Rorosa Rosa
 "Life is too short to play small!"
Personal Bodyguard
Guardian Deity
Nald'thal, the Trader
Marital Status
About The Player
Rorosa Rosa, mostly referred to as simply Rosa is a wannabe Paladin and currently personal bodyguard to her employer, Pishrero Junerero.
Born in Ul’dah to a very simple family, she was raised among the corruption of the city and was exposed to the harsh life there very early on in life. Witnessing the injustices and the hurt, she decided to fight this and her dream was to join the Paladin program in the city, hoping to gain some influence with the position as well as be able to make a difference. Alas, she failed the exam and got rejected. That was when Pishrero Junerero came into her life and gave her the job of a personal bodyguard.
A good-hearted but clumsy girl. She has a knack to get herself into trouble as a natural affinity to just always be unlucky. But she never lets it deter her and she keeps a positive outlook on life, wanting to leave the world in a better state.
Rorosa is known to have one of the most sweetest dispositions a person could come across.
Kind, open-minded and adorable, she is very easy to get along with. Despite her young age, she is quite mature, however, her youthfulness shines through quite often; proof of it being her clumsiness as well as lack of knowledge about the vast world. Not daft, but simply misinformed. She years to best herself both physically and mentally, and is a harsh critic of herself, desperate to one to prove herself and her capabilities. Her ventures made her somewhat of a tomboy as she sees that gender is not an obstacle to anything, and she wants to be living proof of such a statement. She treats all her friends equally and doesn't pay attention to their race or gender.
She has a very clean definition of justice and righteousness, and will adamantly protect her beliefs as well as her loved ones. She will fight all wrongdoers without even questioning their motives or reasons behind their actions, as she does not support any forms of crime or evil. Striving to leave the world in a better state when the time would come, she never rejects anyone's plea for help and assist the people around her as well as the community with absolute devotion.
A curious type who likes to learn with her own two hands rather than listen, and adores exploring. A bit of a troublemaker, although not intentionally, as she often tends to get herself in trouble and has a knack to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Extremely clumsy, and definitely to be her downfall some day, she gets herself into the most ridiculous fights and brawls, always coming out roughed up but otherwise content. While some may find it endearing, to her it is a source of shame as she hates to be seen as a child or someone unprofessional; often remaining silent after a faux-pas until people just naturally forget the incident.
Being a Dunefolk, she has big misty pink eyes without pupils, like two sparkling jewels; between them, a small gem nestled on her forehead representing her guardian deity, Nald'thal, the Trader. For comfort purposes, she wears her deep strawberry pink hair tied up in two pigtails. It is very thick and often contours her face. At times it may vary as she makes buns or ponytails, but it is always kept up. Hailing from Ul'dah, she has sun-kissed skin too. SHe is very petite, definitely being one of the smallest of her race, but she never let's that hold her back.
Despite being a Lalafell, she is of a particularly short stature even when compared to her fellow folk. She is very young and it shows in her looks, usually wearing pastels consisting of pinks and yellows. When on duty, she wears a mythril silver armor, her feminine physique completely hidden under the hunk of metal, including her head as she sports a large helmet; the only things visible being her eyes and the gem upon her forehead. However, when being cozy she enjoys wearing simple trousers and a shirt, gladly showing off her more feminine side which is usually encased in the armor. Large scarves and sashes are her go-to.
She is not one for wearing accessories but she does often wear simply mythril hoops in her ears or simple quartz earrings, especially getting complimented on them by Tiny Blue
A happy-go-lucky person, always walking with a smile and in high spirits, she is always cheerful and appears to be very easy to approach by anyone.
Her biggest dream was to become a Paladin, and tied to the position obtain enough influence to be able to assist those in need. However, it was not meant to be as she failed the entrance exam and got rejected. While the rejection wasn’t due to her bad swordsmanship skills, as she is in fact very good, it was due to the small mistakes. Her clumsy nature would often make her drop her sword as well as commit a couple faux-pas.
With no other options left on the table, she took up the mantle as a personal bodyguard to Pishrero Junerero. At first it wasn’t her dream thing to be doing in life, but she very quickly warmed up to it and would take her job most seriously, treating her employer’s safety as a top priority on all missions and ventures. Her dedication is absolute, doing everything in her might to prove herself.
In her free time, she loves to play around with Magitek, often tinkering and tweaking small machines including her gunblade; or even adding the Magitek operating model to other items around the world. She does this as a hobby and does not treat it as a profession, however, many friends had mentioned that she should open a workshop in the future; an idea she is not opposed to.
Wanting to join the Paladin program, she had trained herself from a very young age. Often even eavesdropping on the training of the troops in Ul’dah and then doing the same training back at home. Years of dedication and genuine interest made her into a skillful swordswoman. Paired with her fascination for Magitek, it was almost a given she would take an immediate liking to Garlean gunblades. She is very good fighting with any bladed weapons, her first choice is always her trusted gunblade and second is a simple sword.
She is a quick learner, despite her clumsy side, and she excels in her sword-fighting skills with deadly efficiency. While Lalafell may not be the strongest race physically, she makes up for it in endurance and stamina, able to last hours without tiring out and often winning her fights by simply exhausting her opponents.
While not a prolific Aether user, she does utilize it to enforce her attacks as well as to protect her allies. She can cast basic magic but she is definitely more of a physical person when it comes to combat.
Using her small size as an advantage, she can easily bypass unnoticed as well as move much more swiftly; not wanting to treat it as a hindrance and she making use of her natural assets very well. In close combat, while it is her preference, she is indeed more vulnerably due to her smaller frame as a Lalafell. She is quick and always does her best to avoid head-on attacks by larger races if it can be helped; if not, she would then either try to flank her enemies or user Aether.
- Cookies & cakes
- Spending time with loves ones
- Eating all the time
- Naps
- Kind and reasonable people
- All forms of injustice
- Picking on the weak
- Misery
- Bad attitudes and unwillingness to assist others
- Sword-fighting
- Magitek as well as creating Magitek machines herself
- Helping those in need, often participating in charity
- A hobbyist Magitek engineer, but very talented and good at it
- Despite being clumsy, she is an accomplished swords-woman
- While not a positive trait, she appears to be a walking pillar of bad luck as it follows her all the time
◢ Common Rumours
- ■ "..Is it a woman or a man under that armo-- Ok, with that voice, definitely a girl"
◢ Uncommon Rumours
- ■ "She is such a klutz... how the hell does she even manage to survive?"
◢ Rare Rumours
- ■ "It is very easy to get on her good side"
♥ Family ♥ Love ♥ Platonic ♥ Failed ● Good ● Neutral ● Poor
Love Interests
- ● Tiny Blue (??)
The odd small ball of blue confused both her and her employer as they met the man in Kugane and he appeared thrilled to meet fellow Lalafells. Unbeknownst to them, he decided to join them back to Eorzea and almost stowed-away on their ship. While journeying together, she got to enjoy his weird personality very early on, treating him almost like a little brother that she never had although their age is most likely the same. Both having a knack for trouble, although he definitely had more, she would often try to control him a bit to avoid being scolded by their boss.
- ● Miraenne Nineux (??)
A swordswoman like herself but originating from the Holy See of Ishgard; the two met at a pastry shop while indulging in conversation and delicious cakes. Rorosa took an immediate liking to the woman's gentle and fun-loving nature, and she gladly spent the evening talking away with her. When she learned that she too enjoyed dueling, she proposed that they should spar sometime and practice together. This was met well and the two women agreed to meet at some point to fulfill that promise. Knowing that she was a foreigner, it made her want to make sure the woman was comfortable in Thanalan, aware that the area wasn't the easier nor friendliest.
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- ● Nonigiri Nanigiri (35)
Arrogant drug-dealer but self proclaimed healer extraordinaire hailing from the Shroud. The group met the man while seeking help regarding Tiny Blue's amnesia. Rorosa immediately detested the man, especially once she got out of her armor and into her casual clothes, him ogling her and making some remarks about her looks. Despite this, she did her best to tolerate the man as it was expected within the halls of the company. When in the presence of Pishrero, she did try to stay cool, but the moment she would be left alone with the healer, all hell broke loose. The man earned the nickname 'moldface' due to his green-colouring overall.
Please note that all information below is common knowledge that Rorosa may share depending on her relationship with people; however there are still many secrets behind many decisions and those must be learned IC
Upbringing (0-18)
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Brought up in a traditional Dunesfolk Ul'dahn household, Rorosa had a simple beginning and background. Born to modest merchant parents, she was a single child and was the apple in their eye. She grew up as a dreamer, wanting to change Ul'dah from it's poverty filled streets as she witnessed it all while growing up. Being an idealist, she grew into a strong-willed woman with the urge to change, her motto being that change can always happen as long as one strives and works for it.
While her parents were low-time merchants like many of her kind, she was not one for numbers or businesses, instead, still wanting to make an impact on Ul'dah and that was going to happen with her becoming a Paladin. By attaining such rank, she wanted to gain enough popularity and a good reputation to be able to influence decisions. She started practicing on her own sword-fighting as well as eavesdropping on the Flames practicing in the mornings.
Her parents didn't particularly support her decision but they agreed that should she pass the Paladin entrance exam, they would support her. However, were she to fail, she would drop that and instead follow them in becoming a merchant.
The Paladin Dream (18-25)
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Coming of age, the first thing Rorosa did was sign up for the Paladin Program and she undertook their entrance exam.
Unfortunately she did not pass. She passed the theory but the practical part she failed due to her clumsy nature and she was well aware of it. She did not want to return home to become another useless merchant like her parents and so many others. Distraught, and stricken with suddenness, she settled herself over a crate in one of the many streets of Ul'dah, crying her heart out and that was when her cries were heard by a fellow Dunesfolkman, Pishrero Junerero.
The man was kind and clearly a merchant judging from his appearance. Rorosa engaged in conversation with him, among which she explained the reason for her current mental state. He immediately took pity upon the girl and offered her a job at his side as a guards-woman, protecting him as well as his wares while travelling. She seemed to appreciate the offer, requesting shelter and food only in return and that sold him completely on the idea and he hired her immediately. While she wasn't suited for a paladin, he believed she could be of much use and a huge benefit to his business.
Rorosa, feeling reborn, she took up her new mantle with pride, vowing to not let her new employer down come what may. She informed her parents of the truth, unable to ever lie; and they took the news fairly well, believing that given time she might switch to the trading industry thanks to her employer. Rorosa then set off together with Pishrero Junerero as they traveled the continent. She took her job seriously and made sure to be always at his side during the travelling as well as when exchanging wares with other merchants or customers, making certain that he was safe. He appeared to appreciate her concern as she took it much further than just work; tending to his needs as well as being a great conversation companion and a good friend over time. He came to rely on her more and more, favouring her companionship over his other guards. The closeness was evident to everyone and she even doted him with the nickname 'Pishie', only used between the two of them when alone. Months passed and the two grew closer, clearly relying on one another. Over this time, Rorosa also brushed up on her swordsmanship skills as well as social, having grown considerably ever since their departure from Ul'dah.
Gradually, lines began to blur between employee and employer and it did trouble her, as she had no desire to cause him issues. He was cordial and made sure that she was comfortable, but small advances were evident from his side. She struggled to respond to them at first, not wanting third parties to get the wrong idea either. They continued business as usual, at times mixed in with tiny sweet nothings, venturing on to multiple trade missions.
June's Crafts & Arms (25-Current)
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On one of these trade missions, the two of them ventured to Kugane, to check on the trade and supply with their eastern suppliers. During a bit of downtime at the local inn they get surprised by an excited blue blur, calling himself Tiny Blue due to a case of amnesia and forgetting his true name. While the guy's excitable nature certainly aroused the spirits, Pishrero Junerero was at a loss as to how to help him out. After an otherwise cordial discussion with each other, Rorosa departed with Pishrero Junerero to conduct the rest of their business and then set off back to Eorzea - only to find that Tiny Blue had followed them onto the boat back. She was shocked and even more when Pishrero Junerero conceded to giving Blue a means of surviving while in Eorzea by offering him a position as a guard, but the response came back as ambiguous and vague, clearly not able to connect the free spirit to an actual position within the company but not of a mind to let someone run loose in very unfamiliar territory. Tiny Blue thus joined them as a fellow guard, under Rorosa's watchful eyes. She'd make certain that he stayed out of trouble as well as teaching him the ins and outs of Eorzea while he remained with them.
Returning to Ul'dah, Rorosa and Pishrero Junerero went to relax at the hot-baths which were just around the corner of his base of operations in the Goblet. It was there that the two got to talk a bit more heart to heart, the man confessing his feelings to Rorosa. While it was subtle, the message was clear as daylight and she gladly accepted, the two beginning to date without the need to hide their feelings for one another any longer. The man took it a step further as he contemplated the future as well as having heirs to his business, to which Rorosa quickly countered saying it was much too early to even consider it. He laughed it off, agreeing, and the two relaxed the rest of the evening together. Despite being open about their feelings, Rorosa still made certain to keep pleasantries at a minimum when out in public, not wanting people to get the wrong idea or to somehow damage his carefully built reputation by exposing their relationship, as many would see it as rather inappropriate due to them being employer and employee.

When everything was settled and the crew finally got some longer downtime, Rorosa and Pishrero Junerero started working on his establishment as the property had been bought recently. Working day in and day out, the two managed to quickly furnish the place and put it into immediate use. Rorosa focused on setting up the employee bar and casual area, where people could just kick back and enjoy a good meal and talk between each other in a more relaxed environment. And thus, the Shortstaff Bar was born. She poured her heart into the small area and was extremely proud of it. Tiny Blue was the first to appear and he caused a ruckus, jumping off the upper floors and then landing right in front of her, triggering her as she'd start lecturing him with anger and worry. It was then that Pishrero Junerero also arrived and was confused by the entire scene. Rorosa was quick to blame the new member and Pishrero Junerero lectured him immediately, and then the conversation turned again as they all started to debate what the new guy could do and offer to the company. They quickly found out that he had a deep adoration for noodles, but overall also cooking, thus, he was tasked with being the company cook as Pishrero Junerero refused to put him on security due to their doubts towards the man. The boss then left after conducting a very detailed inspection of the place. Rorosa then offered the newcomer some food which they had brought back and the two had precisely his favourite, udon noodles. He was elated and while eating they would talk. Among other things, Rorosa learned that he most likely suffered of amnesia as he would quickly change topics at random as well as disconnect. When she asked him if it was the case, he would tell her of his earliest memories which were him waking up in a pool of blood with dead bodies around him. It was terrifying but she decided not to touch base on the topic. The conversations were all over the place due to his random nature, among other things talking about jewelry, the origin of Lalafell as well as discussing the different Grand Companies and inspecting the map of Eorzea. Out of nowhere, he expressed interest in poisons, explaining that he wanted to apply them on his blade while assisting with security but she was quit to deny him that, demanding that he spoke with Pishrero Junerero before even considering it. Not to mention the fact he was not meant to be part of security due to his suspicious violence-prone nature.
The next day, Rorosa met with Pishrero Junerero and she told him of yesterday's conversation with Tiny Blue and he immediately rejected the idea of having the newcomer be part of security. She pleaded further, ready to even take the blame should things go wrong but he still denied it. As the exchange went on, he partially gave in and told her that she may talk to the man and that if he were to see changes in his attitude, he would consider him to be part of a bigger picture. She was elated and thanked him immediately for it while munching on some fruit in the meantime. He quickly tended to the employees in the room and she then mentioned, asking, if perhaps they should make the Shortstaff Bar accessible to outsiders to heighten their profits. While it was an interesting idea, he did not want to open the place just yet to outsiders, fearing that they might wander around places they shouldn't, but he wasn't against the idea entirely and would start debating ways to implement it somehow or in the near future. Rorosa touched back with the topic of Tiny Blue, suggesting that perhaps the Conjurer's Guild could assist him regarding his amnesia and Pishrero Junerero didn't appear to be against it, however he said he would not join them to talk to the Guild directly due to specializing in the dark arts. It did not bother her and they would start planning their trip to Gridania, her taking the newcomer to the Guild while Pishrero Junerero would tend to his own business matters at the local market. Rorosa then would start complimenting him on his skills and on his leadership skills, but he brushed them aside, unable to take any compliments and remaining professional as per usual, and she called him out, although with humour, on the stick on his rear. He took notice of this and immediately approached her with a smell peck to the cheek, teasing her back that he knew how to have fun when needed which threw her for a loop but she loved that side of him. They chatted for a bit more before each one going their way to continue with their daily tasks.
Days passed and all fell into place until Pishrero Junerero discovered there was a large investment that remained unaccounted for, spread across several contracts that were of minor goods which he could not recall contracting for. He chased the matters up with Mundo Hardcastle, however he also was not made aware of these purchases and the proper procedures were not carried out to identify who supplied the goods. While Pishrero Junerero charged Mundo with seeking the culprit of this, Mundo proffered the idea of expanding the business, given the investment was enough to upgrade the facilities greatly. It was evident the Lalafell was reluctant but he finally gave in and made plans to relocate to a larger premises. Rorosa was not made aware of these business deals nor how come they got to move to a larger location, chucking it up to simply having made enough money to cover the expenses. With a larger place, she immediately got working on a common area for all, guests included, wanting to expand into the catering business and she designed the dinning area, pouring her entire heart into it. Luckily Pishrero Junerero approved and the place was set to eventually open to the general public.
In the evening, Rorosa was occupied with her usual duties and she suddenly noticed Tiny Blue was nowhere to be found. She searched the entire estate but found nothing. Alarmed, she tried to seek out Pishrero Junerero but he also wasn't there. That was when she remember that he had gone to a nearby pastry shop and so she decided to make her way there. Once inside, she ran into another Lalafell by the name of Poppy Star and she asked the woman if she had seen another Lalafell, dressed in red with a huge top hat. She nodded and said he was downstairs with the other guests. Relieve, Rorosa immediately went downstairs but found the man engaged in talk so she did not interrupt, patiently awaiting a window to talk. Her window came sooner as the Elezen to whom he spoke to scooted over to make room for her and she gladly settled herself beside the woman. As they talked, Rorosa immediately got jealous of the amazing cakes and made countless trips to the pastry counter during the evening to restock, while the Elezen, Miraenne Nineux seemed to find it adorable. The lalafells learned that the woman was originally from Ishgard and that she was still adapting to live in Eorzea while at the same time wanting to perfect her craft and sword-fighting. This immediately caught Rorosa's attention as she proposed that they could spar sometime and practice together and it was received well, Pishrero Junerero giving his consent to it. As the evening drew to a close, he and she left the shop and had a stroll across the Goblet to a more secluded spot with a view over the chasm surrounding the area. The two of them sat down on a bench and talked about the latest developments with the company as well as their relationship, with him wanting to go public with it to the other employees. She was concerned with that and did not want to, worried that it would cause issues and even willing to step down from her position if needed but he refused it. They agreed to show affections even when in public but to keep it limited, just enough for people to get the message but not get turned off by it.
The next day all three of the Lalafells met and they prepped fora trip to Gridania. Pishrero Junerero needing to take care of business while Rorosa was to accompany Tiny Blue to the conjurers guild to try and sort out his memory issue.