C'rhisi Tohbei

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C'rhisi Tohbei
Bard, Healer, Dancer
"I cannot be anyone but who I am."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah
Height 5 fulm 3 ilm
Weight 125 ponze
Age 19
Patron Deity Azeyma, the Warden
Namesday 21st Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Place of Birth Far Eastern Thanalan


Aliases/Nicknames: Though many people still call her C'rhisi, she herself has dropped the tribal prefix and prefers to go by "Rhisi".


Height: 5 fulms 3 ilms. Rhisi stands on the taller side for female miqo'te though the last three inches are truthfully more ear than anything else.

Weight: 125 ponze. The miqo'te is built on a slender though muscular frame.

Face: C'rhisi has a heart-shaped face with full cheeks and a pointed chin. Her eyes are large and expressive, feline-shaped with long lashes and dramatically colored with the left a dark olive green and the right a pale spring green. She has natural dark stripes down her forehead and across her cheeks under her eyes. Her brows are naturally arched and thin, a shade of reddish blonde. Her nose is small, her lips are very full to the point of poutiness and naturally a few shades darker than her skin. On her left cheek is a new scar, still dark and on her right is a twisting, blue tattoo that she seeks to hide with her hair.
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Hair: Rhisi's hair has gotten long in the last three years, more from lack of time than any fashion sense. It's a shade somewhere between dark blonde and red with lighter streaks where the sun has bleached it. For now, she prefers to wear it down so that it falls along her cheeks and down her back to her shoulderblades, occasionally with the front strands twined back into a simple, loose braid. When she performs, Rhisi draws her hair back with an elaborate barrette so that it is out of her face and falls down her back. She uses her hair as part of the performance, much like a veil. When her hair is wet it reveals a hint of wave.

Body/Build: Though she is slender, Rhisi has clearly led a life with a great deal of physical work and activity. Her body is muscular and toned with lean, predatory lines. She has a full chest, slim waist, and rounded hips leading down to strong, long legs. Training in archery and dance for years has given her arms and back defined musculature and she has calluses on her fingertips from both the bow and the harp string. Her nails are curved even when sheathed; when agitated she can unsheathe them into wickedly sharp talons about an ilm long. Her feet, should they be seen without shoes or in sandals, have small, rounded claws, intended to act almost like cleats when running. Her skin is a natural olive tone and tans easily. There are a few very faded scars on her legs and arms, the marks of an active childhood. On her right ribcage is a recent, new scar, raised and dark, in a strange shape that looks almost like a comet with it's tail- a circular scar with a long slice coming off of it. Across her back and shoulderblades are ten deep lash marks.


Voice: Speaking: Her voice is pleasant and slightly low for a female, with a musicality and rhythm to it even when she is speaking normally. She is expressive with her tone unless agitated, when she resorts to a calm, modulated tone that reveals nothing of how she is feeling. There is maybe a bit of indefinable accent and she tends towards a more formal and verbose style of speaking, clearly loving language. When deeply angered or enraged, Rhisi's more feral side emerges and her voice is filled with snarls or chest-rumbling growls.

Singing: Rhisi's singing range is between soprano and alto with an excellent range.

Demeanor: The miqo'te has always had a public and private face, likely due to her time as a performer and bartender. Outwardly she is a bright, cheerful young woman with a ready smile, a quick friendly word, and an expression of attentiveness. She is quick to lend an ear or a shoulder and has no qualms about spending her time aiding others- even, sometimes, at expense of herself. She is stubborn and possesses a temper that occasionally causes her to flare up and say things she regrets, but is generally good-natured and sweet.

Nature: Rhisi's private face is very different from the one she presents to the world. It takes a great deal of time, energy, and demonstrated trust in her for her to show this face to others. Privately, Rhisi is deeply, deeply insecure in herself and her abilities. She grew up with the weight of destiny heavy on her shoulders and in her heart she is convinced she will never measure up to the responsibilities placed on her. She does not believe herself beautiful, clever, or skilled and finds her ability to empathize and talk to people to be more of a result of luck than skill. Since her return from her travels Rhisi finds it difficult to be comfortable around large groups of people and holding up conversation and the skills of a hostess take much more effort than they used to.

Flaws: Rhisi's temper can be a detriment to her, particularly if she gets angry enough to stop thinking clearly. Her insecurities can lead her to overextend herself to the point of exhaustion or dangerous aetherial depletion in an effort to prove to others and herself that she is worthy of the trust she has been given. She is prone to severe nightmares and has developed minor post-traumatic stress due to her experiences while travelling, making certain sounds and experiences send her into a near-panic. When emotionally agitated, particularly in a crowded or stressful situation, Rhisi will shut down emotionally and present an empty face to the world. The miqo'te is phobic to the point of inaction when forced to encounter large, deep bodies of water. She can stand to look at the ocean, even dip her toe in, but will not willingly use ferries or boats and cannot swim.

Intelligence: Though not schooled in any formal kind of way, Rhisi nonetheless underwent extensive teaching in a huge variety of subjects as befitted her eventual position as the religious and medical heir of her tribe. When she left her tribe and began to travel the world, she soaked up knowledge like a sponge, resulting in a young woman that possesses a remarkable breadth of information though in places her depth is lacking. She is literate and as a result of her travels has picked up a smattering of the Far Eastern language along with Eorzean.

Religious Views: Rhisi is deeply and fervently religious though her time in Ul'dah has made her far more circumspect about showing it. She reveres Azeyma above all, but places faith in the Coeurl and all the spirits of nature. She believes that summoners pets- from carbuncles to egis- are manifestations of the power of Hydaelen and is deeply respectful of them. She speaks of all of the gods with reverence and respect and finds shows of impiety or outward disrespect of the gods or the spirits to be deeply distasteful.

Romance/Love: A nineteen year old bard, Rhisi believes strongly in love in all it's manifestations. Though she has been hurt and had her trust betrayed, she will passionately and fervently defend love- platonic, familial, and romantic, as one of the most powerful forces on Hydaelen and something that everyone deserves no matter what they have done. Her upbringing was such that love between mates was not expected and romantic gestures such as those sung about in the songs popular in the non-tribal world were simply not done. As such, Rhisi is finding herself wonderfully baffled as she is beginning to navigate the waters of romance.


Style: Rhisi has two main combat styles. She is a very skilled archer, having trained in the art since she was a child in the tribes and polishing her skills with the Gridanians. She prefers to take the high ground and use a sniping style of archery, finding herself easily overwhelmed if trying to use her bow in any kind of melee combat situation. If forced into melee, Rhisi will abandon her bow and go to a modified pugilist style that utilizes her speed, agility, and wickedly sharp claws to end her enemies while taking as little damage as she can. She is a strong believer in ending a fight quickly- whether hunting intelligent prey or beasts, she goes for a merciful kill unless specifically needing to question her prey. Rhisi has been trained in the art of spear fighting in the desert way, with an emphasis on speed, slashing strikes, and dodging, though it has been years since she has touched a spear. She can also use a knife when pressed.

Strengths: Speed, skilled with the bow, moderately skilled with hand to hand combat, knife-fighting, and the spear. Her combat skills are focused on giving a quick, merciful death and avoiding damage as much as possible. She can use her voice while in combat in a variety of ways, to infuse her arrows with aether, to bolster her allies, to distract her enemies, and to heal.

Weaknesses: Rhisi is small and not particularly sturdy. A good hit or two can take her out of the fight. She can put herself into combat situations where she will be overwhelmed particularly if those she cares about are in danger. She has no offensive magical skills. Her healing skills are unconventional and not particularly useful in a fight as they take time to work.



  • Writing and performing music
  • Dancing
  • Stories
  • Being challenged to grow
  • Spicy food


  • Sprouts
  • Amalj'aa
  • People convinced of their superiority
  • The smell of cooking vegetables (especially cabbages)


Father: C'tohbei Tia (formerly Nuhn)- Tohbei was a capable, strong hunter and a caring Nuhn that protected his tribe and his family well into his middle age. Recently he lost his position to a younger male and has transitioned gracefully into a position as an older male and mentor in the tribe. C'rhisi was never close to him but respected him as her sire.

Mother: C'rahna Issei- Rahna is the current jali of one of the three villages of Rhisi's tribe and as such is deeply revered, respected, and held in high esteem. She has disowned Rhisi and adopted one of her sister's daughters as her new heir. This action has resulted in Rhisi being declared outcast by her village, a deeply traumatic and painful experience for her. As Rhisi was growing up, she had a complex and complicated relationship with her mother- on the one hand, she lived in awe of her power and loved her very deeply, seeing her as infallible. On the other hand Rahna pushed Rhisi very nearly from birth into being someone great, a worthy heir, someone that could live up to the incredible weight of destiny that came along with her odd-colored eyes and her bloodline. She punished Rhisi severely for failure though was equally effusive with praise, creating many of Rhisi's personality conflicts.

Sibling/extended family: Rhisi's tribal ways are such that her entire tribe is considered family. Tohbei's other mates and their children were closest to her, of course, as were her mother's two sisters, who served as jali to the other two villages. As Rhisi grew up, she started training under the Master Hunter of her village, a middle aged female that Rhisi looked up to a great deal. From Rhisi's stories, the Master Hunter is the one that taught her survival skills and the art of the bow.

Player Character Standings

Please note this section is constantly changing and as it is being formed may not have every one on it. If you would like to be added or feel you should be, please contact me!

Romantic Interest        Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Friends and loved ones

Konner Kinkaid- The leader of the Sword and Rose Order and one of Rhisi's dearest friends. Konner simultaneously confuses her and draws her in. Over the course of her time in the Order, and especially since her return from her travels, Rhisi has come to realize that this confusion is, in fact, love. She deeply respects Konner, enjoys spending time with him, and though they are diametrically opposed in terms of the way they show emotions, she has found herself realizing that they are similar in many ways.
Sigga Stonebull- A former patron and bouncer at one of the clubs Rhisi worked in. She has fallen out of contact with him, to her dismay.
Quarimar Baenund- The Lord and patron of the Order. Rhisi really isn't certain where she stands with Quarimar- at times it seems he truly dislikes her, other times she and he seem to see perfectly eye to eye. She holds him in a wary respect that nonetheless does not stop her from doing all she can to help him with anything.
Deirdre Ta'ea- Rhisi met Deirdre in the Order's Hall and, after assisting her with a private matter, has come to think of her as a friend. Rhisi has come to term Deirdre as 'a hider' and herself as 'a seeker' and seems to think it somehow appropriate that they have gotten to know one another.
Grehn Spyrwilf- Rhisi cares a great deal for Grehn and earlier in the cycle thought herself in love with the miqo'te male. During her travels her feelings for him waned and when she returned it was with the realization that he cared for her in a different way than she did for him. She feels incredibly guilty for this.
Maudit Ebrelnaux- An Elezen male that Rhisi met at a recent open house of the Order. She is protective and curious about the man, with a sympathy for his apparent sadness and loneliness.
Zasha Hope- The young Hyur has found her way into Rhisi's heart almost effortlessly. Her curiousity, effortless way of caring about people, and the genuine smile that occasionally shows inspire Rhisi towards love and protectiveness. Zasha reminds her of the half-sisters she grew up with and took care of in the tribe.
Felix Drake- A Hyur man who has taken to calling her "Commander" due to her position as Marshall of Gridania in the Order. The Highlander's demons make Rhisi instinctively want to help him- he seems to be a good man who cannot find his own goodness.
Raphael'a Deluna- A miqo'te priestess that Rhisi has come to respect and holds a little bit of awe for. Her healing skills are something that Rhisi is deeply impressed by.
Seamus O'toole- Seamus is someone that Rhisi would like to be closer to but always seems to find it difficult to really talk to. His passion for life echoes her own and the hint of sadness she catches when he's not aware people are watching make her wonder at his story. They have a long-standing agreement to share sea shanties that she dearly hopes they get to do.


T'nara Fariq- The miqo'te is one of the few people that Rhisi feels true dislike, even anger, towards. She refuses to use the woman's name and finds it difficult to remain in a conversation that turns towards mention of her.
Mara Il'eres- After an incident involving Konner, Rhisi dislikes Mara and will avoid her.


Common Rumors:

  • "She's a fantastic dancer! Gaw I miss her."
  • "That girl can sing like the Siren herself. It's...a little eerie, honestly."
  • "You know, I trained with her for a while in Gridania. She's got a different way about her, but she works damn hard."

Moderate Rumors:

  • "I heard she left Eorzea for a while. Wonder where she went?"
  • "She used to have tattoos around her eyes... something happened. That new tattoo isn't a good thing."
  • "I saw her in the Quicksand about three suns ago... when it got busy, she got really pale and ran out. Never saw her do that before."

Rare rumors:

  • "I saw her sitting in the Goblet, way off on Raubahn's Salute. She was singing in that Far Eastern language. It was...really pretty."
  • "One of my cousins is in the Garlean resistence, he said someone matching her description helped them a couple moons ago."

PC rumors:

((Characters I've interacted with free to add))


Early years Show text

Growing up Show text

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Present Show text

OOC notes


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea with additions and Ideas from Siobhain Surtsthalwyn, Brynhilde Wulf, and Renaise Galwind