Arata Matsuoka

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Revision as of 23:21, 19 January 2016 by Silentnights1509 (talk | contribs) (Appearance)
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Garlemald Flag.jpg Arata Matsuoka
Questionably Defrosting Ice Queen
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Doman
Age 24
Orientation Bisexual
Marital Status Single
Occupation "Scholar"
Nameday 28th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Server Balmung
Your Character's Name, better known as Nicknames If Applicable, was born on the XXth Sun of the Xst Astral Moon. A basic little bit about your character. Generic information.
Where is your character often found? Out in Eorzea, or in the Quicksand? Say so here.
Does your character keep up with politics, or do they not really care? Say so here.
If you're in a Free Company, state it here.

Your Character's Inventory

Last updated: XXX XXth, 20XX

- Something in their bag or on their person.

Height: 5 fulms 2 ilms

Weight: 95 ponz

Complexion:  Porcelain Blue

Hair:  Bluish Teal with Periwinkle tips

Eyes:  Light Gray with Cyan limbal rings

Arata is a rather pretty Raen, blessed with very symmetrical features. She has a sharp, triangular jaw, covered in the beautiful white scales of any Raen. Her lips are thinner, as well as her nose, its bridge also hidden by her scales. Her icy gaze is angular, somewhat sultry in appearance. Her horns curve neatly around her head, coming toward her chin. Near her temples sit two small, black horns, poking out of her hair. She has bangs which sit on her brows, cut straight across. Along either side of her face rest two longer locks, the rest cut into a layered sort of bob which tapers off at the nape of her neck to meet more scales.
Arata is a thin, petite Raen, not physically intimidating in the slightest. At 5 fulms and 2 ilms, however, she stands tall her her gender and race. On her thighs, twisting around her calves and onto her feet, lie more scales atop porcelain skin. Arata is incredibly pale, her skin with a faint grayish-blue tint to it. Her movements are always seeming calculated, as if every step she took was planned; as such, she keeps her head held high with an air of mystique and confidence around her.
Her voice is deeper than most Auri females, and it doesn't help she tends to speak in a fairly monotone, disinterested voice. Her speech is always formal, no matter the situation, and she seems to always be thinking of what to say. Arata is incredibly inquisitive, though her tone would never give it away. She asks many questions, and expects just as many answers. If she can't find an answer, she'll simply find it later.
Due to the fact that Arata's company is often books, she often smells like... well, books. However, she does burn cinnamon incense in her room (to keep that musty book-scent away!) so she can smell of cinnamon if you manage to get close enough to her.
A blurb about how your character usually is when first meeting someone.
A blurb about how your character acts once they get to know someone better.



Some things your character is afraid of. Everybody's afraid of something, even the most fearless-seeming people!


Some things your character is good at.


Some unique things that your character does, such as when they're drunk.



Some things your character likes doing in their spare time.




Favorite Color: Something. Change the #XXXXXX for a different color.
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Scent:
Favorite Place:

An optional blurb about how your character looks and behaves during combat.


What weapons your character typically carries and how proficient they are with them.


What you character knows about magic, or is good at.


What your character is good at, or interested in.

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Your character's life as a child.

Teen Years

Your character's life as a teenager.


About your character's adulthood, pre- or post-Calamity.

Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person

PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)

"Insert rumor here." ~Name
"Insert rumor here." ~Name
"Insert rumor here." ~Name
Relationship Status Legend
💑 In a Relationship Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Good Poor Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

List of Family Members
Katsuyo Matsuoka, Mother.  ???)
Arata’s Thoughts: WIP


Uchiyuki Matsuoka, Father.  ???)
Arata’s Thoughts: WIP



Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that Arata has interacted with enough or in such a way for her to form a opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. If you wish to be added here, simply ask!

Last Updated: 1/18/2016.

List of Non-Family Relations
Roark Vasko, The Postman. ()
Arata’s Thoughts: "I do not quite understand what drew you to me when we met, but you seem to be a good man."


O'kihp Tia, "Chip". ()
Arata’s Thoughts: "It is likely for the best that I got you away from that woman when I did. I should likely be keeping an eye on you..."


Kamaka Leo, Conjuring Xaela. ()
Arata’s Thoughts: "You think I am pretty, which is nice. And you are also kind. I hope to speak with you again."


Dates are included mostly for me so I can keep track of things. However, feel free to use them as references for character journals.

Notable events are divided into arcs, so that you can easily find new info on each arc.

An Example Organizational Tab

(1/1-1/2) An Example Table

(Status: Complete) (Who was Involved: Person 1, Person 2)

Write about your important event here.

(Credit is due to Endel Blanche for the idea to add in this tab!)

Optional tab. Remove if you don't want. Here, you can put in little 'hooks' for your character - easy conversation starters so that people might find it easier to walk up to you.

What I am looking for/interested in:

  • Here, you should put things you are looking for, such as romance arcs, long-term RP parters, etc.

What I will NOT RP:

  • Here, you should put things you're either not looking for or uncomfortable with RPing.


  • Any links you feel are important for people to see, like journals, can be linked in this section.


Optional section. Remove if you don't want. You can link Tropes about your character here.

About the Player:

Optional section. Remove if you don't want.


This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte.

Other Stuff

  • OOC notes. For extra fun, write at 3am.