Benedict Whiteraven

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Benedict Whiteraven
Hell is yourself and the only redemption is when a person puts himself aside to feel deeply for another person.
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 36
Occupation Astrologian/Wanderer/Panhandler
Orientation Heterosexual
Marital Status Single
Alignment Chaotic Good
Deity Oschon


Benedict Whiteraven "I am a man of keen eye and slurred speech! A marvel of the world I live in and truly a man well past his expiration date! I am a whisper on the lips barflys and broken down limosan hookers! I am BENEDICT!" -Quote from a VERY drunk Benedict.
Someone once accurately described him as, "a man who walks in nightmares, both when awake and asleep." Benedict Whiteraven is a man struggling with himself. Growing up amongst the poor of Ul'Dah he learned how little the world cares for those at the bottom. Despite the odds he pulled himself from the gutter and dedicated his life to the protection and defense of the downtrodden. Choosing a simple life he wandered from place to place, finding shelter where he could and offering aid where it was most needed and panhandling when life dictated. He never asked for payment or praise for his deeds as he saw it as his duty. Years of sacrifice, personal failures, missed loves, and lamented opportunities, had left their mark upon him and slowly the seeds of resentment for a life spent in service had begun to take root in his soul. Dark thoughts crept at the edges of his mind as he fought to continue on his chosen path. His mind was thus when he took an ill-fated trip to Ishgard and came upon the dark knight soul crystal which led him down the darkest road of his life as it gave freedom and form to all the pain and hurt he had bottled up throughout his years. Benedict became a different man while giving into the abysmal freedoms offered by the soul stone and lashed out at friend and foe alike for any reason that seemed to fit his sour mood.Tragedy by his own bloody hand broke his mind for a time and he removed himself from the civilized world and found shelter in a frozen cave in the wastes of Ishgard's harsh wilderness. He claimed the area as his own and severed limb and brought countless deaths to those that crossed its boundary. In the end he would be found and slowly brought back to some semblance of the man he once was and now travels the world once more looking to find some form of redemption, but this time he does so without sword or armor but instead with the fledgling magics he is learning as a healer and astrologian.

"You know, the only thing I remember from Sunday school is the martyrs... the saints, the saviors... they all end up the same way. Bloody and alone." -Claire, Daredevil

Ben at "Home" when he lived on the Pearl Lane


Slightly confused in Gridania

Benedict is a male midlander in his mid-thirties and a medium athletic build. He is about average height, maybe slightly on the shorter end of average. Despite his height he strikes a commanding visage with his striking blue eyes and mess of shoulder length white hair that has turned black at the edges since he picked up the dark knight crystal but has since began to fade as he starts his path to redemption.

Casting aside his traditional arms and armor and always being a fan of longcoats, Benedict often wears a long white coat of exceptional quality, a gift from his teacher upon agreeing to study as a healer. This is worn with most of his daily activities but he also carries a long hooded white robe when either weather or the situation dictates he dress more in a conservative manner.

Aside from the two scars on his face, one over his left eye and the other across his right jawbone, anyone who ever got a look under his shirt or at his legs would notice that his skin looks more like a topographical map of scars spaced out across his body more than anything else. Benedict has seen many battles and because of his past chaotic impulse to throw himself at a cause or a person in need and combined with his near suicidal and overly aggressive tactics as a dark knight, this means he has taken quite a few injuries in his time. Before he began his studies as a healer, which has made up much of his life, Benedict often traveled alone and thus his body has not had the benefit of much magical healing. Instead he tried to take care of injuries as best he could and this usually ended in jagged scars and misaligned stitches. Most of these are hidden under his clothes but with his flair for wearing fairly open clothing, they would not be hard to see for one who was looking.


Benedict Whiteraven

Benedict is still finding himself after being offered his chance at redemption. Where once stood a man of great confidence instead is found a man unsure of his own skills as a healer and reader of fates and stars. He often feels vulnerable out in the world without the familiar hilt of a sword in his hand and the weight of a suit of armor on his back. He tries his best to put such thoughts out of his mind and focus on mastering his new studies but that is often easier said then done. He fails in his attempts to heal a fair amount of the time and the temptation is always in the back of his mind, "If I just had a sword, then I could . . .," but deep down he knows the horrors he brought about at the end of a blade and so he reluctantly holds to the vow he made to his teacher to not make use of the tools of his former life again.

As a result of his budding study of Astromancy, Ben has begun to pay close attention to the small details of life that may (or may not) be connected to the subtle hands of fate. He has not quite gained a mastery to tell the difference from a minor event that has greater meaning and a minor event that is simply that, a minor event. This has led to Ben becoming quite innocently obsessed with small pattern events, like mentally referring to a person sinister who always seems to stand to his left, or questioning if there is deeper meaning to seeing the same person at seemingly random locations in a given week. This is something he will get better at as his skills as an Astrologian improve, but for now it is an odd quirk that most find a bit annoying.

5 traits that describe Benedict Whiteraven:

  1. Homeless
  2. Loyal
  3. Persistent
  4. Wanderlust
  5. Emotional

This is what I got when I took it as purely Ben: (Campaigner (ENFP-a) The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.

Other Campaigners you may know: Robin Williams/Wash from "Firefly"/Robert Downey Jr, and my favorite on the list, Willy Wonka).


  • Ben is an avid listener and in most cases he will wait to be asked direct questions before volunteering information.
  • Often can be a bit of a silly drunkard, but has a deeply serious side he hides from most people.
  • When he is feeling unsure or awkward he tends to run his hand through his mess of white hair or rub his chin.



Strong Drink Ben is a fan of his drink with his favorites being spiced rum for parties and such, and bourbon for deep thought or a solemn victory drink.

Relaxing by the water Ever since he was a child and use to go to Vesper Bay with his grandmother, Ben found the water a calming influence on him and found comfort there. Even now one of his favorite places to set up camp is on the beach.

Good company with old friends Ben loves to be social and the longer he has known someone the more comfortable he feels just being himself around them.

Strong willed individuals He respects people who are not easily swayed and have the drive to take what they need from the world. Even if such folks are in opposition to his goals, he can’t help but respect them.

Traveling/Seeing the world Ben has traveled the backroads, alleys, shipping lanes, and oceans in and around Eorzea for years and finds few things more helpful in clearing his mind than a good walk somewhere.

Music (Especially strong female vocals) Ben has a deep appreciation for music, despite having no talent for it self. He can be easily swayed by an impassioned violin or sultry female soloist.

LoyaltyAlthough his greatest crime was one of broken loyalty, there are few thigs he values more, perhaps even because it was his own greatest failure.

Reading fortunes Since he started his road to redemption, Ben has found few things that make him feel like he is actually giving back to the world like performing a reading for someone else. He never charges for this, although tips are appreciated. He can usually be found panhandling outside the Quicksand and often performs readings for folks at the same time.

Rain and storms He will willingly stay out in the rain for hours just for the sheer pleasure of it. Few things get his blood truly pumping like a grand thunderstorm.


Cruelty As a street person and later a crazed Dark Knight, Ben has seen both sides of the world’s cruelty and now can’t stomach those who would use their strength to sow strife and misery for the sheer enjoyment of it. He struggles with his desire to act when faced with such opportunities because he instinctively looks for a blade and has to remind himself of his oath.

Entitlement Growing up poor in the slums of Ul’dah he learned the entitlement inherent in the city and grew to dislike those who go through life with such an air about them.

Heat The sweltering heat of the desert is choking in its intensity at times and ben would rather feel the frozen wind upon his face than that unforgiving heat that saps strength and endurance so quickly.

Prudish behavior Ben has always been rather direct and this has led him to say things that are not always the most respectable or proper for polite society. This means he often has to have words with those who turn their noses up at his statements.


Swordsmanship He was taken in at an early age to train as a gladiator, after that he was a soldier in the military, and then after that he made a life as a traveling sellsword. This have given him a lifetime of combat experience that forged him into quite the deadly swordsman, even if his vow prevents him from picking up a blade.

Woodcraft/Botany His years on the road have allowed him to pick up a rather high skill at woodcraft. This skill has allowed him to excel in survival of quite diverse environments and move quietly through the dense brush.

Cartography When he ventured from the shores of Eorzea he picked up the skill and proved to have a true talent for it and has since come to enjoy mapping out his old haunts.

Sailing His love of water led him to eventually learn his way around a ship. When he is out at sea his mind is clear and his heart was calm, but such things can only last so long. This skill was perfected when he spent over a year away from Eorzea sailing the seas with a merchant vessel.


Strong drink Ben loves alcohol and tends to indulge in it to excess quite often. He has recently attempted to cut back on this but it is very hit or miss.

Judging distances It may not seem like much but there are times when he has trouble judging distances from himself to his target. That usually causes him to jump too far or not far enough if he's trying to get somewhere, it can cause him to throw something too far/not far enough, and it can mess up his ability to catch something thrown at him.

Impulsive Ben is driven by his desires and often moves forward without giving a lot of thought into the consequences of his actions, particularly when he is the only person he could see being at risk from a given course of action.

Oath Both a strength and weakness for him, he has vowed to never again place a weapon in his hands or to don armor. He refuses to even make use of utensils for this reason and as his magical skills are still building, could be exploited in combat if he exhausts the limits of his new powers.


This is a list of the items that Benedict currently is keeping on his person. He carries a pack on his back at all times while travelling, only putting it down in an inn room in large cities if he'll be there for more than a day. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

  • Star Globe and Fate Cards: Being an Astrologian is very important to his new sense of identity and path of redemption, so he carries these items at all times.

  • Food: Ben always keeps random food items for snacking on his person. Jerky, dried berries, possibly even a half eaten sandwich. Usually the food that is ready to eat is kept in his pockets for easy access.

  • Severed finger: When a thief is caught, a common punishment is to remove a number of fingers proportional to the value of the items stolen. These fingers are then taken and blessed by anointed priests of Oschon the Wanderer. It is thought that, when carried on a journey, these fingers will point out the safest routes, and are therefore cherished by caravan drivers and traveling merchants throughout Eorzea.

  • Small gil pouch: He keeps the pouch on his belt to quickly reach what little money he has. There's usually not a lot in the pouch, just enough for a few drinks or a meal.

  • 12x Flasks: Half are on his belt and the other half are in his traveling pack. They tend to be filled with rum or bourbon.

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
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