Askier Mergrey

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Revision as of 08:08, 5 May 2014 by Askier (talk | contribs) (Appearance)
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((Under construction))

Garlemald Flag.jpg Askier Mergrey
Ffxiv 05022014 215642.png
"What do you mean I shouldn't drink while building a bomb? If I mess up, we'll be dead so fast we won't know I messed up."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Garlean
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?



((Askier was part of the Garlean Army the day of the Calamity, and, as a result, was not sent forward in time.))
((Askier is gifted at building explosives))


((He's too sexy for clothes at the moment so we are getting him shoved into a more presentable description…one with pants…))

Askier is a tall, attractive, 31 year old male, with slight wrinkles starting to be visible around his lips and eyes. His ashen skin stands in stark contrast to the chestnut-brown hair he always styles in a slicked back fashion to keep it out of his eyes. His narrow face is covered in numerous scars and face paint that has no real meaning other than Askier thinks it looks rather awesome on himself. His left eye is shielded from light by a brown, leather eye patch as his right eye shimmers a bright gold every time it catches the light.

The miqot'te's body is tall, taller than a fair number of hyur, and his body is taught and muscled from years of military service. Should he be caught without a shirt on, a nasty collection of wicked looking scars cover the left side of his torso, the result of falling off a chocbo onto a whiskey bottle inside his coat. Scars, scabs, and callouses cover his hands and he has lost the feeling in his left one.


Askier is a bizarre sort of character, often perceived as both a drunk and naive individual. He is quick to give a smile and even faster to offer to buy someone he has just met a drink as he tells terrible jokes. He feels the most alive when other people around him laugh at something he has done or said. He tries see the best in someone and is fanatically loyal to those he calls his friends, and expects the same dedication from them in return.
Askier will be the first to admit he relies a great deal on luck and refuses to think himself as an intellectual since he has trouble containing his volcanic temper. However, for all his apparent absentmindedness, he is a reasonably intelligent being, often able to win word games and riddles quickly and can construct explosive devices with relative ease and not lose a limb while doing so.
Askier views the world as one giant experience waiting to happen and that gods, spirits, and mortal races are all subject to no greater end than what they try to achieve for themselves. He believes that everyone acts for reasons that are logical to themselves, and, as such, calling someone good or evil is pointless in Askier's mind. He see's all things as equal and would gladly help out a stranger. But, because there are those that would harm what Askier chooses to care about, he finds no qualms in killing, viewing it as a normal part of being alive and that the act of killing isn't to be viewed as vile, but that the intentions behind the act certainly can.



Askier fights with his fists and feet, preferring the intimate feeling of his opponent's body against his knuckles. He knows a moderate amount of restoration magic.



  • Whiskey…
  • Rum…
  • Playing word games and sleeping, while under the effects of the first two.


  • Overly picky people.
  • Being underground
  • Being out of booze


  • Understands and has designed several magictek devices, most of which are explosive.
  • Drinking
  • Has a natural affinity with mechanical contraptions


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  • Ven'li Mergrey - Deceased. Askier's father was a soldier for the Garlean Empire whose illustrious job was to wrangle up chocobos. His father was also a drunk and was killed by a chocobo stampede when Askier was six.
  • Unknown - All Askier knows about his mother is that she gave infant Askier to his father and then never came back into his life after she left.
  • Saravena Mergrey - Askier's younger sister. They share the same father but a different mother. She is an energetic and kind individual and Askier is incredibly loyal to her. However, for nearly two years, she has been locked in a cell, used as leverage by Askier's Garlean superiors to "encourage" him to build his magictek bomb and destroy Ul'dah.


((So many people I gots to add still… lol))

  • A'rytiss Edar - A young miqo'te with a cute face and skilled in the arts of healing. While he seems a bit naive and innocent, Askier finds the male's outlook on life refreshingly innocent. Askier first met the young man the same night he met Delial. Askier found the youth immensely enjoyable to be around and liked knowing a healer he could call on. Since that meeting, there encounters have been sporadic, but A'rytiss as forever earned a place in Askier's memory for the time A'rytiss helped Askier save I'halo's life after the young women slipped and nearly fell off a bridge onto the rocks below, hitting her head as she did so. Th young miqo'te healed her and arranged for another healer to look after her. Since then, Askier often wishes he would run into the younger miqo'te again.
  • Delial Grimsong - A tall, secretive woman Askier first met in Uldah looking for recruits. Askier promised to use his network of spies to find Delial's brother in exchange for her help. Since then, she has become one of his most valued allies. While they don't agree on specific tactics, or Askier's wardrobe, the two share a similar world view and Askier finds her ruthlessness for the sake of family immensely refreshing. He enjoys speaking and joking with her though he knows that she finds him rather naive; but Askier is okay with that. Delial is not the kind of woman you show all your cards to right away
  • I'halo Belho - A small, young miqo'te woman. Askier first met her when the young bard was trying to write a song. Needing a muse, Askier acted as one for her. Since then, Askier has taken an older brotherly stance towards her, viewing her as a second sister. She is naive, headstrong, and playful and reminds Askier of himself and his sister when they were young. He is fiercely protective of her but has become distant as of late. I'halo shunned Askier after she learned of his Garlean roots and her reaction still stings when he thinks about it, especially since he tried to give up booze for her.
  • Kanaria Galanodel - A woman who has truly came out of nowhere only to play a large role in Askier's time in Ul'dah. Askier first met her briefly when his Free Company superior, S'honji, was scolding Askier for fighting in public. Askier was polite but left quickly once S'honji was distracted with her. However, Askier encountered her again, discovering she was both easy to talk and dignified, a combination of traits he rarely found together. Askier managed to convince her to help him under the false pretense of being a merchant in need of armed escorts. However, Kanaria, Askier discovered, is an incredibly loyal person, eager to help Askier even after she learned of his true motives. Her honesty and incredible eagerness have confused his emotions for her in his mind and the lines between ally and something more have blurred.
  • Grieving Hound - Askier's closet friend. She is reserved, tall, and bluntly honest to a fault. The two first met when they both applied for the Harbingers of Dawn Free Company on the same day. They decided to patrol the roads near Limsa Lominsa together and keep them safe, destroying several gnoll war parties. There was an instant connection between them and they often drank together, laughing and recalling their adventures. Hound tolerates Askier's excessive drinking and childish antics well, often simply shaking her head and laughing. Askier feels completely relaxed around her, almost too much so. Hound, slowly grew tired of the politics of the Free Company, and left for the mountains. Askier, alone and missing his friend, purchased his now trademark coat and plunged into the swirling snows to find her. There, Askier spent many nights trying to get Hound to come back. Their time in the mountains culminated with them joining a hunting party and killing a dragon. Once the beast was dead, Hound decided it was time to return to the south. Askier seized his chance and convinced Hound to help him destroy Ul'dah. Hound, however, had no plans to do so and saved Siha from Askier's kidnapping attempt and fought against him, leaving Askier confused about their friendship.
  • Raven Gorehand - A tall,female summoner with a powerful affinity for magic and a friend of both Hound and Askier. Raven and Askier were simple awuaintences for a long time until he needed help. Raven surprised him with her eagerness to help him, participating in several attempts on Kahn'a life. Her ability to slip from reserved woman to wicked fiend with ease makes her a terrific ally for Askier and he values her and her powers immensely.


((Got a few of these too))

  • Erik Mynhier - The Red Wings Unit Captain. Askier first approached him planning on toying with him and setting up a game of cat and mouse between the two. He had heard rumors of Erik's delight of challenges and hoped that by setting up a system of rules with the man, his plot would succeed with ease since he viewed Erik's network of agents as the only true threat to his operation. However, Askier discovered he and Erik were kindred spirits and, to his own surprise, found himself liking the man, who even honestly said, they could have been friends if it hadn't been for Askier's desire to destroy Ul'dah.

  • Kahn'a Od'hilkas - A member of the Red Wings and, in Askier's mind, Erik dog. More so then even Erik, Kahn'a has proven Askier's greatest challenge, something he had never expected. Unlike Erik, who Askier was able to influence with thoughts of games and rules, Kahn'a stands resilient to Askier's tact. Dogmatic, loyal, headstrong and blunt, Kahn'a has repeatedly disrupted Askier's plans; not through sheer brilliance but by simple perseverance. There is almost a mythical knight quality to the young man and Askier has been forced to respect him despite his wishing not to. Askier has tormenting and bullied Kahn'a in the allies of Ul'dah several times but nothing, not even physical injury, makes Kahn'a back down. Askier knows he should just kill the kit, but he finds himself unable to do so.

  • Osric Melkire - A Flame Sergeant midlander Hyur. Every time Askier has encounter Osric, blows have been exchanged. Askier is annoyed with the Midlander and enjoys taunting him with references to eating dirt sandwiches, the nickname for a beating the two have come to exchange regularly. He has a passing respect for the man's fighting skills.

  • Siha Xinkei - Captain Mynhier's adopted sister. Siha is a very sweet Moonkeeper who Askier met for the first time at Erik's ball. Askier charmed the young woman easily, making her smile and asking her to dance as he pretended to be a simple merchant, realizing she was the perfect leverage again Erik, should something go wrong with his plan. His desire to abduct the young woman was, inf fact, encouraged by Erik should Askier succeed in his plan, but her kidnapping went badly. Askier enjoys her company and her polite manners. He doesn't find her to be nearly as threatening as Erik, in the least bit.


Common Rumors

  • "Askier can't read." It's a lie Askier tells about himself.
  • "How can someone drink that much and be okay with themselves?"
  • "I'd say it's not normal for someone to always be this much fun to be around, but I'm having such a good time!"

Moderate Rumors

  • "Heard he likes men and women equally in the bed."
  • "Don't make him mad, he'll snap your neck soon as look at ya."

Rare Rumors

  • "I heard Askier knows how destroy a city with a device of brass and magic."
  • "More than one of that man's drinking buddies have been found dead the next morning."
  • "Why is he never says where he comes from directly?"

PC Rumors

  • "We do not agree, but we understand. If the world must burn to protect our own, then so be it." - Delial Grimsong
  • "What unsettles me most about him is that, save for his murderous intents, we're… so strangely alike. I saw it in his eye when he… nevermind." - Kahn'a Od'hilkas
  • "He ain't his own, and there's a gods-damned pity." - Osric Melkire


((Juicy details coming soonish lol))

Birth and childhood

Askier was born in the Galean Empire to Ven'li and a female he knows nothing about. His mother stuck around long enough to birth him and recover before leaving Askier with his father. Ven'li was stationed in an open plan and was responsible for taming chocobos. Ven'li was a distant father and Askier only remembers him from his smell of booze. Askier's sister, Saravena, was born five years after he was to another female. Askier's father was killed when Askier was six. Askier was sent to live with his father's brother, who was a woodcutter near a river.

Life in the Garlean Lumber Camp

For the next 10 years, Askier and Saravena lived relatively uneventful lives. They helped their uncle deforest large swathes of the land to send the lumber down river for the Garlean war machine and learned simple schooling from traveling scholars. This simple life was violently interrupted when a group of anti-imperial soldiers assaulted the camp and burned many of the workes and the woods in an attempt to hurt the lumber supply to the Garlean military. Askier and Saravena escaped but their uncle was lost in the flames. Lost, the pair eventually reached a city. There starving, and forced with some unpleasant options, Askier enlisted to serve the army to earn money for his little sister to eat.

Life as a soldier

Askier would spend the next four years being bounced around from one tour of duty to the next. During that time, he took to learning about magitek and started messing around with spare parts he stole. He discovered he was rather good with making random parts work together and his tinkering eventually caught the eye of an officer in the engineering branch. The officer had Askier transferred to his unit and Askier quickly excelled in his new job, causing a good amount of interest amongst the military brass when it came to new explosive devices. One such device of Askier's was loaded aboard a Garlean airship and was planned on being us the day of the Calamity, destroying his device before it could be detonated. At seeing the immense power of the primal that day, Askier deserted his post, concerned only with keeping his sister safe. He returned home and fled with her south till they came to Eorzea, where they lived as traveling mercenaries for three years.

Life as a freelance mercenary

Life as a freelance mercenary was good for Askier and Saravena. They travelled and used their coin to live well. Askier began drinking more and more heavily during this time, much to the concern of his sister, who was unable to stop him. Askier used the money he made to keep his sister well taken care off as he spent the left over research what few books he could afford, trying to better himself. Askier also tried to put his past behind him, and, while he still continued to study bomb making with the few books he could find written about magitek, it was simply for academic reasons. He was enjoying his life and considered himself extremely lucky.

Life as a Garlean Saboteur

But the good luck ran out. Askier was recognized by a Garlean spy near Ul'dah and, after tailing Askier, came up with a plan. force Askier to build another bomb, in Ul'dah. Askier refused initially but the agent took Askier's sister hostage and made the demand: destroy Ul'dah or she dies. Askier gave in immediately for his sister and has been working on building his bomb for over a year and a half, shipping in the needed pats slowly and piece by piece to avoid attention.

Saga of the Wind Swept Sands

This section will detail the events currently underway in my Episodic rp event once it is complete. For now, look for Sage of the Wind Swept Sands" for the current low down on this awesome rp which has let me meet some absolutely wonderful rpers!

Messy template of doom by: Kahn'a Od'hilkas
Note from Haeden: There you go friend! Make sure to write a list of things you want tweaked/changed!