Ruran Vas

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Ruran light.png


NAME: Ruran Vas
BIRTHNAME: Locke Rinannis
NICKNAMES: Ghost, Ser Knight
AGE: 28
NAMEDAY: 9th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (8 Sept.)
GUARDIAN: Azeyma, the Warden
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good (Lawful Tendency)
BIRTHPLACE: The Black Shroud
RESIDENCE: Drifting. Currently at an inn in the Thanalans.
OCCUPATION: Artifact Hunter & Voidsent Slayer
AFFILIATIONS: The Dreamer's Reprieve, Order of Ouroboros, Jackal & Hide (hidden ties)
FIRST IMPRESSION. Though rare for Ruran to stand tall and confident, his maximum height appears to be around 5’11”. The sword at his side indicates that he has the strength to wield it, but being encased in armor and donned with a mask makes it difficult to get an accurate read on his body structure or expression.
Pale, almost white, hair hangs down to his shoulders (though he was coerced into a haircut recently), slightly unkempt and rarely pulled back. Fair skin, with perhaps a bit of blonde stubble, and blue-green eyes can be seen behind his wooden (sometimes metal) white mask.
It has been said that he can appear intimidating, with most of his appearance hidden save for intense eyes that are often far too serious or solemn. He seems to be carrying quite a heavy burden, an aura of sobriety following him wherever he goes, which makes his shoulders sag and eyes grow heavy.
Lately, a white chocobo (named Tathas) has been in Ruran’s company. Still gaining its trust and caring for its wounds, the man does not yet take the bird to join him on adventures, but perhaps one day. Until then, Ruran is finding some peace in having a friend to care for.

CLOTHES. Ruran exemplifies simplicity and practicality. He does not often wear colors, instead choosing to stay limited in white, black, and any shade between. He wears no jewelry or anything that would indicate a penchant for finer things.
His armor is fitted and light, a personal preference for the knight over heavy and ornate. It has seen its share of use—dents, dirt, and scratches mar the metal plates. But for the most part, Ruran keeps care of it, taking it to local smiths for regular repairs and maintenance.
While he is most often seen in his suit of armor, he does own a few other articles for comfort. Sturdy boots, loose cotton slacks, and a gray tunic is not uncommon for the man during his downtime, though the mask remains.

SCARS. None that can be seen. Even stripped of his armor, the man’s skin is oddly devoid of battle scars and birthmarks. Newly formed callouses line his hands and feet, but aside from that? Unblemished to an odd degree.


Ruransoulstone.png      Ruranfullmask.png      Ruranarmor.png      Ruranlongsword.png      Ruranlily.png      Ruranmap.png
[Soulstone] [White Funeral Mask] [Suit of Armor] [Longsword] [Lily Sprout] [Various Maps]
SOMBER. Ruran remembers the last time he smiled. It was far too long ago. Since then, only something akin to good-naturedness has flickered across his eyes, but none have yet to see a spark of pure joy, let alone a bright grin. Nevertheless, his seriousness does not mean coldness, and there is a quiet caring in his actions, even if his expression does not show it. Ruran is a broken man, which becomes more evident when reminded of certain things.
DUTY-BOUND. Whatever Ruran considers to be his path, he pursues it relentlessly, as one who knows of nothing else. Any pain of his past is pushed aside by mention of the duty he must fulfill. It seems to be the one thing keeping him going, even at the expense of his well-being…and his sanity.
ALTRUISTIC. Perhaps to a fault, Ruran trusts easily and assists whenever possible. He tends to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and he reserves judgment until his trust is broken. He does not judge on appearances, but instead by actions. ...Sometimes multiple actions.
QUIET. Ruran is a thinker, and his thoughts often pull him inward, leaving the man sitting in a crowded tavern or social outing and completely oblivious to his surroundings. However, Ruran does not enjoy speaking his thoughts; he will give polite answers and apologies to those who catch him in a daze. The longer an average day wears on, the more quiet he becomes, until he slips silently into a rented inn room and does not leave until morning.

• Very wary of explosives and firearms. May mentally break down if fired too close to him.
• Likewise, he also has certain trigger words that inflict him with PTSD-like symptoms: flashbacks, paranoia, trembling, etc.
• Adjusts his mask if feeling anxious or insecure, a comfort object of sorts.
• Prefers absolute privacy when attempting to sleep. May feel too paranoid if out in the open.
• Knows much about engineering, but refrains from speaking about it and possesses no items that would link him to such a field.

TROPES: Apologises A Lot | Cosmic Plaything | The Drifter | The Fettered | Guardian Entity | Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold | Hurting Hero | Undying Loyalty | Walking the Earth

SWORDSMAN. Ruran carries a simple, trusty longsword, and has trained in the arts of melee combat. This may sometimes be exchanged for a pair of daggers, but only when called upon for certain situations. He attacks with quick strikes and can afford to be at least a little reckless when encased in metal plates, though he tries not to be hit at all.
THE BLESSING OF AZEYMA. A strange aura empowers Ruran, imbuing him with holy energy and granting him unnatural abilities such as augmented magical attacks and minor short-distance teleportation. However, this power is mostly out of his control in his current state, and it will quickly exhaust him if used too often.

UNBENDING. Ruran does not go down easily, determined to live until he is physically unable to stand, and sometimes beyond.
BASTION. Clad in armor and sometimes with a shield, it can be difficult to land a lethal hit on the knight. Also, despite his languid posture, he is surprisingly quick on his feet and is able to close the distance with surprising (and perhaps even terrifying) swiftness.
ARI'DORAM. A powerful force protects Ruran. It often shoves the man past his typical capabilities, and wards against those who would seek to harm his soul or mind.
Note: Highly resistant to most mind-manipulation, such as sleep and charm. He is also immune to void/dark-aspected effects.

AETHERICAL INSTABILITY. While Ruran has the potential for magic, he struggles to control it. Perhaps because his mind is constantly unsettled, or he is simply not strong enough, he cannot depend on the inconsistency of these abilities. On more than one occasion, it has acted without his knowing or not responded when he needed it, causing more harm than good.
RELUCTANCE. Behind every swing of his sword is a man who wishes he had another choice. Guilt and hesitance plague him, and his resolve can be shaken if approached the correct way.
BROKEN MIND. Certain loud noises and the presence of explosions may cause the man to flinch, sometimes even making him seize up...or his mind may retreat into a temporary coma. He avoids these situations whenever possible. Also, though he has knowledge and skill in firearms, you will not find the knight anywhere near them.

“Eh, who? ‘Ruin’? … A blonde armored guy in a mask? Name don’t sound familiar, but I did see someone matchin’ that description passin’ by the gate the other day. Don’t know where he was goin’, but ‘e didn’t seem in any hurry.” - Rug Merchant, Scorpion Crossing
“Ruran… He’s staying at the inn over there, right? —Oh, he’s not there anymore? Hm, I wonder where he went…” - Observant Busybody, The Mist
 “Oh, I ran into a man of that description on the street. Quite literally, much to my embarrassment. The mask was unsettling, but he seemed nice enough. He helped me up, then bowed and apologized, even though it was my fault…” - Clumsy Shopper, Sapphire Avenue

“Mm, he came in here asking if there’d been any trouble, and if he could help. I told him there’s always trouble with the beastmen, but he didn’t seem interested in that kind of work. He was polite and professional though. I’ll hire him if something else comes up.” - Innkeeper, Camp Drybone
“Yeah, I know ‘im. Mister Vas came into my shop, wantin’ his armor repaired. Had a big ol’ scratch on the front, like somethin’ clawed ‘im. Didn’t look like no animal I’d ever seen, so I asked ‘bout it. Said it was from a voidsent. Would call ‘im a fool for seekin’ out that kind of trouble, but it got me some coin, so I can’t judge, hahah!” - Blacksmith, Moraby Drydocks
“Hmm? Oh! Er—yes! I remember he came in here a few weeks ago. He wanted information on…Sil’dih? And books on soulstones, and voidsent, and the Twelve, and geography… All kinds of topics! I asked him what he could possibly want all this research for, and he…looked kinda sad. I mean, at least as far as I could tell, with that mask and all.” - Cheerful Librarian, Arrzaneth Ossuary

“Ruran Vas… A mysterious man, a mysterious past, but not so difficult to read. Watch his eyes, for they speak tomes: he is seeking redemption. But I fear he is so dogged in his pursuit of atonement and to protect those he loves, that he…may very well destroy himself in the process.” - Cloaked Woman, Little Ala Mhigo
“I think ‘e’s sick, ‘cuz I saw ‘im run into an alley, ’n he was stumblin’ ‘round like ‘e was ‘bout to fall over. ‘E looked at me, but I’mma good ‘ider. ‘Is eyes were like…like tiny lil' suns!” - Curious Child, The Goblet
“Oh, Ruran, aye! Me ’n ‘im got shite-faced together, but ‘e can’t ‘old ‘is booze too good. ‘Fore I knew it, ‘e was leanin’ on me, sobbin’ buckets ’n tellin’ me ‘ow much ‘e missed ‘is family and wanted to go 'ome. Ramblin’ ‘bout lilies or somethin’, and questionin’ ‘is existence ’n all. Eh—don’t tell ‘im I told you though, sounds like the poor sod’s got ‘nough troubles as it is.” - Boisterous Miner, Vesper Bay

"Ruran Vas... A knight if I ever saw one, dressed all in white with shining sword. But burdened, heavily so. You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his words. There is much I would do to see him smile, just once." - Mae Rosenthal
"The man cares more than he'll ever show. It's just in his nature... it always has been." - Cyrus Chambers
"His face? Aye, I've seen it. S'why he needs to wear the mask, 'cause if ye 'ave the face o' a god, it's necessary in order to walk among us mortals. Under tha' mask tho' is me reason fer singin'. An' he always gives me an ear, even iffin' the singin's mediocre...wish he'd invite me back to his room. " - Sephora Sirenas
"Ghost either goes to a lot of childrens parties or he really doesn't like to share his face, if he has one. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's the latter. He should probably realize though that no matter what kind or lack of face he has people won't really care, in the end. Yeah, because it's the inside that counts, and it's all nice and mushy, like the rest of us. Hmmm, I guess he might be missing a nose though. I've after all seen the lower parts of his face. A person without a nose would be sort of weird, but not as weird as the mask he carries. No matter! I like the guy, he needs to smile more!" - Xivrez'to Ithaka
"Stare long enough into his armour, and slowly a rather lovely butt shall appear. Like magic, truly." - Mae Rosenthal
"Rumor here." - Character Name
"Rumor here." - Character Name
Significant Other | Romantic Interest | Trusted | Deceased | ? Uncertain | NPC
Positive Standing | Neutral Standing | Negative Standing
ǃ Updated (2 September 2016)
Alphabetical according to color and icon.

Lily Rinannis (Wife)
"My light, my only," he calls her. She was everything to him, saved him in more ways than one, and she is one of the few reasons Ruran fights as hard as he does.
Ado, Mikh’a, & Ellie Rinannis (Children)
Two adopted, and one of his own blood, Ruran loves his children more than he can express. He grieves that he cannot be a part of their lives as they grow. He hopes they will remember him. However, his daughter—'Ellie'—is so young that he does not expect her to even remember his face...
Olli & Bubby (Honorary)
A chipper mammet-hearted magitek bit and a serious little mammet with a few dents, Olli and Bubby are the Rinannis family's tiny protectors. Loyal and curious, they help however they can, including being playmates for the children. Ruran knows Olli would return to him...but the knight has chosen to leave the bit behind, for his family's sake.
Graeme & Nadia Rinannis (Parents)
His loving parents, who are no more. Graeme was a large man and kind-hearted angler; Nadia was a meek and lovely seamstress, though she became small and fragile from a disease early in Ruran's childhood. He thinks of them fondly, but also with great remorse.
Romimo Romi (Guardian)
Ruran has known Romi all of his life; she was always part of his family, to do what his crippled mother could not. She is a wise and caring lalafell, who taught Ruran most of what he knows, and spurred a curiosity and wonder in him that drove him to become the kind man he is at his core.
Auric Rinannis (Brother)
Ruran shows nothing but contempt for this 'man', if he can still call himself that. After several attacks and threats, he has no tolerance for Auric, refusing to call him his brother, and festering a rare hatred within the knight. If push came to shove, Ruran would not hesitate to take him down.
One of Ruran’s oldest and most trusted friends. The mage is enigmatic and distant most of the time, but Ruran would never question his loyalty. The two have had some rocky footing lately, with Cyrus’s aloofness not meshing well with Ruran’s grief, but they are making strides to work through it.
Kylian ‘Kuyoh’ Noudenet
A strange little miqo’te cartographer whose chipper personality is something that Ruran appreciates. She claims that she owes him for helping her, but the knight is simply grateful for her safety, and that she was willing to help cart his unconscious body to safety.
A healer from Ishgard who Ruran met while traveling. Her gentleness, mirth, and clear concern for others puts him at ease, and he has slowly come to learn to trust her. Ruran feels in her debt, as she has helped him in many ways with her healing abilities. He remains uncertain how to repay her kindness.
A mischievous bard who unabashedly flirts with the sheepish knight every chance she gets. But behind her teasings, he has found someone in whom he can confide; each has shared one another’s greatest secret and sworn to keep them. She often plays at the inn he frequents, which he greatly enjoys.
Ruran has known this miqo’te for quite a while, though Xiv doesn’t know it yet (as far as he's aware). Concerning Xiv, Ruran is faced with a decision he knows he must make, before it is made for him. Even so, the masked man enjoys Xiv’s company, and has found a good sparring partner in him as well.
A surgeon of Ishgard, Afoix first met Ruran while the knight was having a mental breakdown (much to his embarrassment and shame). Still, the doctor was supportive and even offered his assistance. Although Afoix is curt and sometimes relentless in his pointed questions, Ruran respects him and his work.
Arabel Khaine
Met in the rainforests of La Noscea, this smiling woman strikes Ruran as strange, somehow. Both her knowledge of Garlean technology and her past makes him wary, yet with the sincerity and warmth of her words, he cannot help but give her the benefit of the doubt.
Ruran met this shy but kind raen in the company of Masahiko Akiyama. Her wide-eyed wonder is endearing, and she bravely caught and delivered his rogue linkpearl as it bounced down a busy street in Ul'dah. He feels indebted to both raen and wishes them the best of travels.
Esme Volari
A midlander who works at Summerford Farms. She took care of Ruran while he was injured, and he feels indebted to her. He owes the young woman a bottle of wine and a proper visit.
ǃ Iona Itaralyrwyn
Ruran bumped into this miqo'te just before she began to be heckled by a group of drunks. Though he had said he would protect her until she got where she needed to be, she swiftly proved that she was quite capable of taking care of herself. She seems kind and sensible, which Ruran respects.
Keimo Sorata
Though stammering and a little clumsy, Ruran thinks very highly of this Doman physician. He not only healed Ruran's wound, he expelled the poison that undoubtedly would have kept him bedridden for days otherwise.
Kerai Chujitsuna
A young, mysterious raen that Ruran met at an inn. The two seem to have quite a bit in common, from losing their family, to their shared thoughtful silences, to their pale visages. A pair of ghosts.
A smirking raen in the company of Chizuri Inoue. He seems the good-natured but teasing sort, and ultimately the two shared a mutual friendliness and politeness, even if mercifully forced on the au ra's side, the grin ever-inching on his mouth.
Nailah Quill
While following a lead on a job, Ruran spotted Nailah along the road. She convinced him that barging in on cultists alone was a terrible idea, and the two instead chose to talk and get to know each other. Ruran left their meeting intrigued, and he intends to get in touch with her again soon.
Met by mere happenstance, Renelle was calm and kind in teaching Ruran how to play a singing bowl. In just a short time, she showed him the importance of peace...and just how much tension he had been carrying lately. He hopes to meet her again soon, almost certainly when her shop opens up.
Temame Kajiya
Though at first wary in the raen's presence, Ruran has grown used to being in the company of Temame. She is kind and hopeful, and thankfully not quite observant enough to recognize him through his mask.
A pleasant Doman woman who has bumped into Ruran a time or two. She seems interested in his work, and he is slowly learning more about her, though he quietly hopes she does not do the same.
A name selectively uttered on Ruran's lips, though it always seems to be in reference to the glowing light at his chest.
House Rosenthal
Having visited Mae's family in Ishgard, Ruran has piqued the curiosity of the Rosenthals. He feels overwhelmed by both their prestige and endless questions, but he respects them immensely.
Ruran saved this chocobo from its previous abusive owners. Dirty and wounded, Tathas is being tended by Ruran, who has found new friendship with the timid bird.
An officer in the Order of Ouroboros, Arthurioux is a well-mannered elezen with a kind demeanor, who seems to be willing to give Ruran the benefit of the doubt despite his mask. He also seems to be a skilled mage, which easily impresses Ruran.
Having only met this Highlander once a long time ago, and having shared a table recently, Ruran can't say much concerning Gunnar. He seems passionate about fighting Garlemald, and Ruran can appreciate that type of fire.
Suspicious and mistrusting of Ruran's mask and motives, Tak's meetings with the knight have had a rocky start. The miqo'te seems to have decided to tolerate him, and Ruran hopes to prove that he is worthy of his trust. ...As long as the mask isn't shot off his face.
Lauriel Speravi
Ruran has only met this woman once, in an investigation of a murder scene. He knows little about her, except that she is from Gridania, is a healer, and holds herself well.
Narcisseoix Valliere
A recent business partner, Ruran has agreed to give artifacts found in his travels to this elezen, in exchange that they do not fall into the wrong hands. What comes of it, and whether Ruran can truly trust the man, remains to be seen.
One of the leaders of the Order of Ouroboros. He seems quite level-headed and well-spoken, having offered Ruran the opportunity to join the Order. Ruran appreciates this, and he will do his best to be useful.
Sahael Nevara
A miqo'te who holds leadership in the Order of Ouroboros. Ruran questions what Sahael would endeavor to do with things concerning the Void, but otherwise the two have gotten along rather well. He hopes to talk with him again soon.
Talamh Ovagne
A mysterious woman; a name rarely heard, and seen even less.
((Ruran's main theme.))
Remember when the darkness wasn't all you had to see?
Remember when a part of you still hoped for what could be?
Well, I've got this suit of armor and a sword I need to swing...
Wolfborn - BrunuhVille
((An instrumental that captures both somberness and determination.))
Good Left Undone - Caitlin Plunkett (Cover)
((Flower analogy and very fitting lyrics. Thank you Mae for this find!))
In fields where nothing grew but weeds,
I found a flower at my feet,
Bending there in my direction,
I wrapped a hand around its stem,
I pulled until the roots gave in,
Finding there what I'd been missing,
And I know...
So I tell myself, I tell myself it's wrong.
There's a point we pass from which we can't return.
I felt the cold rain of the coming storm.
All because of you,
I haven't slept in so long.
When I do, I dream of drowning in the ocean,
Longing for the shore where I can lay my head down.
I'll follow your voice,
All you have to do is shout it out...
Inside my hands, these petals browned,
Dried up, fallen to the ground,
But it was already too late now.
I pushed my fingers through the earth,
Returned this flower to the dirt
So it could live. I walked away now.
Quiet Lies - Matthew Mayfield
((A morose tune, to represent Ruran's helplessness and uncertainty.))
Lights blurred with time,
And that gray became a light.
You see nothing clearly,
So head strong deny the feeling.
Quiet lies
Whisper, whisper all the time...
Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie
((In regards to his beloved and his children, who are now out of his grasp.))
How can I say this without breaking..?
How can I say this without taking over?
How can I put it down into words,
When it's almost too much for my soul alone?
I loved, and I loved, and I lost you.
I loved, and I loved, and I lost you.
I loved, and I loved, and I lost you,
And it hurts like hell.
Yeah, it hurts like hell...
DISCLAIMER. I'm not looking to attach myself to one particular person; I want a wide spectrum of players and personalities! While I consider myself a heavy RPer, work and personal projects (as well as doing PvE dailies) keep me busy sometimes, so if you're looking for an RP partner with whom you can spend most of your time, I'm afraid I'm not for you. I'd still love to meet your character and develop a story, but possessiveness and jealousy are huge aversions for me.

CHARACTER DISASSOCIATION. Despite the same last name, this character is no longer associated with Lilithium Rinannis Altair.

COMMUNICATION. If you want to RP? Tell me. If you're uncomfortable? Tell me. There is little that can happen in an RP that will make me squeamish, so long as it is OOCly consensual among all parties involved.

ACCESSIBILITY. All of my characters are located on the Balmung server. My timezone is EST/GMT-5, and I'm often online after 6pm Monday-Saturday, and Sundays I'm available all day. I also enjoy Skype/Discord RP, for those who have a busy schedules/time conflicts, enjoy para-posting, or want something laid-back that takes place over casual windows of time.

TUMBLR. The Man With No Face contains IC-only canon: RP recaps, art, stories, screenshots, etc. Feel free to check it out!

Madoc ParnellTamuh LheviAtreus del Alumet

■ All art, unless otherwise specified, was drawn by Ruran Vas. (copyright 2013-2016 me original oc no steling)
An amalgam of codes and ideas from several layouts. I don't know how far the rabbit hole this goes, but here's what I know!
■ Skeleton code was created by Bancroft Gairn
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera (now Jaliqai Qulaan)
■ Adapting the adaption and spinning pieces around by Ruran Vas
■ Headers by Atreus del Alumet (who is also Ruran Vas)
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu
■ Combat by Suen Shyu and some inspiration from Xeiz Feine
■ OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various credit to D'lyhhia Lhuil.
Thank you!