Kanako Moonweaver
Birth Name: Kanako Moonweaver (informal: Kana)
Gender: Female
Race & Clan: Au Ra, Raen
Age: 30
Height 5 fulms 2 ilms
Weight: 110 ponze
Nameday: 5th Sun, 3rd Astral Moon.
Patron Deity: N/A
Birth Place: Doma
Citizenship: Limsan, Doman
Residence: Lily Hills Apartment
Occupation: Information Broker, Drug Dealer, Gun-for-Hire
Marital Status: Taken
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Hobbies: Cooking, Training, Reading, Dancing
Alignment: Type 4 Chaotic Neutral
(KANAKO IS NOW RETIRED. She has icly given the reigns of her information circut to another person and now lives back in Doma. She is married to Valtemont Ledaloix and considers Sakura as her own daughter. Kanako IS NOT available to RP unless I decide to bring her out of retirement. Thank you to everyone who helped make memorable stories with Kanako for the past TWO YEARS; It's crazy to think that I've had Kanako for that long! Although her story has come to an end, her name won't be forgotten.)
Kanako is a woman who has been through many changes. She was once a carefree woman and with a dream. She has since strayed far from that path due to the people she has encountered and chosen to stay with. On the surface, she acts calm and collective; she knows everything that’s going on around the area and doesn’t let anything blindside her. She makes business deals and often never takes no for an answer, she’ll even lie to get the deal she wants. Below the surface though? That’s another convoluted story entirely. After letting her weaknesses control her for so long, she lets herself think that she turned those weaknesses into strengths but that isn’t entirely true. She feels alone and afraid of losing it all but she does her best to let anyone see her that way. At any moment, she could just fall apart at the seams.
Kanako holds a philosophy of the strong shall thrive and the weak will die. For Kanako, if you're not strong enough to survive the harsh realities of Eorzea, you're a waste of Aether. Doing nothing with your life? Waste of Aether. She will help those who she thinks are weaker but more likely than not, it's because she sees how she could benefit from it. She is always striving to become a stronger woman as she is tired of being seen as a nobody.
- An average size for a female Raen, Kanako doesn’t really hold an intimidating stance. Though, the woman is rather fit and nimble and what she lacks in raw strength she makes up with agility and speed. Kanako’s rose red hair perfectly compliments her fiery personality. She likes to keep it cut short as she finds it suits her more but also because it doesn’t get in the way as much. Her eyes mostly match her hair, the only thing stopping it from being a perfect match is the fact that her right eye is an unnatural orange color. She use to cover that eye with an eyepatch but she’s finally come to accept that there is nothing to really hide..
- Scars & Markings:She has quite a few scars along her back that look to appear to be gashes and two more near her neck. She also has a few other minor scars along her torso and along her right horn you can see various cracks. Her right arm is no longer there and instead replaced with a magitek arm from just below the shoulder and down. On the top of her left hand is a rather prominent tattoo of an eyeball and black tendrils extending from it. She often keeps the tattoo covered with a glove and/or bandages.
- Voice: Kanako is often very expressive when she speaks, even if it sometimes holds a bit of bitterness. Her voice properly portrays how she feels if her face doesn't. She's a very vocal woman and it's hard to keep her quiet on things she is most passionate about. (Reference: Tara Platt Zero )
- Hygiene & Attire: She keeps herself as clean as possible when she can, she hates the feeling of being sweaty, grimy, and just plain gross. In the middle of combat and while camping, it’s something that can’t be avoided and she understands that, but she will take a bath to rid herself from it as soon as possible. When it comes to attire, she often wears leather and cloth that compliment her figure. She looks to comfort while still trying to look at least a bit fashionable. When it comes to armor, she has learned to accept clunky armor and favors it over fighting in leather. For armor, she doesn’t care about style, she just needs it to protect her.
- Alcohol
- Moko Grass
- Night time
- Dancing
- Learning
- Cooking
- Coffee
- Various Animals
- Betrayal
- Herself
- Her past
- Swimmingt
- Righteousness
- Naiveness
- Failing
- Loneliness
- Betrayal
- Weakness
- Silence
- Favorite food: Various fruits, jerked beef, chocolate
- Favorite drink: Booze, Coffee, plain ol’ water
- Favorite colour: Red, Green, Brown
- Vices: Too Many
- Personality Type: ESTP
Expand Yuki Kaibu (♥ ☠ ) - Mother
Expand Hidehiro Kaibu (♥ ● ☠ ) - Father
Expand Mamiko Moonweaver (♥ ☠ ) - Twin Sister
Expand Yumia Starcatcher (♥ ☠ ) - Adoptive Mother
Expand Sakura Starcatcher (♥ ● ) - Yumia's Daughter
Expand Valtemont Ledaloix (♥ ♥ ● ) - Lover
Expand Xeiz Feine (★ ≈ ) - Crestfallen Friend
Expand Tray'ju Estinoch (★ ✔ ● ) - Smuggle Buddy
Expand Percival DeRolo (★ ✔ ⧖ ) - Fromer Friend
Expand Valen Stalhart ( ● ) - Magitek Knight
Expand Rihxo Matoi ( ● ) - Naive Bard
Expand Hojo'to Zuginoch ( ●✔⧖ ) - Bounty Hunter
Expand Ito Dotharl ( ●✔⧖ ) - Bounty Hunter
- ■ "She was dead, wasn’t she?" — (Common).
- ■ "The poor bitch is just an alcoholic, but there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that." — (Common).
- ■ "Hey, you need some info? Kanako is sure to find it, you just gotta find her first so you can make the deal." — (Uncommon).
- ■ "We heard a gunshot one night in Kugane and red-head running away in a hurry, did she shoot someone?" — (Uncommon).
- ■ "She’s got this strange aura about her a very dangerous one at that. Be careful now, I don’t know what she could have up her sleeve." — (Rare Rumor).
- ■ "Oh, Kanako? There is...much I don't know her, but from what I have seen, she is a charitable soul and diligent in her duties. I look forward to talking with her more, as her optimism is oft something I lack...." — (Old) Ruran Vas.
- ■ "...we used to fight over stupid things. But she saved my life, and got me back on my feet. I can never ever EVER thank her enough for that." — Rihxo Matoi.
- ■ "I’ve buried Kanako... and my humanity with her." — The Reaper.
- ■ "RUMOR." — PERSON.
A small steel dagger which she concealed inside or on the side of most of her boots. It’s always good to have a backup weapon.
Various elemental Aether crystal rest in the satchel. THe purpose of them is unknown.
- Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Music links to Youtube or SoundCloud. Careful of the volume when using speakers/headphones.
Ambient Themes
Combat Themes
"Kanako & Marigold", by Shadottie.
"Everything is FINE", by Ora Orara.
"Happy Kanako", by Shadottie.
"Kanako Portrait", by Ratio Menai.
- MoonweaverSisters.png
Kanako has experienced a lot and travels quite a bit. She can adapt to most social interactions and because of this she wears many “faces”. Below are just a few RP hooks that might help with getting things going.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt.
Miscellaneous Information
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
- This wiki is constantly changing as Kanako's story changes.
- It was last modified on January 19th, 2018. No template for the new wiki has been created yet.
- The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave all link-backs and credits intact if you use this template.
- ✓ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
- ✓ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
- ✓ Tabs, formatting & more by Suen Shyu.
- ✓ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
- ✓ Music bits by J'karu Rhome.
- ✓ Relationship key & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
- ✓ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse.
- ✓ Amazing banner sketch by Ruran Vas.
- ✓ Tweaks, adjustments & more by Meallaire Sergenaux.