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===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Additional RP Hooks</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Additional RP Hooks</div>===
: These can be used with discrimination and within reason, even if you don't know her!
: Please mention OOCly before you approach if you are going off these so this can be ascertained and/or planned out well!
These can be used with discrimination and within reason, even if you don't know her!<br>
Please mention OOCly before you approach if you are going off these so this can be ascertained and/or planned out well!
''You might know, know of, like to know, or have seen Corelyn if you:''
''You might know, know of, like to know, or have seen Corelyn if you:''

Revision as of 12:22, 20 July 2015

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Corelyn Rosefire
"Don't waste your time, or time will waste you."
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Server Balmung
Age 28
Sexuality Pansexual
Occupation Machinist, Magitek Engineer, Researcher
Height/Weight 5 fulms 6 ilms / NO ponze
Diety Unknown

Basic Info

Corelyn is truly a curious young woman. While a bit short for a woman claiming to be of Highlander descent, she still resembles a Highlander much more readily than she would a Midlander. She's a veritable genius in many fields, magitek, machinistry and magic among them, though she professes to having no workable skill in the latter.

"Ask me all the questions you like, but don't blame me for having the answers."
"If there's knowledge to be had, I WILL have it."
"Don't ever tell me 'nevermind,' and expect that to stop me."


Allagan relics
Being alone; privacy
Hot springs


Complicated social situations
Interruptions to her studies
Idiots/Idiotic behaviour
Confusion or not knowing things
The Garlean Empire (Mild paranoia)
Undead (Phobia)


Magitek Engineering
Swordfighting (esp. Gunblades)
Weaponcrafting (esp. Machinery)
Learning nearly anything
Singing, poetry

Appearance & Personality

Corelyn is a medium-height, somewhat stocky girl in her mid-twenties. Though she is apparently of Highlander descent, she is a bit short and pale for it, which seems to leave her standing out in a crowd of her peers. She wears black eyeliner and lipstick, and her tightly-kept nearly-platinum-blonde hair is tipped in black, the rest bearing similar dark highlights, bangs kept just long enough so as to completely obscure her forehead. She does not appear to have any tattoos or markings of any kind, at least at a cursory glance. She has various piercings up and along her ears. A pair of dark-rimmed glasses always perches atop her nose, her teal eyes gazing studiously forth from behind them, perpetually analysing her surroundings, as if de-constructing everything around her down to numbers and figures.
She keeps to modest clothing to avoid unwanted attention, hiding a more protective layer of light armour beneath to protect her in her travels. She is never seen without a tome, grimoire, or other such book, as well as multiple writing implements kept safe in a satchel at her waist.
While very seldom seen, she also possesses a number of different firearms, including more than one gunblade. She also keeps what she calls a "ceruleum battery pack" for use in various magitek and machinist implements - a stark contrast to Skysteel Manufactory's own Aetheroconverter.
Corelyn tends to be fairly-well-mannered and cultured, bearing a distinct understanding and knowledge on a vast number of subjects. However, she tends to be fairly awkward and can often misinterpret social situations or cues. She often watches people, as if reducing them to statistics in her head, picking them apart piece by piece in both personality and appearance. She is fascinated by technology - Allagan or Garlean - and has a tendency to get quite excitable when talking about it.
In combat, Corelyn tends to remain at range for a good deal, though she exhibits considerable skill in close-quarters combat with a blade, especially gun-based magitek or machinistry weapons with blade attachments or vice-versa. Her studies into the working of Garlean culture and mechanics seem to heavily influence many of her styles and forms, seeming almost directly descended from those of the Garlean military.

Trait Scale

Chaste         ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡   Lustful
Energetic     ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡   Lazy
Forgiving     ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡   Vengeful
Generous     ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡   Selfish
Honest         ♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡   Deceitful
Just             ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡   Arbitrary
Merciful       ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡   Cruel
Modest       ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡   Proud
Pious           ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤   Worldly
Prudent       ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡   Reckless
Temperate   ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡   Indulgent
Trusting       ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡   Suspicious
Valorous     ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡   Cowardly

Known Biography

Corelyn, of late, has taken up with a band called the Order of the Compass and has been undertaking her expeditions with peers in the free company, to places as far-reaching as Dravania. The results of these are as yet unknown, were they fruitful at all.
Directly following the Calamity at the Battle of Carteneau, she is vaguely known to have been in the company of a company of privateers aboard the late vessel "Coeurl," among whom she was closest with an elezen man by name of Aiouxdaux Beaumont. Her role is unclear, but it can be assumed that she assisted in deconstructing and repurposing stolen Garlean weaponry and technology.
Much of Corelyn's earlier history is a mystery. She has nothing to say about much of it, usually waving it off as unimportant. What is known, however, is that most recollection or record of her in Eorzea begins shortly after the Calamity, and records concerning her are by and large inaccessible to most, save for very basic details. She has done some small amount of work with the Arcanists' Guild in Limsa Lominsa, and has travelled a good deal in search of Allagan ruins and abandoned Garlean facilities to study the magicks and technologies of each or either. She is known to have hired or taken up with various companies of mercenaries and scholars in order to further her pursuit of knowledge, often delving into ruins or abandoned facilities.


  • Accompanying Corelyn at times is a tiny Magitek Bit known colloquially as "Bit" - a deweaponized magitek construct that acts as a secretary and kind of companion at times, though it seems to annoy her rather frequently.
  • Though she has a vast knowledge of firearms and other forms of combat, Corelyn insists that she take non-combat roles when possible, sometimes even claiming she has no skill in such.
  • Corelyn's phobia of undead is extreme, indeed. When confronted or touched by one, especially a zombie, she will enter a freznied panic state and attack with anything she has on hand in an attempt to utterly destroy anything that could be undead. At that point of panic, that could be anything that moves. If unarmed, she will likely enter a catatonic state from fright.
  • Corelyn has a very slight accent that would be hard for most to place when she is excited or otherwise emotionally-fuelled and not speaking carefully. Otherwise, she would sound perfectly "normal."
  • Corelyn has an inn room at Camp Bronze Lake which has practically been converted to a workshop. It's unknown just how much she pays the owner, but it must be steep.
  • She displays next to no attunement or ability in aetherical manipulation of any kind. She claims she was just never meant to be able to do so due to some personal flaw; she has the knowledge, but lacks the skill.
  • Corelyn has a soft spot for sweets - especially pastries.

Character Music

Character Theme: "Oh No!" - Marina and the Diamonds
Ambient Theme: "Science" - Two Steps From Hell
Action Theme: "United We Stand, Divided We Fall" - Two Steps From Hell


Corelyn tends to be particularly tight-lipped about her family. She seems to know they're alive, somewhere, but says nothing about them, if she even cares much (she doesn't really seem to).

Friends and Acquaintances


Aiouxdaux Beaumont
Corelyn: "I owe him my life. He is my best friend, and I would do most anything for him."
Following the Calamity, Corelyn met Aiouxdaux and his Miqo'te crew aboard the vessel "The Coeurl", and sailed with them for some time as privateers. Primarily ransacking and plundering Garlean vessels, Corelyn eventually found herself a wealth of knowledge in the wrecks and loot, learning a great deal about magitek and putting that knowledge to good use. However, the ill-fated Couerl eventually was to be no more, and the entire crew, save for Corelyn and Aiouxdaux, who remained unknowingly separated for a bit over a year, perished in the horrible event. The only but recently reuinted, and have thus far spent a great deal of time catching up.
J'azhar Tia
Corelyn: "Such a charmer. He and Aioux could be attached at the hip and I doubt neither would mind."
Not long after having been reunited with Aioux, Corelyn was introduced by the same elezen to J'azhar. They spent a good deal of time talking, and have met again several times since, especially as the desert-faring miqo'te is so important to her best friend. She is curious about him, and would like to get to know him more since Aioux trusts him so well, but has yet been reluctant to make good on that desire.
Aya Donovan
Corelyn: "First a hyur, now a miqo'te due to some strange situation... and no less awkward for it."
Corelyn encountered Aya while reminiscing with Aiouxdaux, and then several times after. While their conversations have not been incredibly in-depth, Aya has nonetheless become a friend to Corelyn. She has confided quite a few private things to the young woman, by choice or circumstance, and seems to trust her quite a bit. They have explored Dravania a bit together, along with Jadoth and S'imba, all from the Order of the Compass.
Jadoth Bloodreign
Corelyn: "Jumpy, shifty, and a bit brash... but he means well, and he can certainly cook."
Jadoth: "She's kinda confusing, but that's only because she uses too many big words that only those scholarly types would know."
Met at the same time as she met Aya, Jadoth was, at first, somewhat shifty and aloof, but eventually warmed up some to Corelyn. Eventually, they met several more times, usually at the same time as Aya, having been friends with Jadoth before they met Corelyn. He joined the Order of the Compass following Aya and Corelyn both, having followed them inside the company's headquarters. Since, he has gone on adventures with them, and also knows a deal more about Corelyn most would at first glance.
T'jerris Nhorenas
Corelyn: "A strange one, indeed. I feel she has identical siblings. I keep seeing duplicates with different hair..."
Also met with Aya and Jadoth, T'jerris has spoken with Corelyn a number of times since their first encounter, as have the miqo'te's apparent sibling, though she has only met once. They spoke briefly about forming a free company or band of common-purposed adventurers, but she has not sine heard from T'jerris.
Rose Typhoon
Corelyn: "She is certainly not the brute she seems. Quite a good conversationalist, to be frank."
Corelyn encountered Rose during a meeting at the Order of the Compass headquarters, and spoke for a short time about some of her own findings on a mission on which she and some others had embarked. Though uninterested, Rose eventually piqued Jadoth and Corelyn's curiosity with her unusual fire-aspected fist-weapons. They spoke at length about the properties and how they worked before parting. They have met once or twice since.
Sven Volkorus
Corelyn: "There is so much more to this man than I feel he could ever let on."
Corelyn initially met Sven when directed to the Order of the Compass by a band that aided her research in a ruin in Thanalan. While slightly intimidating to her, she also admires him a bit for what she sees as a great relationship between himself and those with whom he works in his Order. She is leery of him since an incident during a meeting at which she is present, but she has enough trust in the man to stick around, especially as the Order has been so good to her since her initiation, not to mention he, himself, has proven to be a trustworthy person thus far.
S'imba Tia
Corelyn: "Troubled. Very troubled. Something about him seems off, but..."
S'imba accompanied Corelyn, Jadoth, and Aya on a mission to the Dravanian forelands to investigate the expansive ruins therein. While a very effective bodyguard, and an even better scout, he struck Corelyn as highly aloof and pensive a good deal of the time. She would like to find friendship in the tia, but feels it may be an incredibly difficult road, and, being ever averse to even "simple" social situations at times, she has avoided it.

Old/Inactive Entries

Show text


Some of these rumours are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumours under PC!

◢ Common Rumours (Easily overheard)
"I've heard she spent a whole day and a sack of gil at the Bismark, workin' in those books of hers."
"Corelyn? Good girl. Bit queer at times, but she's got a good heart if ye can manage to keep 'er int'rest."
"Says she ain't got much magical talent, but don't let 'at fool ya. She has some weird way 'round it. Think it's the ink."
"Don' let 'er fool ya. That girl could take your 'ead off from a malm away if she wan'ed."

◢ Moderate Rumours (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"She don't stay in the Wench n'more. Heard she blew one of the rooms clean up with one'a them backfirin' spells."
"I'm not sure where she's from. She never speaks of it; she just showed up in Limsa one day, looking for work."
"Ever seen 'at patch on her fore'ead? Hard to notice. Says it's a bandage, hides it with'er 'air. She mus'it 'er 'ead a lot. Always 'as one on."

◢ Rare Rumours (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Ain't any idea where she's from, but I 'eard Rosefire ain' even 'er real name."
"Swear on me life, I seen her with a pirate crew - wieldin' a gunblade, no less! It's the gods-honest truth!"
"Heard she was at the Battle of Carteneau. No idea how or why, though. My question is... which side was she on?"

◢ PC Rumours (Rumours from other players' characters)
"She's good in my book. She taught me a pretty important lesson about not judging people because of where they came from." -- Jadoth Bloodreign
None yet! Add some! -- You! Yes, you!

Planned/In the Future/Motivations

Recent Events and Stories

Nothing here yet!

Future Plans and Goals

  • Make future plans
  • Get some goals


Once upon a time, Core started working on doing things here. The end?

RP Hooks

You might know, know of, like to know, or have seen Corelyn if you:

  • Have worked with her in research projects, particularly in Garlean/Allagn/Nymeian ruins
  • Frequent the Bismarck in Limsa Lominsa
  • Spend time at Camp Bronze Lake, particularly the hot springs
  • Sell cheese danishes
  • Deal in aetherical theory, research, lore, or otherwise
  • Deal in magitek, ceruleum, or machinistry
  • Are involved with the Order of the Compass
  • Know Aiouxdaux Beaumont or his former crew on the Coeurl
  • Take bodyguard jobs for researchers

Corelyn might seem interesting to you if you:

  • Take a very close look at her books when she's flipping through them
  • Pay very close attention to her magitek implements
  • Enjoy discussing aetherical or magitek theory
  • Get a good look under her bangs
  • Like cheese danishes or tea
  • Sail, are a sailor, or like related subjects
  • Ever see her in armour or combat



WARNING: This information is kept hidden by Corelyn, and would not be easily known. This information would not, for the most part, be known to anyone but those in whom she has confided personally!
Garlemald Flag.jpg Corelyn nan Bellor
Placeholder person.gif
Awaiting picture...
Gender Female
Race Garlean
Clan Garlean
Citizenship Garlemald
Server Balmung
Age 28
Sexuality Pansexual
Occupation Machinist, Magitek Engineer, Researcher
Height/Weight 5 fulms 6 ilms / 162 ponze
Diety None

Basic Info

Corelyn nan Bellor, born to a line of magitek weapons experts, grew up learning and knowing all any native Garlean might, in her same situation. She was taught her family's trade in weapons manufacturing and innovation, and took it even further, developing all manner of small wonders as she grew and learned more. This prodigal talent roused interest when Nael van Darnus's VIIth Legion was to march upon Eorzea. She was conscripted and, at first, served proudly, until she slowly realized just where all she had been taught was flawed. Present at the Battle of Carteneau, she was left for dead in the wake of devastation left by Bahamut, only to be taken prisoner not long after. Eventually, she escaped and made her way blindly for the sea, starving, wounded and desperate. She was eventually taken in by Aiouxdaux Beaumont and his crew after proving she meant no harm. For her time aboard the Coeurl, she served as the crew's Galrean expert, helping to reverse-engineer Galrean magitek at sea and helping to keep them safe, all the while learning more about the curious Eorzeans. After the fateful crash, she took up a room in the Drowned Wench in Limsa Lominsa, having officially registered herself as "defector" under the Thalassocracy, though she remains hidden for fear of people's - and her own - fear of her own people. To this day, she works in a workshop of her own in Camp Bronze Lake with what resources she can muster in hopes of providing aid to the hard-pressed Eorzeans, that they may better understand and develop countermeasures to the advances and methods of the Empire.

"I love my homeland, but I detest the ceaseless need for conquest..."
"Judge by the actions of the individual, not by their circumstances."
"I'm surrounded by savages and crazy people... And yet, it's all so wonderfully charming."

Appearance & Personality

Corelyn is a medium-height, somewhat stocky girl in her mid-twenties. She is a bit short compared to some of her countrymen, but most definitely resembles a Garlean quite strikingly, including the third eye on her forehead, which she tries to keep hidden. She wears black eyeliner and lipstick, and her tightly-kept nearly-platinum-blonde hair is tipped in black, the rest bearing similar dark highlights to differ her from the platinum hair natural mostly to Garleans and few others. She does not appear to have any tattoos or markings of any kind, at least at a cursory glance. She has various piercings up and along her ears. When her third eye is exposed, she feels no need to wear glasses, as the only reason for them is the strange sensation of having the eye covered that the glasses help to lessen; whether her sight is flawed in any way is unknown, possibly even to her.
She keeps to modest clothing to avoid unwanted attention, hiding a more protective layer of light armour beneath to protect her in her travels. She is never seen without a tome, grimoire, or other such book, as well as multiple writing implements kept safe in a satchel at her waist. Many of her books, if one looks closely enough when she is flipping through them, contain Garlean symbols and markings, likely from her salvage or even one or two she saved from her time in the VIIth.
While very seldom seen, she also possesses a number of different firearms, including more than one gunblade, and including a clearly Garlean-made gunblade, presumably which she used when in service to the VIIth. She also keeps what she calls a "ceruleum battery pack" for use in various magitek and machinist implements - a stark contrast to Skysteel Manufactory's own Aetheroconverter, as she does not possess the ability, like most pure-blooded Garleans, to manipulate aether in any way without technology.
Corelyn tends to be fairly-well-mannered and cultured, bearing a distinct understanding and knowledge on a vast number of subjects. However, she tends to be fairly awkward and can often misinterpret social situations or cues. She often watches people, as if reducing them to statistics in her head, picking them apart piece by piece in both personality and appearance. She is fascinated by technology - Allagan or Garlean - and has a tendency to get quite excitable when talking about it.
In combat, Corelyn tends to remain at range for a good deal, though she exhibits considerable skill in close-quarters combat with a blade, especially gun-based magitek or machinistry weapons with blade attachments or vice-versa. She was trained extensively in gunblade combat while enlisted, and as such demonstrates exceptional skill with them, and can wield a normal firearm or long blade in nearly equal capacity.

Known Biography

Corelyn, of late, has taken up with a band called the Order of the Compass and has been undertaking her expeditions with peers in the free company, to places as far-reaching as Dravania. The results of these are as yet unknown, were they fruitful at all.
Directly following the Calamity at the Battle of Carteneau, she is vaguely known to have been in the company of a company of privateers aboard the late vessel "Coeurl," among whom she was closest with an elezen man by name of Aiouxdaux Beaumont. Her role is unclear, but it can be assumed that she assisted in deconstructing and repurposing stolen Garlean weaponry and technology.
Much of Corelyn's earlier history is a mystery. She has nothing to say about much of it, usually waving it off as unimportant. What is known, however, is that most recollection or record of her in Eorzea begins shortly after the Calamity, and records concerning her are by and large inaccessible to most, save for very basic details. She has done some small amount of work with the Arcanists' Guild in Limsa Lominsa, and has travelled a good deal in search of Allagan ruins and abandoned Garlean facilities to study the magicks and technologies of each or either. She is known to have hired or taken up with various companies of mercenaries and scholars in order to further her pursuit of knowledge, often delving into ruins or abandoned facilities.

Additional RP Hooks

These can be used with discrimination and within reason, even if you don't know her!
Please mention OOCly before you approach if you are going off these so this can be ascertained and/or planned out well!

You might know, know of, like to know, or have seen Corelyn if you:

  • Served in or fought against the VIIth Legion - she may have been around
  • Are Garlean-born and around her age, or were schooled with her
  • Had any interaction with the Bellor family in Garlemald
  • Know of the Bellor family in Garlemald or what they generally look like
  • You work for the Thalassocracy in Limsa and have access to records on defectors

Corelyn might seem interesting to you if:

  • You know what a pure-blooded Garlean looks like (normally somewhat altered)
  • You can pick out a Garlean accent (normally masked)
  • Get a look at her forehead with her patch/bangs not obstructing it
  • Catch a glimpse of her personal gunblade or armour
  • You hear particularly interesting rumours about her and her origins
  • You fought in, were at, and/or survived the battle at Carteneau

Individual templates created by Bancroft Gairn, tab modification by Franz Renatus.