Onuma Ahntifi

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Onuma Ahntifi
Onuma SB.jpg
"I would bear mountains, if it meant I could preserve one precious thing in this world."

Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 28
Occupation Smithy; Lieutenant
Alignment Chaotic Good
Affiliation Maelstrom Foreign Levy 81st Company


ONUMA AHNTIFI (Pronunciation: Onu-ma Ann-tee-fee), is a miqo'te that lived on the outskirts of Gridania prior to the dreaded Calamity. She was one of a family of three that chose to recreate their lives somewhere in the southern reaches of the Black Shroud. Since that time, she is the only surviving member. Thinking she lost everything, she moved to the harsh desert region of Thanalan to try and start her life anew. When she arrived at Ul'dah, she had little but the clothing on her back, two throwing knives and a few mint currencies of gil on her person.

Six wild cycles later, Onuma is now the lieutenant of one 81st Foreign Levy -- otherwise known as the free company with no name. What began as a group of stragglers and misfits has turned into something formidable and unbroken. There is not a moment where this weathered woman does not express pride over the people she oversees on a daily basis, and though it is evident that they are a diverse lot, with differing levels of morals, honor, and loyalty, it is this very nature which she strongly believes has brought them together. She has made it her duty to stand beside her captain and her comrades, and help manifest the change they want to see.


Built with more bulk than most of her ilk, Onuma has proven to be something of an oddity. Myriad scars, scrapes, and old wounds paint her in the image of a disheveled soldier coming away from the field of battle and what she lacks in imposing stature she more than makes up by possessing an intense if guarded stare. Her black hair is often pulled out of the way, usually braided with shocks of white coursing through it. Her ears and long, leonine tail have seen better days, tattered and worn as they are, and her skin is extremely pale. Although she adorns warpaint across her face, there is one disfigurement there that stands about above the rest: starting from her left jaw and branching further down is a peculiar scarring, otherwise known as "lightning flowers" to some. She wears around her tail a sapphire blue ribbon.


Blunt. Honest. Tenacious. Onuma is nothing if not steadfast and protective. To this end, Onuma looks upon outsiders with a measure of wariness, and many times can be regarded as ruthless to enemies of her and the people of her free company. Because of this, Onuma's relationship with someone tends to begin through their first impressions. She either likes you or she doesn't, and that is how the way of things are. Her perceptions can change, given time and effort. Her feelings about things are sometimes hard to read, but her emotions boil on the surface often. Her ears and tail often reveal the most about her, when they become animated.




Uncrowded areas

Pushing her limits





Picking on Fen'rin

Riel'a, her godchild






Doing things that lack a purpose

Having no plan

Being told she's being difficult

Lack of communication




Black Magi

The Coerthas Highlands

Being high up into the air


Her determination to weather even the worst situations

Her loyalty to her comrades

Her love for her friends and family

Though strong, her agility on the field more than makes up for not being as powerful as others

Her innovative streak when forging weapons and armor


Her stubborn nature often gets in the way of her health and well-being

Her lack of faith and trust in herself sometimes blinds her to optimism, leaving her vulnerable and doubtful

Her protective nature can at times be overbearing when in the face of dire circumstances

She is hot headed, and quick to anger at times

She has to use excessive amounts of aether to control what little magick she possesses


This is a list of the items that Onuma currently is keeping on her person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 11/18/2015.

  • Throwing Knives: Onuma keeps a set of five on her at nearly all times, out of habit.

  • Sizable Coin Pouch: Onuma has a hefty sum of money on her. As she is the 81st's resident smithy, she regularly takes the opportunity to assess shop wares across the city-states, when needed.

  • Rations: These are mostly dried meats, fish, or nuts & berries stashed away in one of her travel packs. Sometimes these rations end up being delectable, home-cooked meals...

  • Various Medical Supplies:Between gauze, poultices, and medicinal potions, Onuma is prepared for the times she or others with her are without a mender.

  • Weapon(s): She is most seen wielding a claymore with a gilded crossguard, but there have been times where she is witnessed using a lance. Very rarely she will have a pair of daggers with her.

  • Toolbox: Onuma sometimes carries around a large toolbox. Within it are several tools and materials - hammers, files, and rivets included.

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
Feel free to use and edit this template to better fit your needs. However, please be sure to leave all credits in place. Thank you!
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