Bartolomeo Filangieri

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 Bartolomeo Filangieri
"Justice Renders to Everyone His Due."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Jeridian
Age 28
Marital Status In a relationship
Occupation Sultansworn
Height/Weight 6'1" / 196 lbs
Orientation Heterosexual

Bartolomeo Filangieri (pronounced /Bar-toll-o-mayo/ /Fee-lan-gie-érie/) (16th Sun 6th Astral Moon (Nov 16)) is a midlander hyur born from a noble family in the petty kingdom of Jeridia, located in an island south from Eorzea and fairly near the continent of Meracydia.

Currently, he is a Sultansworn working directly beneath the jurisdiction of the Sultana and those of higher rank.

Pre-RP History/Background

1549 - 1567

Bartolomeo was born in his family's villa deep within the small metropolis of Jeridia, the main capital of the Kingdom of Jeridia. He is the youngest child of Lord Francesco Filangieri and Iolanda. His family was highly regarded and gathered a high influence within both the nobility and the crown of Jeridia. His family's wealth was greatly generated from the constant exportation of fish and resources, and the ever dominant legal slave industry that spread throughout the island. All slaves sold were miqo'te tribesmen or woman from the region. Such fortune made Francesco highly renowned in the nation.
Francesco had determined that the heir to House Filangieri would be Bartolomeo's older brother, Lorenzo. Thus, Lorenzo was being trained towards his father's trade, while this made Bartolomeo be brought neath a different path from both his father and brother. Grandmaster Manfredi, of the knightly Jeridian Order, offered to Francesco to take forth Bartolomeo and mentor him when he was at the age of six.
By learning both the teachings of his Manfredi, Bartolomeo managed to learn at a young age the chivalric code and as well developed a powerful zeal for his beliefs. Once he reached the age of 12, Manfredi brought forth Bartolomeo as a squire. By assisting the Grandmaster with meager tasks, he was rewarded with sword fighting techniques and tips to become a gallant knight.
By the time of his adolescence, tensions began to increase between the kingdom and the nearby miqo'te tribes that resided outside the walls. Harassment from both sides brought forth hate and a future war that would soon be declared. With much teaching received from his mentor, Bartolomeo grasped plenty of knowledge and skills that he swore to apply in the suns that were to follow.
At the age of 16, Bartolomeo was finally declared "of age" by Manfredi to become an official member of the Knights of Jeridia.

1567 - 1577

In the early portions of his adulthood, war was declared by the kingdom of Jeridia to combat against the neighboring tribes of the eastern portions of the island. Reasons for this declaration was due to the increasing tensions, resources and the merciless raids that the more violent tribes were giving to traders.
Many battles began to follow after the declaration. The war was risky, seeing as the hyurs were but a minority in the entire island. Fortunately, due to proper equipment and training, the tribes did not stand a chance in the long run. Bartolomeo and his knight-brethren participated in several battles throughout the five years' war that followed. Albeit being outnumbered, Bartolomeo and his comrades managed to outmatch their tribal enemies. The war was eventually won by Jeridia and resulted in a massive decrease in population within the tribal regions, eventually assimilating or enslaving plenty of tribes into the capital.
A year after the war's conclusion, new tensions began to rise within the court of Jeridia. A claim for the throne was brought forth by House Tavelli, where they blackmailed the king to place their head, Giovanni, into power. The King denied such accusations and this eventually resulted in a civil war that seemed hopeless for Tavelli's end. However, through schemes and conspiracies, Tavelli managed to bring forth the "oppressed" miqo'te populace to rise up against the authority.
This civil war resulted in many deaths, including Bartolomeo's father and brother who were found stabbed repetitively by a group of rival nobles. The city was under flame by both the populace and various rebel cells. Eventually, this overwhelmed the Knights of Jeridia, who were on the monarchy's side and lost. Grandmaster Manfredi, Bartolomeo and the rest of the knights were captured by the rebellious factions of the nation. The civil war ended with the beheading of both Manfredi and the King of Jeridia, concluding the reign of the last monarch of Jeridia.
Bartolomeo and many others during the war were imprisoned and left to rot in oubliettes for the few years that followed. Most died due to the poor conditions of the reformed nation's dungeons.


By year 1577, during the start of Sixth Umbral Moon, Bartolomeo was brought forth towards the reformed court of the now "Republic of Jeridia" to meet the new head of the nation, Doge Giovanni Tavelli. The Doge, amongst the other peers of the court agreed to have the former knight banished from the kingdom and to never return...


◢ NPC Rumors

◢ Common Rumors
"Damn lunatic started a whole commotion over this whore's outfit."
"Well, he looks calm and tired."
"Seems like the dedicated sort that Ul'dah needs."
"Foreigner, spouts out some weird words at times from a different language, he isn't from Ul'dah alright."
◢ Moderate Rumors
"I've seen him once without armor, he can never reveal himself without wearing something elegant."
"I think I saw this guy making out with a seeker once, titilated bastard."
"Looks like he has a thing for miqo'tes."
"Saw a bounty on him awhile ago, don't know if I'm mixing this guy up with someone else."
◢ Rare Rumors
"I've heard that the man's related to a group of slavers."
"Heard he killed a group of Brass Blades in the middle of Thanalan."
"Apparently he was banished from his home for horrible war crimes."
"I overheard one man once referring him as the "seeker slayer"."

◢ PC Rumors

"From what little I've seen, I assume he's had a checkered love life, and he doesn't want me to make the same mistakes he has." - Unknown
"Even though he walks a path I can't understand and vice versa, I will never completely be able to erase the feelings I had for him, friendship and many other things. He walks a good path, and he is a good man, I only wish that things were a little different and we could walk our paths side by side again someday." - Siha Xinkei
"I have not had the pleasure of his company in quite some time. It is quite odd, really. I do hope he is well." - Coatleque Crofte


Romantic Interest        Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Most of Bartolomeo's family members were killed by the civil war that occurred in Jeridia, some might have survived the onslaught, but at the present Bartolomeo is the only known surviving member of House Filangieri.

Francesco Filangieri (Father, deceased) : Francesco hosted the most financially providing slave trade in the market of Jeridia. What was done to the slaves are often mystery, but when people used to question the man on the matter, he'd inform them to refer to them as servants rather than slaves. He allowed the masters of these miqo'te slaves to treat them under their jurisdictions, aslong as it did not "violate" Jeridian laws. The man was known in the Kingdom as an influential merchant, and at times aristocrat. Bartolomeo and his father however never managed to meet eye-to-eye, mainly because Francesco disregarded Bartolomeo as the chosen heir to House Filangieri was his older brother, Lorenzo. Once Bartolomeo served Manfredi's knightly order, Francesco stripped all titles from Bartolomeo but kept him in his court. Francesco perished during the civil war to place Giovanni Tavelli to the throne, when an angry mob of nobles stabbed him and his oldest son Lorenzo in the middle of the streets.
Iolanda Acquarone (Mother, deceased) : Despite his father's negligence, Iolanda did not mind Bartolomeo's presence, and often gave him counsel for anything he needed. His mannerisms and acts of behaving like a "gentleman" or dressing formally were received by Iolanda. Although Bartolomeo never witnessed his mother's death, the family manor was barricaded and burnt to the ground while she still remained within it.
Lorenzo Filangieri (Brother, deceased) : House Filangieri's future head was to be Lorenzo. Despite being arrogant, Lorenzo held great respect for his younger brother and did not hesitate to stand up for him if the event needed it so. Lorenzo was slain alongside his father during Giovanni's civil war.
Giulio Filangieri (Uncle, deceased) : After the civil war ended, Giulio was the only survivor of House Filangieri that remained in Jeridia with few discrimination. When Bartolomeo was banished and began to reside in Ul'dah, Giulio communicated with him through letters to understand where his life had been taking him. With time Giulio told Bartolomeo that the Doge of Jeridia wished to seek audience and reinstate Bartolomeo's status as a noble. Although Bartolomeo ventured into Jeridia and refused to take part in nobility, Giulio had to plot his way to reclaiming his family's previous status. After Bartolomeo returned to Eorzea, Giulio started to fabricate claims which was shortly noticed by the Doge. The old man, had to escape the island and eventually get in touch with Bartolomeo in the middle of Thanalan. The meeting resulted in a bloodbath after the Doge's cousin, Ludovico Tavelli, emerged with armed forces. Siha Xinkei, who was Bartolomeo's friend at the time, was present in the meeting and eventual combat and while she was nearly overwhelmed. Giulio managed to spare Siha a gruesome fate as he charged in and, unfortunately got killed in her place.
Romantic Interest
Bartolomeo's love life back in Jeridia was hardly existent but with novels and various teachings throughout his life. He treats declaring his love to someone almost similarly to swearing fealty to a liege, although the connection is much stronger between the pair. He will not hesitate to plead an oath to bind himself to his lover when he is certain. Bartolomeo can at times reveal great hatred towards the unfaithful.

Bell Ebonwing : Bartolomeo encountered her in the middle of Ul'dah once during his patrols. The two didn't exactly find admiration for one another at first due to their differing thoughts and stand points. Bell however wanted to accompany and converse with the knight, eventually building up a friendship which quickly developped into a strong love for one another. Unfortunately, Jin'li Epinoch, a Garlean psychopath dedicated in destroying the city-state of Ul'dah had kidnapped and collared the miqo'te with an explosive device. He knows he will have to choose eventually either helping the people of Ul'dah or saving his own beloved.
Jancis Milburga : Bartolomeo met the conjurer while he temporarily served in the Harbingers of Dawn. The gentle woman began to seek him for advice, eventually resulting Bartolomeo alerting her that those within the Free Company were not to be trusted. The two became more than simple acquaintances with time. During a day in the Mist's beach, Bartolomeo mistook Jancis' gestures as an attempt to allure the man, resulting in an awkward situation. This angered her lover Alveo who began to detest Bartolomeo for his approach towards Jancis. After various arguments the subject was eventually put to side and Bartolomeo's portrayal of Jancis finally grew platonic.
Anelia Sadowyn : Anelia was involved in bringing forth Bartolomeo into her order and eventually vouched for him into the Sultansworn to pass its trials. She spoke of various tales of her endeavors, most which Bartolomeo claimed them to be exaggerations The last time they spoke was while she undercover. The paladin finds her to be rather unusual to undertake such tasks.
Tasa Rhyzul : The two met during a tense evening in Limsa Lominsa, when Alveo and Rynn were at odds against the higher members of the Harbingers of Dawn. Although the two first didn't meet eye-to-eye, they quickly maintained a healthy relationship. One day they both fought in the Mist's beach with their own hands, but the fight only concluded with Bartolomeo becoming unconscious and bruised by the tough elezen.
Coatleque Crofte : Coatleque served the Harbingers alongside Bartolomeo as a member of the martial branch and eventually joined the Sultansworn. The two keep their actions towards one another entirely professional. At times the two will speak in Ul'dah to update one another what has happened, due to recent events however, Bartolomeo has not had the chance to communicate with her.
Siha Xinkei : Bartolomeo met Siha during his earlier moments in Ul'dah back when he joined Anelia's order, Arcadeus. Bartolomeo considers her as the first friend she actually met in Eorzea. The man eventually started to grow fond of the woman, and considered in proposing to her. Unfortunately Bartolomeo involved Siha in a personal conversation between him and Giulio, which unfortunately ended with a fight once Ludovico and his men appeared. Ludovico's words made Siha realize Bartolomeo's family history and she almost grew to distrust the knight at that point. Eventually she decided to stay by his side throughout the entire fight, eventually ending with her ending someone's life for the first time and being saved by Bartolomeo's uncle Giulio. Despite these events, Bartolomeo confessed to her and she did not hold any words regarding the feeling. During an austere investigation to reclaim a stolen tome, Bartolomeo had got into contact with Emelie Annel, one of Siha's friends. His distrust with Emelie's ethics and methods made Siha lose faith in the knight. Those events tore off their friendship.
Memeli Meli : One of the first individuals he had properly met throughout his early moments in Eorzea, perhaps even one of the most strangest of them all. Memeli surprisingly introduced the overall city of Ul'dah to Bartolomeo upon his first arrival, introduced him to various men and women who he grew to show disapprove of. Despite her constant teasings on the poor knight, the man maintained an overall friendly relationship with the lalafell. Due to the amount of time since they last met, the man hardly considers the lalafel as a potential friend.
Alveo Soulseeker : A young fighter he had met serving beneath his martial branch in the Harbingers. Bartolomeo defended the man from various discrimination that was tossed towards the young lancer from the more senior members of the Harbingers of Dawn, willing to forfeit his position to defend the young spear wielder. Recent events between Jancis and Bartolomeo had opened up room for distaste between the two. Bartolomeo has yet to reestablish a healthy relationship with the young lance wielder.
Kanaria Galanodel : Bartolomeo has met Kanaria while he was attempting to follow up upon Yuu's bloody trail. Ever since she spoke to him about Jin'li and spoke of his ill intents. Ever since their last conversation Bartolomeo saw who he believed to be Kanaria with Osric Melkire, enslaved by Jin'li's will. What fate transpired, is yet to be known...
Osric Melkire : Osric and Bartolomeo met in unpleasant circumstances while he was under Jin'li's custody. The man was used by Jin'li as a gateway to transmit orders, Osric's fate to Bartolomeo is but a mystery to him.
Yuu Lyehga : This sinister and sadistic miqo'te is one that Bartolomeo has been chasing ever since realizing that she was behind the maiming of a man in the middle of Ul'dah. Ever since that afternoon, Bartolomeo has been investigating and searching for any trails relating to this miqo'te. At some point the two met again in a secluded tunnel deep within the Goblet. The two battled and it concluded with Bartolomeo's defeat, fortunately the man was spared but he realized that this rival of his was a powerful one.
Ludovico Tavelli (Deceased) : A cunning swordsman of Jeridia and cousin of the Doge. Ludovico was sent to Eorzea with a group of mercenaries to take down Giulio Filangieri, Bartolomeo's uncle. By coincidence Ludovico stumbled upon the knight, Siha and Giulio. After a heated conversation Ludovico and his troops went forth to succesfully kill Giulio, but sadly for him, Ludovico and his men perished in the battle by the combined prowess of Bartolomeo and Siha.
Jin'li Epinoch  : Jin'li met an informal letter to Bartolomeo stating that he had held his loved one in custody and held her fate in a simple switch. Bartolomeo now finds himself forced to work with the enemy in order to assure that his loved one remains safe, but such ideas waiver as he begins to doubt his allegiance with both the Sultana and his loved one.