N'khai Nunh

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WIP wiki for Balmung's One millionth trash-bag Nunh



Given Name: N'khai Nunh
Pronunciation: [Neh-kai Noon]
Nicknames: Khai, The Nunh, Mister Chocobo
Place of Birth: Sagolii Desert, Thanalan
Current Residence: Reclaimers' Company Manor, The Goblet. - Ward 4, Plot 5
Employer: The Reclaimers
Marital Status: Mated - (Open)


Height: 5 fulms 7 ilms
Weight: -
Body: Lithe, toned and athletic; littered with scars
Hair: Chocolate Brown; Loose, prone to flopping back into a presentable state no matter what might be done to it.
Eyes: Golden Yellow
Skin: Mid-Hue Brown
Scars and Markings: Traditional Seeker markings on his cheeks and around his eyes; A number of smaller scars on his cheek, lip, right eye and forehead.
Clothing: Khai typically favors loose clothing that often covers his forearms, though not so much his chest. Trending towards warmer areas, loose and airy attire are his preference.
Voice: Khai's choice of words and tone often varies on a situational basis. Firmer and well spoken when addressing his tribe or company, casual and carefree with people he is comfortable with, more savage and crass when emotionally charged, as well as many others in between.


Onyx Pendant - A black stone fixed to a lengthy silver chain, often displayed against his chest.
Crystal Bands - A set of crystals fixed to the back of either of the Seeker's hands. The Aether sensitive would sense the energy faintly clinging to the mundane looking accessories
Leather Boots - A pair of black boots worn as frequently as the last two items. The Seeker hardly seems to make a sound at all as he walks, steps falling silent as if not taken at all.
Weapon Belt/Tanto - A pair of fine, Doman inspired blades resting within unremarkable sheaths. The weapons have that same faint aetherical charge as does most of his belongings. The blades themselves are obviously well maintained, though not without some signs of use more so seen around the hilts.



Though littered in scars and other signs of wear from his cycles of activity, the Seeker's body is far from the low point of fitness. In the past he has shown high levels of dexterity, speed, balance along with other displays of acrobatics that hint at the time he must spend to maintain such a level of performance. He is not however well muscled, toned no doubt but not a power house of any sort. This however has not stopped him from performing respectable feats of strength, though some of the more impressive cases should truly not be possible through normal physical means alone. In a world full of so many techniques and aether drawing abilities much could be assumed in those cases as to what sort of tricks he may be pulling.

Notable Physical Skills

  • Ambidextrous (Left-Hand often preferred)
  • High Pain Tolerance
  • Keen Senses (Sight, Sound, Smell)
  • Above Average Reflexes



Khai's ability to mold and shape the aether within and around his person is a skill he has often be pushed to use more often than he would prefer. Displaying an aptitude for both Conjury and Thaumaturgy, the Seeker's versatility in combat is only further enhanced by his grasp of both. Arcanima continues to be a point of weakness for the Seeker, only failing to grasp even the most basic spell in that school. He will often brush this fact off, not finding a use for the drawing of patterns of runes before combat or during to be a practical addition to his skill set. Aside from combative spell Khai has also shown a proficiency at healing, though even that is limited to basic mending of flesh and bone. More delicate healing is not something he has grown accustomed to at this point.

Notable Aether Skills

  • Thaumaturgy (Fire, Ice, Lightning)
  • Conjury (Water, Earth, Air, Healing.)
  • Aether Sensitivity (Able to detect minute shifts such as when a spell is being readied)
  • Precise Aether Control



While no master craftsman, Khai dabbles in tiny machinery along with alchemy. He has taken some steps in carpentry but to very little success. Tiny clockwork contraptions seem to be his preferred line of tinkering, things that require a steady hand and intimate knowledge to assemble and use correctly.

Notable Crafting Skills

  • Alchemy (Potions, Poisons, Toxins)
  • Engineering (Small Scale)

Traits and Tendencies



    • Meat (Most kinds, hard to go wrong.)
    • Vanilla (Scent/Taste)
    • Most types of Alcohol
    • Warm Days
    • Cheeses
    • The color Red
    • Tinkering
    • Folk stories, Legends and Fables
    • Spending time with his Tribe
    • Climbing


    • Vegetables (The true Evil of Eorzea)
    • Fruit Teas
    • Winter
    • Ignorant People
    • Ceruleum
    • Mandragora (And other similar Seedkin)

General History

It is commonly known that this Nunh does not often speak on himself unless specifically asked, and even then he is not quick to give many details to those outside his circle of trust. One thing that has slowly become public knowledge regarding the man however is that shortly after becoming Nunh his tribe at the time was nearly stomped off the face of Eorzea save a few survivors. One thing he has been more tight lipped on is why this event took place, though many close will often say that he does not even know for sure. Cycles later he has reunited with the few survivors of the tribe's massacre and over the past cycle in particular has begun to slowly rebuild from almost nothing into a tribe of world weary Seekers looking for a new family to call their own

Alongside this primary driving goal Khai has had his share of ups and downs, though thankfully for every cruel turn of fate there has always been something to come along to keep his spirits from sinking completely into the mud.

(WIP - More to come)

Recent Events

At this point in time the role of leadership has been thrust into Khai's hands, unlike when it was taken upon his ascension to Nunh. The former Director of the Reclaimers, Evaleigh Cevas, cast her role onto the Seeker's shoulders moments before announcing her retirement. As it stands the added weight of the company has done little to cut down on the piling stresses of the Nunh's life. The tribe, his friends, training, numerous people looking to spill his blood and the games of intrigue he continues to play are all well in the running to turn his hair prematurely grey and take his life from stress alone.


After moons of serving as Director and keeping tabs on the company's former enemies from his spot at the top, N'khai has since stepped down from the lofty position and settled into a slightly simpler life within the Reclaimers. Having taken back his previous role as head of the company's more subtle dealings, he once more has the luxury to divert his attention back towards his true aims. Though what those are have yet to be explored.

One of the Nunh's mates, N'kahli Sef, has also given birth to a pair of twins, N'hava Khai and N'tem Tia. As the first born under Khai's time as Nunh no shortage of attention has been paid to the little ones. Already the tribe as a whole buzzes with excitement for their future as a family. One can only hope that their spirits can stay high in the moons to come.

The Tribe


N'sef Nunh (Deceased) - Father
N'ama Vish (Deceased) - Mother
N'asir Tia (Asir Silenos) (Deceased) - Half-Brother
N'hilsh Sef - Twin
N'kahli Sef - Mate
Q'chacho Rana - Mate
Raelyse Dan'thion (N'raeya Thion) - Mate
Raymel Yhisa - Mate
N'hava Khai - Daughter
N'tem Tia - Son
Maia Kasmut
N'kara Shaihl
N'zala Sef
N'anya Key
A'lanhi Aqi
N'shaihl Tia ("Deceased") - "Uncle"
N'den Tia (Den'tan Freth) - "Uncle"



Y'nessa Innjah
Meyla Sarka
Mizhki Nymphea
Alyxiana Nymphea
Xao Ganajai
Sashana Star
Zanin Briggs
Ihrie Briggs
Miah Polaali
Nailah Quill
Hawu Jinjahl


Gudo Budo

Commonly Heard Rumours

    • "Ugh...yeah, I've seen him. The last thing the city needed was another "Nunh" walking about. Wonder how many girls are going to fall for this one before the realize he's a sham." -Local Gossip
    • "The Seeker with the raptor eyes? Comes in here almost five times a week. Swear I never thought I'd make this much gil off a sandwich cart. Don't know what I'd do if he stopped coming around here." -Street Vendor
    • "Came across that Seeker in red again. Lost count of the times he's come by asking about Miqo'te with yellow eyes." -Immortal Flames Private

Occasionally Heard Rumours

    • "The Raptor has started taking contracts again. Never know what the feck his catches are going to come in looking like. Sometimes all we get are ears, other times we it takes us bells just trying to figure out what the poor sod's face used to look like." -Bounty Office Clerk

Rarely Heard Rumours

Player Rumours

((Add to as you see fit. Just be sure to leave your name~))

    • "Th'Nunh? Oh, be careful'a tha' one. I ain' think anyone can quite compliment like 'at cat. 'Nough t'make a grown woman melt. Gods almighty. In th'same regard 'e can tear 'em down respectively. Watch y'tongue." - Meyla Sarka
    • "Ah... That one there?" The woman paused, her smile broadening into something almost devious. "Well, as the old saying goes...one should never stray too close to the sun, for it will ruin you, savvy?" Folding her fingers in her lap. "Good company." - Hawu Jinjahl
    • The Keeper snorted and thumped an elbow on the counter. "Aye, I know th'fucker. Shit, f'bout n'entire fuckin' cycle now. Got 'imself a buncha fuckin' girlies 'e can't keep from gettin' kidnapped," he grunted out raspily, "Owe 'im shit, though. Ain't a bad fella f'ye keep on th'surface. Push 'im, fucker starts losin' 'is shit, tha's when 'e starts doin' 'em crazy-laughs." - Ronin'ra Jinehga

Wiki Inspiration and Design

General Template Design: Modified from Jariana Rinjahl who in turn modified it from FreelanceWizard specifically the sandbox here

 N'khai Nunh
Placeholder person.gif
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun (Aldgoat)
Citizenship None
Age 24
Nameday 23rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Free Company The Reclaimers
Occupation Council Member, Business Owner
Patron Diety Oschon, the Wanderer
Server Balmung