About The Player
Zetoh'a Velshado, nicknamed Zeto, is a Moonkeeper Miqo'te originally hailing from the Shroud but residing in the Hingashi region, in Kugane.
At a young age, he had been taken in by the Hayashi family who found him alone in the Shroud, and thus, was taken back to the East and where he had remained ever since. Becoming a squire to the family, he tended to their needs with utmost dedication. His servitude was never forced but he felt that he owed them that much. Over the years, he also took up swordsmanship and became a samurai, carefully taught under the watchful eye of the family.
Recently, he has traveled back to Eorzea after the long absence, yearning to learn of his culture and possibly find his long lost family; potentially happiness.
He is known by all to be a very kind fellow, always with a nice thing to say and can easily engage in conversation with anyone due to his very charming nature. Curious and very knowledgeable, he likes to indulge in smart conversations. He values family and friendship over all else, and will gladly do anything for his loved ones.
A man with a heart of gold, he would do anything for his nation as well as his foster family and loved ones.
He believes that there is inner beauty in every person, even if it isn’t outwardly apparent. Zetoh'a has a kind and gentle heart, but is easily excitable with an idealistic nature. Compassionate, dedicated and faithful, he is very attentive to those around him and he yearns to put a smile on the face of everyone. He puts the needs of others before his own, however, that is not to say he neglects himself. He is very loyal to his friends as well as his beliefs, which may make him appear stubborn but he tries to remain open-minded as long as people present him valid points and references. Honest but gentle in his words, he still tries to make his point come across without appearing rude or inconsiderate, taking into account his companions.
Zetoh'a is a charming man and he has no troubles gaining the attention of the opposite gender, but he never appeared interested in any women and remained humble. Being gentleman, he would often refuse direct advances, ideally trying to explain in an amiable manner that he had no interest in dating. While it pained him to see the fair ladies hurt, he still stood his ground. He approaches everyone equally, and never treated any person better than the other, the same when it came to women.
He has a penchant for knowledge, and believes everyone has a story to tell. Curious and genuinely interested in tales as well as folklore, he gladly listens to people he passes or meets, wanting to know more of them as well as their stories. While a persons past may define up to a certain point, he wants to believe that in the end, each person is in charge fully of their destiny.
Despite his scrupulous and orderly nature, he can be jovial and very talkative, even funny. He enjoys to tease some of the youngsters he crosses as well as joking when having a drink or two with friends. A perfect balance in life is required to lead a healthy lifestyle and he gladly fulfills that duty. He does not allow his carefree nature to show with random people but when he gets to know someone closer, he has no quarrels in showing his playful nature.
Being a Moonkeeper, he has round pupils; piercing big eyes with a gorgeous silvery-blue hue. Sharp fangs past his lips which often sport a gorgeous smile. He has neck-length snowy-white hair, usually kept ruffled up and down but when eating or engaged in manual activities, he will often tie it up into a bun to keep it out of his face. He has thick white facial hair, contouring his entire jawline. Upon his forehead, a black teardrop tattoo can be witnessed which is always revealed, as he makes certain not to cover it with his fringe. His skin tone is on the darker side,a mix of dark gray with the tiniest hint of blue.
Zetoh'a is very good looking and it is plain to see. While he may be aware of this asset, he pays little attention to it as he prefers people to see him as a normal and simple man.
He is a tall man with a slender but very fit build; broad shoulder and a well toned chest. It is evident that he takes good care of himself to remain healthy, both exercise-wise as well as dieting. He is not buff but rather elegant despite his muscles.
Being from the East, his attire of choice is Eastern-styled, however, he can be seen wearing Western clothing during his stay in Eorzea, slowly adapting to the culture. On a regular day, he would wear a haori or a kimono, usually in grey or black tones as they are his favourite colours. His all time favourite attire however is a simple white Eastern shirt accompanied with his adored black trench coat. Often also sporting a small black fedora hat with a set of black shades upon his nose, as he finds the Thanalan sun much too strong for his eyes. When trying to adapt to the locals, he wears a simple black shirt with a semi-open chest.
Zetoh'a started off as a squire, or a servant, to the Hayashi family. While it was not a forced servitude, he felt he owed it to them and he did his utmost to please them. He tended to their every need from taking care of their paperwork to even assisting them while hunting out. He would spend a lot of time in the stables caring for their horses. Over years, he bonded closely with their children whom he'd often babysit and he would witness them grow, while at the same time often assisting them with their homework and basic needs.
Despite being a servant to the household, the family made sure he was well educated and they home-schooled him together with their children.
Over the years, he proved to be a very dedicated and loyal subject and his Master treated him like his own son. Caring for the man, he enlisted him to study the art of samurai sword-fighting, deeming it would benefit him as well as give him a future profession should he decide to leave the family. Hence, Zetoh'a became a most accomplished samurai, excelling with ease as he truly had a knack for it. After his studies, he returned to the household and served as a personal guard to his Master instead of a simple squire. Time went by and he then transitioned from protecting his Master to protecting his daughter as she was the most vulnerable one as well as innocent and an easy target for any enemies of the family.
Recent events had him return to Eorzea where he currently isn't working but he is considering taking up some simple mercenary tasks once his money would be depleted. For the time being, he is jobless and merely travelling.
When possible, he does assist people during his journey but not going too much out of his way due to his task at hand, focused on venturing to the Shroud.
From a young age, Zetoh'a was taught to be a samurai. Years of intense teachings as well as his own resolve to succeed, assisted him in becoming a truly skilled swordsman. While he never was exposed to a battlefield, he did assist when needing to protect his Master or his family members when out on errands or travelling. Bandits and robbers were a common occurrence and he always managed to take them down easily. He was quick and swift in defeating enemies, doing it with grace and poise yet deadly precision.
He is very agile and flexible as well as quick on his feet, making him the perfect person to sneak around unnoticed. Accompanying that, he also has the natural asset of night vision due to being a Moonkeeper. Acute hearing and a perfect sense of smell, he cannot be caught unawares. Thanks to his tail, he is also very skilled in climbing walls and keeping his balance on narrow edges.
While studying to become a samurai he also studied kendo and kyudo, wanting to excel and prove his worth as well as his devotion to the household. Kyudo was a bit harder for him to master despite being a Moonkeeper and supposedly having it in his blood, but kendo came with ease.
- Children overall
- Drinking strong sake accompanied with good sushi
- Good quality matcha
- Spending time with talkative company
- Eorzea's natural beauty
- Stuck-up snobs
- Social segregation
- Depressed people
- Ikebana, the art of arranging flowers
- Reading life-changing haiku
- Horseback riding, chocobos simply aren't the same...
- Leisurely smoking his kiseru
- Very knowledgeable on folklore and folktales, including fairy-tales
- Can speak the language of flowers
- While a beginner, he is showing great proficiency in kyudo
◢ Common Rumours
- ■ "Such a charming man! If you ever need help, he will immediately assist and even make it a pleasant experience"
◢ Uncommon Rumours
- ■ "He is very close to the Hayashi family's daughter. Maybe too close"
◢ Rare Rumours
- ■ "What a filthy mutt, thinking he can come here and just be one of us"
- ■ "I heard he always rejected all advances from women. He must be homosexual!"
◢ PC Rumours
- ■ "
♥ Family ♥ Love ♥ Platonic ♥ Failed ● Good ● Neutral ● Poor
- ♥ Akio Hayashi (56)
The man of the household and head of the Hayashi family. A kind man who took in Zatoh'a when he was a child and had nowhere to go. Despite never being officially adopted by the family, he treated the Miqo'te with utmost care and love, trusting him like one of his own. He gave him access to everything the family possessed and taught him everything that had to be know about the East and life itself. Zetoh'a adored the man as a father but always referred to him as Master.
- ♥ Masami Hayashi (27) (deceased)
Wife of Akio as well as the lady of the household, Lady Masami was a woman of grace and elegance. Zetoh'a had the honor to serve her and meet her and she adored him like a son just as much as her husband did. The woman unfortunately passed away during childbirth as she had Hotaru. While the bond was brief, Zetoh'a felt great grief at her passing and decided that he would put all his efforts into helping to raise Hotaru in exchange for the Masami's love for him.
- ♥ Hideki Hayashi (36)
The son of Akio and closest friend to Zetoh'a as the two were of the exact same age and they grew up together. The two of them were inseparable and looked after each other like true brothers, both in good times as well as when they would pick on each other. As they got older, their bond only grew stronger and Zetoh'a would begin to look at his brother as the future master of the household, but this did not change their feelings to each other.
- ♥ Hotaru Hayashi (25)
The youngest of the two siblings, Hotaru adored her older brother just as much as Zetoh'a. He would often take care of her and babysit the girl as they were children. As they got older, unbeknownst to him, she had developed romantic feelings towards him, but he did not reciprocate them, kindly rejecting the girl as he saw her as a baby sister. Hurt, she struggled to interact with him ever since and would avoid him.
Love Interests
- ♥ NONE
- ● Lynn Shiri (??)
Viera originating from the Golmore Forest but some events made her come to Eorzea. While different, the two seemed to get along swimmingly as they both were outsiders and new to the land. She was most cordial and kind to him which he immediately took a liking to. They shared opinions on life as well as cultures, exposing how similar Viera was to Moonkeepers. They two are currently sharing sleeping space in the communal rooms of the Astral Crusaders establishment, often engaging in late night talks. Venturing together to the Shroud, they got to grow even closer, sharing a few tender moments.
- ● Helga Mistwalker (??)
He met Helga at the same time as Lynn, as the two woman were at the Astral Crusaders together. Quickly he learned that she was blind but it did not seem to stop her, which he admired in her. A monk, most likely originating from Ala Mhigo, but she wasn't certain of her origins. The two got to talk more over the next few days and Zetoh'a quite enjoyed the exchange as they did find a lot of common ground.
- ● Anarya Loyeri (1600)
While visiting Aurora Eorzea, he encountered the Moonkeeper seemingly wooing another man, but seeming uninterested, she then turned her attention to Zetoh'a. He quickly learned that nothing in the world interested her; she had no value of lives or hobbies. Talking more, it was clearly explained why as he discovered she was a vampyr. It did not shock him, but she made him a bet, wanting him to entertain her and keep her interested. There was nothing to gain from it, but neither was there to lose. Not against it, he agreed to indulge her mind.
- ● Kathir Ragewind (200)
The Hrothgar was mentioned multiple times to Zetoh'a but he had never met him, until one day they did cross paths. His first impression of the man was very good as he learned that he had traveled to the East to learn of the ways of the samurai as well as to be able to craft his own katana. It definitely sparked a genuine interest in the man.
- ● Leoden Garande (22)
The two men exchanged very few words but he appeared like an amicable man. He seemed to be very close to Lynn, which piqued Zetoh'a's interest but he voiced none of it, remaining cordial with the man and promising the woman's safety during their travel to the Shroud.
- ● NONE
Please note that all information below is common knowledge that Zetoh'a may share depending on his relationship with people; however there are still many secrets behind many decisions and those must be learned IC
Lost & Found (0-5)
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Zetoh'a cannot remember much at all of his childhood. Vague memories of tribal life with his mother being a close confidante of the tribe leader. He does remember having a younger brother, Zetoh'to, but he cannot make out any faces or details. His childhood was simple but he was cared for with love by his family and the tribe.
At the tender age of five, he had been travelling with the tribe to their new location in the Shroud but he got lost as he deviated to chase a young fowl. Unknowingly, he made his way to the Haukke Manor gates. With the fowl in hand, he then spotted a Floating Eye making its way towards him and he screamed in terror, but then his mother came to his rescue. The fight was short and quick, both the enemy and his mother laying dead before him in a pool of blood. It hit him hard and to this day the memory haunts him in his nightmares.
Unable to locate the tribe, being so young with no idea where to go, he wandered the Shroud aimlessly until a hunting party found him. But they weren't Miqo'te but Hyur. Five man, horseback which was an oddity as horses were a rarity in Eorzea; stood before him, swords and bows in hand. He was terrified but unable to move. One of the man dismounted his horse and approached the kit, taking him into his arms and soon the party departed together with Zetoh'a to their encampment. It is there that Zetoh'a noticed their facial features were different from what he had seen on Hyur from Gridania; their language, their mannerisms, even their clothing was different. The man who had taken him explained that they were from the East, more precisely Kugane, and they came to Eorzea on a hunting trip. It all sounded like gibberish at the time, but as years went by, he would come to understand the tale. All men were aware that the boy was alone and when they asked him where he was from, he responded honestly stating he did not know. The men tried to locate his family by asking the locals but Moonkeepers leading a tribal life traveled at their own pace and locations, and no one was able to assist them. Having no choice, the men took him back with them to the East.
The Jewel of Hingashi (5-36)
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The man who had assisted Zetoh'a the most brought him back to his family and introduced him to his wife as well as his son, Hideki, who was of the exact same age. The two boys, while very different, would actually got along splendidly over time. The man of the household, who was also the one who brought the Miqo'teo, Akio, decided to take him in as a son, however, never officially adopting him as he did not want to strip the boy of his family or past. As time went by, Zetoh'a adjusted to his new life with ease, finding it much more comfortable and nicer comparing to tribal life. While he was taken in, technically as a family member, he did tend to his new family members and would be considered something of a squire or servant. He took it seriously and it also brought him a lot of joy to be able to be useful and help them. Through such tasks, he learned a variety of skills and professions, from crafting horseshoes to even cooking.
Weeks turned to months, and those to years. Zetoh'a had long forgotten about the Shroud or even Eorzea as a whole, fully dedicated to his life and new family in the East. Eventually, a new bundle of joy was born, Hotaru. However, together with the blessing, came a curse as the lady of the household, Masami, passed away during childbirth. It hit the family hard and it took Akio years to grieve for his wife's passing. Zetoh'a, also missing the Lady, he decided to give the young Hotaru the best life she could ask for, as he understood how important a mother figure was to a young child. He would get home-schooled together with Hideki and then the two would play with Hotaru; the three siblings getting along splendidly. During his studying, as well as taking care of Master Akio, and Hotaru during his free time, he was also sent to learn the ways of the samurai upon Master Akio's request. He wanted him to have some sort of profession or definite interest to be able to support himself should he ever choose to leave. It was there that Zetoh'a learned his sword-fighting skills and most of his hobbies and ideals were fashioned.
Time went by and all three of the children grew up to become adults. Hideki was more and more absent as he was prepped to become the master of the household eventually. While it was tough, his heart never changed and he remained as playful and silly as always; becoming quite the play boy as he did like to indulge in women; something that he would drag Zetoh'a to also. They'd often go out to bars in Kugane and other places in search of thrills, and while both of them were very popular with the opposite sex, Zetoh'a never truly found himself at ease among any of the women he met. All of them seemed rather shallow or simply there seeking a thrill themselves, which he wasn't interested in. Zetoh'a, on the other hand, finished his samurai studies and he took up a more serious role within the household, that of protection Hideki as well as Hotaru. He would accompany them at all times whenever either of them would leave the household, particularly Hotaru as she was the youngest and she was a vulnerable woman, adding the fact that Hideki himself requested it. Zetoh'a would never deny him and so he practically became Hotaru's personal bodyguard more than of the two of them. Hotaru grew up to be a beautiful and genteel woman of grace, the envy of all noblemen who wanted her hand in marriage. Yet she seemed to be uninterested, her heart taken by someone much closer to home. Zetoh'a kept her company at all times as she seemed to want his company and would actively seek him out when they were at home even. He did not mind and he gladly indulged in her company, that is until one day she got frustrated at his obliviousness to her feelings and she confessed to him. He had never been in such a position and while he loved her with his entire heart, it was a sibling love. He tried with the softest of words to explain to her, to deny her, but she would have none of it. He felt guilty, seeing her tears caused all because of him, and yet it was not a love he could reciprocate.
Two years passed and Hideki finally took over the role of master of the household and Hayashi family. Zetoh'a stood proudly at his side as a confidant as well as sworn protector. Meanwhile, Hotaru was to be wed to a nobleman of another house, one whom Hideki trusted and found fitting to be his sister's husband. Zetoh'a was content with his life until again he crossed paths with Hotaru one evening as she was crying in the gardens. He approached her, calling her name and before he could even react, out of nowhere, he was greeted with a deep, yet desperate kiss from her. The events which unfurled were quick and sudden. He immediately forgot of his position as well as hers of a woman to be wed, indulging in an evening of passion with his beloved Hotaru right there in the gardens. He had been denying his feelings for her for years, and while he knew deep down that it was wrong, and that it would only cloud her mind further, he couldn't deny or resist her. As the night came to a culmination, he was left with the guilt festering inside of him. He had no idea what to do or how to even face the girl once she awoke. He got dressed and he sought out Hideki immediately, asking for a meeting with him in the middle of the night. Hideki, dazed but always willing to listen out to his brother agreed. Zetoh'a would avoid mentioning Hotaru, and for the first time he lied, asking Hideki for money as he had a vision of his family back in the Shroud and he felt it was his only chance to perhaps ever see them and seek them out. The man gladly offered him a vast sum and even arranged for transport for him first thing in the morning, truly content to be able to finally help him after all these years of being helped himself.
Morning came and Zetoh'a departed Kugane upon a boat headed towards Thanalan. He was aware that all he was doing was running away but he had absolutely no heart to destroy Hotaru's life. He also feared Hideki's reaction should he ever come to learn of the events which took part that fateful night. However, while the entire trip was a manner for him to avoid facing the problems, he did want to find his roots and family and now was the perfect time for it. Wanting to just forget about his problem and mistake, he focused his entire mind on the task at hand. And so he arrived in Thanalan, aware that he had to make his way towards the Shroud which was all he knew.
Go West (36-Current)
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Strolling through Thanalan and its great arid landscape, he made his way to Ul'dah where he would question the people about the Shroud and how to make his way there. He was quick an efficient, although for once he wished he would take his time, but it wasn't in his nature. He found his way to the Goblet, which was the residential area of Thanalan and there he came across an establishment called The Respite. Inside, he immediately ran into two women who appeared to be occupied conversing with one another; a Highlander named Helga Mistwalker and a tall Viera by the name of Lynn Shiri. The two ladies appeared quite content to have a guest at the establishment and they all engaged in merry conversation as he introduced himself as a travelling samurai from the East. It immediately caught their interest and they would question his homeland, wanting to know more about it and learn, and he in turn questioned them on Eorzea. He explained that he was born in the Shroud but he remembered nothing or if, and he wished to refresh his memory, thus, the reason for his return. While talking, he was most fascinated by the culture of the Viera, finding many similarities between Moonkeepers and the wood dwelling Viera. Family life, courting, hunting, they were almost exactly the same and he found himself quite enjoying the talk with Lynn Shiri.

As he got tired, he asked them if it was possible to rent a room and the two woman confirmed. He was completely fine with a simple bed so Lynn Shiri showed him to the communal rooms once he was tired and he found out that her bed was opposite his. They talked a bit more by the fire place and she then offered to join him on his mission to the Shroud as she was very knowledgeable and attuned to the place. It pleased him greatly to have such amazing help as well as company and the two agreed to depart once prepared. She then left him to have a night's sleep.
The next day he came back from the market place with a paper-bag of fruit as he ran into Helga Mistwalker having a snooze over the couches. He sat beside her and as she woke, they talked some more about yesterday's conversation as well as their backgrounds, learning that she was blind among other things. He shared with her the fruit he had bought, in particular oranges as they seemed to be her favourite. The name Kathir Ragewind was often thrown about as it appeared the Hrothgar was fascinated with Eastern culture and had even studied some samurai techniques during his stay there. It did pique Zetoh'a's interest and he was looking forward to meeting the man, which he did the next day. He met the Hrothgar downstairs at the restaurant area and the two had a drink while talking about the East and the differences with the West. It was then that Lynn Shiri reappeared from some mission of hers, stating that she was slightly bruised up but she wanted to have a duel with the Hrothgar. Zetoh'a did not approve at all but he saw how stubborn she was so he did not press the matter, merely wishing her luck and to be careful. Leoden Garande came down to talk with everyone but seeing the commotion, he helped Zetoh'a retire to his room for the evening.
A few days passed and as he strolled through the Goblet he came across some nice-looking cafe and decided to enter. There, he met Anarya Loyeri who seemed to be trying to woo some other man but him not budging, she quickly turned her interest towards Zetoh'a. He was cordial and listened to her, quickly learning that she was quite the pessimist and appeared to be bored of everything, stating that the world was dull and that no one could ever interest her long enough to be even entertaining. He asked her if there was anything that got her interest and she said: fighting, people and sex. He just rolled his eyes to entirety of it, easily calling her out on the lie as she was talking with him after all. She decided to take him on a walk, which confirmed his theory even further. There, she opened up about her true origins, stating that she was a vampyr, over thousand of years old but her memories did not reach that far. It did explain the reasons of being bored, but he definitely did not see her to be the wisest person he had ever met, which didn't really rub well with him as she appeared arrogant. She made him a deal, although he had nothing to benefit from it, wanting him to be able to entertain her. For some reason, he felt that what she wanted was a quick tumble, which he would not have ever, but he agreed to her little bet. However, he stated that he would do it on his own terms, because, if he were to do exactly as she expected, it defeated the entire purpose and made it boring because everything was easily predicable. She asked him what he expected of her, to which he replied honestly, stating that nothing. She appeared disappointed but after some more idle talk, she left him to return to the house to relax. He remained, indulging in the pleasant cool night breeze.

As agreed upon days prior, he met Lynn Shiri and the two finally arranged their trip towards the Shroud. It took them about a day to get there, crossing the harsh and arid lands of Thanalan, while also battling the elements. As the walked, of course they talked and he got to know more about Thanalan as a whole. At times they would stop so she could present him with some structures and other sights to see and he appreciated the time she dedicated to help him. As they crossed the threshold to the Shroud forest, he did get a sensation of nostalgia but it was very faint. She asked him if they were to head to Gridania but he shook his head, opening up fully about the reason for his return to her; explaining that he desired to find his family. His expectations were low and he did not put too much faith into his mission. She presented to him the options, among them also claiming that he should perhaps consider changing his attire to be more suited for Eorzea as it would also facilitate movement. She also mentioned the Lavender Beds which piqued his interest and so she took him there. He was astounded at the beauty of the place, describing it as picture-book worthy. The stopped by the Yainu-Par where there was a big body of water and areas to swim in, truly adapted to be a place of respite. They decided to take a break after the long march and both of them took a dip into the cool waters, with Lynn Shiri floating on her back and him sitting beside her on one of the platforms, legs outstretched to sustain her body over the waters. They talked, bonded, conversed on many topics; among them the goal of his journey as well as his intentions towards the future. He honestly replied that he did not know particularly what to do once he accomplished what he came for, however, emphasizing that he was not pressed for time and perhaps even wanting to remain in Eorzea for a bit longer. As they continued to bathe, suddenly a hard downpour came down upon them and they took shelter under a large parasol. He immediately looked over to their clothes which lay in a pile on the opposite side of the water, getting soaked in the rain. Seeing that everything was already past fixing, they just stood there, awaiting for the rain to stop. Lynn Shiri expressed to him how much she liked him for being a calm and collected person, stating that his shyness was endearing. It mystified him and he explained to her that he was not shy, merely appropriate and respectful of boundaries, which made her smile. She came closer and embraced him, her chin resting over his shoulder, sharing body heat to warm up. He at first tensed up, unable to return the hug but eventually settled and his arms wrapped around her, allowing himself one hand to stroke her hairs gently. She appeared to enjoy it as her ears tilted back and she relaxed into his embrace and touch, which in turn made him more at ease. They remained so until the rain ceased and their hug broke. He laughed, admitting that he did not wish it to end and to his surprise, she hugged him anew. The moment seemed perfect, and he studied her words and body language carefully, quickly able to decipher and understand that if he desired, he could have made a move to push things further. But, he did not. He restrained himself in respect for her as well as himself, even if his body yearned for her and he did like her. They ended their little swimming session, getting dressed in their soaked garments. Lynn Shiri stated that she had matters to attend to in Gridania so she would await him until he was done with his search to return together to the Goblet. He agreed and they parted ways for the time being.