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"Why does his hair have black highlights? I doubt he was born with that."
"Why does his hair have black highlights? I doubt he was born with that."
"I swear. . . I saw this white haired guy with a tail longer than he was tall made of ice! It looked like a damn flail!"
'''Player rumors'''
'''Player rumors'''

Revision as of 01:58, 25 December 2014

 Aaron Iceblood
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"There's only two people in this world, the guilty and the dead. Take your pick."
Ice Eyes
Gender Male
Race Midlander
Clan Hyur
Citizenship Originally from Limsa Lominsa
age 23
birthday 2nd sun of 6th Umbral Moon
birthyear 1556
alignment Anti-Hero/Neutral


"I don't waste time. If I want something done I do it myself." - Aaron Glacier (Now Aaron Iceblood)

Brief Description- Aaron is a Ex Rogue from La Noscea, who was a member of the guild since he was 14, but left after an incident that happened on his 18th birthday. He stands 5"11 and weighs around 160 ponz. He was born with snow white eyes and black hair. But after a traumatic event that occurred right before he left the Rogues guild, suffering from Mary Antoinette Syndrome his hair turned white from the extreme stress of the event. Remnants of his black hair can be seen as highlights at the ends. He has a lean not overly muscular body and pale skin as well as a scar on his face, something he acquired one day after being ambushed by a wolf. He is generally seen dressed in black clothing, and loose hanging tabards like the gloam tabard. He generally carries a sheath with sets of twin swords/daggers on his lower back as well. Many of them about as long as his forearm if not a little longer. Though many assume them daggers Aaron calls them shortswords. He doesn't enjoy fighting and would rather avoid it if he can, hoping the sheathe full of dagger he carries is enough to deter most would be enemies.

Voice - Similar to Steve Burton

Theme Song - http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0wIedhX6Oyw

PERSONALITY - Aaron is a blunt about reality, quiet at times and reluctant. However at times he can be cheery and a bit awkward. He talks big as a catalyst to hide how reluctant and timid he is in reality. When he wants something done he does it himself as he doesn't like relying on others. He prefers to keep out of business that isn't his own and prefers to avoid unnecessary drama around him. His general response to things is "not interested sorry" or "Thanks for keeping me in mind, but I'll pass". He's not however afraid of people but will not speak unless spoken to, and even then he doesn't say much more than a couple sentence most of the time. His attitude fluctuates depending on how he perceives those around him and thus can be nice and respectful to some and downright an ass to others. His main quirk however is that when stressed or annoyed he pulls lightly at his white hair and starts to sigh. He's prone to making jokes that aren't all the time friendly, smartass remarks behind people backs and even cursing furiously when angered. However over all Aaron is generally a reserved person with few problems that care to imprint on him. He is so non chalant about most things now he has even shown casualness to his ice aether freezing his own body up on occasion before he frees himself.

Fighting Style

Cloud Strife Sheath Sword Pack by KrazyAznPen.jpeg

(Aaron's blade sheathe which allows him to carry 3 pairs of twin blades at once, however the fourth and lowest slit remains empty almost all the time as Aaron doesn't carry more than 3 blades at once in general.)

Being a rogue before he left, Aaron is adept in knife fighting and close combat. He focuses more on disabling his enemies than killing, opting to attack the joints and flanks of his opponents before if needed going for the kill. However when he wants someone dead he wastes no time putting on a viscous offense aimed solely at the throat of the opposition. His dual wield style and lack of armor allows him to focus on all offense, accurate and fast strikes to his opponents preferring to bleed them out and disable rather than forceful dispatch. On occasion he will throw his blades at his enemies knees or shoulders with high accuracy and follow up with a thrust into their throat. He rather prefers getting around to the flanks and blindspots over head on combat but nevertheless his skills are decent enough for him to hold his own against stronger and multiple opponents for a time. He also is able to augment his blades with his natural ice affinity aether to enhance his skills to the point he can freeze some enemies solid and chill the blood as well. Although do to his terrible aether control he opts to avoid using any aether at all when fighting in fear he'll wound up freezing himself over.

Weapons & Abilities

Aaron ambushing a Coeurl

Swords & Knives - Aaron is highly adept (yet not masterful) in the art of kenjutsu with swords and knife fighting. His ambudexterous trait and fast reflexes allow him to dual wield with equal strength on both sides eliminating a weak point of favoring one side over the other. He has also shown a bit of skill in throwing his weapons to tag mid to long range fighters though it's not pinpoint accurate.

Ceruleum poisoning - Aaron was injected with a large nearly lethal dose of Ceruleum at one point in his teen life, however it's been tainted through his blood to the point it doesn't react violently with his own aether but remains at a slightly less than lethal toxicity in his system and gives his aether a more liquid like appearance. This also makes his ice more like a liquid than a solid when used (however it quickly solidifies once out of his body) thus giving him a liquid ice aether unique to him. This ice isn't much if any stronger than regular ice aether however the Ceruleum makes his more potent and unstable to the point his body sometimes freezes parts of itself when he's under stress and can't control his aether. The poisoning has damaged a bit of his body making him suffer from intense pain when using aether for prolonged periods. He also occasionally suffers from cold burns and gets chills when under stress.

Aether Manipulation -

Tumblr nai4olznkS1rg40jko1 500.jpeg

During a time period when Aaron trained to master his ice affinity, over this period of time he suffered through the pain of being poisoned and stressing his already bad aether manipulation. This training was harsh, Aaron constantly suffered cold burns, frostbite and almost at one point froze his own blood over trying to master this. He had almost given up, when during a failed test of trying to freeze a small boulder he was ambushed from behind by a wolf in La Noscea. As he was about to be killed something sprouted out of Aarons lower back around his waistline and impaled the wolftthrough the chest. The wolf was then flung off Aaron and as he stood up he saw what it was, a icy like tail like appendage jagged like obsidian had sprouted from Aaron's aether in a form of mix between a solid and a liquid. As Aaron examined what just happened he'd come to the conclusion that he used a form of aether manipulation, like one would use to summon fire or use water in their attacks, Aaron while not able to project his ice affinity into ranged attacks or even weapons, he is able to use his ice as a physical extension of his body in the form of a "tail" that is flexible yet dense. This "tail" acts as a extra limb and a glass cannon like weapon. The outer "edge" of the tail is sharp and jagged like a blade allowing it the cutting power of obsidian however due to ice in itself being a fragile element, the tail has little defensive capability, being easily cracked and damaged when put under high loads of stress. The tail has also shown slight regeneration capabilities over time and will repair itself slowly if it isn't damaged to the point of breaking.

It seems to be controlled by Aarons state of health, as he trained he'd notice when under extreme stress, fear, or any negative emotion the tail would fail to form, break at the slightest hit, or simply not form. Only when in good health can he use the ability, but he himself views it as something "odd" or "demonic" and thus he's never used this ability in public. Preferring to stick with his generic weapons he carries.


Childhood (1 - 14 years) - Aaron was born with jet black hair, the white hair a outcome of a traumatic event later in his life. He grew up a rather shy and reluctant individual in Limsa Lominsa. His mom would always wonder why he was so quiet and why he refused to go play with the other kids his age. His dad stayed out at sea as a soldier of the Maelstrom so they spent little time together. Aaron however even at a young age seemed to have a real solid grasp on reality. When something didn't go his way he wouldn't complain. He'd simply say he understood not everything goes as planned and with this attitude one would see Aaron as nihilistic about life when in reality he was just understanding about the troubles in the world. Instead of going around with others way of getting mad when something happened Aaron would just hope for better later on down the line. He also seemed to prefer the company of animals, especially dogs as they seemed to relate to how he felt better than any person he met.

He and his mother weren't the richest inhabitants of Limsa, in fact they were quite average class income wise. They spent a lot of time together, Aaron and his mom Iris would frequently explore the city just so Aaron could go out and see every sight with someone as he didn't enjoy the company of anyone else. However because of his mom letting Aaron stay solitary around only animals for company Aaron would develop a social awkwardness when it comes to people. He'd fail at regular conversations and was a little to blunt with his words often leading to altercations with other kids when he DID talk to them. This got him in fights and more often than not he'd be beaten up or jumped having a lack of experience with combat do to his solitary lifestyle. When he told his mom about it, though she was concerned for his well being and safety she would simply tell him he'd have to figure out a solution by himself. Because anymore condoning how he was would only make him more socially awkward and that it was too late for her to act on it (him being almost 14 around this time).

Over the next few months Aaron would begin to find alternative solution to solve his problem. From learning by himself how to sneak around and avoid people who didn't like him, to fast escapes and amateur parkour moves for evasivness he learned through observing how animals like cats were able to scale buildings and high areas. This would over time form and mold his young body into a subtle and lean muscled one as he enacted the skills he learned. He'd also learn that appearances could be used to bluff his way out of trouble. So he started to wear ragged clothing and get face tattoos on him as well as carry a multi sheath full of daggers around his lower back as a way to look intimidating. He also began to talk himself up and put on an arrogant attitude to further this facade he was a tough and dangerous individual to mess with. Over time he would realize how effective this is on most people and it would soon become a part of who is is. People no longer bullied him when he was a little too blunt with his opinion because he looked dangerous. This would soon make him get overly confident about his abilities making them something far above what they actually were. Though his mother said that his alternative was a good one she warned him not to go too far as not every kid could be put off by bluffing. Taking heed seemingly Aaron would go on through his pre teens with little trouble.

Teenage Years (14 - 18) - Aaron, having gained a new look on avoiding trouble by bluffing had almost mastered the art. He also was even more adept at stealth and evasion due to using it as a trunk card should his bluff be called. Aaron could escape almost anyone and anything he wanted. He learned all the hiding places and tricks of escape and added it into his arsenal of bluffing his way through life. It got to the point where he began stealing from the very kids that used to pick on him from being awkward. Carrying around oversized daggers to back up his words Aaron got most of what he wanted without a fight. However deep down he wondered why his mom let him do this, she never complained about his stealing only telling him to not get caught which perplexed him. When he asked her she would just say that his way of doing things worked and that she wouldn't fix something not broken. Ok with this answer Aaron kept up his attitude.

One day however, while sleeping inside his house he would awake to the sounds of rustling. Getting out his bed Aaron would go down with his two cobalt daggers and head to see what the noise was. What greeted his eyes was a couple people breaking into the house, they were getting robbed. Thinking he could bluff his way out of this endeavor Aaron confronts the two robbers and puts on his usual act. Showing off his weapons and talking big. These two people however were not affected, they told Aaron to kill them if he wanted them to go away and began to advance onto his position. Realizing his plan had failed Aaron soon found himself in a fight for survival against two people more skilled than him. Using his skills he'd honed as a kid with running and evasion Aaron would with a bit of effort get past the two attackers much to their utter shock. They'd chase Aaron through Limsa Lominsa at every turn amazed by his apparent speed and agility with maneuvers through out the alleys of the city. After about 10 minutes of running they finally caught Aaron in a alley dead end and prompted to attack him. During the struggle Aaron decided to fight back defensively, using his reflexes and agility to dodge and wait for an opening. After a little dodging Aaron was able to reluctantly find a blind spot and attack one of the assaulters managing to gash their arm before he was then kicked off into the dirt. Right as he was about to be killed another person emerged from the shadows and took out both of Aaron's assaulters. When she stepped into the light Aaron would see it was his mother, holding two daggers dripping with blood at her side. She sighed helping Aaron up and taking him home saying she had to speak to him about some things.

Back home after talking Aaron would find out his mother was a Rogue, a member of a group of thieves who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. And it was because of her being a Rogue that they were able to live peacefully. However she told him the two people that tried to rob them were also rogue but they had left the guild. Saying they wanted to keep whatever they stole all to themselves. Aaron however was more interested in how his mom was able to kill the robbers so easily and her combat skills than about her history and what she affiliates with. Begging his mom to teach Aaron how she fought (using the excuse so he can better defend himself to convince her) Aaron would eventually through her get into the Rogues guild at the age of 14-15. However he had to also uphold the code of what they did, to give the poor what they couldn't. Not really caring about that Aaron readily said whatever yea to it and soon was on the path of learning combat to make his bluffs a reality he could back up.

Aaron as a Rogue

Learning through his mom the ways and skills of a Rogue Aaron's particular set of tactics proved useful even for a new member. His knack for bluffs allowed him to get most of what he wanted without bloodshed or drawing attention much to the guilds impression. He'd work with them, intimidating the wealthy and stealing from them to give to the poor. The thought of riches didn't concern him. All he cared about was honing his combat skills to complete his set of bluff tactics with a way to back them up if needed. Working in the shadows Aaron would become a valuable member and asset to the guild to the point of even getting offered for a promotion which he quickly declined. He would be a asset to the guild slowly learning as best he could the way the fought with daggers, how to conceal his self from view and many more secondary fighting skills. Finally one day, he would meet a mysterious woman named Aleria who was also a member of the guild. They would quickly become partners in a non lustful way and would go out like they were work buddies. A while after becoming friends Aaron would be offered a trip to Mor Dhona with Aleria to take from a travel group said to have a chest full of riches and be set for life. Aaron having little care for the actual morals of the guild would readily agree and go with her.

When they arrived Aaron would camp out with the black haired hyuress who was his close friend as they waited under a pass for the target. A rich carriage carrying gold and other items. . Aleria even saying they had vials of Ceruleum. Aaron not really caring for gil only came to see how far he had come under the training of a Rogue. As the carriage passed over they'd both spring out and attempt to rob the thing. Aaron trying his old intimidating advantage. However they would soon realise merchants were no pushover and found themselves quickly on the run. In a series of events, Aaron would be separated from Aleria and be cornered in a outstripping where he would then fight the assaulters. A struggle ensued and surprisingly Aaron having improved in skill was with effort able to defeat the two guards that were protecting the merchants that came after him. Letting his guard down however thinking he won, Aaron was blind sighted by one of them and had a string full of raw Ceruleum injected into his neck causing him extreme pain and agony. The agony was so great and stressful on Aaron that his hair turned white from the extreme stress of the Ceruleum ravaging his body, thus Aaron acquired Marie Antoinette syndrome. Writhing in uncontrollable pain the guards left him to die.

Aleria would soon emerge from being hidden and find Aaron paralyzed in pain. All she could do is watch as Aaron screamed. The air around them would then get extremely cold. . and Aaron would begin to cough up what looked to be liquid ice and leak volatile aether from his body as it slowly began to freeze him over. The Ceruleum, had reacted with his aether however due to them being in aether starved and barren Mor Dhona, it was unable to react violently and explode and instead melded with his aether awakening his ice affinity and liquidating his aetherial energy. Having been broken and defeated Aleria would return Aaron to the guild where he would be bed ridden for 2 weeks. In a series of events after Aleria would be kicked from the guild and Aaron's mom would be kicked from the guild as well for defending Aaron when they chose to punish him. When Aaron recovered, scared and distraught over his near death experience would then quit the guild of his own accord. Claiming that was too much for him to handle and the guild was too strict.

Adulthood (18 - 23 (his present age) -

Left - Aaron after the incident Right - Aaron after quitting the guild

At the age of 18 after leaving the guild (before they turned into what they are now) Aaron would go solo, easing up on his bluffing attitude and focusing more on his fighting and evasion as well as gaining a fear for fighting and death. His mom would leave for Doma sometime later prompting him to travel to Ul'Dah after the Calamity where he was now a drunken wreck of a male and nihilistic to the extreme. It would seem he had forgotten most of what happened with the incident in Mor Dhona save for his fear and would still bluff his way out of most things. Aaron to this day doesn't speak of what happened in his short time as a Rogue. He has tried to leave his mothers where about to fate and hopes one day they'll see each other again, as well as Aleria who disappeared after she was kicked. Recently he's recovered much of his old self and no longer drinks as well as lost his Lominsa accent.


Iconic Family

Iris Glacier (Mother) -

Cyrus Glacier (Father) -


Aerostein Epitaph - One of Aaron's closest friends and perhaps the one he talks to the most. Aerostein seems to be the one who understands Aaron's personality the most despite knowing very little about him and his past. The two regularly hang out and it would seem they are best friends or close. Many of Aeros friends however question if Aaron really is a friend of Aero's especially Deverell Jinx after asking Aaron if he even cared whether Aerostein had died if his sword had impaled him a bit lower from the shoulder doing their duel to which Aaron just walked away without giving a reply. After Aerostein and Aaron patched up their relationship it would seem another obstacle lately has pushed them into borderline enemies but that would change once Aerostein happened to come across S'imba and Aaron in Zanr'ak exhausted and bruised. After they escaped the two would become friends again.

Nysarias Ylrah - Perhaps the closest person to Aaron out of everyone. Aaron met Nysarias in the quicksand while talking to another friend. The two share a close relationship that Aaron is so strong about he got extremely depressed when he couldn't save Nysarias from her imprisonment along with Zanz and Aran. Despite their family like relationship people assume that Aaron and Nysa have a "thing" going on between the two despite the fact that Nysa has already been in a relationship with a roe named Zanz even before she met Aaron. Nevertheless Aaron views the Miq'ote as "The sister I never had." And is very protective of her. Aaron doesn't seem to know how he truly feels about Nysa, at one point they grew so close they had even kissed and probably more, but Aaron had stopped for some reason. Probably because he doesn't want to jeopardize the relationship they already have as friends. However Aaron most likely himself doesn't even know what he views Nysa as.

Deverell Jinx - A male Miq'ote that loves to tease Aaron and call him "idiot." The two share an odd relationship, even though Deverell swears up and down he doesn't like Aaron even as a friend when the two get near each other it's obvious Deverell likes Aaron as a friend and is a bit watchful of him. However they have disagreements every so often.

Berrod Armstrong - Not exactly good friends but Aaron has a high deal of respect for Berrod especially after he and the Highlands tore each other to pieces in a fight. Though Berrod said it was a draw after the battle, Aaron however believes deep down he lost and thus wants a rematch. He also noticed he and Berrod act a lot alike. Aaron would eventually get work as an affiliate of Berrods FC "Agent" however so far Aaron seems to be the outcast being one of the only people with Berrods linkpearl who isn't a official member. Thus he seems to be under the impression everyone is judging him harder than they would each other. Aaron seems to have great respect for Berrod, the highlander being one of very few people Aaron will not readily talk back to or disrespect.

S'vett Tia - Not much to say on Aaron and S'vett friendship other than the fact Aaron likes to tease S'vett about his fear of monsters and how he's always running around the place like he's lost his mind. The two do hang out with another Miq'ote named S'imba when they have time though. Lately however Aaron hasn't really seen S'vett anymore even thinking the poor man died.

S'imba Tia - Aaron views S'imba as a borderline little brother after they're recent hanging out. At first the two didn't seem to like each other at the least but they've been getting acquainted with tolerating each other and even became friends. They would soon venture out together to lead a tag team assault on Zanr'ak against the Amaljee and their quest would take a wild turn after they got captured. Still even when it looked bleak the two stuck through the hard times and eventually escaped with Aerostein Epitaph and Crisiet. Because of S'imba Aaron would also become good friends with the Miq'ote Vash Ashford and Raik Samil.

Niklas Gran - Aaron came across Nik one day at the quicksand as the guy wanted Aaron to help kick start his FC. Once the thing was set up at first Aaron didn't seem to tolerate Niks upbeat attitude much even calling him a spoiled brat, but after a faire in Limsa Aaron began to see Nik wasn't as bad as he thought, even to the point Aaron would go up against a opponent Nik lost to in the grindstone just to make the guy happy. However when Nik challenged Aaron to a spar afterwards Aaron already deteriorating in fighting spirit and his resolve due to personality problems and a moral crisis, would take on Nik knowing he was in no mental condition to carry out a fight which would ultimately cause Aaron to lose. This loss pissed Aaron off and now he's got a bit of animosity towards Nik for beating him. Aaron steady believes Nik caught him on a bad day and will not rest until he gets his rematch. Their spar showcased the darker side of Aaron as during the bout Aaron yelled out to Nik enormously that the two are not equals and that Aaron is superior. It is unknown as of now on what's causing this attitude in Aaron. The two would eventually fight again after Nik saw Aaron beat Merrimack at grindstone, and Aaron almost was about to kill Nik for hurting his friend Nysarias. However after the battle Nik apologized, prompting Aaron to forgive him. The two seem to be on a good standing now. The two have a complicated relationship. Aaron even once readily tried to kill Niklas once he realized his own life was in danger. This leads most to wonder if Aaron despite being called Niks brother and friend, really views the man in the same light. After Niks death which was soon followed by his sister Rena shory after Aaron has grown quieter and more nihilistic on the reality of life and death.


Rumors (Editable by anyone, go nuts people)

NPC rumors

Common -

"Never thought a guy could actually throw swords, not knives, but swords like they were playing darts till I seen this guy hurl a cutlass right through the throat of a Firedrake. Guess range is nothing to him."

"Aaron? The white haired guy always clad in black? Guys eyes are about as cold as the color I tell you."

"See that white haired man dressed in black? I hear he's nothing but trouble."

"That guy has more blades than the flames entire army!"

"I sometimes feel sorry for the guy, he can't seem to catch a break."

"He likes to keep to himself, heard he has some deep underlying issues."

"That guy gets so much attention from women, and even men! Yet he's never once showed any real interest in a relationship. His mind must be broken. "

"That guy won the grindstone tournament on the first time he went in. He didn't even know it existed before. "

Not so common -

" I heard he killed his best friend, wouldn't surprise me. He looks violent. "

"Dunno what everyone is talking about, I seen the guy around a lot. All he does is keep to himself or clean his weapons."

"He's not as bad as he looks I've talked to him before. "

Rare -

"I heard he killed his friend. . . the fuck?"

"The way he moves and acts. . . You'd think he was a Rogue. "

"Why does his hair have black highlights? I doubt he was born with that."

"I swear. . . I saw this white haired guy with a tail longer than he was tall made of ice! It looked like a damn flail!"

Player rumors

  • He claims to want to be like a big brother to me but doesn't seem to have my back when I'm in trouble. I'd never tell him this but he's one of my friends I'd die for to protect. - S'imba Tia
  • "He claims we're like family, yet threatens to stab me again. This man I'm very unsure about, but he's stronger than he appears to be. Approach with caution." - Aerostein Epitaph
  • "I do try to listen when Sir Glacier speaks; he does so rarely and it is profound. I wish I could say as much in few words as he." - Jancis Milburga
  • "I see potential in him. Far be it from me to nurture, I will watch him, and guide him when I can. He needn't know that I'm invested." - Berrod Armstrong


The Rogues Guild - Aaron was recruited into the guild of Rogues stationed in Limsa at the young age of 14 by his mother Iris. They saw how good Aaron was with his stealth and evasive action as a young boy as well as his reason for doing it. Eventually he would be recruited into the guild and would grow up learning in the shadows their skills and ability. However at the age of 18, after a traumatic event involving Aaron and a member of the guild caused Aaron so much stress and fear that he suffered from Marie Antoinette syndrome Aaron would quit the guild quite some time before they went super secret and changed their ways.

Arcadeus - Aaron is affiliated with Arcadeus lead by Ex Sultansworn Anelia Sadowyn. Initially Aaron didn't like Anelia and he readily disobeyed her orders leading to many argument and even getting him kicked. But over time after the deaths of Nik and Rena Aaron would calm down and be more open to her leadership. Even if he doesn't like her choices at times.

Agent - Another FC Aaron is affiliated with albeit more discreetly than most as he keeps it hidden. Though he knows little of what they actually do Aaron is always quick to aid them anyway he could. Being around Berrod leadership also taught Aaron how to calm down and be more calculated.


- Aaron's Kagune is not the same as the "Kagune" from the popular manga Tokyo ghoul. Although the series did inspire the concept of Aaron's Kagune namewise and shares a similar concept in ability to the Rinkaku Kagune mainly however the history behind it and everything else is not related to Tokyo Ghoul.

- Aaron is based off several things mainly my love of the element Ice and love of creatures such as wolves and eagles.

- Aaron is what I figure a living ice element would resemble.