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:: Context: ''Character Theme''
:: Context: ''Character Theme''
:: <small>Notes: ''I AM A MONSTER!'' </small>
:: <small>Notes: ''I AM A MONSTER!'' </small>
: ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYJbtpWkXAE I Am the Monster]''
:: Artist: Elvensong
:: Context: ''Character Theme''
:: <small>Notes: Good for describing the hell he went through back with his Tribe. ''I've lost my way, I've lost my light, I've lost the stars inside my night.'' They basically destroyed what was once Chip and turned him into, well, a monster. </small>

Revision as of 13:47, 9 February 2016

NOTICE: No longer available for RP ingame


Harrow thinking.png

"We were once known as someone special..."

» ————————— ————————— «


ALIASES: Azrael (under Rose's command) , Chip (past nickname, only known to a certain few) , Harrow (what his darker self is referred to as, CURRENTLY UNKNOWN) , O'kihp (Tribe name)

RACE & CLAN: Miqo'te - Seeker of the Sun


AGE & NAMEDAY: Unknown | 17th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon



TRIBE: Mole Tribe

CURRENT RESIDENCE: somewhere in Eastern Thanalan


EYE COLOR & FUR COLOR: Obsidian | Blood-stained purple

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 5.22 fulms | 105 ponze

D A R K E R | S I D E | O F | T H E | M O O N
Chip harrow.png

There was once a boy...now a monster.

A being forged of wind-aspected crystal, tainted by the chunk of Dalamud that decimated the Burning Wall. This poison has resided always within himself since the boy was very young, and was kept tightly sealed within his subconscious. But a certain series of unfortunate events has caused Harrow to become unleashed--permanently. Albeit he's known for a short and destructive tempo and rarely will interact without violence, he has toned down after a few other recent events and has since become more of a mellow beast.

His strength comes from his emotions. The more upset, agonized, or tortured the boy is, the more powerful he becomes.

Harrow power.png

A light steel galerus plates his shoulder and upper arm with gleaming armor, strapped to his upper torso with leather straps. Remnants of fabric shreds also hang from his arms and waist, of a past discarded. Mole brown pants cling to thin legs, shredded and held together by straps of white bandages. His ankles, though once plated with steel coverings, are bare and encased only with shackles. The same metal is also wrapped around his wrists. Though the armor is minimal, there is little to hamper his movements and he makes up for the lack of defense with uncanny speed.

Notable Features:

  • Claws: sharpened black nails will grow out of his fingertips, about three inches in length. Thin and deadly, they are able to pierce through the tiniest weak points in armor. Often performing a fighting style that involves spinning and darting around, the slashing movements of his claws make no sound.
  • Blackened Eyes: when possessed, his pupils will completely dilate and his sclera will turn black. Basically, this results in the entirety of his eyes to be soulless pits of obsidian. Although its unclear to tell whom Harrow is exactly looking at, there are often subtle hints in his body posture and head tilts. Oftentimes, however, one is not even given enough time to decipher something so meaningless before their throat is slit in a fountain of blood.
  • Fangs: unlike the Keepers of the Moon, Seekers of the Sun do not possess teeth with quite so defined sharpness. However, his teeth have become permanent Keeper-like fangs that will extend whenever he's completely enraged.
  • Scars: His pale skin is almost completely covered with them. While a good portion of them are the thin and ropy lines of knife wounds, he also bares remnants of burns, stab wounds, and whip lashings.
  • Carnivorous: as ruthless a killer as Harrow is, he will also take the time to sample what bits of flesh may have been so delicately preserved upon his claws. He delights in the taste of his enemies, often feasting upon the spoils if he finds a chance to in the midst of his careless bloodthirsty spree. Other times, gnawing off the limbs of his victims is part of the fight itself.
  • Tainted Aether: in the past, the subtle impurity of his aether could only be sensed if someone were to try and absorb his aether. However, since Harrow has been unleashed for such a long period of time, the boy's aether has become almost completely impure. It can be sensed by anyone who is able to detect someone's aetheric properties.


  • Speed: by nature of how the wind blows, the more disrupted his mental state is, the greater the speed in which he possesses. At a normal level, his movements are fast enough to be unable to track, but a blurred form of his figure is still visible. However, when he's beyond saving and overcome with unquenchable fury, Harrow becomes nearly the wind itself, with serrated edges that fatally slice any living soul in its wake.
  • Teleportation: at a high enough level of power, Harrow can move so fast that he literally can disappear and reappear in a totally different location nearby. Although he cannot teleport to completely different areas, the ability extends to about a mile away from his current spot.


Flesh: Hungry beast is hungry. He has no preference for what kind of flesh he devours, but does like it freshly dead.
Aldgoat Stew: It's kind of a long story...


Addicted to pain. Will sometimes slice himself with his own claws and lap up his own blood. He's become addicted to his own affliction.
Insomniac. He hates sleeping because he'll almost always have nightmares. So he simply does not sleep.
Volatile. Terribly unpredictable, his temper can easily snap at the slightest provocation.
Singing. While alone in his cage, he will sometimes sing to himself to pass away the boredom. It's usually high-pitched and echoes eerily against the walls.
Humming. When he's not singing, he's probably humming. Late at night, he'll sometimes hum the tune of a certain music box to himself. Music Box Song


Darkness. Used to living in a cave with no light, he finds a strange comfort in the chill of the shadows.
Blood. It's tasty and sometimes sweet. He likes licking it off his fangs and claws.
Moonlight. There's something about it that even he finds soothing.


Ice. He's deathly afraid of it, especially when it's in the form of a spell. When encountered with it, he'll shriek and wail like a wounded animal and try to escape it.
Thunderstorms. He'll huddle in the corner of his cage with flattened ears and hiss at the thunder and lightning.
Magic. Thanks to a certain elezen mage, he's also deathly afraid of spellcasting.
  Color Key
Affection: The character is having a particular feeling of want and desire for this specific character. It might be simply friendly, romantic or physical, two of these options, or all three. It might not be reciprocal.
In a relationship: The character is romantically involved with this character. The characters might not like each other. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.
Muse: The character is attracted to this character. It usually is not reciprocal.
Potential Muse: The character is slightly attracted. It is not reciprocal.

Platonic Love/Family: The character considers this person family, and that goes above friendship. It is usually reciprocal.
Friend: The character considers this person their friend. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.
Friendly Acquaintance: The character considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally. It may not be reciprocal.

Good Standing: The character has no specific feelings about this character. They left a good impression, though.
Neutral Acquaintance: The character has no specific feelings about this character.
Wary: The character will not purposely avoid this character, but they do feel completely comfortable around them either.

Dislike: The character doesn't want to consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them. It may not be reciprocal.
Hate: The character consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen. It is often reciprocal.
Fear: The character is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost. It can not be reciprocal.
Rivalry: The character considers this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time they gets to meet them. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to the character.
Tribe Member: This character is part of the character's Tribe.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but the character isn't fully aware of it yet, in denial, or overlooking it.

Deceased: This character has passed away.


O'anna Xhiji | Mother : You died before we ever knew you.
O'ctan Nuhn | Father : We suffered under your fist for a year, only to be stolen back once more. But one day we will make sure our escape is permanent. Sleep with one eye open, father. Your time is fast approaching.
O'kaje Tia | You hurt us in many ways when you kidnapped us. We know it was you that destroyed our camp. We hunger for your flesh.
O'behr Tia | You were there too, to take us from our home. We will kill you slowly...and willingly.
Tome |  : We hate your ice magik and your silence. When we figure out how to be free of these restraints you will be the first to die.


/ Raziel | Skycat : We see now that those are memories long since forgotten. We will always remember what Skycat once was, but will know you only as Raziel. Though separate our paths must be trodden, we will always treasure what was forged in the past. Goodbye, brother.
? Relie Naulaux | Noisemaker :
? M'shi Mahji | Scribbler :
? Frostfeather | Skycat's Wings :
? Rihxo Matoi | Sweetmaker :
? Arata Matsuoka | Ara :
? Nym : You fed us and treated us well, despite what we had done to your brother. We will not forget your kindness. You remind us of what we were once. Never stop smiling.
? Mitzi | Chip's Present? :
Madam : You fattened us up and fed us to the wolves. You are nothing but a traitor and we will always despise you.
Omen : Revenge tastes....sweet.
Rose | Siren : Azrael served you willingly, but we never did. We may finally be free of your torturous ways, but next time we meet it will be your last.

Harrow unfazed.png


Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"What's a Chip?" - random merchant
"Ye talkin' 'bout that purple-haired boy? Can't say I've seen 'im 'round fer awhile. Wonder what happened?" - curious sailor
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
“That weird campsite in Middle La Noscea ain't there anymore. Looks like it all got burned down. Curious." - concerned local
“Rogue River's quiet. Ain't no more laughter. No music box songs in the night. It's kind of...creepy." - traveling merchant
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I swear I saw this group of Miqo'te head through Zephyr Gate with a cloaked figure following 'em. They looked up to no good."- taproom owner


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
“Yeah, I know Chip. Hate to admit it but I’ve a soft spot for the pup. So, do yourself a favor—tell him a story for a fish... then get lost. Don’t even look at him the wrong way ‘lest you contend with me.” – Xeiz Feine
"Chip is a sweetie! And he loves sweets! I don't know why anybody wouldn't like him." -Rihxo Matoi
"From what I am able to deduce about the odd boy, he seems to have a good heart. Though... I feel something strange about his aetheric presence... I shall be keeping an eye on him." -Arata Matsuoka

T R I B E | O F | T H E | M O L E


The Tribe of the Mole originated in La Noscea, where many of the beastkin, in which the Tribe was named after, resided. However, a subspecies of the mole migrated into Thanalan, after an unintentional stowaway was found upon a ship sailing to Ul'dah. This species, known as the Hedgemole, was adopted as the Tribe's beastkin. They are known to be aggressive and extremely territorial, which are the key traits of this particular Tribe.


The Tribe resides in the southern part of Drybone, alarmingly close to the encampment of the Amalj'aa. Skirmishes are a common occurrence between them and other wandering Tribes. Due to their viciousness, however, more often than not is the Tribe of the Mole fearfully left alone.

Before the Calamity: They originally lived closer to the area known as the Burning Wall, but after it was destroyed by a shard of Dalamud, they've migrated away and currently take up residence in Drybone.


Note: These names are intended for OOC only. Please ask for further details, or if your player character is unintentionally listed.


  • O'ctan Nuhn (Tribe leader and first breeding male)


  • O'kaje Tia (older brother to O'ctan)
  • O'vihz Tia
  • O'lixo Tia
  • O'behr Tia
  • O'qido Tia
  • O'kihp Tia (Secret weapon of the Tribe; carries out most of their territorial disputes)

Breeding Females:

  • O'saia Raehi
  • O'minna Xhiji
  • O'phina Raehi
  • O'xezo Raehi


Aggressive. Brutal. Territorial.

This particular Mole Tribe is bred for only one purpose: war. The Tias that make up most of its members are skilled warriors and are often involved in numerous skirmishes between neighboring Tribes--be it beast or man. Despite their relatively small size, they are quite savage.

Calamity Aftermath: After the infamous events of the Calamity, the Tribe found themselves questioning their brutal methods and grew fearful of their placement near the decimated Burning Wall. A unanimous decision was made to lessen the killings. Full-scale war will be allowed only if the safety of their Tribe is threatened. Smaller skirmishes are still accepted and widely popular among the Tribe and its neighboring beastkin.

  • When the young reach seven years of age, they begin training as warriors for the Tribe.

  • Punishment involves a variety of actions, often determined by the weight of the crime. This includes, but is not limited to, fights to the death, periodic starvation, abandonment in the desert, public flogging, and permanent banishment.

  • Selective Breeding: The Nuhn handpicks the females he chooses to breed with. Therefore, only those that the Nuhn sires are able to freely choose their mate. Otherwise only the Nuhn is able to breed with the females.
Other Details:

Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seekers of the Sun
Tribe Indicator: O' (Pronounced Oh)
Tribe Beast: The Territorial Hedgemole
Tribe Size: Small

Harrow respite.png
Character Themes:

Artist: Tokyo Ghoul
Context: Character Theme
Notes: You’re so close but I hope that you stop searching. Don't want you to see the thing that I’ve become. So please stop looking; I don’t want to hurt you.

Oh, Catastrophe
Artist: Crown the Empire
Context: Character Theme
Notes: The demon's cage has finally been opened. The patient predator has been freed. Oh, catastrophe. Leave me to fade out the light. And uncage the night.

Artist: Crown the Empire
Context: Character Theme
I Am the Monster
Artist: Elvensong
Context: Character Theme
Notes: Good for describing the hell he went through back with his Tribe. I've lost my way, I've lost my light, I've lost the stars inside my night. They basically destroyed what was once Chip and turned him into, well, a monster.

Wanderer's Lullaby
Artist: Adriana Figueroa
Context: Character Theme
Notes: Totally Chip's lullaby. So much sads.

Other Themes:

Dance With the Devil
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Context: Harrow Theme
Notes: Broken as the beast become. Left to rot in the despair of his own descent.
Meltdown (Rauch Remix)
Artist: Love and Death
Context: Chip/Harrow Theme



Current Server:

Contact Information:
No longer available ingame, but I do frequent Skype often! You can also reach me here: RPC Profile


■ Layout adapted from the profile of D'lyhhia Lhuil
■ Music tab taken from the profile of Glioca Sargonnai
■ Color Key taken from the profile of Seiko Mamushi
■ Inventory idea taken from the profile of Odette Saoirse