stock often, if at all? Maybe your eyes flit to those mysterious machines tucked in the corner... well search no more. Wondrous Sundries has it all, and if they don't, they'll find it for you--for the right price. Curator Thevenin Artinien originally founded the shop to supplement his income after a rough bout of luck saw him washed ashore in Kugane with very little recollection of himself. While he could not remember his old work, he did recall that he had a veritable hoard of odd bits and bobs he had stored away and that he had a particular talent for finding them. Thus did he take up selling his talent, picking up a ragtag team of friends and employees to aid him in these endeavours. He's now opening his doors and looking to become a true business, though retains a neutral mentality befitting of a Kugane business man. Last updated July 26th, 2017 ● Curation & sale of exotic goods
● Procurement & retrieval of goods
● Translation of timeworn tomes
● Reconstruction & restoration of old artifacts
● Protection & escorting of goods
Common rumors (Easily overheard)
Moderate rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
Rare rumors (Rarely overheard, super secret, ask before using)
● ● Thevenin Artinien Description of Thevenin's role/services goes here ● ● Emery Dell Description of Emery's role/services goes here ● ● Ana Kha Description of Ana's role/services goes here ● ● Tengri Kha Description of Tengri's role/services goes here SHOP DESCRIPTION GOES HERE GallerySCREENSHOTS GO HERE About usABOUT US AS A GROUP GOES HERE A few rulesRULES GO HERE LinksAnnotationsThis template was created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte. It was tweaked for this Free Company by Ana Kha. |