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| name = Keroa Mosuke
| name = Keroa Mosuke

Revision as of 11:35, 16 April 2015

Ul'dah-transparent.png Keroa Mosuke
"Everyone bears scars, some are just harder to see."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 27
Place of Birth Unknown
Guardian Menphina, The Lover
Sexuality Unknown
Server Balmung
Nameday 12th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (approx)
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Say Hello to Kero: A summary

Blue text denotes most recent info changes. If you've read over this, but see blue text, check over them for new info.

  • When asked about where she comes from, she will likely tell you that she's been with Arky since her early childhood, and that seems to be all she's willing to divulge of the topic. She found citizenship with Ul'dah some time before the Calamity. When she first arrived she was with two others, Arky and Nanokie, the latter of which was believed to be their sibling. As not many know about her, there has been no need to clarify their relationship. One thing that will become easily noticeable, is her reliance on her partner, Arky. This man has not been seen in many months, and Despite all odds, Keroa holds to his idea that he yet lives and holds to his ideals as if they were her own. This causes her to make choices she otherwise would not if left to her own devices. Currently acting head of Aether Corp in his absence, she does what she can to help those in need in his stead.
  • She is not one to openly engage in social activities and is most likely to be found at their company hall, studying Aether, and seeing to the managerial duties of her new found leadership status which she only hopes is temporary. Of these duties, are included to aid those less fortunate, Aether's company hall has something of an open door policy. If one finds themselves in need of temporary housing, or a warm meal, or even sanctuary for a night she will do what she can to give them comfort and aid. Usually some small paperwork is involved if any individual intends on staying longer than a fortnight.
  • Those who come to her hall for aid quickly find that though she offers aid almost without question, she is suspicious and skeptical of all who come to her door. Pray do not expect a warm welcome from this woman should you require aid, and woe be unto you should you bring trouble to her doorstep and endanger any of Arky's legacy.
  • Any who spend time around this miqo'te will notice that she tends to favor Aetherial manipulation despite having a strict ban on it's use in the hall. She is possessed of a deep well of Anima, and proficient in Aetherial manipulation. Practiced in the arts of Thaumaturgy and Arcanima she has what could be considered a frightening skill with destructive magic, able to cast simple spells of fire or ice without the aid of an arcane utterance. The more powerful the spell, the more focus she will need to cast it, including chants and words of power. She favors flame above all else, and this fact becomes quickly apparent, especialy if you have the poor luck or sense to startle this solitary keeper.


Being a Keeper of the Moon she bears all the natural physical signs a s such. Wide dilated eyes, more pronounced fangs from her Keeper cousins and even her tail betrays her Keeper lineage, a white tipped tail.

Body :

  • Keroa is fairly short, as far as Miqo'te are concerned, standing at 5'3"
  • If one would be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her bare back, they would notice the strange tattoo that seems to mark several adventurers attendance to the Calamity. To ask her of it, she may not even know it is there.
  • Keroa's body is covered in a plethora of rather large and numerous scars. Her face, forearms, and lower legs have been spared these physical mutilations. However Keroa keeps these covered as often as she can. Despite residing in the desert, she is constantly seen to wear long sleeves, and long skirts or pants, to cover them. (This is knowledge to be used in the off chance a PC sees Kero showing her upper arms, chest, or back.)external link for reference.]
  • When you watch closely to her body language, you will see that only her right ear uses it's full range of motion. The left ear attempts to mirror the actions of its partner, but at best can only manage a sad little twitch or wiggle.

A close up example of Keroa's eyes.
  • Though one would not notice at a first glance her eyes are hetero chromatic, the right being a deep green and the left blue.
  • Keroa bears a 'beauty mark' below her left eye, accompanied by classic miqo'te stripes, three upon each cheek.
  • Just as the tip of her tail boasts pure white, so too are there stubborn strands of white in her hair. She has recently learned to her dismay that dye will not stick to these stubbornly white strands. With no family to inquire about it too, she simply doesn't question it and chalks it up to her keeper bloodline.
  • She wears an Astral choker that is present on her at all times. She is unable to remove it by normal means and has no intention of doing so. When close enough, "Arky" can be read on the setting above the Astral stone, and "As'tarotte" can be read beneath it. Sometimes she idly touches this as if to remind herself that it is still there.
  • (Keroas Character model has small baby fangs, Please do not take this as canon fang length. She bears traditionally larger canines. thank you for your cooperation!)


  • Not one to openly reach out and forge companionship, it is rare to see her strike up a conversation. Usually her mood is telegraphed through the language of her tail and ears. Unless directly spoken to, she will not usually speak, however if you hit the right topic has been known to go on one hell of a tangent.
  • Used to be easily spotted at the Sands. Nowadays it is rare to see her out at the Sands at all.
  • Most often seen wearing some form of facial cover, from visor's to masks. She seems loathe to show her face.
  • Cold and abrasive to strangers to the point of being rude.
  • wordlessly helps people she deems otherwise incapable, there are a few occasions where she can be seen at pearl lane and stonesthrow distributing supplies to the homeless.
  • Usually nowhere to be seen between the 15-20th of each moon unless she is stricken by an extreme case of wanderlust or an emergency requires her attention.


  • True neutral allignment based on the Easydamus test
  • When she becomes upset or excited, a noticeable change in her speech pattern occurs. Her words become short and broken, as though she were trying to talk faster...or maybe she just looses control of her tongue?
example:"Oh? and just what,exactly do you expect that would accomplish?" Would sound more like, "An' what th' bloody 'ells d'ye think yer doin'?"
  • When relaxed, it becomes apparent that she does not have a clear grasp on, or does not care for 'proper manners' As one could easily see her eating with only the use of her hands more often than one would see her use utensils.
  • Touched with void energies. those sensitive to it should be able to pick it up.
  • Stiff/shy with people she doesn't know, unless in the company of an individual she does know.
  • Has acquired the ability to see peoples aetheric aura
  • Telegraphs her mood through via her tail and ears, and at times, can be seen holding her tail in her lap to keep it still.
  • Will not hesitate to improvise, should the need arise. (using an arrow as a stick for shishkebabs, for instance.)
  • scratches at the nape of her neck when she's talking, an idle habit.
  • Has an abnormally low body temperature. Cold to the touch.


  • Keroa is loathe to relinquish her hard earned Dark Magics, and would just as soon toss a fireball at an enemy as put an arrow in their throat. both cases normally call for a bit of distance, but she wouldn't pause to improvise in close quarters if need be, and has been known to risk burns to her own person in order to deter any would be attackers.


Trusted      Safe      Neutral     Complicated      Not Safe (Run like Hell)


  • Arky is the only family known to Keroa.
  • Father: Unknown
  • Mother: Assumed deceased.
  • Siblings: Unknown

(Player Characters)

Arky Mosuke: It is unclear exactly what relationship these two have, however, it is obvious that they know each other very well, and that Keroa is fiercely loyal to this Seeker.
Haruki Aoyuki: A rather silent male miqo'te whom she had met through Arky. Ao has recently been 'tasked' with watching over Keroa at Arky's behest. She's found his mostly silent companionship refreshing, as she does not need to restrict her use of magic around him, in fact, she seems to enjoy casting blizzard spells around him. And he seems to truly enjoy each spell. Keroa seems to have developed some special bond with Ao. He's managed to push aside a few of her insecurities. Impressive, for a silent guardian. Ao is one of the rare few to actually fully win Keroa's trust.
As'tarotte Hyun: Arky's betrothed. She currently wears a collar to match her own, etched with Arky's name, just as hers is. Often mentioned in idle conversations, it is clear she has grown somewhat fond of this Seeker.
Granil Tempish: This Lalafell turned Miqo'te and back offers Keroa a fresh view on her Aether studies, and a rhyme or two to juice things up. Keroa feels relieved that Granil understands aether on the same level that she herself does. And, hopes to test the limits of her knowledge together with him. Assuming he doesn't brew up an explosive during his random musings.
Lanza Razaul: Hired security for Aether corp. After an initially rough few encounters, Keroa wonders if she was to harsh on this blonde hyur. Whether or not she admits it, Lanza reminds her of someone she knew when she was just a child, and finds herself developing something of an awkward friendship with him. He has not been seen in moons. She feels she has driven him away, and silently shoulders this burden.
Onuma Ahntifi: A passing accquantance that has bolstered a bit of Keroa's confidence, claiming that she wanted to get to know Keroa better. Recent event's had led Keroa into telling Onuma about where she came from, and how she'd met Arky. She divulged this information with some reluctance, however, as she merely did so to clear up confusion caused by her incoherent ramblings. She hopes that Onuma will keep those tales to herself, but as she forgot to ask her not to mention it to anyone else, she can only hope.
Kerr V'yen: A blonde haired Miqo'te Keroa met one day on her frequent trips to Ao's house, upon finding the house was occupied, Ao introduced the two of them, and they shared words, at first completely avoiding the topic of themselves. Some time later, Keroa would visit Ao's house once again, to find Kerr badly wounded, bandaged and unable to do more than wince in pain. As he is a friend of Ao's she offered to heal his wounds the best she could. After a short conversation then, she wonders if Kerr is safe to be around, but has promised not to speak of him or his whereabouts. Whether she has done this for Kerr, or herself, remains to be seen. Also: He sent her Rolanberries.
Alandiel Silmontaix: An elezen woman of refinement in Keroas eyes. She is calm and astute, and growing to be a presence she welcomes in the company hall.
Mikh'a Korofi: Without Mincing words, this young calico doctor has saved Keroa from the grasp of death a couple times, and seems to ask nothing in return other than the ability to check on her to ensure that she remains healthy. She is still hesitant to trust the young man, despite having already seemed to bare her soul to him in some small manner. He knows much more of her than she would prefer. All the same she is grateful to have him as an ally, and hopes that she will not come to regret trusting him.
L'mila Lania: A Demure Miqo'te whom Keroa is had a Hard time dealing with. She vanished once again, but serves a reminder for Keroa to care for herself lest she become too weak to even eat.
Altima Zeroblade: Altima was another accquantance met through Arky. She has proven to be someone that Keroa has chosen to trust, albiet tentatively, she is quickly growing fond of this battle ready Qo'te, as they share a mutual, odd relationship with Arky. Altima's disappearance, has further solidified Keroa's belief that, in the end, people are only ever temporary, and will end up leaving in the end.
Gus Pumpkinweed: Keroa has encountered this Lalafell more than once. Each time accusing her of ombrophobia, due to her choice of dress. His behavior may seem a little off to Keroa, however she doesn't think much of it. However, as he has approached her, with the offer of supplying gil and actual supplies in exchange for studies in Aether, she has become skeptical; Most just come to learn, few offer compensation. she has not seen him since.
Suzi Suzo: A Lalafellen spitfire that was brought to Aether one day by Granil. A good baker, and one Keroa would rather not end up on the bad side of.
Orpheus Arkouda: Keroa doesn't know what to think of this one. She is terrified and intrigued all the same and hates him for the simple fact that he cannot respect her personal space, and herself even more for allowing him to do so. she is off put by this beast of a Miqo'te, and is likely to turn tail and try to avoid him if she can help it. He has shaken her to the core.
Gunther Wallace: This charismatic Miqo'te often has Keroa's eyes rolling as she attempts to avoid him at every possible turn. His persistent, optimistic behavior however has been working in his favor. She sees a potential ally in him, and a great potential risk. After all, his line of work is worrisome for this paranoid miqo'te.
Lambert Arkwright: One that Keroa would sooner forget existed. Her many nicknames for him are "Redheaded Voidsent" "Twelves damned Redhead" and most recently "The Dullard". He has since been confirmed for dead.
Yangh Linh: Keroa has only had chance, small encounters with this deeply bronzed Keeper, but each encounter has only led to bad things happening.
Roswyn Valhuri: A young Miqo'te that Keroa met the same day she me Ao. She has been kind enough to help her keep an eye on troublesome Arky. After several incidents involving roswyn and Arky, Keroa feels justified in choosing not to trust Roswyn, and seems rather vehement on keeping the Keeper away from herself, and Arky. Has been reported deceased.



  • Discovering ways to manipulate Aether
  • Singing
  • Feathers
  • Wide brimmed hats
  • Fish


  • Confrontation
  • thick headed, persistent people
  • Secrets
  • Studying
  • Seekers
  • Strangers



"She used to be in here every other day, in her books. Now I see her pass by hardly once a month." Quicksands employee "Don't seem like she's got any friends. Might try my luck with her, they're the desperate type, you know." -Quicksand drunk


"She comes around here every so often when we're in port. She don't say much, but sure does enjoy watchin' the crew." -Captain of the Astalicia
"She pays her tab, but I swear if she insists on fryin' up another fish in here, I'll have Barderon toss her out!"-Drowning Wench server


"She's always carryin' that bow, but I swear to ye I once saw her spit flames from her fingers, Don't mess with 'er or yer like t' end up crispy."-Ul'dahn refugee

Player Character

(Feel free to add if you have spoken to her IC enough to develop an opinion to be shared with someone who would inquire of Kero.)
"I'm afraid her research may end up harming her but I can't bring myself to stop her. Especially when I know what it's for." - Altima Zeroblade
"Lovely." - Haruki Aoyuki

Possible past connections

the possibility for past connections with Kero are viable if:

  • Your character has a connection to seafarers of the past, favorable or not favorable with the law. There is an option here for parents/lineage to have known each other.
  • Your character has been related with the Wolf tribe in any way. Keroa spent 18 months with a small branch of the wolf tribe. They were xenophobic and abusive. Feel free to contact me with questions if you wish to pursue this venue.
  • Your character grew up in the streets of Ul'dah. Keroa spent a few years on the streets wtih Arky before he made it possible for them to stay at the Quicksands.
  • Your character has ties to the thaumaturges guild, as she frequented the Ossuary growing up, they taught her to read there, among other things.
  • If your character is an information broker, Keroa has long dead ties to pirates, contact me for details of how much your character may be able to dig up.