Riku Toiiku

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 Riku Toiiku
Ffxiv 2013-08-05 06-54-23-79.png
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship None
Age Apparently 12
Affiliations Tatsugawa Family / The Black Shroud Wildlife
Occupation None
Class Rogue
Job Ninja

RTwikiTitle.pngRiku Toiiku

Riku is a young, incredibly timid lalafell with a playful curiosity that only shows when he is comfortable. He is feral by nature, especially having spent most of the recent months living in the wilderness. Social customs tend to either confuse him or anger him, depending on how much they contrast with his own ideas of logic. Innuendo and euphemisms are entirely lost on Riku, and any talk about romance or sexuality has little meaning to him. Despite appearing to be incredibly fragile, clumsy and anxious, Riku is a fierce fighter, especially when protecting his friends. Despite his great improvement in confidence when in combat, Riku still abhors killing and will often go to great lengths to keep his opponent alive whilst still completing his objectives, no matter who or what said opponent is.

Riku's time spent in solitude has made him incredibly detached to social life. However, due to his timid nature, and the vast amount of discomfort even one stranger amongst a crowd of friends can bring him, Riku has been known to become clingy and seek more physical comfort from those he is comfortable around. His sensitivity toward social situations is so intense that being the centre of attention for a prolonged period is enough to make him cry.

Theme Tune: Click to listen!

(Title: Forever Roaming (Expanded Mix)) (Composer: Ricky Bennett)

Battle Theme: Click to listen!

(Title: Little Fury) (Composer: Ricky Bennett)

'Traverse the void' remix of 'Forever Roaming': Click to listen!

RT-BIwikiTitle.pngBasic Info

*Pronunciation: ri:ku: ˈtoʊi:ku:
  • Age: Apparently 12
  • Race: Lalafell
  • Clan: Dunesfolk
  • Gender:Biologically Male, Mentally Androgynous
  • Sexuality:Asexual (not attracted to any gender or variation thereof)
  • Current Residence: The Black Shroud - The Wilderness
  • Place of Birth: Unknown
  • Relatives: Immediate Family - None / Adoptive Family - The Tatsugawas
  • Affiliations: Wildlife of The Black Shroud
  • Occupation: None
  • Religion/Philosophy: Open-Minded
  • Combat Style: Once skilled with the lance, Riku's recent time spent in the wilderness has dulled his discipline, causing him to abandon his Dragoon status for a more wild and feral form of combat. Fast, agile, but physically weak, Riku relies on small, sharp weaponry, his instinct for physics and momentum and his impressive acrobatic skills to defeat any opponent that he wishes.
  • The Echo: Although Riku has the power of the Echo, he has never experienced it beyond the ability to understand all languages of speech.
  • Status: Riku is currently suffering from amnesia caused by an extended period of time petrified to stone by an unknown mage. He has also vowed to avoid civilisation unless absolutely necessary. As his memory only dates back to the return of the lost Warriors of Light, having had spent the majority of his time since then in the wilderness, Riku's social ability has diminished to a primitive state. Although he has not completely forgotten language, Riku now finds it more difficult to speak or recall etiquette that does not coincide in what he believes is morally obligatory.


Before Meteor

Riku's arrival in Eorzea was said to be down to travelling the world as a wanderer, a journey beginning in a distant forested land where Riku supposedly grew up. In truth, there was no proof of such a journey. Riku's arrival was as much shrouded in mystery as his origins.

Gridania was the city Riku first chose as residence. He found the forest to be a comforting presence, and the people of the Gridania to be suitably attuned to nature. Although like any stranger, Riku was not recieved warmly, he soon found his place amongst the people there as a lancer, working alongside but not for the Wood Wailers.

Riku's first trip to Ul'dah introduced him to an adventurer organisation known as Corvus Cinis. It was there that he found his first occupation. And so Riku moved to their headquarters to reside with his new friends, especially a lalafell girl named Miyuki Tatsugawa.

Riku's life began to take on more meaning as he was chosen to become one of the select few azure dragoons of Ishgard, as well as being recruited into the Order of the Twin Adder, of which he eventually rose to the rank of lieutenant. He fought hard during the Garlean invasions, finding wrestling with his emotions more difficult than battling the enemy infantry.

Eventually, Riku's skills at combat met their match when he was tasked with defeating a mysterious Garlean mage and scientist hiding out in Mor Dhona. Riku was consequently petrified to stone for five years.

A Realm Reborn

Stripped of his memories, Riku was returned to flesh by another mage, claiming to be able to see the future up to the point of his death - every possible future - and aspiring to subtly influence events to achieve the best possible future by the time of his eviction from life. Riku was a small part of his plan, and so restored to once more traverse the continent of Eorzea. Feral yet well spoken, naïve yet wise, weak yet skillful, Riku resumed his self-proclaimed purpose of protecting Eorzea, whilst simultaneously battling with feelings related to his newfound knowledge of his birth. Information that he was advised to tell only the few he trusted explicitly.

RT-RJwikiTitle.pngRiku's Journal

Please note that this journal contains spoilers.



2013-09-18 00007.png


Riku is a small Lalafell boy appearing to be around twelve years old. His skinny body seems unlikely to be that of a warrior, but what he lacks in muscle, he makes up for with skill, agility and knowledge of momentum.


Facial Features

Riku has unruly ginger-coloured hair, once short upon his arrival in Eorzea, now rather long after not having it cut for the best part of the year he lived prior to his petrification. Riku's heterochromic eyes are a stark contrast of a deep purple and a calming spring green. His features borderline on handsome, only prevented from reaching that classification by the common opinion of his childish cuteness. A band of dense freckles covers the area over his nose. Riku appears to have a red mark on his face, almost like a tattoo, but appearing to appear as if it was part of his natural skin, rather than being an addition. This tattoo was not present prior to the calamity and seems to be magical in property.

Bodily Features

Riku's skin is incredibly pale, and seems to glow when light hits it. For some reason, he seems almost immune to sunburn, despite his skin colouration and poor heat tolerance. Riku's skin is also prone to turning pinkish hues, as is most visible in the colour of his cheeks. The tips of his toes, fingers and the soles and palms of his feet and hands are also slightly more pink than the rest of his body.

Riku has one distinctive scar across his left breast from an unknown incident. The scar has still not fully healed, hinting at just how deep the original wound was. Other than that, despite the odd cuts and bruises from time spent in combat or playing in the wilderness, his body is generally undamaged.

Many residents of Eorzea can claim to have seen the entirity of his body on account of Riku's naturist tendancies.

An uncensored version of the adjacent picture of Riku (NSFW).


Riku's view on clothing is that it should only be worn when necissary. He feels more comfortable when naked, but refrains from being so in cities. Most of his clothing consists of armour in order to give him combat protection, but he also owns formal and casual clothing in small quantities. The most striking feature of his wardrobe is his lack of underwear, another testiment to his naturist preferences.


Riku is an incredibly timid boy. The slightest scare can easily set him off in panic, and he will often hide away from strangers. Despite being solitary, he will seek protection from his friends when in social discomfort. Although Riku is used to being alone and does not like spending too much time in the company of others, the comfort offered by a close friend is something he likes to seek out when he returns home after a day of adventuring. Riku has a feral view on the world, despite being incredibly protective of everything and everyone. He prefers the wild and has tendancies that have no place in civilisation, such as the enjoyment of being nude. Despite this, however, Riku has a wise side to his personality and a large vocabulary that despite consisting of a great number of words is absent of some of the less literal colloquialisms and ideas of the civilised world. Riku's wisdom is mostly revolved around his own moral views, with which he can easily inspire fallen warriors to reclaim their blades and resume fighting for the good of the people.

To Riku, friendship is not only about camaraderie; trust is a big part in who Riku feels close to. As Riku is not fully versed in civilised displays of trust, he therefore relies on more logical levels, divided into two groups: physical and mental. Mental trust is in essence what one would normally perceieve as trust. If Riku trusts an individual to be a kind person, they will be well on their way to being considered an ally. If they show affection toward Riku, they may find themselves becoming a friend. If Riku knows them well enough to predict their behaviour accurately, they would no doubt be a close friend by that point. Physical trust, however, at least by Riku's standards, often clashes with civilised customs. If Riku trusts someone enough to let them touch him, and the reverse is also true, then an alliance between individuals is imminent. But Friendship takes matters to a greater level - Riku can only trust someone to be a friend if they show they can let down all their defences in his presence, and simultaniously let Riku trust them back by showing they have nothing to hide. This requires nudity by Riku's very literal and logical thought processes. He can be very offended if someone he wants to befriend refuses sharing a moment of non-intimate, innocent nudity; as to him, that is the equivalent of telling him they don't trust him. And this lack of trust creates mental doubts and feelings of discomfort, and thus cause a universal drop in Riku's opinion. If one wishes to become a close friend of Riku's, they would have to trust that he would cause no harm, act irresponsably or betray their trust. To Riku, this all comes down to non-intimate physical contact whilst nude.


Having spent most of his life alone in the wilderness, Riku has no notion of romance or any knowledge of sexual desire. Perhaps influenced by such facts, Riku is an asexual boy, meaning he is not attracted to either gender. He does, however, have the capability to love someone very intensely in a platonic manner, as he has shown by his quite deep platonic relationship with his adoptive sister Miyuki.


Riku is a neutral-good individual. Almost all of his efforts go toward aiding those in need, and he has little thought for himself, except when he has nothing else to do. Although he respects and obeys laws, if such a rule were to contrast with his sense of morality, he would happily disregard it.


The main motivation for any action Riku performs is the wellbeing and safety of other individuals - especially his friends. However, there are also a number of items that he will personality work to possess. Such items are mostly specific foods he has a fondness for, and include tea, raw meat, raw fish and milk. As well as all of this, Riku would happily take any excuse to explore new lands.


Being a timid and jumpy individual, Riku has a significant list of personal fears. Firstly, he can often become panicked when confronted with a crowd of people. As well as this, he is easily intimidated by an individual's appearance, should they look frightening to him. Thirdly, Riku is scared of strangers and will even often stop talking in the middle of a sentence should a stranger walk into the room. Riku is also rather jumpy, andd is frightened by even the slightest of sudden noises or movements. Finally, the last of Riku's most prominant fears is his disliking of social attention. He has been known to burst into tears after prolonged attention by too many individuals.


As well as being excessively timid, Riku is also incredibly curious. He has often been accused of being nosey and enjoys examining strange new artifacts. This curiosity is usually accompanied by a playfulness that often causes others to regret allowing him access to rare treasures. Riku enjoys climbing, playing with animals, and even playing with toys in a manner a child half his age would. Despite his shyness, Riku is very friendly and does not anger easily. He never holds a grudge, although his trust for an individual can sharply drop if said individual teases him or acts in a manner he finds inhumane or unfair.


Riku is exceptionally talented at mathematics and physics, having an affinity with numbers and calculations. As well as this, he is a musical prodigy and has a pleasant singing voice. Also, Riku is a skilled swordsman and lancer with a moderate knowledge of thaumaturgy. His combat style is often based about his acrobatic and athletic ability which he has built up over the years of surviving in the wild. His perceptive ability is also above average from time spent in dangerous places. His hearing is particularly sensetive, but his eyesight is also above average. However, oddly, he has never had a particularly good sense of smell.

Riku does have some major weaknesses on the other hand. Firstly, he is incredibly clumsy, and has been known to quite often break or drop fragile objects. This means that he is unsuitable for crafting and has difficulty with even the basics of crafting chores. He also has little to no knowledge about geography and finds human geography especially difficult to grasp, particularly when it comes to the commercial aspects. His ability with natural geography is quite decent however, due to the sciences involved, but when it comes to mapping, using maps, and following his sense of direction, Riku is at a major disadvantage. He has an absolutely terrible sense of direction and can easily get lost in a place, even if he has been living there for a while. Generally he has more difficulty with this in citys rather than forests and plains.

Despite Riku's skill with weaponry and his agility, the child has poor physical strength, even for one of his age.

Riku has recently taken to learning basic arcany, mostly through enjoyment of the mathematical aspects, but also through the large quantity of healing magics. Riku has an especially personalised form of the cure spell with which he channels his own willpower and emotions to calm or cheer up those whom he uses his magic on.

Musical Talents

Riku is notably musically gifted and is skilled in a variety of music instruments, except for the harp and a number of wind instruments. Despite the skill he has in this area, his lack of training with the bow makes him unsuitable for training to be a Bard. Riku also has a pleasant singing voice, and the ability to almost perfectly stay in tune to a song even without a backing melody to guide him. Despite how his voice sounds untrained and lacks the usual flurishes and effects professionals are known to include in their vocals, Riku's voice has much potential.


Riku enjoys cold weather and darkness rather alot. His poor heat tolerance gives him a disliking to hot weather, and he often feels safer at night, when less people are awake and the air becomes quiet and still. He also prefers quiet, natural environments to loud, busy cities. As well as this, Riku has a particular fondness for rodents, having spent a lot of time sleeping alongside them and becoming friends with various marmot families. This drives him to feel great distaste for anyone he discovers killing them for reasons other than survival.

Riku has a huge dislike for impoliteness in general, especially rude behaviour, bad manners and vulgarity - although he can rarely tell when the latter is being performed due to his naïveté. he also dislikes prejudice and unfairness, and holds little respect for those who treat others harshly. When such treatment falls upon him, Riku can often get upset easily and start crying.


Riku's main hobbies include studying physics and mathematics, playing or composing music, studying arcany, exploring the wilderness, climbing trees and petting marmots. He also enjoys simply being nude, although has learned to refrain from doing so in cities

RT-AFwikiTitle.pngAdditional Features


Riku is very intelligent but also incredibly naïve. He is quick to believe another's word due to his gullibility and has difficulty telling lies. Despite how easily he can fall for a trick, Riku is slow to trust anyone. He does, however, have a strong sense of logic.


Riku is surprisingly wise for his age, at least when it comes to motivation and reasoning. He is especially good at motivating warriors on account of his strong sense of purpose.


Riku's usual emotional state is that of timidness and nervousness. However, when comfortable, the boy can become rather calm and friendly. His feelings can be easily hurt, on the other hand, and so if pushed he may quickly break down in tears. On rare occasions he has been known to get angry when those he cares about are threatened.


Riku's voice is soft and quiet. It is also somewhat high-pitched without being unpleasant. His voice has a childish tone to it that makes him sound even younger than he already is, even by Lalafell vocal standards. Most of the childishness of his voice comes from speaking in the manner of a timid boy about two or three years younger than himself rather than the actual tone.


Adoptive Family

Miyuki Tatsugawa: Riku's big sister, Miyuki is the person with whom Riku has the closest relationship. There are no physical or mental boundaries between them, as they have possibly the closest platonic relationship in all of Eorzea. Miyuki's name was the only thought that survived his petrification, as if it guided him back to consciousness. Despite her being his sister, Riku sees Miyuki as his guardian.


Trelna Milna: A male lalafell about the same age as Riku, their first post-meteor encounter involved Riku wandering Thanalan entirely naked without a care what onlookers thought. Due to exposure to this, Trelna was eventually persuaded by Riku to appreciate the naturist take on life. Riku and Trelna fast became friends on account of the trust involved in Trelna's conversion of beliefs.


Seseriku Viviriku: A fallen warrior whom Riku had persuaded not to give up on his purpose, Sese is a male lalafell swordsman of the Immortal Flames. Riku had to quickly overcome his fears and timid nature in order to stop this fallen warrior from descending into the oblivion of self-doubt.

Myxie Tryxle: A Scholar whom Riku had escorted into battle, she seemed smart and well-versed in arcany. Riku views her as a potential ally after he accompanied her to Behemoth's Dominion to witness a battle between members of Corvus Cinis.

Alothia Starkwood: Another individual from Riku's forgotten past, the moment Riku had heard her name, he seemed to find it familiar on account of his strong connection with the Miqo'te woman who once looked after him during his time residing in Ul'dah before the calamity. Although he does not remember her, he feels some strange importance with her, and so aided in her recovery from the events at Behemoth's Dominion through use of a mentally-calming curative spell, with which he drove her nightmares away. After speaking with her, Riku is finding himself diverting from his usual travels to and from Coerthas to visit her, so that he may learn more of his past.

Lainseworth Ravencraft: A lalafell Riku has now met multiple times. Riku has determined he is a friend of Lenana.

Ixoix Fyrfeur: A historical chronicler of Ishgardian descent, Ixoix has been entrusted with the task of scribe for Riku's journal, on account of Riku being an azure dragoon, and thus important to Ishgardian society.


Sippi Lerflin: Riku can often be very touchy, especially regarding trust. And right now, Riku feels betrayed by Sippi. He has vowed never to see her again, and even to avoid all civilisation because of her reaction to his attempts to persuade her to share his naturist views. This unfortunate relationship change occured on a knife's edge, when Riku was just about to consider Sippi a friend.

Lenana Milna: An old friend to Riku, Lenana was once one of those he trusted the most. However, after a falling out, Riku decided that Lenana did not value his friendship to the extent he expected. Not long after, Riku forwent the customs of civilisation to live in the wilderness amongst the wild animals. After months passed in this state, Lenana's apparent lack of interest or care in his actions led him to believe she could not be trusted to be a friend. In fact, he felt betrayed by the fact she had not even tried to contact him. Believing her to be cold and 'civilised' (which to Riku is a negative thing), Riku now believes Lenana to be an enemy.

Animal Companions

Tymrii: A Coeurl that was captured and held by criminals in the black shroud as part of an illegal circus, Riku rescued the beast a short time after his own release from petrification. Although Riku is not Tymrii's master, the Coeurl allows Riku to ride upon its back to wherever he pleases.

Arthur: (deceased) Riku's former chocobo, Arthur went missing somewhere around the time of his petrification and is presumed dead.


La Noscea

"The Tatsugawa boy? Aye, queer kid, he be. Walkin' around in armour like some sorta 'ero. Kid like that gonna get 'urt doin' things like that."


"You mean that strange boy always walking around the desert naked? Sometimes I've seen him acting like a wild animal. He's not normal, I tell ye."

The Black Shroud

"I'm seen him passing through - on the back of a Coeurl, no less."

"He used to be a lieutenant for the Order of the Twin Adders. Been missing for five years, though. Odd, he doesn't seem to have aged a bit. Sure, lalafell don't seem to age much, but... they still grow into adulthood. There's something queer about him..."


"He's a dragoon, an azure dragoon no less. Went missing for five years, but now he's back."

RT-OOCwikiTitle.pngOOC Information

  • Most lalafell hate cold temperatures, whereas Riku for some reason loves them. This is due to numerous things, including personal preferences.
  • Riku is completely asexual (in terms of sexuality, not biology). His relationship with Miyuki is completely platonic, even though it often does not appear as so.
  • Riku's skill with the lance makes him a combatant at the same level as some of the more powerful people in Eorzea. He still has room to improve, however, but can still be placed among the elite. As well as this, Riku's sword skills are to a professional standard, although nothing special, and his Thaumaturgy, although particularly impressive for someone with no training, is below the level of standard soldiers of that class. Riku also has some skill with hand-to-hand combat, but due to his physical strength, is unsuitable for the role. He does, however, incorporate some of the hand-to-hand style in his lance combat, utilising the blades attatched to his armour, and using kicks quite often whilst airborne.
  • To other Lalafell, Riku is very obviously young. Not only is he small, but his facial features and his mannerisms are child-like. He clearly looks twelve years of age. To non-Lalafell, however, it is difficult to determine his age as all Lalafell look child-like to the other races. Riku is certainly a young Lalafell, though, going by his personality. His height might even make him appear as a child to those who have spent more time around Lalafell or are perceptive enough to notice his height, given that where Riku would be a foot or more shorter than an adult if he were Hyur, the difference is much smaller between Lalafell, as they are a small race in the first place.