Ren Kita

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― Kita.



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Kita screenshot1.png



NICKNAMES: Kita, North.

RACE & CLAN: Midlander Hyur (Hingashin/Garlean).

GENDER: Cis male.

AGE: ~40s.

NAMEDAY: 28th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 5'1", 85lbs.

ORIENTATION: Grey-ace demiromantic.




GENERAL HEATH: Questionable.

OCCUPATION: Alchemist.

PATRON DEITY: Does death count.

ALIGNMENT: True neutral (evil leaning).


SERVER: Mateus.

"Ren Kita", simply called Kita or North by some, was born on the 28th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon. He is an alchemist that specialises in the study, manufacturing, and handling of poisons and general toxic substances. The name Ren Kita is, assumably, not his birth name.



Eyes Hair Skin Body Type Voice
White, green tint. Medium grey with salt/peppering. Short and clean but left wild. Sickly pale. Ectomorph. Selective mute. Have fun guessing.
Laterality Scars Tattoos & Piercings Style
Left handed. Several from head to toe. None. Dark, layers.

North has a rather angular face, with a strong jaw and an even stronger grimace that never leaves. His lips are thin but pronounced, and he has a prominent underbite. Cheeks? Hollow. Eyes? Sunken. Brows? Always drawn low. A good four or five scars mar his face alone, one of which has split his right ear pretty badly. It's apparent that he's both passing his prime and lives a stressful life, both from the creases in his scowl and the white showing up in his peppered grey hair. Which while short, is left to do its own thing.

Skin and bone. North either has trouble putting on weight and keeping it, or neglects to eat regularly. And it's clear he's not one for tanning either, as his skin is practically grey. Veins are easy to spot as well. Sharp would be a good way to put his form; his fingers are slender, and his joints would definitely hurt to be struck with.

If North is capable of verbally speaking, he doesn't trust anyone well enough to show them. But in certain situations, one can catch a hint at what his voice ought to sound like-- such as being startled enough to bark out. And it doesn't fit his frail physique. Even without words, his voice is a low and aggressive snarl.

He may look particularly dishevelled, but at the very least he keeps himself clean. North doesn't douse himself in any form of cologne or other substances to make him smell appealing, but someone with a strong nose and no sense of personal space might be able to pick up a distinct scent of cleaning substances. (Think something like Virex)

Along with prominent veins, Kita's body has a number of patchy, bruise-like discolourations-- most of which are gathered around his digits, chest, and joints. But overwhelming these marks is an array of scars: lacerations, burns, bites, and more surgical scars than one should have.



Intelligent. Realist. Unsympathetic. Kita is a scientist first, and a person second. If it will help to further his work or knowledge, he will do it. Of course other people's well-being matters... but only so long as caring about them doesn't hinder him. Which isn't helped by his lack of both empathy and sympathy. Despite this, Kita would be a good person to go to for advice, as he is honest (albeit brutally so), and tends to avoid biases. If you're looking for a neutral answer, you will get one.

On the outside, North is of course stoic and deadpan with a sprinkle of irritated. But given the right situation, and an angry enough soldier with a loud voice, he becomes a twitchy, apologetic wreck who shrinks away from the slightest thing and is suddenly allergic to eye contact. Along with soldiers (most especially Garleans), he suffers numerous phobias, most notably mirrors and papercuts.

Tropes: Above Good and Evil, Covered With Scars, Character Tics, Cold Blooded Torture, Loss of Identity, Deadly Doctor


Knowledge. No matter the subject, however miniscule, Kita eats up new things to learn and discover like a kid let loose in a candy buffet. Learning from mistakes is notably just as appreciated.

Deadly Creatures. The very catalyst to his obsession with toxins. Venomous animals hold his highest respect, and fascinate him to a nearly concerning level. Who's a good little brown recluse? YOU ARE!

Water. Rain. Clouds. Mist. Lakes. He enjoys being close to or in the water. Sadly not the best swimmer, but he's just as happy in the shallows. Water is water.


Moral obstacles. People who question his ethics or, Twelve forbid, prevent him from doing his work in the name of ethics, infuriate him.

Jabs + Pampering. North isn't here to put up with being threatened or taunted. He's also not here to be babied for being "weak" and "sickly". He's not a child, and he could probably take more bites from a grass viper than you.

The cold. He's not sensitive to the cold. On the contrary, he functions much better in frigid climates. But the cold comes with memories.


Immunity. Kita has spent a good three decades building up an immunity to as many poisons as he can find. While not completely impervious to their effects, he is far more likely to survive than most. Due to this and the rest of his history, he also has a scarily high pain tolerance.

Agility. Not a fast runner per se, but his reflexes are in prime condition, and he can definitely touch the back of his head to the back of his knees.

Intelligent. And of course, a scientist can't be a good scientist without being smart. Absorbs information well, and is good at problem-solving and improvising with what he has at the time.


Frail. While strong enough to maintain straining positions, Kita can't lift any significant weight that isn't his very own.

Mistrusting. To a point that can put himself and others at risk. Kita only trusts people to do one thing: hurt.

Aether Ineptitude. Magic doesn't come easy to him in the slightest. Anything he is capable of doing is usually only possible for him thanks to potions and other temporary augmentations.


North doesn't carry any sort of bags when not travelling. Luckily, he has big, plentiful pockets. Pickpockets and/or anyone simply curious giving him a look-over may notice the ones labelled as VISIBLE. The ones labelled as HIDDEN will take more effort to find, i.e. being extremely close to him physically if not patting him down vigorously.

Last Updated: 12/02/2018.

  • Notebook [HIDDEN]: A spiral notebook small enough to fit in one of his trouser pockets. Accompanied by a miniature pen.

  • General Antidote [VISIBLE]: North keeps a pouch containing no less than 5 vials of general antidote on his person at all times.

  • Dissection Kit [VISIBLE]: A travel-sized kit for cutting things open and taking a peek inside. Yay!

  • Syringe Gun [HIDDEN]: A tiny revolver, modified to shoot venomous darts.

  • Feather Knives [HIDDEN]: Small golden blades fashioned in the shape of a curved feather.

  • Feather necklace [HIDDEN]: Worn either under high-collared shirts or on a string long enough to keep it hidden, is a small jade feather charm.



Early Life








Notes about how your character behaves in combat, or specifics about their weaponry not listed below.











Last Updated: 10/25/2017.

Color Key
In A Relationship: Kita is involved in some form of committed relationship with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Kita is romantically attracted to this character.
Sexual Attraction: Kita is physically attracted to this character.

Platonic Love: Kita considers this character one of their closest friends.
Friend: Kita considers this character to be a friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Kita considers this character to be mostly friendly, or as a casual ally.

🔒 Trusted: Kita trusts this character with their life, and would willingly lay their own life down for them.
🔒 Distrusted:Kita's trust in this character has been shaken, though their loyalty to them remains unaffected.
🔒 Betrayed:Kita's trust in this character has been completely broken, and is irreparable.

Good Standing: This character left a good impression.
Neutral: Kita has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: This character left a bad impression.

Dislike: Kita doesn't consider this person a friend and will only interact if needed.
Wary: Kita has became leery of this character. Conflict can happen.
Hate: Kita considers this person an annoyance and will try to avoid them, otherwise conflict is almost certain.
Fear: Kita is terrified by this character and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Kita considers this person a rival and will try to initiate conflict every time they get to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to NAME.
Business: This character is either Kita's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
🔃 Unsure: Kita is unsure how they feel about this character because of certain actions the character makes.
Name (XYZ) - Title


Name (XYZ) - Title


??? (🔒) - The Little Brother

"Where are you? Did you make it out? Are you happy?"

Kita's one and only sibling. While brothers, theirs was closer to a father-son relationship, as Kita taught him most everything a father should teach their children, when their true father neglected to. He helped his younger brother flee from the Garlean Empire, but the two were separated in the process.
Name (XYZ) - Title


Name (XYZ) - Title


Name (XYZ) - Title


Name (XYZ) - Title


Name (XYZ) - Title


Name (XYZ) - Title


Name (XYZ) - Title





Rumors from player characters. These may be untrue or exaggerated. Feel free to leave one here!

“Lies and slander go here.”
– Name
“Lies and slander go here.”
– Name
“Lies and slander go here.”
– Name

Common Rumors: Easily overheard. Use these freely!

“I rans inta the lil' creep once an' he didn't says nothin' when I asked 'im fer an apology! Dumb cunt.”
– A very drunk Ul'dahn resident.
“How does a shrimp of a man such as himself get decked in so many scars? And I, a great warrior and defender of Eorzea, only have two!? Such a waste.”
– A Gridanian warrior novice.

“Smells like wot me mum uses ta clean up the tavern after a nasty brawl breaks out. I don't trust like tha'.”
– Name

Uncommon Rumors: A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

“Lies and slander go here.”
– Name
“Lies and slander go here.”
– Name
“Lies and slander go here.”
– Name

Rare Rumors: Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

“Lies and slander go here.”
– Name

“Lies and slander go here.”
– Name


Songs to set the mood and reflect NAME! The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.

Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ

Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ
Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ

Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ

Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ
Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ

Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ

Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ

Artist: XYZ
Context: XYZ


A collection of screenshots of NAME that serve as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.

A collection of artwork of NAME, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.



A little about yourself.


Trait. Text.
Trait. Text.
Trait. Text.
Trait. Text.


I will

Most themes, especially comedy, horror, and conflict RP! I'm fine with one-shots, long-term, anything in between. Attempts to injure Kita are fine, just please ask before attempting to like, lop off one of his limbs or something as serious as that. But otherwise, conflict of any kind! Take him prisoner, accuse him of a crime he didn't do, attempt to steal his socks. I am cool with lore-bendy characters, too!

I Will Not

Kill off Kita. I JUST made him you heathens, I'm not getting rid of him aight? I will not RP sexual themes with minor players OR characters, any attempts to engage me in such will have you blacklisted. And I would prefer it if anyone who deems characters/people whose sexes do not match their genders as "futas" or "traps", to not interact with me. As a trans person, I am personally not comfortable with people who see my identity as a fetish. Thank you for your understanding!


Themes involving suicide, non-consensual sexual themes, graphic animal harm/death. And as said, please ask before attempting any serious harm to Kita, as well as any other actions that may leave permanent/long lasting severe changes to his character. And, I'm really not looking for IC romance unless it develops naturally. If your character fancies him, that's fine, but please don't expect for him to reciprocate, especially if he hasn't known your character for at least a Really Fucking Long Time.


Hydaelyn Role-Players Profile: [RPC Profile Link].
Other Wiki pages: Link, Link, Link.



Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. Please remember to link back when using this wiki.

Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
Tab banners by Jaliqai Qulaan & Leanne Delphium.
Relationships picture idea by Rihxo Matoi.
Music and OOC note by Glioca Sargonnai.
Mash-up by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
Appearance Chart by Odette Saoirse.
General Information code from Odette Saoirse.
Inspired by Xeiz Feine, Odette Saoirse, and Kanako Moonweaver.
Some small edits by Rihxo Matoi.

The template for this wiki page is at this link.