Zelia Saerfina
■ RACE & CLAN... Hyur, Midlander ■ NAMEDAY... 32nd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon. ■ GENDER... Female ■ AGE... 37. ■ ORIENTATION... Heterosexual. ■ MARITAL STATUS... Single |
■ NATIONALITY... Eorzean ■ RESIDENCE... The Goblet, The Sultana's Breath ■ OCCUPATION... Mercenary, Instructor ■ PATRON DEITY... None. ■ HEIGHT... 5'9. ■ WEIGHT... 128 ponze. |
Zelia is older than most adventurers and it reflects in her features. They have sharped and aged with time, and her body sports a few scars. The scar that stretches across her left eyebrow is usually the most visible. Her hair is naturally white and she sports a pair of gray eyes. She often stands with confidence and a weapon at her side. Books can sometimes be seen on her person, but the literature varies with each outing. Despite her age, she is still in good shape, much of her body still defined by muscle from her adventures. Her wardrobe is often simple, favoring blacks and golds. When she dons armor, she appears to prefer white armor however. The type of sword she carries is typically one handed, but she can occasionally be seen carrying a two-hander.
Zelia does not talk a lot. When she does, she most often speaks in a near monotone and says very little. This doesn't indicate a lack of interest on her part, as she will favor asking questions when engaged by most in conversation. If not actively engaged, she will mostly keep to herself, only commenting when she feels it necessary. She herself has noted her social skills are lacking and that her bluntness can rub others the wrong way. She also has a tendency to ask vague questions, preferring others interpret the question themselves and answer accordingly.
Zelia has a strong sense of justice and has no issues intervening when she feels it is needed. She is seemingly unaffected by most insults and trash talk, rarely acknowledging them when thrown in her direction. She keeps a straight face most of the time, usually only dropping it for the occasional smile or glare, depending on the scenario and she doesn't seem to acknowledge most flattery. Despite her lack of social grace, Zelia does want others around her to have a good time and will attempt to make jokes, it is just a coin toss of whether or not she will hit her mark.
Attributes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strength |
P.Defense |
Dexterity |
M.Defense |
Martial Prowess |
Intelligence |
Magic Affinity |
Luck |
If Zelia has done one thing most of her life, it is fight. She picked up a sword since she was sixteen and has been studying various forms of swordplay ever since. As such, her form is a refined mix of those styles she has studied. Equally capable with one and two handed swords alike, Zelia chooses to often test opponents before truly getting the ball rolling. Due to her fitness, she has a healthy amount of stamina to call upon and knows how to roll with the punches.
A well rounded sort, Zelia is capable with her aether. She has knowledge of conjury and thaumaturgy, but doesn't often make use of them in combat in the traditional sense. Instead, she will often infuse her blade with the elements to add more potency to her strikes. While she has refined this technique over the years, she does not use it as often, simply preferring to show restraint.
Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
Common Rumors (Easy to overhear)
- "Walked in here and literally said nothing. Just sat there and listened."
- "Usually see her sipping some tea by herself. Not sure why she bothers showing up if she doesn't socialize."
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
- "Hear she instructs the local children on self-defense."
- "It's like she was born without emotions. That voice of hers puts me to sleep."
- "I've seen her talk with people. Doesn't really speak much of herself though."
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
- "Saw her deal with a set of bandits once. Set her sword ablaze and ended it swiftly."
- "Mercenary from what I see. Every now and then I see her check out the boards. Seems fairly selective about the jobs she takes though."
- "Never seen half a shouting match before. That white haired woman didn't participate though, no matter how loud or how cruel the insult."
PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
- "She's amazin'. Totally unphased by even the meanest things that people say! I wish I could be like that..." -Chiharu Yamauchi
- Coerthan Tea.
- Romance Novels.
- Determination.
- A sense of duty.
- Puzzles.
- Open Minds.
- Teachers.
- Those who take small jobs.
- Dependence.
- Assumptions.
- Bending rules.
- Giving someone answers to their problems.
- Excuses.
- Egotism.
- Verbose individuals.
♥ | Romantic Interest | ♥ | Platonic Love | ● | Positive | ● | Neutral | ● | Negative | ☠ | Deceased | ? | Uncertain |
● Citlali Althaea | Expand"Sturdy Compassion" |
A miqo'te that has been helping Zelia to recover from her current illness. While she originally underestimated Citlali when tried to turn down her healing offers, when the miqo'te stood her ground and demanded Zelia receive attention, she decided to listen. Despite the miqo'te's quirks, Zelia sees much strength in the young healer. |
● Hitari Ishiyama | Expand"Stubborn Fire" |
While Zelia dislikes Hitari's lust for battle, she respects her intentions of doing the right thing. The two notably don't get along, as Zelia feels Hitari does not consider as much as she should, but it doesn't stop Zelia from respecting the hyur's tenacity. |
● Chiharu Yamauchi | Expand"Blazing Potential" |
A raen with a good head on her shoulders, Zelia admires her chipper attitude, often secretly wishing she had half as much energy. She has agreed to pass on some of her knowledge to Chiharu, who she feels is more than capable of learning and applying better than her. |
O U T - O F - C H A R A C T E R
- RP walk-ups, whether starting myself or receiving from others.
- Join in for long term plotlines that make sense for the character.
- Combat RP, preference towards freeform.
- Most mature themes in RP are okay, though consult if they could have long term effects on my character.
- Tolerate meta-gaming.
- ERP, I've no problem with it, but I'm not here for it.
- Character death, or limb removal, without my consent.
- Would prefer not to acknowledge fantasia plot lines, as I find them be tension and immersion breaking.
- Dragging IC issues into OOC. I do not mind clarification of course on certain things, but my character's views do not reflect my views.
This Template was ripped completely from Atlas Irvine, who took inspiration from Coatleque Crofte, Unnamed Mercenary, and Gharen Wolfsong!