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-If the connection is severed prematurely while Khyran's projection or his patient's projection is currently under threat from an occupying curse or hostile presence, such as a Voidsent, then there is the particularly chilling risk that Khyran's mental aether would be trapped within the patient's mind, unable to return to his own body. His body, alive, would be left behind, mindless. The patient would thus be forced to carry him around until/if a solution can be found.
-If the connection is severed prematurely while Khyran's projection or his patient's projection is currently under threat from an occupying curse or hostile presence, such as a Voidsent, then there is the particularly chilling risk that Khyran's mental aether would be trapped within the patient's mind, unable to return to his own body. His body, alive, would be left behind, mindless. The patient would thus be forced to carry him around until/if a solution can be found.
-Khyran cannot enter the Aetherstream to travel without external aid. He is thus blocked from teleportation unless he is either able to directly touch an aethyrite or if another source of powerful magic can transport him. He won't explain why this is, but hints that it has something to do with his unique aether.
-On occasion, Khyran can be caught suffering nosebleeds or gripping at his head as if in pain. He quickly corrects this behavior if he knows he's being watched.
-More yet to disclose...  
-More yet to disclose...  

Revision as of 07:58, 25 November 2015

"I'm a mind healer. I can restore and remove memories, cure curses, and exorcise posessions. Khyran Oisin. A pleasure." With such a clinical tone, it hardly sounded like a pleasure.

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Khyran Oisin (KHY-ruhn Osh-EEN)
Understuffed Scarecrow
All profile art belongs to me.
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): Conjurer
Main Tradeskill: Alchemy
Preferred Role: Healer
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Reputation: Mixed. Some people claim he is a wonderful person and extremely helpful, other people claim he is a con artist, dangerous, and has ulterior motivations.
Occupation: •Mind Healer •Materia specialist •Voidsent Hunter
Education: Self taught- a bit of an unrealized prodigy
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Asexual
Guardian: N/A
Free Company
None, loose associations with Ebonbrand and Crescent Eminence
Items Carried
Travel Satchel
Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Age: 26
Height: 5 fulm 6 ilm
Weight: 85-90 ponz
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Sallow
Physical Build: Skeletal and frail
Notable Features: Missing his right eye, has a scar over it.
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity


♦ General


Khy is a skeletal, ragged man with a sharp, beak-like nose and an eye-patch. He's as helpful as he is suspicious, equal parts neurotic and nonchalant, and completely unconcerned with his own safety. He carries no weapons and wears no armor. He is self-sacrificing to a fault, though blunt and awkward. He has a habit of lurking, eavesdropping, and generally knowing too much, but he has yet to do anything obviously sinister. He tends to watch and listen, like some sort of sickly carrion bird.

♦ Appearance

Khyran wouldn't really be called "attractive" by conventional standards.

He has an angular, bony face framed by long, dark hair that has grown past his shoulderblades. He has a hooked nose, thin lips, and a deep-set brown eye. His teeth are crooked and there's a gap between his front incisors. He has a short, trim goatee and a stubble-darkened jaw. His voice can be described as mellow and airy. He is about 5'6" and nearly corpselike in weight. If he is picked up, he can be estimated to weigh 90 pounds. His robes are too big for him, threadbare and dirty. His skin is sallow and pale, his single eye often bloodshot. He usually smells like sweat, dirt, grass, and blood. It is safe to assume he has an eating disorder, or is too poor to eat. If he carries weapons, they must be expertly concealed, for there is absolutely no sign of such things on his person.

Early September 2015 Update

Whirr. Clunk. Whirrrr. Clunk. The sounds, hushed, emit from the man's left leg when he walks. When idle, the leg emits a faint purring sound. His robes and long pants obscure it, but it is obvious by the nature of his metallic foot and the sounds that it is not a real leg. His other leg, too, is carried strangely. Though it is mostly flesh, those who see the leg without his robes or pants covering it would find that it is augmented with metal plates and cylindrical objects. He walks with a funny little limp on it at most times, and is rarely seen without a jagged, wooden walking stick.

♦ Behaviour

Khyran carries himself like a man who is dead or dying.

More often than not, he stands in a slouch and moves slowly. His joints often pop. He seems incapable of running very long, as the attempt leaves him breathless to the point of collapse. When he walks, its usually with his head bowed and his arms folded behind his back. When he's seated, he fidgets, tapping his fingers and feet or playing with strings. He usually speaks in an empty voice and his face rarely betrays much in the way of emotion. He tends to avoid eye contact with people, and keeps his head down. It may appear as though he is not paying attention to anyone or anything. However, if he's asked a question, or if it is relevant, his observations on people or situations are startlingly accurate. He is known to point things out that others would have barely noticed. If he is observed closely, one can assume he is actually watching people like a hawk out of the corner of his eye. He is paying very, very close attention. It may be difficult to slip anything past him.

♦ Personality

Put simply, Khyran hates himself.

It isn't that he flaunts it, or is proud of it, or uses it to collect sympathy. To him, it is simply a fact. He believes he is worth nothing, and therefore places no value on his own life. It seems that the only reason why Khyran is still alive is his willingness to be of service to those he cares about. If he must do something for the sake of his own survival, it is often with reluctance and guilt. It is nearly impossible to threaten him; he simply does not know fear.

He does, however, know anxiety- for he is nervous in crowds and social gatherings. To him, socializing with strangers is like pulling teeth. He prefers watching people from corners or meeting with individuals privately. He's honest, genuine, and forthright. Some would find him a good friend because he does not sugar-coat what he thinks is the truth. If he sees a problem, he brings it up. He has no motivation other than to be helpful, even though his intentions can often backfire. Unfortunately, the man is also quite bleak, known to expect the worst- and hope for it, too. He is rarely good-humored, and often resorts to subtle sarcasm to express his displeasure. That sarcasm is often impossible to hear in his typically dead, emotionless tone of voice.

At his best, he makes for pleasant, helpful company and an unbiased listening ear. At his worst, he's depressing, blunt and stubbornly set in his ways, making him infuriating to those who care about him. On top of everything, he's tight-lipped about anything in regards to his history, and the way he just stares and watches people can make him a dreadfully suspicious and enigmatic man. Still, he doesn't appear to be the sort of person capable of doing harm even if he wanted to.

Or is he?

♦ Inventory


A Weathered, Threadbare Black Robe (IN STORAGE)

Loose, Patchy White and Black Leggings

Thigh-high Black Boots (IN STORAGE)

Elbow-high Black Fingerless Gloves

A Black Overcoat

A White Tunic

Wide, Loose White Boots

A Red Scarf

A Red Sash

A White Leather Travel Satchel


Two Hanging Red Lobe Earrings

Three Conch Piercings Containing Linkpearls in Each Ear

A Hanging Oyster Pendant Around Neck (GIFT)

Items Within Satchel

A Red Leather Journal

A Tin Box of Sewing Supplies

Rolls of Bandages

A Small Waterskin

A Leather Bag of Meager Rations

Vials of Varying Liquids

Folded Paperwork

Small Charcoal Pencils

Inkwell and Feather Pen

A Beaten Compass

Tribal Earmuffs (GIFT)

Floral Hat (GIFT)

Book of Art (GIFT)

♦ History

Khyran is an enigma to all who know him, and it's difficult for anyone to trace him to his origins. However, an attentive and particularly determined individual may be able to deduce several things:

1. He was born in Costa del Sol.

2. Some people who live in Costa del Sol loathe the mention of his name, and hopefully wonder if he has been killed.

3. The rumors don't agree on what he did, why he is hated, and how he managed to disappear.

Something terrible has happened. It does not appear that Khyran wishes to discuss it with anyone.

♦ Significant IC Events

Section is intentionally vague and only meant to chronicle significant portions of this character's life and arc as he is roleplayed in-game. If you want more details, ask him IC!

JOINS WFS. JULY 2015: Despite his misgivings about traveling with people, Khyran's hand was forced by his own poor health. He could no longer do what he intends to do alone. He joined the Wayfinders Solace Caravan, and made known his secret to the caravan master, Jikam. His intent was not to make friends, or family. It was to be useful. The caravan encountered a brief spat with gremlins, and he injured his leg. He recovered well, but his self-sacrificial actions that day were observed as foolhardy and stupid.

WFS FIGHTS THE VOIDSENT. EARLY AUGUST 2015: The Wayfinders became embroiled in a plot involving a Voidsent. Taking great personal risks, the Wayfinders defeated the Voidsent monster in the frozen mountains of Coerthas. The caravan generally felt Khyran's foolhardy- and unexpectedly effective- contributions were helpful against the metaphysical monster, and he won some respect among them.

OUTED AS A FUGITIVE; CRIPPLED PERMANENTLY. LATE AUGUST 2015: Following a complicated string of events, Khyran's secret was revealed to the majority of the caravan's members. Driven by guilt, fear, and external pressure, he left the caravan. He was tracked down and taken back by force, but not after he made a terrible mistake and was shot in the leg by someone in self-defense. His left femur was shattered. He awaits trial within the caravan's own system of government. He will likely never walk on his leg again without external support, and is permanently crippled.

TRIAL COMPLETED; GOING THROUGH CHANGES. EARLY SEPTEMBER 2015: The outcome of Khyran's trial was as good for him as it could have been, given the circumstances. He is now trying to re-evaluate his life and figure out how he can best make up for his sins and be stronger for others. But because of his shattered leg bone, he's having difficulty doing *anything* beyond lie around in bed or struggle to get places on crutches. He is staying on a regular supply of pain relief injections just to stay sane, and he's developed an addiction to them. He's struck up a very difficult deal with an engineer in hopes to have a replacement leg built for him.

LEG REPLACED. EARLY SEPTEMBER 2015: Khyran now has a prosthetic leg, and modified his existing leg to accommodate a new ability. He now has a limited-capacity jump boost, as well as increased stamina. As far as the rest of his weak, withered body goes, however... there's little to be done about that.

ON THE HUNT. LATE SEPTEMBER/EARLY OCTOBER 2015: Khyran became aware that two of his acquaintances are dealing with Voidsent enemies. Though he is still struggling to walk on his still-healing legs, he began the struggle to locate, and kill, these Voidsent creatures. One of them, he barely managed to remove traces of its influence from his friend's mind. The other, he only managed a slight lock on the creature before it eluded his attention. As so much of his time is absorbed in trying to track down these creatures, he hardly had a chance to rest, and his abuse of the painkillers reached a critical level. He began stealing from his friends and co-workers, which led to an eventual intervention by Khana.

LEAVES WFS. IN THE SHADOWS. LATE OCTOBER/EARLY NOVEMBER 2015: Khyran left his previous company. Many who he considered himself on friendly terms with no longer associate with the company, and due to a recent issue involving Voidsents, he felt it was no longer safe for those remaining in WFS for him to stay. The few he considered close enough to be his friend, he harshly turned away, in hopes that they would not try to follow him. Depressed and homeless again, Khyran began searching for meaning in life beyond his desire to hunt and kill Voidsents. Alas, finding a new home has eluded him as of late, and he has put himself completely into his work. While drunk, his friends Sigurd and Mikha convinced him to buy a chocobo chick, which has given him some hope.



Long story short? Khyran can go into people's heads.

He can view their memories, replaying like a dream. He can place himself within the context of that memory, as a 'projection' of himself. He can also be joined by the projection of his patient.

Once he does that, he can snag his patient's memories and convert them to materia. That materia is thus drawn out of their head, forgotten by the patient entirely. Thus, he considers himself something of a "bad memory surgeon". Though these abilities come with varying degrees of suspicion and discomfort from those who know of his gift, there is always the few desperate enough to ask him for help.

Depending on how long he is able to focus and how willing the "patient" is, Khyran can do anything from wipe out entire sections of someone's memories to selectively drawing out the bad parts from an otherwise good memory. He collects the materia thereafter. Some patients request that he do specific things with the materia and he always follows suit. But if the patient is unable or unsure to specify, he keeps them very safe - but won't say exactly where.

Alongside erasing memories, Khyran can also restore memories lost via magical manipulation - not so much memories lost from physical damage, though he could certainly try.

Yet another implication of his abilities allows him to deal with curses and dark magic left in someone else's mind.

Last, but not least, Khyran has the ability to hunt down Voidsent possession. He might be one of the few people in Eorzea capable of truly ending the existence of such creatures, rather than simply banishing them back into the Void.


A list of Khyran's abilities, and the implications thereof, are below.

-Memory Removal. If your character has a problem they want to let go of and forget about, be it an old failed relationship or some level of war PTSD, Khyran can certainly help. The memory will be removed in the form of materia.

-Memory Restoration. Similarly, if your character has memories blocked off, he can attempt to restore them.

-Curse Removal. If your character has a mental curse or some level of dark magic that is burdening them, Khyran can attempt to remove it.

-Voidsent Removal. Definitely the messiest and most difficult operation Khyran can perform. If a character is possessed, Khy is uniquely equipped to hunt the thing down. Because Voidsent can create a physical body, just killing their body isn't enough to ensure their death. But if he can catch them in an immaterial form- while they're possessing a body- he can truly ensure it's end. He is also rather well-versed at hunting the creatures to begin with.

-On Projections. Every time Khyran enters someone's head, he, as well as they, can create a "projection" of themselves. It's a subconscious thing, the natural response to dreaming. But with practice, just like lucid dreaming, someone can change the form of their projection if they so wish, with practice. Khyran, himself, particularly favors the form of a vulture when he is hunting Voidsents. Changing one's projection is often very difficult, as it requires a skill similar to lucid dreaming. It is difficult to alter one of the most fundamental aspects of how one views themselves.

-That Strange Ear-Ringing. What is it? Where is it coming from? And why does it happen so often when he's asleep...? If asked, Khyran's explanations are often vague, but it seems connected with the process of memory removal that he instills upon patients. Those who have recently had a memory removed by him will hear the ear-ringing more than others, and only when they are around him. On occasion, the ringing grows louder, and could be almost maddening. It seems he can cause it on purpose, if he really wanted to.


-Physical contact is required between Khyran and the patient in order for any of his powers to work. Khyran is very weak physically, thus he seems to be easy to circumvent if a character is being targeted without their IC consent. However, once he can manage to grasp the "patient's" forehead, his magic is often difficult to escape unless the "patient" is strong-willed.

-If he loses physical contact, the connection will sever immediately, and his power over that person will cease.

-If the projection in someone's mind is damaged or killed by an inhabiting curse or Voidsent, there are great risks posed to the physical body. The threat in dealing with such magics is very real. Someone's aether can be damaged, even to the point of death.

-It is possible to put up mental resistance against Khyran, even if he currently has physical contact with the patient. If your character is strong-willed, well-trained, or magically gifted in any way, they can resist him.

-If the connection is severed prematurely while Khyran's projection or his patient's projection is currently under threat from an occupying curse or hostile presence, such as a Voidsent, then there is the particularly chilling risk that Khyran's mental aether would be trapped within the patient's mind, unable to return to his own body. His body, alive, would be left behind, mindless. The patient would thus be forced to carry him around until/if a solution can be found.

-Khyran cannot enter the Aetherstream to travel without external aid. He is thus blocked from teleportation unless he is either able to directly touch an aethyrite or if another source of powerful magic can transport him. He won't explain why this is, but hints that it has something to do with his unique aether.

-On occasion, Khyran can be caught suffering nosebleeds or gripping at his head as if in pain. He quickly corrects this behavior if he knows he's being watched.

-More yet to disclose...

How It Works


There is a contract the patient must sign with Khyran before proceeding.

The patient will, first, find a comfortable position either sitting or lying down. Khyran will place his hand upon their forehead. His ability will coax the patient into a subconscious state.

At this point, Khyran and his patient will share a link of their aether. A "spiritbond", so to speak. He will be able to will the patient to recall memories- moments in their life that he is searching for. His voice can be "heard" in their heads, as if he's peering in through a window into their brain. But, sometimes, he can actually enter into a mental experience, to place himself within a memory's context and observe it unfolding as if he were there all along. This is called a "projection", and it is a natural response to dreaming.

When he finds the offending memory, a sharp pain will be felt by the patient as Khyran withdraws his hand from their head. The materia is, at first, permeable and viscous, and it quickly oozes through bone and flesh before solidifying in Khyran's grasp. This all happens in an instant. The memory is now transferred into physical form, and exists in the physical world.

The amount of time required to remove a memory equates to how intensely personal that memory is. Small memories that are of little consequence are not difficult for Khyran to remove, and can be done in a few minutes. If it is a "core memory"- something that is a building block to the way that character thinks and operates- it will take several sessions over the course of several days- even weeks- to properly remove. The materia in question will vary in size and color, depending on the nature of the memory it encompasses.

What is done with the materia afterwards is covered in the contract...


As with all my RP, OOC consent is always requested and discussed before Khy uses his mind powers on anyone. Khy's ability is powerful, but he will never use it on anyone OOC unwilling. Generally, he gets IC consent as well, but there may be rare cases where the character may wish to remove a memory by force from someone. If this situation arises, all details will- and must- be decided on and agreed with OOC beforehand, and will only be done if all parties involved in the memory removal agree and think it's a good addition to their character's plot. There will not be any power-playing from Khyran!

Anyone wanting to RP a core memory removal with Khyran should be willing to RP with him for a long time. Part of the materia creation process is about a bond between Khyran and the individual in question. This is just a reason to RP with him and develop our characters together!

If your character has a Voidsent problem, he's also perfect for the plot.

Due to the nature of his magic, as it deals with matters of the mind, it is malleable to suit your purposes.



Being Near Water


Spicy Food
Sea and Air Travel


Good Listener


His "selflessness" is often subverted with selfish intentions...
Often (unintentionally) rude
Bleak and humorless


Type 4/6 Enneagram
Restricting-type Anorexia
Social Anxiety
(Newly Developed) Painkiller Addiction


*Characters are listed from who HE THINKS likes him most to who HE THINKS likes him least. His own interpretation of what people think of him may be flawed!* OOC, list is regularly updated. Characters must have had a significant interaction for him to consider them an acquaintance, however.

💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Tsaganarii Dhoro : Narii has managed to chisel past Khyran's armor, and became his very first friend. He cares very deeply for her; she is who he would consider to be his closest friend. She has been with him through some of the hardest times of his life, and he feels he owes her everything.
Mikha Sunthistle : It took some time, but Mikha's unabashedly chipper personality and inclination to be helpful has won Khy over. He knows the teen has gone through a lot, but his insistence to remain positive is the sort of thing Khy feels he's missing, sometimes. As Khyran grew closer to Mikha throughout time, he now can't imagine a life without him, and often finds himself longing for his positive outlook to counteract his own gloom and cynicism. If asked, he would say he loves Mikha- a sort of statement he is often reluctant to give about other men. He gave Mikha a protective necklace, and is currently trying to teach him how to guard his mind from intruders.
Khana Borlaaq : She has been nothing but kind to him, in the times he needed her most. He appreciates her immensely. Due to a complex series of events, he knows quite a lot about her- probably as much about her as she knows about herself. His only desire in regards to her is to keep her happy and safe, and protect her from the various threats in her life, even though he often feels it is a fruitless endeavor. He asked to be the godfather to her child.
Sigurd Sundsteigen : He is not sure what kind of person Sigurd is, but he appreciates the person he's trying to become. And that makes two of them. Sigurd made a blood oath of friendship with Khyran, and although Khyran still finds himself wary and occasionally judgmental of Sigurd's moral looseness, he would hesitantly count Sigurd among his few chosen friends.
Flickering Ember : Khyran tends to forget that she's blind. She just handles herself so well! He does worry, however, for her safety, and hopes that no one takes advantage of her. Her childlike nature and simple outlook on life is something he finds very peaceful, and he enjoys being around her. He doesn't know her very well, but he would say she is a friend.

Enemies & Rivals

Faolan Donne : He might not necessarily be "hostile", but Khy feels recent events have definitely put their acquaintanceship somewhere sour.
Llinos Silvernail : He had hoped, at one point, they could be friends. But he made a terrible mistake.
Wemrys Quintos : After the incident involving Llinos, Wemrys has become very hostile to Khyran, even without the Beast he made himself privy to. It is understandable. Khyran holds no animosity towards the man's judgement.
Nero Varus : Nero is the man in charge of creating a prosthetic limb for Khyran. Khy also pledged to offer his service when it is within his moral bounds to do so as an exchange for the leg's creation. He strongly dislikes Nero due to the man's self-serving nature and the threats he made against Khana and Sigurd.

O'jirho Tia : O'jirho has learned of Khy's history, and is currently hostile to him. It is unfortunate, for Khyran only means the best for him.
Lily Oisin (NPC) : Don't talk to her about Khyran.
Ray Oisin (NPC) : "How are my sons? I only have one son."
Kane Oisin (NPC) : It goes beyond sibling rivalry.


Caolan Achaius : Caolan is perhaps one of the few men that Khyran would actually enjoy sharing a pint and no conversation with, and find absolutely nothing awkward about it.
Jikam Constans : Khyran understands the depth of his suffering, and feels a strange kinship with the man. He does, after all, owe Jikam a lot. He hopes he can repay his kindness some day.
Vi Lindon : He met her on the road. She gave him some food and much-needed company, despite the fact that it's difficult for him to admit that he needed either. He currently likes her, though he's uncertain to what extent. Her emotions, and her obsession with Nald'thal, remains an enigma to him.
Connor Tavarin : Connor seems to have come to terms with Khyran's secret. He thinks Connor is pure of heart and noble to a fault. He respects the man.
Adriel Marchand : Though they were once friends, an unfortunate situation ended in an argument between them. Khyran believed the only way he could protect her from getting unduly hurt was to cast aside their friendship. He threw away the pendant she gave him in an attempt to force her to leave.
Avis Inkwood : His brief encounter with her hit it off really well, and she might be able to help him with a very particular problem he is faced with... hopefully they will speak again.
John Waterstrike : The fellow struck him as good-natured, and he wishes to know more about his services as a mind therapist. Though he exercises some amount of caution around John, as he is fairly certain the fellow is more suspicious of him than not.
Ouka Highwind : He has very little opinion of the fellow yet, though his brief impression while he woke up from surgery was positive.
Vaerimont Lectoroix : He has no idea what to make of Vaerimont at this present time, but it is not an unpleasant impression. He can, however, tell that the fellow's magical affinity is so far above him, he has trouble understanding a word he says on the subject.
Glace Silencieuse : Glace assisted in an amputation, but Khy's brief impression of him is negative. Something about him rubs him the wrong way.
Rosalin Menoly : He can tell there's something... "different" about her. He's uncertain what, but he thinks her heart is in the right place.
Sechen Mankhad : They were once mistaken to be in a relationship, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Once friends, Khyran's reputation has been sullied with Sechen. He is trying to make amends.
Lilia Lia : Khyran is uncertain as to his present standing with the Lalafel, though their interactions have always been pleasant.
Eduard Harlow : He feels Eduard has little opinion of him beyond his observation that he's selfish. Khyran has the same feelings towards him. He also thinks Eduard is very pretentious.
Dezmond Elwood : Unfortunately, Khyran knows little about him beyond the fact that he is very angry about his recent dealings with a Garlean for a prosthetic limb. It is unfortunate that they have had little interaction beyond mild conflict.
Sasha Rochester : There's something off about her that he can't put his finger on, and he's not sure where her motivations lie, but he'd rather not be so quick to judge.
Virella Douront : Though he knows little of her culture, he thinks she's a little too infatuated with it- to the point of being completely unaware of more immediate and important issues.
Melfice Vainchelon : Khyran is completely at a loss of what to make of him. Whatever that may be, he does not think him a particularly noble sort.
Skylar Brooks : He knows enough about Skylar to be very suspicious of her. He would go to the point of outright dislike, had he not been privy to a few details that have left her true impressions on him unsettled. Time will tell if he will truly see her heart.
Sindri Silvernail : Khy is aware of the child's complicated history, but due to his relationship with Llinos, he's uncertain where Sindri's opinions of him lie. He saved Sindri's life, once, but that is little to make up for his transgressions to the Silvernail family.
Maple Silvernail : Khy wanted to help Maple with her anxieties, but Llinos intervened, and he hasn't seen her since. He had hoped they could be friends, deep down.
Sairah Oisin (NPC) : A mother's love only goes so far.


In Major Cities

There are several posters up in Limsa Lominsa, New and Old Gridania, and Ul'dah city proper.

"To Those who Suffer,

Sometimes, there is not a way out. Sometimes, our worst enemies are what plague us from within. Our very minds keep us chained to despair.

To those who feel they have no escape, there may be hope.

Khyran Oisin is a doctor with the rare ability to withdraw memories from another person as materia. He is specifically trained to locate and remove the experiences from another's life that they would rather live without.

If this is a service that interests you, please write a letter specifying your name and location.

The service is completely free. No payment is necessary. More information will be provided once an appointment is arranged."

...One of these posters, in Limsa Lominsa, is scrawled with graffiti: "CON ARTIST"

Common (Easy to Overhear)

A Traveling Merchant: "That Khyran is still around? I thought he'd have shriveled up and blown away by now."

The Drowning Wench Owner: "You wanna know about that Oisin? He ain't welcome in this tavern no more. Kept starin', askin' people personal questions and creepin' 'em out. Don't trust him."

A Botanist in Gridania: "Oh, Khy? I know him. He's really, really nice. Too nice, if you ask me. I really want to believe he means well, but you can never be too sure these days."

An Old Woman in Gridania: "Khyran is one of the sweetest people I know. I just wish he would take care of himself. The poor boy."

Uncommon (Hard to Overhear)

A Refugee in Ul'dah: "A strange man asked me if I needed help when I was starving in the gutter. I told him yeah. He asked me if I wanted to start over- to get a blank slate. I told him yeah. He offered to wipe my memories. That's when I told him to leave. Shits just not worth it.

A Traveling Merchant: "I saw a man sitting near the sea on my way to Limsa. I was only stopping by to deliver a package, and a few hours later I went back that way... and the same man was still sitting there. Same spot, same position. I thought he might have been asleep, but when I walked nearer, I heard him muttering. Strangest thing I've seen that day."

Only Found in Specific Places

A poster in Costa del Sol says: "WANTED: Khyran Oisin, Alive or Dead. Reward: 50,000 Gil."

Player Character Rumours

O'jirho Tia: "I trusted the bastard—let him see me in my weakest moments—and he was hiding the fact that he did that..."
Vi Lindon: "He may not always have been Twelve-guided, but he is now and that's what matters. Mayhap not in matters of personal hygiene, but in matters of action? Certainly."
Connor Tavarin: "I'm not saying what he did wasn't wrong...I just believe he's a good man trying to atone. For that, he has my respect."
Sigurd Sundsteigen: "Khyran is a great person. Unfortunately, like most of us, he has made some stupid mistakes over the years. Yet, his worst error, without doubt, is how much he beats himself up over his past mistakes. Regardless, I still have great hope for the man, as he does perk up a bit after a smoke."
Jikam Constans: "That man is so far in over his head I am surprised he hasn't developed fish lungs yet."
Tsaganarii Dhoro: "One cannot be more proud of Khy. From the beginnings met upon that fateful bridge to this sun.. Khy has grown so much, more than one ever hoped for. Took much pushing for Khy to finally accept this one into heart and now allowing others in. For Khy to be truly happy, will bring this one such joy."
John Waterstrike: "Sir Khyran? I meet him twice and he seem like a man of good heart. I worry about him as he seem to carry such sadness in him. Maybe I'll have a chance to work with him as both of us are healers of the mind."

Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.

♦ My Artwork

All artwork belongs to me. I am open for commissions; my blog is listed in the OOC section if you'd like to contact!"

♦ Screenshots

♦ Footnotes


Name Etymology

Irish. Khyran is a variation of Kieran, which means "dark." Oisin means "little deer."

These meanings were unintentional when the character's name was decided upon.

About the Player

I'm Aeolian, an artist. I make graphics for a sporting goods company full time. When I'm not RPing in my spare time, I'm drawing or working on my graphic novel Age of Mortality at http://www.btcomics.com. I live somewhere in the American South with my husband and two cats, Chai Tea and Total Biscuit.

I am EST.

Always IC and looking for RP. Feel free to visit my Tumblr to ask me for my skype if you want to arrange something. http://aeolian-mode.tumblr.com

RP Preferences

Plot-heavy. I prefer telling stories and involving the community at large. I will rarely be found idling in taverns, I prefer pursuing a story or a conflict.

OOC>IC. Your personal happiness will take precedence over preserving my character's integrity. If Khy would do something that YOU don't want, he will not do it. Simple as that! I am not a 100% immersionist RPer.

No ERP, Romance Limited. If your character has feelings for Khyran, go ahead and try to pursue him. Just don't be disappointed if he turns you down. Which is likely. Any sexual advances done on my character will be turned down. It takes two to tango.

Lore-lite. I know enough FFXIV lore to play here comfortably, but I'm not super knowledgeable. I have made sure to run my concepts past people who are more knowledgeable than I, but please be gentle with my goof-ups.

Medical-heavy. I prefer to RP medical cases as realistically as possible, with both the body and mind. I use Google to research medical material. Given magic/aether healing is present in this world, I tend to view it more as a supplement than a catch-all. If your character tries to insta-heal mine, please don't be offended if I modify the intended effect to match the situation. Otherwise, no judgments given based on how you want to rp!

Communication is Key. My character sometimes deals with heavy, sensitive material, but I will always ask before springing something on you if you are feeling sensitive or if you have triggers. I always care about your OOC comfort before IC integrity. RP is for fun, and if it becomes something uncomfortable, it's not worth it.

Theme song:

Main Instrumental Inspiration Track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haOqG7erU6M

Instrumental Compilation (credits inside): https://soundcloud.com/kaylaaeolian/audiomix-kai-inspiration

Original Composition: https://soundcloud.com/kaylaaeolian/redemptions-pursuit

Lyrical Inspiration Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHqxvH3vt3kHFXE8h8-2tL504ntPGVTSE