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=== '''''<u><span style="font-size:medium;">PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)</span></u>''''' ===
=== '''''<u><span style="font-size:medium;">PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)</span></u>''''' ===
<span style="font-size:smaller;">''Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.''</span>
<span style="font-size:smaller;">''Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.''</span>
: <font style="color:#EE82EE;" size="1">■</font> "Ms. Hona? She's a very fine Roegadyn. Very strong and a pleasure to have as a company. Ah? My face is red? O-oh...'''~Ayaka Yatsurugi'''
: <font style="color:#EE82EE;" size="1">■</font> "Ms. Hona? She's a very fine Roegadyn an--Ah? My face is red? W-whatever are you talking about?'''~Ayaka Yatsurugi'''
: <font style="color:#EE82EE;" size="1">■</font> "Insert rumor here." '''~Name'''
: <font style="color:#EE82EE;" size="1">■</font> "Insert rumor here." '''~Name'''
: <font style="color:#EE82EE;" size="1">■</font> "Insert rumor here." '''~Name'''
: <font style="color:#EE82EE;" size="1">■</font> "Insert rumor here." '''~Name'''

Revision as of 01:49, 24 October 2016

Honaebryn Guhtwyb
The Gentle Giant

Life's free, it's livin' that's costly.

-Honaebryn Guhtwyb

Vital Information

NICKNAMES... Honae, Honest

RACE & CLAN... Sea Wolf Roegadyn

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... Forty-nine (49) | 16th Sun, 3rd Astral Moon

ORIENTATION... Bi-sexual.


Other Statistics

CITIZENSHIP... Limsa Lominsa

RESIDENCE... None - travelling always.

OCCUPATION... Adventurer & Diplomat-for-Hire

PATRON DEITY... Llymlaen (The Navigator)

HEIGHT & PHYSIQUE... 7'11" | Muscular & Defined

ALIGNMENT... True Neutral

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Honaebryn Guhtwyb
The Gentle Giant
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolf
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 49
Deity Llymlaen (The Navigator)
Orientation Bisexual
Marital Status Single
Occupation Adventurer
Nameday 16th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Honaebryn Guhtwyb or just Hon, is a wandering free-spirit. Truly independent and full of love for life, she has the markings of a mature, aged Roegadyn woman. Nothing elderly, but more than a few scars, wrinkles and mature social cues to know she is well-travelled. A vicious, blood-curdling scumbag pirate in her youth, rejecting The Code for far too long, she walked out the door of that life not long after the Calamity where she lost everyone she ever knew. Though simply walking out wasn't solely for that reason. No, there's an underlying intellect hiding beneath the imposing figure, a beautiful being tucked away and hidden for some reason she cannot explain. Seeing the pointlessness of raiding and pillaging, the erosion of her willpower is what drove her to abandoning that life.
And it put a target on her back. But that's not to be told here.
She enjoys Eorzea and its wonders, though with the introduction of Au Ra, a people she had not met when they initially took residence of Mor Dhona. She admires their aesthetic and strives to converse with them anytime she can, favouring the height of the males to match her own and the sleek beauty of the diminutive females.

Your Character's Inventory

Last updated: 10 15th, 2016

* An Eyepatch! Grawr!
* Small Gil Pouch
* A fabulous coat with all of her gear; lockpicks, scope, scrolls of what she has found.
* A dagger.
* A flask of water

Current Situation

Mostly for hire to do simple grunt work, she does not tend towards violent jobs. Becoming a pacifist of sorts, she likes diplomacy and would appreciate an accomplished noble to teach her the finer aspects of this. As it stands, she can be hired to represent someone if they have need of a Roegadyn advisor.


Height: 7'11"

Complexion: Pale, almost white.

Hair: White

Eyes: Bright blue

Strong face with firm jawline as well as a clear but fierce bright blue eye on one side while its pair is of milky shade due to X, marring her face with a permanent scar across her eye from the top to bottom; said eye is covered by an eyepatch most of the time.

A beauty mark is nestled near her puckered, kissable lips while the entirety of her face has been marked with a tatoo/facepaint(?) that goes across her face and dotted along its path. Covering her head would be silvery white locks, braided and tied behind into a neat but stylish pony tail.

As far as her body goes, given her size it's natural to assume muscles to be underneath her clothes. And that is right, she is incredibly muscular and bulky, either from a rich upbringing or just good genetics her form is sturdy to the last, rounded off shoulders capped thick arms that could wrestle a morbol to the ground! Though obviously that may be exaggerated. Her torso is taut, with a six-pack and large breasts but nothing too ripped or shredded, rather fattened up since she isn't a bodybuilder. She has mass. Her thighs are thick, as are her calves which are taut enough to break a blade! Probably.
Regarding her voice... it would be like silk being spread over stone. Just deep enough to be distinctly Roegadyn, but with a fashionable lilt that can only draw one in. Part of why she was dubbed the Siren during her years on the seas.
She is not extremely faithful to hygiene and sweats often from heavy garb and being pale, used to wearing very little out on the seas. Though she does try and spread some soap or dried leaves under arm to keep it from getting TOO bad.


She could be considered approachable, mostly for the way she carries herself. She does not use her size as an imposing presence upon people, rather seeming relaxed and poised with carefree postures and warm smiles sent to those who meet her gaze. Although, that gaze is very intense, not something she tries for but it happens anyway. She's nigh impossible to offend and will get on with just about anyone who treats her with respect.
People who just meet her and people who have known her for a lot longer will mark the difference, she becomes way more relaxed, humourous, mischievous and sensual with close friends. Her ties to the past severed, she thrives upon newfound relationships and friendships, and would do anything for them to remain.
Her past haunts her
Never bows to those who think themselves her superior
Gets lost in her thoughts
Sexually repressed
Enjoys working out TOO much
Being found by someone from her past and tortured
Being put on a pedestal and humiliated
Large crowds around her
She's a terrible tease
Smokes when she is outside
Sometimes likes to show off her muscles
Can sometimes be too forward with her advances
Intelligent, sweet, endearing conversation
People with the same thirst for life as her
Seeing her friends in pain
Being tied to one place
People with a superiority complex
Talents & Hobbies
Can balance a pebble on the tip of her tongue
Favorite Color: Ocean green
Favorite Food: Bread!
Favorite Drink: Water...
Favorite Scent: Seawater
Favorite Place: Overlooking the sea, on a ship or balcony
She has had less than five sexual encounters despite her age
No person can have her heart unless they steal it
Violence is a last resort

An optional blurb about how your character looks and behaves during combat.


Her fists are a weapon in and of themselves. But she has a dagger, and is proficient with one handed swords, axes, shields, larger two-handed weapons, lances and greatswords. By no means an expert on the latter few she does have enough vast experience in fighting those who wield larger weapons to be a threat.


Er. No. Not much at all.


Never got into much except how to cook and make basic clothes.

General Story

Growing up and being raised in Limsa Lominsa she is more than accustomed to the harsh climate of the seas, from a very young age she was put to the test both on land and sea to become a weapon. Her childhood was however, very pleasant on the most part. Aside from a few personal secrets causing a divergence and ending with her hurting more than a few lads, she grew into a beautiful young woman- who wanted to do nothing more than fight for wealth and personal gain. She grew a reputation as ruthless, formidable and wholly morally inebriated.
However, as another decade of the same pointless killing rose up over another dawn, she grew weary. Each day becoming harder to face knowing she might have to kill someone, or she could die - and with what? Some gil in her purse, a bad rep and the shame her family must have? No, that cannot be who she is when she dies. Honaebryn wanted to be MORE. A better person.
An elaborate plan was set, and though the rumour mill stirred she ignored it. Focusing on the plan, she sprung the trap and died. Yes, died. To those she called family on the seas, her friends and enemies would know she had died, her body never recovered. Of course she did not die, and went into hiding for months, becoming years until her patience was justly rewarded with the calling off for a search of her corpse. She travelled away, Eorzea was beckoning for an adventurer and she would do it justice, explore EVERY crevice and take wonder in every sight. Not for wealth of coin, but of experience for knowing it exists.


Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

"Ya know she can wrestle a buffalo? Aye! Seen it meself!" ~Lominsan Resident
"Fair price, and helped me deal with an unfortunate scallywag, with no violence! Good lass that!" ~Wandering Merchant

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"Ya know she was a pirate. Dreadful one too, real ruthless cutthroat." ~Lominsan Tavern Patrons
"... Saw her talk 'n Elezen down from castin' dark magic." ~Sailor

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

"She's dead? Doesn't look it to me." ~Gridanian Adventurer
"Heard she killed her own family, shame tha'." ~Ul'dah Citizen

PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)

Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.

"Ms. Hona? She's a very fine Roegadyn an--Ah? My face is red? W-whatever are you talking about?~Ayaka Yatsurugi
"Insert rumor here." ~Name
"Insert rumor here." ~Name
💑 In a Relationship Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Family Good Standing Neutral Wary Poor Standing Deceased


Ayaka Yatsurugi: A delightfully bright, adorable, gorgeous spot of sunshine in her new life. She bumped into this Raen after wanting to sit down on a stool and stirred up a conversation with her that led to a more carnal encounter. Suffice it to say she will definitely be friends with her and maybe, in the future, more.

Furious Sea: Only a brief meeting with the Hellsguard Roegadyn and they struck up a rapport. There's chance the Monk may teach Honaebryn about her art! Definitely friend material..

-The Raven

  XXX (  ●  ) - "XXX"

(Credit is due to Endel Blanche for the idea to add in this tab!)

Optional tab. Remove if you don't want. Here, you can put in little 'hooks' for your character - easy conversation starters so that people might find it easier to walk up to you.

  • Approaching her for a job/task that's meant for an Adventurer
  • Finding her in the Overworld - throw a tell first to set up the encounter!
  • Simply visiting her when she frequents a tavern

What I am looking for/interested in:

Basically, I'm down for whatever, whenever I can and wherever we find that is a nice spot. Honaebryn isn't an abrasive woman and there's certainly something for everyone to like, but she doesn't really enjoy people who are too down all the time, since she likes to live life to the fullest and will cheer someone up or try to - but their stubborn refusals to even be slightly happy deter her.

I myself however am looking for friendships both IC and OOC, the former can develop into more sexual or rivalry type castes.

Also this wiki page is a massive work in progress and many things, such as this template are donated from friendly helpful wonderful people!

What I will NOT RP:

  • I try to avoid RPs that doesn't include any sort of development at all.
  • Bloody ERP for the sole reason of cybering and people who continue to log out or poof in the middle with no warning only to offer no apology upon returning.
  • Nothing too graphically disgusting.


  • Empty for now!
  • Empty for now!


The Gentle Giant


This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte. (Personal) I would like to thank the creators of Glioca Character Template v2 and Rihxo and Nanagi's Template. Small edits were made within the codes.