Silver Aiken

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Silver
"Ladies don't call me 'Quick Silver' for nothin'! Hahaha...! Er, w-wait..."

Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age Mid 20's
Occupation Blade-for-hire / Employee at The Wandering Tonberry hunting lodge
Alignment Chaotic Good


Silver is a young vagabond blade-for-hire. He's a cool-headed oddball with a goofy demeanor. He's always on the move, preferring to travel rather than settle down in one place for too long. He follows his own moral compass and has little use for the laws and regulations of the city-states, but he has a good heart and tries to help those in need when he can.


Silver's hair is a natural white-silver tone, despite his young age. He has a scar on his left cheek he received during a Grindstone tournament. He is martially undisciplined, yet his constant travels and work keep him in peak physical condition. He has a tattoo at the nape of his neck, though he has no recollection of how he came to possess it. He is usually seen with a companion nutkin named Kyuu.

His usual attire consists of a loose fitting gray shirt with a black and red leather vest, loose fitting dark gray pants with a blue sash hanging from his hip, and a pair of blue goggles resting on his forehead.


Silver is incredibly energetic and outgoing. He has little to no social restraint, resulting in him either making fast friends or getting on peoples' nerves. He's also a bit naive, having almost a child-like perspective of the world. With his disposition, people often see Silver as dopey and foolish.


Traveling. Never knowing a stable home, Silver is always on the road seeking glory and adventure.

Sleeping. Rather than spend his downtime honing his fighting skills or doing something actually productive, he prefers to lounge about and nap.

Fighting. A natural prodigy with bladed weapons, he doesn't hesitate to show off his skills.


Responsibility. He tends to avoid long-term commitments that would potentially tie him down to one place for too long.

Dishonesty. Silver has a zero-tolerance policy for liars, cheaters and thieves.

Healthy food. Like an undisciplined child, Silver refuses to eat food he doesn't like. Despite that, his metabolism allows him to maintain a 'healthy physique'.


Selfless. Always one to play the 'hero', Silver never hesitates to stand up for those who need his help.

Charismatic. Having dealt with various shady characters throughout his travels, Silver has learned how to talk his way out of problems and sometimes aims for a pacifist approach.

Natural acrobatic. Silver is a natural when it comes to agility and speed. He's quick on his feet and can outmaneuver most opponents.


Amnesia. He has no recollection of anything that has prior to The Calamity.

Cocky. The downside to always acting the part of a 'hero', he often underestimates his opponents, leaving him open to risk.

Undisciplined. Silver didn't have what most would call a 'proper upbringing', and it shows in his general demeanor and battle prowess -- or lack thereof.


This is a list of the items that Silver is currently keeping on his person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 9/10/2016

  • Small satchel: Very untidy. Lazily tosses maps, letters and other assorted papers inside of it.

  • Gil pouch: Practically empty. Silver is terrible with money management. Never has any more than 500 gil on him at any given time.

  • Bag of nuts: He keeps a bag handy to feed his companion nutkin, Kyuu.


The information that follows is for archival purposes only. Some of this information is available through IC interaction, and some is currently obscured even to the character himself.

Last Updated: 9/18/2016


Due to the lack of long-term interaction with those he meets, Silver's history is shrouded in mystery. Who is this man? Where did he come from? Is Silver even his real name?

The Wandering Tonberries


Silver had taken yet another odd job which brought him to Quarrymill. As he set out and made his way west, he overheard odd commotion in the distance. He veered off the trail to the right and made his way north. The sound grew louder and clearer as he approached. It was the sound of men yelling menacingly and steel clanging together. 'A battle...' Silver thought. Curiosity got the better of him and he made his way to the source. It was at this point he discovered what appeared to be a massive bandit camp. With no guards watching the entrance, he managed to sneak inside with relative ease.

Sticking to the walls and shadows, he crept closer to the heart of the camp. He found his way to the edge of a building and peered around the corner. His eyes shot open and he instinctively pulled his head back as a blade flew past his face! "Whooaaaa that was close...!" he muttered to himself outloud; his heart pounding like crazy. He took a deep breath and looked around the corner again. There was a massive group of at least three dozen men with their swords and spears held high as they were swarming toward something. Silver couldn't quite make out what it was, so he opted to climb the building for a better vantage point.

He climbed to the roof and peered overhead across the group. That's when he discovered a single man fending off against the horde of raiders. He was tough, but it seemed he was taking quite the beating. Silver, the bleeding heart he is, drew his blades and leaped into the air over the crowd! A few of the men stopped and glanced up as Silver came crashing down into the fray. He placed himself between the raiders and the lone man. "Well, this doesn't look like much of a fair fight now, does it?" Silver addressed the crowd, then turned to look over his shoulder at the man.

The man was a Miqo'te -- a Keeper of the Moon to be exact. "Yo, moon cat. Got a name?" Silver asked.

The Miqo'te looked up at Silver, gasping for air from exhaustion. Blood and sweat dripped from his face as he tried to focus on Silver. "Ah... K-Kyo. Kyo'to Roku..."

"Heh! Nice to meet ya, Kyo! Th' name's Silver! Whadaya say we take care o' these gentlemen, hm?" Silver smirked confidently at Kyo.

The Miqo'te returned the smirk of confidence and nodded as he drew his blades. The two fended off against the men for what seemed like bells, but there was no end to them. It was as if two more men appeared for every man they felled. As time went on, fatigue began to get the better of the two as they were pushed into a corner. Kyo'to chuckled and dropped his right blade to the ground. He reached to his left hand and removed what appeared to be a wedding ring. He bumped Silver on the shoulder and held his hand out. "H-Here... Take.... take this... to my wife. Her name... is Chiki. You'll find her at the Wandering Tonberry lodge..." Kyo gave Silver the directions to the lodge, then pushed him aside as he stepped forward towards the men.

"But... but I..." Silver muttered.

"No 'but's. Get outta here. This... is my fight." The Miqo'te looked over his shoulder at Silver and smiled with confidence. Silver could see the resolve in Kyo's eyes. He knew what Kyo intended on doing. He tried to argue to let him say, but Kyo wouldn't have it. "I said get outta here! Give that ring to my wife... and tell her... tell her she's safe now, okay?"

Silver stared at Kyo for a few seconds with his eyebrows tensed. He didn't want to leave, but he knew arguing wouldn't get him anywhere. He swallowed the lump in his throat and took a few steps back. "... I... F-Fine. I'll do it... but I'm coming back for you! Don't go dyin' on me, got it?!" Silver shouted as he began trotting off toward the exit. Kyo smirked and raised his hand, giving Silver a 'thumbs up', then readied his blade and lunged toward the raiders. Silver could hear the sound of steel clashing as he ran for Ul'dah.


He arrived at The Goblet gate entrance via rented chocobo. Weakened and clutching his broken arm, he fell to the ground as the bird came to a sudden stop. The chocobo disappeared, kicking dust into the air as it made it's way back to it's porter, leaving Silver to himself. He struggled to his feet and wiped the blood from his face. Though fatigued, his determination drove him to press forward. He pushed his way through the crowds of people in the housing district, earning some confused and horrified looks as he trailed blood behind him. Finally he found himself at the main gate to The Wandering Tonberry lodge.

He shuffled his feet across the front lawn and fell to lean against the door. He released his broken arm and weakly yet frantically knocked, hoping someone was inside. A few seconds go by and Silver began to lose consciousness. The moment Silver dropped his head to rest, the door opened and he collapsed inside. A Miqo'te named Aden Dellebecque stepped back a bit to allow Silver to sprawl out onto the floor. Luckily a good portion of the lodge members just happened to be in the lodge's main hall to witness the event. Silver grunted and forced himself to sit up and lean against the front door to face the group.

"I... I'm looking for s-someone... named Chiki..." Silver panted as he spoke. Everyone looked at each other in a concerned manner and spoke amongst themselves before a sole Highlander woman approached him.

"Uh... Yeah, that's me..." She said with a look of confusion.

Silver's eyes drifted to the floor, afraid to look her in the eyes. He shifted his hand back and fished into his satchel for a second, then raised his hand toward the woman and offered her the ring. "Th-This... is for you... he wanted me to give it to you..."

Chiki took the ring and her face shown that she instantly knew something was wrong. "Where is he?!! Where is Kyo?!!"

Silver pulled his way up to his feet using the door for leverage. "Come... We don't have much time...! If we hurry, we can still save him...!"

The team didn't question any further and instantly banned together to try and help their friend. They made their way to Quarrymill and Silver lead the way to the bandit camp. The group huddled together behind a tree near the entrance; the sound of blades clashing could still be heard. 'Good, he's still fighting...' Silver thought to himself. A member of the team, Roger Holmes, stayed behind to try and mend Silver's broken arm while the rest of the team rushed forward into the camp. Silver couldn't wait to finish healing so he jumped up while Roger was in mid cast, only leaving his arm partially mended. Roger and him joined the group and cleared through any bandit in their way and made quick work of them.

The group took a small moment to catch their breath while Silver shuffled around to see if he could find the Miqo'te... and he did. There he was, near the same cave entrance they both stood their ground at before Silver left to find the group. The ground was crimson red and bodies littered the ground. Kyo'to was literally stuck to the wall as blades and spears pierced his body. Despite the injuries, he was still conscious. The group rushed to Kyo while Silver stood a few yalms back and leaned against a rock. It was clear there was no way to save the Miqo'te; the injuries he sustained were too great. Chiki and Kyo exchanged words while the rest of the group dropped their gaze in respects. Silver couldn't do anything but watch. He was powerless. He couldn't save the man after all. Finally, having spoke his last words of devotion to Chiki, life left the Miqo'te and his body grew still. Seemingly on queue, rain began to sprinkle the field and the group looked at the man, silently paying their respects. Kyo'to died with a smile on his face, having made peace with himself.


To be continued...


Silver has never received any formal combat training. He relies solely on his natural dexterity and speed, which is quite high compared to that of your average fighter. Oftentimes his movements are unpredictable which sometimes gives him the upper hand in fights.

Silver familiarized himself with bladed weapons early enough to adopt a natural affinity to them. Though he's also capable of standard hand-to-hand combat, he's far more comfortable with a sword, dagger or knife. He prefers smaller, lighter blades to accommodate for his almost acrobatic movement.

Silver Stingers

Crudely named, the knives appear to be of custom design. The origin of the blades' creation is unknown. Etched into the hilt of each blade is a name -- "Aiken".

Acorn Bombs

A little trick in the art of deceit he learned, Silver can craft small explosives using the empty shells of acorns. Though non-lethal, the bombs usually consist of smoke or gas. They are often held by his nutkin companion.


Silver is no stranger to fighting dirty. If he is left with very little options, he will resort to such tactics as grabbing a fist full of dirt to throw at the enemy's eyes. Water, grass, rocks -- you name it, Silver will use it if he feels he's backed into a corner.


Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that Silver has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what he has been up to.

  • Raider battle: His first notable fight that he can recall. He jumped into the fray of a battle between a group of raiders and a Miqo'te named Kyo'to Roku in an attempt to save him. Eventually the two were bested and Kyo'to forced Silver to leave so he could fight on his own.

  • Wandering Tonberry initiation: Raik Samil, a member of the Wandering Tonberry lodge, was tasked with testing Silver in his battle capabilities. Silver's arm was broken having not been fully healed from the raider attack with Kyo'to, and Raik got the upper hand in the bout. Regardless, Silver was commended for his overall stellar performance.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

???, mother. ( ??? )
Silver’s Thoughts: "???"


???, father. ( ??? )
Silver's Thoughts: "???"


???, sibling. ( ??? )
Silver’s Thoughts: ”???”



Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that Silver has interacted with enough or in such a way for HIM/HER to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Silver, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions!

Last Update... 9/11/2016

* An asterisks denotes that Silver doesn't know the individual's true name.

Kyuu, Nutkin companion. ( 🔒 )

Silver made a trip to The Shroud to complete a hunting mark for a notorious, rabid beast near Quarrymill, wreaking havoc in the general area. A small area was laid to waste due to the beast's rampage, leaving trees knocked over and the like. After slaying the beast, Silver was making his way over the debris when he came across a baby nutkin; so young, it's eyes were hardly able to open. He looked around for it's parents but it would appear the beast may have destroyed it's home. Sympathetic as he is, Silver opted to take care of the young nutkin and eventually came to name it Kyuu. Since then, the nutkin has proven to be a loyal companion to Silver.


A collection of screenshots of Silver that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of Silver, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked below the images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


I've been playing FFXIV since pre 1.0 Alpha version. After the server merges of 1.x, I called Sargatanas my home for a while up until August 2015. The content began to bore me and the people I knew left the game, but I love FFXIV and I didn't want to lose interest. That's when I made the choice to move to Balmung since I heard it was the main unofficial RP hub. I've never RP'd before until I moved to Balmung so I'm relatively new to it, though it was pretty easy to pick up on. I've been RPing on FFXIV since then and I've even branched out to more text-based RP via Skype and whatnot.


Usually log on later in the evening (6pm CST). I work a full time job pulling 12 hours shifts from 5:30am to 5:40am. I normally hop on sometime after getting home and am pretty active for a few hours. On my days off I'm usually open the whole day.
I'm (almost) always IC. More often than not, when I have my nutkin out, I'm IC -- though I'm always open to walkups and /tells. I'll easily switch to IC.
Character alignment = Chaotic Good. Silver is a free spirited man-child who takes matters into his own hands, though more often than not he has good intentions. That being said, I'm open to mature RP but will avoid situations that would potentially drive Silver to the dark side (killing someone for sport, insanely graphic deaths, etc).


Overall, I'm pretty chill as far as guidelines go. I don't have an extensive list of 'Do's or 'Don't's or things that I personally find triggering. So chances are, you won't offend me or make me uncomfortable unless you're trying to or just being really skeevy in general. Still, for the sake of making sure everyone's on the same page here, let me make a few mentions in particular:

I will play . . . Mature content and themes (violence, drug / alcohol use, coarse & explicit language).
Ask before . . . Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Captivity or imprisonment, either long or short term.
I won't play . . . Permanent character death. Romantic RP. ERP.

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
Feel free to use and edit this template to better fit your needs. However, please be sure to leave all credits in place. Thank you!
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