Sanma'a Kaatapoh

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Sanma'a Kaatapoh
The Stray



Birth Name: Raih Unaze

Race and Clan: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon

Birthplace South Shroud

Gender: Female

Nameday: 11th Sun, 1st Umbral Moon

Age: Twenty-one

Other Details

Occupation: Thief, mercenary, assassin

Marital Status: Complicated

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5 fulms 6 ilms

Weight: 90 ponze

Alignment: Neutral Evil

General Information

Raih Unaze, was born on the 11th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon somewhere deep in the South Shroud. Sharp-tongued, rash and danger-loving, Raih is more of an ‘act now, ask questions later’ kind of girl. A skilled hunter, primarily using daggers and silent stalking to eliminate her prey. Quite adept at using a bow and arrow too. She seeks thrill in the chase and hunting of her target, whether it’s beast, man or treasure, no place is too dangerous to venture.

Current Activities

After having a bit of an eventful time in Ul'dah, Raih has decided to broaden her horizons and look for work in the Shroud and Vylbrand instead. Being short on gil and having plenty of time, the Keeper will probably take up any job offer as long as it's not too much of a bother. She works for no free company and she's not exactly looking for one either, but if a profitable opportunity comes around she would not decline. Probably.

Appearance and Traits


Raih has a head of ebony hair, which is soft and rarely frizzes. She has quite small, piercing eyes for a female miqo’te that are a colour of jade. Usually squinting or alert, Raih's eyes are usually darting around as she observes her surroundings.

Raih's features are a little bit androgynous. Her eyebrows are almost always furrowed, either in confident smirk or irritated snarl. She has quite the cute round nose. Always looking somewhat irritated or like she’s up to something, her expression usually ruins her pretty features. Raih is not one for makeup, really. A keen listener, her ears are long and are quick to move to find sources of suspicious noise and little whispers.

Her skin is a light grey colour with pale grey stripes upon her face. She has small scars littered across her body from her rigorous training and hunting from a young age. She has tiny moles dotted around on her skin, one under her eye and another one on her inner thigh and lower back. Sleek but lean, her body is made for swift movement and sneaking. She’s uncommonly tall for most female miqo’te, her limbs long and slender. Also a contortionist, she can bend and move her body to fit into nearly any space, making her quite useful when sneaking into places.


A bit of a loner, Raih does what she wants without worrying too much about the consequences. If she thinks she can get away with it, she usually does. Not caring who or where it is from, if it is shiny and valuable she must have it. She doesn't have much regard for authority, and will ignore orders if she happens to disagree with them. Raih does not mind the company of others, but her inconsiderate acts often rub people up the wrong way and she is quick to lose friends and move on. But if she manages to actually make friends, she can prove to be quite loyal and protective. She would jump up to defend them in a heartbeat, having a "Hey! Only I can say that about him/her!" mentality.

Raih isn't too fond of physical contact, and gets quite shy and flustered when flirted with or talking about certain subjects. She has quite a playful but twisted nature and gets a kick out of teasing or frightening her friends as a joke. She loves the thrill of doing something dangerous and won't back out of a dare or a mission that would normally seem like a bad idea. If she's had a bad day and is rather on edge, it doesn't take much for her to snap and is usually quick to turn to violence. She had been trying to control her bad temper, but she just can't seem to help herself when it involves a part of her past.


Reading and telling scary stories
The rain


Authority figures, especially Wood Wailers
Being told she can't do something
Her mother
Her clan


Being betrayed, rejected or turned away
Her mother
Making a mistake and losing someone because of it


Alignment: Neutral Evil
Vice(s): Doing or taking things without asking, bad temper, usually doesn't think before acting
Favorite Food: Cheese
Favorite Drink: Milk, brandy or fruit cider.
Favorite Color: Green
Random Facts
ESTP Personality - The Entrepreneur
Good with her hands and is pretty ballsy.
Seems pretty cool and quick-witted, but call her pretty and she'll blush so bad.
Can open bottles with her teeth.
Can get very protective over things or people she cares for, scarily so.
Abilities and Skills

From a young age, Raih was trained to be a hunter and gatherer. She's incredibly skilled in tracking her prey and knowing the best time to strike, the only time she is patient is probably when she's hunting. She can be stealthy when she wants to be, creeping and maneuvering through terrain as quietly as possible, her prey not knowing she was there until there was a blade at their throat. She is very athletic and flexible and can be very fast to move, where she lacks in brute strength she makes up for with speed.

As Raih delved into a life of crime, she soon learned to put her skills with hunting to use in a different manner. Her style became much more aggressive and she managed to develop some strength so she didn't have to rely on her stealth all the time. Raih also experiments with using poisons, in favour of applying it to her weapons so if she only manages to graze her enemy, they will fall down dead anyway. She can be a bit of a dirty fighter, too and when the adrenaline rush kicks in, she'll keep fighting until she's completely disabled.

Raih also learned how to wield a bow and arrow back in her clan too, for when she could not get up close and personal with her hunting target. She's not as nearly skilled with it as she is with her daggers, but she's not a bad shot.

Birth and Childhood

Growing up in the forests of South Shroud, her clan tried to keep her away from other people in fear they were attacked for their stereotype of being savage poachers. But being the little curious thing that she is, she wandered astray, and found unlikely friends in a bar where anyone was welcome. Making acquaintances with bandits and thieves, they convinced her to use her skills in sneaking and hunting to steal and she was soon swept into the less-than-legitimate lifestyle. She even earned quite a bit of gil too and she decided to share her new wealth with her family.

However, it was only thrown back in her face as it was obvious she did not earn the money from honest hunting. Arguments broke out, tears were spilled and even a punch was thrown and with that, she left her clan. Ever since she’s been trying to do any sort of job to keep herself afloat now she no longer has the support of her family.

Relationships Colour Key
Significant Other | Romantic Interest | Trusted | Deceased
Positive Standing | Neutral Standing | Negative Standing | ? Uncertain
Business | Lost contact | NPC

Ubi Unaze - Raih's mother and Matriarch of her clan.

Rija Unaze - Raih's younger sister. Eightteen cycles old.

Nona Unaze - Raih's youngest sister. Fifteen cycles old.

Friends & Acquaintances

L'rah Tia - A ditzy, flirty blond Seeker. Raih finds him very amusing and takes great joy in teasing him. His conversations are strange and is constantly flirting with any men they encounter, she has already got into the habit of scolding his thirsty ass. She knows he is very green, and underestimates what being a criminal, thief or a skypirate really means and she's a tad worried that will bite him in the ass one day. The two are 'best' friends due to L'rah's quite forward and friendly nature, so Raih's a little more willing to put up with his constant whining.

Suen Shyu - A Keeper miqo'te that Raih bumped into in Thanalan. She found the miqo'te strange but very amusing, seeing a little bit of her younger self in her. Sometimes Raih fails to understand Suen, but she knows that the Keeper certainly has a habit for finding herself in trouble. Raih tries to keep an eye out for her and enjoys Suen's company, feeling at ease around her.

OOC Information

RP Style and Possible Connections

I like my roleplay to be creative and interesting, I like putting my character outside of their comfort zone and seeing how they would react. Dark and gritty stuff is good, IC only drama is great. In terms of connections, any sort of platonic connections, employers, friends, rivals, etc. would be nice. This character has undergone a little reboot after a long hiatus, which means some connections were lost but if you would like to re-establish them please contact me to sort something out!

Things I'm Not Cool With

Things that clearly break the lore, lorebending and being creative is just fine, but I'm going to roll my eyes at WoL characters and voidsent dragon babies, etc. I don't like lack of OOC communication, having player's consent is a big thing for me. Also currently not looking plotless ERP, kthx.


Tumblr - OOC with character writing prompts, my doodles and general FFXIV content.

Raih's OST

Killing In The Name, Black Chandelier, King, Hello Bitches, Playing God, How You Love Me, My Favourite Game, Apologize, Jealous Minds Think Alike, Hate, Stitches

About the Player

I’m from the UK so work on a GMT timezone, available from 6PM onwards on weekdays and pretty available for most weekends. My other characters are Oyuu Dataq, Z'ohji Tia and Ume Gyoji.

Wiki Template Credit

This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, Leanne Delphium and Coatleque Crofte.