Yvelont Navarre
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Gender | Male |
Race | Elezen |
Clan | Wildwood |
Citizenship | Ishgard |
Guardian | Halone, the Fury |
Age | 30 |
Nameday | 10th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon |
Height/Weight | 6 fulms 9 ilms, 220 ponz |
Occupation | Ranger of the Yellow Serpent |
Relationship Status | Taken |
Given name: Yvelont Navarre [Ee-vuh-lahnt Nuh-VAR]: Yvelont was named for a heroic ancestor of his father's line, Ser Yvelont the Bear.
Aliases/Nicknames: The most common is "Yves," which is often used by friends and family members at home in Ishgard. Less common is "Yvel," used only in jest by an extremely small number of very close friends for its phonetic similarity to "Evil" - usually after beating them in some sport or game of chance.
Current residence: Varies.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Halone, the Fury - He still holds to the tenets of his patron, but increasingly found himself questioning his beliefs as his faith in Ishgard's archbishop waned.
Height: 6 fulms, 9 ilms - slightly above average for an Elezen male.
Weight: 220 ponz - possesses a larger frame than most Elezen. His overall musculature remains more along the lines of "lean and athletic" than of the bulky muscles common to Highlanders or Roegadyn. Despite his stature, he is deceptively light on his feet.
Other: A mane of dark brown hair frames a chiseled face with silvery-blue eyes. His head is usually covered by a bandana when ranging with the Twin Adders or otherwise at work. He carries himself with an easy confidence that's evident in his posture.
Voice: Speaking in a rich baritone, his words are deliberately enunciated with a Northern accent.
Demeanor: Generally easygoing and friendly, but is often polite to a fault - particularly when nervous or speaking with someone he holds in high esteem, though this would likely not be obvious to someone who doesn't know him well.
Intelligence: Afforded an extensive education in Ishgard, he is well-spoken and possesses an impressive knowledge of woodslore and biology in particular. As an outsider, though, he can sometimes be a bit clueless about other city-states' customs and/or societal norms.
Style: Tends to use his reach to great advantage to wear his opponent down. However, he is a fairly well-rounded fighter and when forced to close distance, will incorporate his entire body into his arsenal, especially if wearing a suit of heavy plate.
Specialization: Favors two-handed weapons and polearms. He is also a capable brawler when forced into a bout of fisticuffs. Yvelont has neither the talent nor the inclination to use magick, but is a capable archer.
Strengths: Battles of attrition, all-out slugfests, and mid-range combat. When not encumbered by full plate the elezen's footwork can be surprisingly quick, all but leaping across the battlefield to the attack.
Weaknesses: Ranged combatants such as thaumaturges or archers force him to attempt to close distance when armed with his usual weapons of choice.
- Chocobo-riding
- Ale
- Sparring
- Natural sciences
- Books
- Flight (airships)
- Cowardice
- Intolerance
- Arrogance
- The strong abusing the weak
- Giving up
- Bahamut
- General Woodslore
- Hunting
- Alchemy and medicine
- Most melee weapons
- Playing the lute
- Favorite Food/Drink: Roasted venison and strong ale
- Favorite Creatures: Chocobos
- Least Favorite Food: Turnips
- Least Favorite Creature: Dragons
Father: Arturioux Navarre - (Deceased) A lesser noble of Ishgard, anointed Knight of the realm, and a hard but fair man in matters of war and fatherhood. Arturioux took it upon himself to mold his two sons into Knights worthy of carrying the banners of House Fortemps. Perished in battle against the Dragons in the Coerthas Central Highlands.
Mother: Arillaine (Navarre) Devrieux - Although a loving mother in her sons' youth, her marriage to Arturioux was one of convenience. She remarried a mere moon after her required mourning period - something for which Yvelont never really forgave her.
Brother: Percevains Navarre - (Whereabouts Unknown) Yvelont's elder brother, who entered the Knighthood early and left under mysterious circumstance, branded a deserter.
Goliath - Named after the subject of a very old legend involving a gigas chieftain who was thwarted by a young Ishgardian squire, Goliath is truly a giant among chocobos. A massive destrier bred for war, the great bird could easily accommodate a Roegadyn and a passenger besides. Goliath and Yvelont share a special bond, the elezen having raised him from a chick, and will allow no other to ride him - unless Yvelont happens to be nearby to whisper reassuringly.
Friends and Acquaintances
Rivienne Delacroux - A huntress of the Twin Adders. Yvelont grew to respect her as his peer and, in smany ways, his better as they worked together as agents of Gridania abroad in Coerthas. Continually amazed at the ways in which this Maiden of the Bow shows herself to be a true kindred spirit, he has come to love her and to see his affection returned in kind.
Kiht Jakkya - Yvelont's apprentice in the way of the spear, who has since grown in her own right as a lancer and taken on students of her own. Yvelont is immensely proud of his protege, considering her the younger sister he never had. The two have been through the hells and back, and Kiht is very likely Yvelont's closest friend.
R'shia Raha - A Seeker of the Sun Yvelont met in passing in Horizon, who then accompanied him back to Ul'dah whilst encouraging him to "just 'ave fun f'once in ya life." To his surprise, he's learned much about Miqo'te from her in the short time they've known each other, and is amused at her eagerness to teach him more.
Crisiet Liautroix - A fellow Ishgardian and lancer whose mannerisms remind Yvelont of his brother in many ways. A stout comrade in arms, Yvelont respects and feels a kinship towards him.
Ciel Wulfe - A Wildwood from Gridania with whom Yvelont fought at Carteneau. Hers is a comforting presence, even as she serves to remind him of the turbulent period five years ago.
Ruruwalu Vovowalu - A male Lalafell Yvelont met while in Ul'dah. While he wishes Ruru would conduct himself with more seriousness, he does sometimes find his antics amusing.
Bexy Amalaryssia - A particularly well-spoken Seeker of the Sun whom Yvelont has met only recently. She greatly intrigues him, apparently having had experiences similar to his own. It occurs to him that she is the only Miqo'te to whom he has felt compelled to address as "Lady," such is her bearing.
Mylene Wharf - A Midlander girl who tripped over Yvelont's longsword. The chance meeting has budded into an unlikely friendship with the much younger Hyur. Sensing her unworldliness, Yvelont is concerned for her well-being.
Aelurian Anduin - A traveler from Limsa Lominsa, the two drinking buddies soon became training partners and fast friends.
Common Rumors
- "Lad's very polite and well spoken. It's good to see manners aren't all lost on today's generation!" - Approving Midlander
- "I heard some of the most beautiful music coming from his room last time he stayed at the Roost. I wonder where he learned to play?" - Part-Time Barmaid
- "He's one of the 'venturers in the Yellow Serpents, him. Can't say I well trust all these outsiders comin' of late." - Suspicious Carpenter
Moderate Rumors
- "He and that chocobo of his have an uncanny bond. Nobody else can go near the brute without nearly having his eyes pecked out! I have to admit, such loyalty makes me a bit jealous." - Envious Stablemaster
- "I think he works for House Marchand, gathering rosewood and the like to help fill their coffers." - Observant Botanist
- "Wot?! Ye must mean EVIL-ont. Bahaha! Bastard drunk th' lot of us under th' table some suns ago. I tell ye, th' man's got a gut o' pure mythril. Mythril, I tell ye!" - Raucous Roegadyn
Rare Rumors
- "I hear tell that he's a Doctor or healer of sorts, but has no knowledge of conjury or anythin'. That hardly seems useful." - Gossiping Plainsfolk
- "That one's always quick to buy any traveler a drink for news. Seems like he's looking for someone. I hope he finds him alive and well." - Good-natured Conjurer
- "He claims to be a simple doctor, but I've seen him fight. We were attacked by an ixali raiding party en route to Quarrymill, and he was like a meteor crashing into their ranks. I don't know where he learned to wield that lance of his, but that's not the sort of ability that comes naturally - nor is it even taught at the Wailing Barracks." - Veteran Wailer
PC Rumors
(Feel free to add!)
- "Despite his skill and honor, he does not bear the arrogance of other Elezen. He is one of a kind." -Kiht Jakkya
- "The first one I found with whom a black memory was shared. His friendship is a precious thing." - Ciel Wulfe
Sonata Arctica - "My Land" [1]
Xanthochroid - "Land of Snow and Sorrow" (Original: Wintersun) [2]
Yvelont was born into the Navarre family, a lesser house of Ishgard's nobility and vassal to House Fortemps. Despite its modest status, the house's lineage was a proud one, having produced a number of well-known knights over the centuries. Thus was Yvelont's destiny decided from birth. Besides his academic studies, Yvelont was given extensive training in swordsmanship, military strategy, and chocobo-handling alongside his elder brother, Percevains.
Although he threw himself into his physical training, he gained an ever-increasing love for the natural world. His aptitude for identifying and studying the flora of the land is what ultimately led him to a study of medicine. As part of his education, he soon served in the field as a doctor's assistant, and under different circumstances his path might have led to that of a chirurgeon. But the tragedy of Arturioux's death led him to fulfill his father's wishes and complete his training to become a full-fledged knight. Ishgard needed soldiers, and Yvelont had proven himself more than capable as a warrior. One full year later, he swore fealty to House, Nation, and the Archbishop before the altar of Halone alongside his brother and more who had proven themselves worthy. Soon, the young man found himself thrust into his nation's war against the dragons.
Time passed, and Yvelont participated in many battles against the Dravanianss. The Ishgardian casualties were many. Traditional medicine was highly valued in Ishgard, where conjury was often an outright rarity, and he found his time divided between the front lines and assisting with healing the wounded. Having seen the horrors of war from both of these perspectives, he soon began to question the point of it at all. Before he could ever give voice to his doubts, his brother went missing.
Percevains left without explanation, written or otherwise. There were witnesses who reported seeing him ride hard out of Whitebrim, heading south under the cover of darkness. Not long after, a draconian rosary was found in his quarters. He sought explanation from his superiors - even Lord Fortemps himself - but ultimately found only more questions.
At once, Yvelont's mind was made up. Before a fortnight had passed, he gathered what few belongings he could carry with him and followed after. It would mean being branded a deserter and a heretic, he knew, but he required answers. Yvelont could not imagine his brother consciously betraying his people; such a thing was unthinkable. And so he rode, going by a scant few eyewitness accounts.
His trail led him to Gridania, where it went cold. A messenger, a newly anointed knight, came to him in the Shroud. Despite at first mistaking the man's intentions, Yvelont soon heard the message from his commander: believing his intentions to be pure, his commander had issued a statement to the Holy See that Yvelont had acted on his orders, in pursuit of Percevains. However, the message also contained a stern warning - until justice was done, he could not return to the land of his birth. With that, Yvelont and the messenger parted ways. Settling in with the rising surge of adventurers answering the call of the Order of the Twin Adders Grand Company, Yvelont soon decided to use the forest-shrouded city as a base of operations for his search. And so he waited, working various odd jobs to earn gil and drawing little attention to himself, knowing that the alternative would be to search blindly. When the combined threat that Dalamud and Garlemald posed became apparent, he enlisted at once with the Yellow Serpents reservists of Gridania's Order of the Twin Adder. Under his Grand Company's banner, he participated in the Battle of Carteneau and witnessed first-hand the destruction of the Calamity.
He remembered falling as Bahamut emerged, but little else. When he awoke, he found himself in the familiar tangled trees of what he thought was the Black Shroud - but it, too, had changed. Somehow, he made his way back to Gridania, confused and weary, but soon learning how much time had passed. In time, he re-enlisted with the Grand Company to assist with the continuing threat of Ixali raids and Garlean incursions within the Twelveswood. The search for Percevains, though ever present in the back of his mind, had been overtaken by something he felt far more important. He remains uncertain of what the future may bring, but for now, this is the closest thing to a home that he has.
A Realm Reborn
Shortly after meeting Erisande Marchand, heiress to House Marchand of Gridania and a well-known merchant, Yvelont began working for room and board as a woodsman and smith. The two elezen began talking more and more as the weeks passed, and soon confessed feelings for one another. Yvelont began serving as a bodyguard for Erisande during trips abroad to visit clients, the two becoming well-known faces to many merchants in Thanalan and La Noscea.
Having discovered Yvelont's past, Lady Erisande proposed a temporary relocation to Limsa Lominsa upon hearing tale of a man matching Percevains' description from a Maelstrom Officer traveling in the Shroud; the soldier claimed to have fought alongside him at Carteneau. Leaving House Marchand in the hands of the steward, Erisande accompanied Yvelont to Vylbrand via airship where they were met almost immediately by Aelurian Anduin, an old friend of Yvelont's from before the Calamity.
Aelurian secured work for Yvelont at Naldiq and Vyrmelli's, serving both as a means of making coin and of gathering information regarding Percevains. Some weeks passed before a stranger, an elderly hyur, asked for Yvelont by name, requesting a meeting at the lower decks. From him, Yvelont and Aelurian learned that Percevains could be found in Eastern La Noscea, offering to lead them there. The stranger professed he only requested the answer to one question as payment for the information: "What will you do when you meet him again?" Yvelont replied honestly: "I don't know." The Hyur merely nodded. "Perhaps you'll know when you see him. I cannot and will not influence you in this matter." He refused to answer any further questions, stating that he would remain in the city until evening should they wish to find him again at the Drowning Wench. Wasting little time, the two elezen made ready to depart, deciding not to tell Erisande of their journey out of concern for her safety.
Soon, they reached Raincatcher Gully and the small cottage where the Hyur claimed Percevains was staying. He led them inside, and Yvelont was shocked to see his brother, as pale as a ghost, lying on a small cot where an old Hyuran woman mopped at his brow with a wet towel. They had found him this way some few suns ago, the old couple informed Yvelont, feverish and rambling on about "those born of the dragon." During his increasingly few lucid moments, he claims to know nothing of the sort. The old woman was a conjurer, Fane-taught and powerful in her own right, but had been unable to nurse Percevains back to health. "I fear he is not long for this world," she told Yvelont quietly. When Percevains' eyes found Yvelont, he knew him at once. He was sorry for leaving, he said, sorry for leading Yvelont astray by his actions. Knowing that he was, in fact, dying - Yvelont made his peace, told Percevains that he forgave him for all that had transpired in the past. "Brother." Percevains, with tears streaming freely down his cheeks for the first and last time that Yvelont had ever seen, gripped his arm with a surprising strength considering his weakened state. "Please believe--I am no heretic." His brother's grip faltered and Percevains fell back onto the bed. The old ones and Aelurian left, presumably to leave Yvelont to his grief, but all he could do was stare mutely at his brother's still form in disbelief. All of his tears had already been shed.
A pyre was soon built, as had been customary in their family, and Percevains' body burned to ashes. "Like dragonfire," Yvelont found himself thinking as he watched the flames rise high into the night sky.
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