D'lyhhia Lhuil

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Ð'lyhhia Ƚhuil
The Dodo Lady


» ————————— ————————— «


CURRENT ALIAS... D'lyhhia Lhuil, D'ly, Dee, Chocolates, Lyhhia

BIRTH NAME... D'lyhhia Lhuil

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te - Seeker of the Sun

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... Twenty-two





TRIBE... Formerly Dodo Tribe

CURRENT RESIDENCE... Ul'dah - Room at The Driftin' Sol

OCCUPATION... Bartender at The Driftin' Sol/Adventurer


HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulm 100 ponzes (?)

ALIGNMENT... Neutral Good


Possessing a youthful appearance paired with an innocent and shy demeanor, D’ly’s strength lies within manipulating those around her with a naive facade. Its not to say her shyness and inexperience are completely false. While she does experience it(some areas more than other), she over-exaggerates those traits to use them in her favor. Despite her facade and manipulation she genuinely has compassion, empathy, and a good heart which is often seen in her desire to help her friends and even strangers. On the other hand, she dislikes receiving help. She often downright refuses it and will continue her stubborn refusal until the one(s) offering to help gives up, they come to an agreement, or she becomes too tired to argue. D’ly also has drive for adventure and exploration. Its no wonder she has been traveling for around four years(a recently signed up adventurer as well). The ability to read and write along with ‘proper’ speech hint at a wealthy upbringing.


Standing at 5 fulms and weighing approximately 100 ponzes D'lyhhia's small/slim build make her appear younger than she is. Her light brown hair(with highlights) adds onto that effect; short and cut in an a-line fashion which complements her round facial features. These features, specifically her nose and cheeks, hold a slight flush while the rest of her skin remain light, but not pale. Her big green eyes, which are also light in color, have the normal seeker slit pupils.


Fish. A favorite food of her's which she regularly enjoyed while growing up in Limsa.
Heights. Being 5'0" has its disadvantages, like being unable to see over crowds/buildings/trees. Climbing up above above everything removes said visual obstructions.
Exploring. Finding new places and items always bring a smile. So does the thought of what she might run into next.


Cold. Stiffen joints, partially the fingers and arms, is the last thing an archer wants. Thus cold is an enemy.
Spriggans. Creepy, beady-eyed, sharp-teethed, little poofs of black make her extremely uneasy. They are avoided at all cost.
Wet Clothing. It feels gross. It smells gross. Its constricting. Need there be more said?


Fidgets. Touching, tapping, swaying, bouncing. They all keep a nervous mind at ease.
Damaged Voice. Her voice often cuts out. To make sure those around her she will repeat the word her voice cut out at before continuing.
Squeaks. Also due to her damaged voice. The more excited/panicked/shocked she is the more likely she'll squeak.

  Color Key
  ♥ In A Relationship: D’ly is romantically involved with this character.
  ♥ Romantic Attraction: D’ly is romantically interested in this character.
  ♥ Sexual Attraction D’ly is physically interested in this character.

  ♥ Platonic Love/Family: D’ly considers this person family.
  ♦ Friend: D’ly considers this person her friend.
  ♦ Friendly Acquaintance: D’ly considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

  ● Good Standing: D’ly has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
  ● Neutral: D’ly has no specific feelings about this character.
  ● Bad Standing: D’ly has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

  ♠ Dislike: D’ly doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
  ♠ Hate: D’ly consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
  ♠ Fear: D’ly is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
  ♠ Rivalry: D’ly consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

  ♥ Family Member: This character is related by blood to D’ly.
  ✔ Business: This character is either an D'ly's employer, employee, or coworker.
  ✖ Deceased: This character has passed away.
  ? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but D’ly isn't fully aware of it yet.


  Dodo ( ) - The Dodo
Dodo, the dodo, is her best friend and long time companion who would travel with her to the moon and back again. When he is not curiously waddling around or sitting by her, he is most likely getting himself or the two of them into some kind of trouble. Whether it be small or big, Dodo’s stubbornness and slightly sadistic behavior tends to get them into some displeasing situations. Despite this, the two are almost inseparable. There are only a handful of instances where D'ly would leave Dodo behind(and not for long).
  Vorsaile Cornu ( ) ( NPC ) - Persistent Caregiver
The two have long running history that started back during D'ly's early childhood. They consider each other close.
  Williams Ford ( ) ( NPC ) - Father Figure
For the majority of D’ly’s life, Williams had been her father figure and her mother’s significant other. He was a kind, intelligent, and wealthy man who played an important role in D’ly’s upbringing; being a positive parental figure, a teacher, and supporter of her dream to travel. Unfortunately both he and D’ly’s mother were unable to see their daughter follow her dream as they succumbed to illness one after the other. Williams had been the last to pass away, thus entrusting everything he owned to D’ly. D’ly holds fond memories of Williams and never has a negative thing to say.
  Unkown ( ) ( NPC ) - Mother
The bond between D’ly and her mother was strong and warm. They cared deeply for each other and stood by each other's sides through thick and thin. Pretty much the ideal mother and daughter relationship. As a teacher her mother taught her how to cook, bake, and sew. She also bestowed the knowledge of tribal traditions that were passed down throughout the Dodo tribe they had once been apart of during D’ly’s early childhood. It was around the age of eighteen that her mother caught illness along with Williams. Soon after they passed away within a year of each other.
  D'lhuil Nunh ( ) ( NPC ) - Father
Before his death he was the Nuhn of the small Dodo tribe located in Thanalan who sired D’ly. Although she has little memory of her father, her mother and Williams spoke highly of him. All three were close friends.


  P'azih Tia ( ? ) - Moons
Within the first hour of stepping within Ul’dah the Seeker male had become lost. Eventually he encountered D’ly and Dodo who stopped by The Coliseum to have a look around. After asking for directions to the Adventurer’s Guild, the two showed him the way. Before she knew it she and the Seeker, with encouragement from Bexy, signed up with the Guild thus becoming Adventurers. The Seeker soon after disappeared without a word of his dispatcher. Moons passed and when he returned(D’ly found him in The Quicksand) the first word out of D’ly’s mouth was, “Moons.”. Though she was upset at his disappearance, seeing him unharmed brought her great relief. Time passed and the two found themselves sharing company more often than not; many times traveling around Thanalan or resting at the Driftin’ Sol. Not long ago they bumped into each other in Limsa while D’ly was there taking care of Vorsaile( broken leg from a robbery). After their return to Ul’dah it was plain to see that their demeanor around each other has shifted. Just when their friends thought they'd never able to look each other in the eye, their demeanor once again shifted to a more comfortable state. That is, when they aren't bickering.
  Scarlet Willow ( ) - That Overprotective Hooligan
During one of her travels through Southern Thanalan, D’ly stumbled upon a camp where the Hellsguard female was staying with her pup, Frydhaerz(Fryd for short). At the time D’ly was unable to speak. Because of this she communicated with hand gestures and wrote on a piece paper that the Hellsguard gave her. Along with the paper, she was supplied with a water pouch and food so not to become dehydrated/hungry during her travel back to Ul’dah. D’ly has never forgotten that kind gesture, shown by how happy she was to run into the Hellsguard not long after their first meeting. Many moons have since passed and during them a close sister-like bond blossomed. Not only have they come to squabble like sisters, but they also take care of each other like sisters. Thanks to the Hellsguard, D’ly now works and lives at the Driftin’ Sol.
  Osric Melkire ( ) - Like A Brother
A male Midlander whom she had met and drank with at the Quicksand. The two quickly became close friends; D'ly thinking of the man as an older brother. Unfortunately it has been many moon since she last saw him. She fears his knack for getting into danger may have gotten the best of him.
  Kanaria Galanodel ( ) - Pretty Lady
Bonded to Osric, the female Midlander is one of the prettiest D'ly has ever seen. Like her partner it has been many moons since D'ly saw her.
  Sounsyy Mirke ( ) - Rough Sea With Choppy Past
The female Seeker just so happen to be drinking with P’azih in the Quicksand when D’ly confronted P’azih about his disappearance. Since that time the three of them have hung around Scorpion Crossing and just recently traveled to The Burning Wall. D’ly respects and worries about the Seeker, viewing her like an older sister.
  Seiko Mamushi ( ) - Snake Girl
During one of her visits to the Quicksand, D’ly spotted a female Hyur being asked a million question by a man. The Hyur was obviously annoyed, however D’ly felt she had no power in the situation. Feeling bad that she didn’t step in and help the Hyur, D’ly gifted the Hyur some chocolate hoping it would cheer up. From then on they two began to frequently hang out, until the Hyur became busy with other matters. As of late D’ly misses the female hyur, as she has not seeing her in many suns.
  Tiergan Vashir ( ) - Battyguard
During the All Saints Wake event in Ul’dah, the male Seeker collided with a book D’ly had been writing in. Except… he wasn’t a seeker, but a fluffy bat! With big adorable eyes the bat-afied Seeker begged for D’ly’s help. Of course she agreed and she, Dodo, and the Seeker began their quest to transform the Seeker to his original state. They headed to the Ossuary where they were told they would turn the Seeker back after they brought them ram horns. After trying to get said horns from a ram(and failing horribly), they bought some from the markets, returned to the Ossuary, and hands the horns to a delighted Thaumaturge who remaked that the ram horns will look FABULOUS on his wall. While the Skeeker was still on D’ly’s shoulder the Thaumaturge boops him on the head, transforming him to normal. Afterword the Seeker proceeded to give D’ly almost all the gil on his person to both repay her for the cost of the Ram Horns and to swear her to secrecy about the whole bat escapade while also promising his skills as a swordsman now that he is not a tiny cute bat. He thanks her profusely for helping her - especially when she could have easily abandoned him when they had to get Ram horns.
  Bexy Amalaryssia ( ) - Selfless
Their first meeting occurred at the Quicksand where D’ly and the female shared a table due to all the others being full. The two spoke of the bandana D’ly had been wearing; at one point mentioning that Bexy should get one for herself. Not long after their first meeting did D’ly and the Seeker meet again when she and P’azih were talking of becoming adventurers. With the encouragement and the generosity of the Seeker buying her gear, D’ly signed up as an adventurer along side P’azih. Recently the Seeker became wed, inviting D’ly, P’azih, and Scar to the wedding where there was sobbing on the inside.. It was beautiful. Much feels were had. /cry.
  Mikhai'a Rohnav ( ) - The Quiet Doctor
After having cactuar needles snap off in her skin, D’ly was sent to the male Keeper(The Driftin’ Sol’s doctor) by Scar in order to be treated. He did just that; cautiously removing the needles with magic. She thought that would be the last she would need his assistance until she, Scar, and P’azih went to the East Shroud to explore. While there Dodo thought it would be a wonderful idea to cannonball into the water that surrounds the Sanctum of the Twelve… even though he sinks like a rock. In attempt to stop her feathered friend, D’ly reached out to catch him only to have his weight pull her into the shallow water where she landed on her shoulder. The Keeper was called by Scar and upon his arrival he got right to work with putting D’ly’s injured arm into a sling. She hopes that one day she can repay him for his assistance.
  Irynfyst Rohtskyfsyn ( ) - Pirate Dad
Large and protective is an understatement when it comes to the Sea Wolf. He can only be described as a father sitting on a porch with a shotgun. Except instead of a porch it's a ship and instead of a shotgun its a cannon.
  Endemerrin Rosethorne ( ) - Chasing Blue Skies
At one time she considered the energetic, however stubborn male Seeker to be a close adventuring buddy; traveling around and being told stories. As time passed their traveling and interactions became less, and then nothing. It has been some time since she has seen him.
  Zhavi Streetrunner ( ) - The Paranoid Runner
In attempt to help D’ly get some form of income, Osric sent her to Limsa where he set her up in contact with the Keeper. The rough and intimidating Keeper took D’ly under her wing for a short while, teaching her little basics of being a runner and gathering information. Something happened to cause the Keeper to turn on D’ly(she doesn't know what she did). Thus the Keeper attacked her after she and Jager brought her onto Jager's ship. The attack left her with a scar on her left hip and behind her right knee. Since then D’ly has been cautious when visiting Limsa in fear of running into the Keeper.
  Jager Si'kaye ( ) - Rain Can Change A Man
Not long after meeting Zhavi did D’ly meet the intimidating male Skeeker whom she took an instant dislike to. The strong feeling of dislike wavered after they had a personal conversation at the anchor yard, only for it to gain strength again after he kept his back turned when Zhavi attacked her. Even with such a strong dislike, the conversation they had eats at her whenever he comes to mind. She has not seen him since the attack.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"That girl has to learn not to stare."
"Have you heard her squeak!?"
"“That girl can down an entire bottle of pumpkin ale without batting an eye!”"
“I saw her havin’ lunch with a fancy lookin’ Elezen. She looked really annoyed. Even raised her voice, but they left arm in arm before anythin’ happened.”

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"She talks a lot more than people think."
"Always running around with a dodo, she is."
"I heard she goes out to the Amal'jaa territories a lot."
“She comes by(Little Ala Mhigo) every once n’ a while to hand out chocolates. I think she makes them herself.”
"I see snoozing atop rocks in Thanalan. Poor girl... you'd think she would find somewhere more comfortable..."

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Use to see her hangin' around the entrances to the Wench. Hardly ever had a drink in her hand. Just stood there watchin'. Something must have happened 'cause shes never there anymore."
“Yeah, she’s the daughter of Master Ford. Huh? No, not her blood father.”


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"She has some shady-ass friends." Delainaut Merillat
"If anyone so much as looks at her inappropriately, I'll hang 'em by their guts." Irynfyst Rohtskyfsyn
"She won't accept a kindness 'less you guilt-trip her into doing so." Osric Melkire
"We once went swimming together off one of those lovely Limsan beaches. Watching the stars, and fireworks in the distance! It was a lovely time!." Aya Foxheart
"A kind soul, showed me around Ul'dah once. Since then? We're the best adventuring team since... well, adventuring! I wish she'd stop stuttering though, makes it hard for me to understand! Then again, if I can't work it out? I just ask Dodo." P'azih Tia
" She's my Aunt. I've never met her before, but someone once told me that she is 8 fulms and 11 ilms tall, has three heads, and devours the souls of bad children." X'vhana Vett
"That young lass has a lot of kindness to give. A few secrets too I think." Sounsyy Mirke
Stories are in chronological order.
Mind At Sea
Context: Conflicted, D'ly thinks over past remarks and gestures from her friends.
Hair Cut
Context: D'ly cuts her hair.
A Visit
Context: Vorsaile visits from Limsa.
Context: P'azih gives D'ly a gift after returning from his adventures out at sea.
Misty Nightmares
Context: D'ly has a nightmare and seeks comfort from Vorsaile.
One Too Many
Context: A distraught D'ly worries about her friends.
I Spy
Context: D'ly and Dodo play a game of I spy.
Context: D'ly helps Vorsaile get cleaned up for a date.
Context: Wine; Eorzea's ductape.
Pale Moon Dream
Context: Past events haunt D'ly in her sleep.
Musical Coins
Context: A past trick causes regret.
Blanket Covered Lungs
Context: The warmth from smoking brings comfort.
The Shroud
Context: Vorsaile tries to convince D'ly to follow after P'azih.
Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.
Artist: Trizteza
Context: Character Theme
Beautiful Hell
Artist: Adna
Context: Confused affections.
Signaling Through The Flames
Artist: The American Dollar
Context: N/A
Dulcet Relapse
Artist: Cloud
Context: Another character theme & voice claim.
Beautiful Hell (Eternal Death Remix)
Artist: Adna, Eternal Death
Context: Confused affections; nightmare addition.
Near Light
Artist: Ólafur Arnalds
Context: N/A
Artist: Daughter
Context: Struggles with growing.
Artist: This Will Destroy You
Context: N/A
Artist: Tristeza
Context: N/A


Personal RP Limits
I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
With the winter months coming up I may not be rping as often as I'd like as the cold causes great joint pain.
If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.


Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
Partially IC Tumblr: Wanderer of Eorzea
BPT Tumblr: Black Pearl Trading Co.
Potential Plot Hooks
Employed and roomed(though she hardly sleeps there) at The Driftin' Sol located in The Goblet, ward 1/plot 21.
Employed with BPT with the light tasks of random shipment checks and establishing new trade/shipping connections.
Often travels between Ul'dah/Thanalan and Limsa/La Noscea.

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC note by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist by myself(D'lyhhia Lhuil).

Please remember to link back when using this wiki. Thank you.