Motoko Nakakami

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Motoko Nakakami
Motoko in Doma before the occupation.
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Doman
Citizenship Doma
Place of Birth Hinata, Doma
Nameday 1st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon, 1553
Age 24
Guardian Halone, the Fury
Profession Swordswoman
Theme Song The Gensokyo the Gods Loved


Principled, ethical and tolerant, she was brought up to follow traditional Doman morals of the warrior class; meaning to follow obligation, politeness and duty. As a result, she was somewhat naive to the "ways of the world" in her youth and is sometimes confused or irritated by the mannerisms and attitudes of other people her age that might strike her as air-headed or frivolous, when it in truth is simply people taking a break from their personal disciplines. Moving to Eorzea has broken her of this somewhat, thankfully, but things she perceives as people shirking their duties or laziness still sets her off.

Although her upbringing is ingrained, she remains open to new experiences and willfully participates in Eorzean things, in particular fighting styles. Usually seen practicing and/or honing her martial techniques, she is, due to her serious nature, often seen as the moral or principled backbone of whatever group she partakes in. Motoko has not stopped to rest since moving to Eorzea, simply trying to absorb information and knowledge of fighting from the realm at a rate that one might call borderline self-destructive. If there is any inkling in her own mind that she is using training as a means to distract herself from the tragedy of her past, she does not show it or know it.

The woman is not without humor, though, often sharing jibing contests with her husbands and close friends. Usually, she loses these battles of wit, but short of a very quick tantrum that she is swift to turn around from, she does not hold a grudge against her allies and companions. Motoko's anger is saved for her enemies and she bears a feverish anger towards the Garlean Empire and its inhabitants that transcends her husband's. She is quick to scorn mention of the civilization and, upon sight, is wont to attack and aim to kill anyone who names themselves a national or ally of the Empire.


Note: Motoko’s appearance is tentative at the moment, pending the reveal of Yugiri’s race and appearance and a possible resulting Fantasia.

Standing five fulms and ten ilms tall, Motoko is rather tall for a Doman and stands just a few ilms shorter than her husband. She bears black hair that is a well known trait of her race, and she has it styled long, falling to her shoulders. Her bangs are cut straight above her olive colored eyes and earlocks are sheared as well, though she has since allowed those bits of hair to grow out in a fringe since coming to Eorzea. Sometimes, though rarely, she pulls it back into a ponytail. The girl has strong shoulders and womanly hips and what could be considered an ample posterior and middling sized assets. She is well built due to her training and has no other physical markings of any kind, piercing, tattoo or otherwise.

Typically, Motoko's appearance and clothing resembles that of traditional Doman attire, often she is seen wearing gi and hakama, and it is general this that she wears when she is at her new home in the Lavender Beds. Other than that, she will wear clothing appropriate for the weapon she chooses to wield for the day or the task at hand. Mobile, light clothing for when she prefers hand-to-hand, steel armor and plate for when she prefers sword and board, scale mail for when she wields a lance and typical Lominsan marauder's garb for when she favors the axe.

That aside, it should be mentioned she is never seen without her katana, either at her hip or on her back when she needs to be more mobile.



Early Life

Born in a Doman village called Hinata, Motoko Aoyama was raised from day one to be dutiful and respect tradition and honor above all things. Born into the Aoyama clan as the second daughter, she was driven even in youth to partake and train in the sword discipline native and originating from Hinata, Shinmei-ryū. A sword arts born from and passed down by the Aoyama family, it was well known through the region as a divine art and Shinmei-ryū practitioners were often called upon all across Doma to act as exorcists and defenders against Voidsent.

Motoko was inspired as a youngster by her older sister, Tsuruko, a senior by ten winters and the current heiress of the school, to become one of the renown warriors of the Shinmei-ryū school. As a potential heiress to the swordsmanship school, she was trained as a practitioner from the time she was able to hold a wooden sword. Beginning in her early childhood, and throughout her life, Motoko would idolize her older sister, viewing her as the personification of the life she should lead, much to Tsuruko's consternation, who always wanted Motoko to live her own life for her own happiness. At the age of five, she was introduced to a boy her age, Seno Nakakami, whom was sent to the school by his family to follow in the footsteps of the men of his clan and learn the Shinmei-ryū style. The two swiftly became inseparable, and, when not training, often ran amok pulling pranks and doing as children are wont to do.

Some seasons later, upon Seno's eighth birthday, another youngster was brought to the dojo even though she was only three, two years before the entry age of five. A Doman by heritage and birth, the girl's family had allowed an Eorzean miqo'te to marry into the bloodline. Though the girl, Setsuna Sakurazaki, was more Doman hyur than miqo'te, the dominate traits of the feline race showed through even generations later, giving Setsuna the cat-like ears, tail and eyes of a proper miqo'te. This caused no small amount of scorn amongst some of the students at the school, but Seno and Motoko were quick to take the younger girl under their wings, sheltering her and shortly becoming her friend.

Heritage and Marriage

Around the time Motoko turned fourteen, Tsuruko declared her intent to step down as leader of the school. This caused Motoko no small amount of stress, having never planned to inherit the school and having always believed and idolized Tsuruko as the perfect Shinmei-ryū warrior and teacher and having always thought it was her place to be behind her sister. It is partly believed that Tsuruko stepped down due to marrying her husband, wanting a more calming life and as a means to make her sister realize herself as a fine warrior, but regardless of the reason, Motoko fled Hinata and went into hiding, running from what was to become her inheritance.

Becoming something of a hermit, she spent a season at a remote inn in the mountains before Seno managed to track her down. Explaining her fears to her closest friend, Seno agreed to stay with her at the inn while Motoko worked out her worries and doubts about taking over the school. Seasons would pass and the two would continue their training in the chill of the Doman mountains. Seno at least kept regular correspondence with Tsuruko back in Hinata, assuring the woman of her sisters continued diligence and safety. Eventually, around the time of her sixteenth birthday, Motoko believed in herself enough as a person and warrior to accept Tsuruko stepping down as leader. Returning home, she formally apologized to her sister and declared herself willing to accept inheriting the dojo.

Tsuruko declares that she will accept Motoko's ascension as master of the dojo and apology for running away from her duties under one condition: that she best her in a duel. The heated combat that ensued was a duel that not many at the school that day would ever forget. Especially the local carpenters who had to replace the eastern wing's hallway. Never the less, it ended with Motoko standing victorious and Tsuruko declared that when Motoko's training was done, she would be heiress to the Shinmei-ryū school. The sisters embraced, Tsuruko pleased to have found her little sister had grown into her heritage. Nevertheless, Tsuruko acts as interim leader while Motoko continues to complete her training.

In the spring the following year, shortly after turning seventeen, Seno declared his affections to Motoko. Initially taken aback by the abruptness, the Motoko smiled and leaned over to rest her forehead against Seno's, informing him that his feelings were mutual. With that and after all the necessary preparations, the childhood friends married in late spring to all around glee in the school. Motoko, per tradition and unlike her sister, took Seno's last name as her own. In winter when Motoko turned eighteen, Tsuruko formally stepped down when her sister finished her schooling in the sword discipline and Motoko stepped up as leader of the Shinmei-ryū dojo and discipline. Almost immediately, Motoko took Setsuna Sakurazaki, then thirteen, as her personal page and student. Despite misgivings from many in the school about the girl's heritage, Setsuna swiftly began to prove to everyone how diligent she was and people in the discipline began to gloss over her muddled blood.

For many of the following seasons, the dojo and Motoko lead a pleasant life... but the turn of the era would come for Doma in Motoko's twenty-second year...

Occupation and Revolt

As many are aware, the Garlean Empire strives to conquer other lands and bring them into the fold... and Doma was no exception to this rule. Though the Domans believed their borders well defended from the threat of occupation, as if a flood of terror in the middle of night, the occupation happened anyways. In full, this is due to the leader of a clan of trusted shinobi, a man known as Gekkai Sharpeyes, selling secrets and information to the Garlean Empire. No small amount of Domans die in the initial fighting, be they disciples of the sword, Shinmei-ryū practitioners, shinobi, or simply civilians caught in the cross fire. Nevertheless, the country is allowed to survive and persist after total domination and control is established by their Garlean invaders, taking Doma as a subjugate state under its rule. In turn, the shinobi declare Kasaru Redbeak the traitor due to misunderstanding and Oboro Moonrise and with a small group of shinobi leave Doma to pursue him.

As summer faded into fall, four months after Gekkai's betrayal and shortly after Motoko's twenty-third year, a coalition of Doman warriors, those of the Shinmei-ryū school included, plans and executed a revolt against their Garlean occupiers. In part, they planned this revolt to coincide with the growing tension concerning the Garlean succession, in hopes that such tension would fragment Garlemald's attempts to reclaim the country... It was not to be, however, as the Domans underestimated Garlemald's ability to hold onto their claimed assets. This begins Garlemald's act of wiping out the Domans to the last man as retribution for their uprising.

Despite this, the warriors of Doma stand against the oncoming storm. Among the first forces to attack and lead the front lines are the Shinmei-ryū warriors. The Domans are successful in taking out many established occupiers... and the Garleans initial organized infantry falls easily to the Shinmei-ryū and other forces in Doma. This is primarily in part due to well planned strikes and bottle-necking techniques, but the good fortune would not last for the Domans... It quickly becomes clear how outclassed the Doman's are when Garlemald musters and organizes a large force to utter decimate the country, displeased with the revolt in its entirety and the few victories Doma has been able to achieve. As a large Magitek force mounts to crush the smaller country, the Shinmei-ryū cavalry organizes to stand against them despite all odds.

It is at this time, before the field of battle, that Tsuruko renders Motoko unconscious and orders Seno to flee. It is the reasoning of the elder warrior that on that day, all of the practitioners of Shinmei-ryū will die. Tsuruko sees no favorable outcome and has even heard that the Lady Yugiri and her entourage were planning an exodus should the straits become dire. Tsuruko believes that the school must be preserved and she refuses to see her sister die, so she sends Seno away, bidding him take her sister and act as a scout in lands where fleeing Domans might live. Despite misgivings, Seno rides from their homeland, fleeing with Motoko and Setsuna overland to the coast.

Motoko awoke some time after, furious with both Seno and Setsuna, it is by no small feat that they keep the woman from rushing to her sister's side. Subduing the woman, both her husband and the miqo'te manage to talk, drag and coerce her onto a fleeing vessel bound for anywhere but Doma. Motoko swiftly grew enraged and depressed all in one fell swoop as the ship left harbor and broke down into Seno's arms. For the entirety of the voyage, the woman was an emotional void, barely eating. For all his worth, Seno comforted his partner. Though he could never know what she was going through, having been forced to survive by her sister when she had been just as willing to lay her life on line for her home, he could understand to a degree... after all, he knew not if his own family had survived.

After some time at sea, the ship docked at Radz-at-Han in Thavnair, the island nation founded by a number of merchant houses. For a month, Motoko, Seno and Setsuna got by on the island, searching it for others that might have fled. Motoko began to recover some of her liveliness, but Seno and Setsuna continued to keep a watchful eye on the woman. Though their time on the island was short, they were able to procure many supplies from the merchant conglomerate. Quite a few of them were Doman in origin, though the trio paid a pretty penny for the things, they wiped out a number of merchant stalls worth of their Doman goods, hoping to use them as a means to make wherever they settled feel like home. Then, after that short month, the trio brokered passage on another vessel and headed to Eorzea, hoping that they might find their kinsmen there.


(Bullet points until I flesh things out, which will happen around 2.5/Heavensward and more information about the Doman race is revealed.)

  • Motoko spends a fair deal of time livid with her husband and her page, but the flavor and spirit of the new land shes in softens her somewhat and she throws herself into exploring new fighting styles as they scout the realm, hoping to find a suitable place for the Domans to live, should those fleeing arrive.
  • The trio eventually travel to Ul'dah, where Seno and Motoko ally themselves with the Immortal Flames. In doing so, they begin to establish themselves as viable fighters, but plainly attempt to keep a low profile, rising only so far enough in rank with the company that they might secure horse-birds for themselves to allow them better means of travel. Motoko names them after Tsuruko's cranes, naming hers Shippu and Seno's Hayate.
  • Among those styles and guilds she studies under, she signs her name at the Maurauders' Guild in Limsa Lominsa, the Lancers' Guild in Gridania, and the Gladiators' Guild in Ul'dah, having become fascinated with combat involving axes and Eorzean swords. She and Seno also train under a monk named Shanna Swiftgrace that fled Ala Mhigo's decimation by Garlemald, picking up the tricks and tools employed by the Ala Mhigans and adding them to their prior knowledge of hand-to-hand combat and putting their names in the Pugilists' Guild. Her time in Ul'dah and with the Flames gives her a proximity to the Sultansworn and, while she never considers joining them, she attends a fair few training sessions with the paladins in an attempt to integrate their skills with her own. As such, she puts her name in with the Conjurers' Guild in an attempt to adhere to some of the paladin's doctrines, but she is quick to drop her interest in learning conjury and magic.
  • Then, it is by chance and happenstance that Motoko and Seno hear of Domans in Wineport, and they go to investigate, discovering Oboro Moonrise and his group attempting to hunt down Kasaru Redbeak. Aiding Oboro over the course of a month, the group unravels the plot of Gekkai, learning that he is responsible for Doma's initial occupation. Together, they slay the man.
  • At this time, seven months after Motoko and Seno arrived in Eorzea, the Scions eradicate the Ultima Weapon and Yugiri and the remaining Domans flee a broken homeland, after some time of struggle against the Garleans left Doma utterly destroyed.

A New Life

  • Two months after Ultima Weapon falls, Yugiri and her Domans arrive in Vesper Bay and the events of her trying to secure a new homestead for the refugees begin. Though the Syndicate blocks Ul'dah from offering aid, Seno and Motoko reunite with their fellow countrymen and join them in Mor Dhona to begin what they hope are their new lives. At this time, the first new student of Shinmei-ryū was initiated, as one of the refugees, Kotomi Katakura, expressed interest and decided to learn under Motoko and Seno.
  • Motoko and Seno, by no small amount of effort, secure enough funds to purchase a homestead in the Lavender Beds, where they turn the landing of the house into a training room, hoping to find other souls willing to learn the way of their swordsmanship.
  • Becomes acquainted with Gunnbjorn Darkblade, Ashiira Azaria, Ariilyn Azaria, Devilish Sarrencia and Clouse Sydonis after visiting the Oak Inn upon learning it is just at the bottom of the hill from their newly established dojo.



Honor & justice
Skilled warriors
Training and learning new combat styles.


Garleans & the Garlean Empire


Writing classical Doman poetry.
Koi-koi, a Doman card game.
Mah-ziang, a game played in Radz-at-Han.
Eorzean literature


Favorite Food & Drink: Crumpets, muffins & mulled and green teas
Favorite Creatures: Cranes & chocobos
Least Favorite Food: Eggplants
Least Favorite Creature: Garleans & turtles


Primarily proficient in melee weapons, Motoko's strengths lie in employing the common Doman sword, or katana. On top of that, her trained style, Shinmei-ryū, primarily employs life energy, or ki as the Domans know it, to channel power into and through the sword in a wide array of techniques. As someone who grew up learning the way of the sword for as long as she could hold a practice blade, Motoko's personal strengths lie in a steady but agile forms of battle, and she prefers freedom of movement to heavy defenses. Still, let it never be said that she is not a learner at heart. She is and always has been willing to pick up a new weapon or skill set when it is presented to her, and this has lead her to dabble in Eorzean sword and board, axes and lances near equally.

  • Axe Proficiency: MRD.
  • Dagger Proficiency: ROG.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: MNK.
  • Ninjutsu: NIN.
  • Shinmei-ryū: SAM.
  • Swordsmanship: PLD.


Friends & Allies

Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing
Seno Nakakami: Motoko's childhood friend and husband of four years. Though it may look to a casual observer that their relationship is borderline abusive and the couple wantonly antagonize each other, both know that their words are unedged and more for amusement between themselves. In truth, the strength of their bond rivals Garlean steel-working and both are ready to lay down their lives for the other, which bodes ill for any who oppose them.
Setsuna Sakurazaki: A member of an established family from Doma that, generations upon generations ago, allowed a miqo'te to marry into the family, causing resulting children to be half-breeds and bear miqo'te features, such as feline tails and ears. Though she faced scorn all her life because of this, Setsuna is a caring, if some-what shy, girl whom Motoko considers a younger sister and whom learned Shinmei-ryū from Motoko herself. She would lay down her life for Motoko and Seno without question and would follow them into the fires of the seven hells.
Tsuruko Aoyama: Motoko's sister, who presumably fell in battle to the first wave of Garlean forces as they struck down the Doman revolt. Motoko regarded her as the finest Shinmei-ryū practitioner to ever have lived. Motoko has stowed away her depression about her sister's death since the day she sent her and Seno away, and has never had proper time to mourn her sibling. As such, her mood turns beyond gloomy when the woman is mentioned.
Gunnbjorn Darkblade: A recent ally, Motoko butts heads with Gunn in a friendly fashion, with jibes between them usually consisting of mocking the other's sword styles. She has recently begun imparting upon the knowledge of Shinmei-ryū to him, making him the first Eorzean student to enter the school.
Hisato Aoyama: An ancient and well-respected member of the Aoyama family, Hisato's soul resides in Seno's katana Shinaijou, granting it its many unique characteristics. Unlike Kazue, Hisato's remaining spiritual power is low, and thereby unable to physically manifest as Kazue can, except in locations with great aetherial concentration. She is, however, able to communicate with Seno telepathically, and has a maternal attitude toward he and Motoko.
Kazue Aoyama: A faithful kunoichi and Seno's retainer, Kazue has in truth been dead for several hundred years, her soul bonded to the shortsword Kagetaku that makes up half of Seno's ancestral daisho. She serves as both scout and combat support, her ghostly nature allowing her to access locations and information that no living kunoichi could. She has taken to Eorzean culture like a fish to water, easily disguising herself among the populace and already possessed of a snarky attitude.
Kotomi Katakura: The first student of the new order of Shinmei-ryū established in Eorzea, she is a stoic and studious individual. Though she has little in the way of humor, she is exceedingly faithful and has demonstrated to Motoko and Seno that she will become a fine swordswoman. At current, she lives with the couple in their newly established dojo.
Shanna Swiftgrace: An Ala Mhigan monk that fled when the city was sacked. Though her homeland remains in ruins, she is a bright, hyper-active ball of fury that few survive should they taunt her. The shortest highlander one would have ever known, standing at five fulms tall, Motoko became acquainted with her when they met in Ul'dah and Shanna was drinking a roegaedyn four times her size under a table. One thing lead to another and the two quickly got into a discussion about hand-to-hand combat and various tips and tricks. As such, Shanna decided to impart a fair deal of Ala Mhigan tricks upon Motoko and Seno and has remained in contact with them ever since.


Neutral Standing Acquaintance
Rika Lyall: A recent addition to the Shinmei-ryū school, Rika is a half-Doman, half-Ala Mhigan that met Motoko and Seno as they bickered outside in Gridania. Hitting it off well initially, Motoko has found herself pleased to welcome Rika into their school, even offering to allow Rika to board at the dojo.
Ariilyn Azaria: The first of the Oak Inn residents that Motoko met, Arii's attitude and sweet disposition charmed her to the young girl right off the bat. Truth be told, she has missed the sound of children playing more than she might have realized since leaving Doman... which might have been why she extended the invitation for Arii to be welcome at the dojo to play or train.
Ashiirra Azaria: A botanist and tracker, Motoko has talked most with Ashii out of the Oak Inn crowd, and given her liking of the woman's adopted daughter, she has found Ashiirra a pleasant person. They found they shared a common interest in hunting and tracking, though Motoko only vaguely so, and primarily they are both fond of Ariilyn. It is for this reason that Motoko mentioned Arii was welcome at the school.
Clouse Sydonis: Motoko only spoke with Clouse shortly, as her husband did much of the talking with the masked man when they visited the Oak Inn. The man struck her as polite, which was well enough to put him in decent standing in Motoko's book.
Devilish Sarracenia: Having made Dev's acquaintance when she explored their new neighborhood, Motoko didn't get to talk to the roegadyn too much yet. She likes the woman's attitude, however, so it's possible that they may hit if off well... or hate each other, one or the other!
Sabine Aislihn: Motoko knows Sabine because the miqo'te advertised having acquired some new seeds of Doman origin. As such, Motoko purchases a handful of plants from the woman from her homeland.

Enemies & Antagonists

Poor Standing Enemies


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard.)
"That girl is fond of 'er schools of war. Every time I see 'er, she's got a new weapon in 'er hands. Somethin' about learnin' th'ways of th'realm." — Baderon Tenfingers
◢ Uncommon Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear.)
"I've heard that girl's a princess back in Doma." — Ul'dahn Drunkard
"Nakakami? Her family lead what we call a dojo back in Doma. It's a school of the martial arts. Those that practiced that style... the Shinmei-ryū, they were the first out into the battle when Garlemald attacked." — Doman Refugee
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard.)
"I've seen that girl's temper more than a handful of times, she's quick to anger... but I've only ever seen her inconsolable once. I don't think she meant to drown her sorrows in the drink that night, but something had set her off that evening and reminded the poor girl of her lost sister..." — Momodi Modi
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from other player's characters.)
"A school of swordsmanship blessed by the gods, divine in its inception, capable of dividing the heavens and cleaving mountains asunder. That is the power that man and his wife wield, and they are rightfully feared by the Garlean Empire." — Glioca Sargonnai


The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
Artist: CarrotWine
Origin: Touhou ~ Mountain of Faith
Context: Character theme.
Riverside View & Retrospective Kyoto
Artist: Unlucky Morpheus
Origin: Touhou ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Context: Strike against the Garleans.
The Reminiscence of the Gods
Artist: OdiakeS
Origin: Touhou ~ Mountain of Faith
Context: Combat theme.
The Way of the Sword
Artist: Hans Zimmer
Origin: The Last Samurai
Context: The fall of the Shinmei-ryū.
Artist: Aya Uteo
Origin: Ayaueto Album
Context: Feelings for Seno.


  • Motoko is based on Motoko Aoyama from Love Hina. She is primarily based on an iteration of the aforementioned character found in Kuro Arashi: The Black Storm, a fanfiction about the work.
  • The final stand of the Shinmei-ryū is based on the final battle in The Last Samurai.
  • The game mah-ziang is based on the game mahjong.
  • Her family kept a breed of varied colored cranes as pets. Two of them were favorites and were Tsuruko's pets. One was a black-violet Male named Hayate and the other was yellow female named Shippu. It is these birds that Motoko named hers' and Seno's chocobos after.

Lore Adherence

Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. While an effort was made to craft lore that was vague enough and would believably fit into an Eastern-themed country such as Doma, it was done so with the knowledge that some things would possibly need to be adjusted down the road as Square Enix inevitably fills in the gaps that were taken advantage of. This section exists as a running list of things that were updated to reflect emerging and evolving lore concerning Doma.

  • Nothing here yet!


This character's personality and back-story is an adaption of the Love Hina character Motoko Aoyama, with some information drawn from Negima! Magister Negi Magi. I do not own the aforementioned works. This character is only a derivative and an homage. As much attention as possible was given to make things lore appropriate and she is not merely a fandom insert, nor is she self-aware of anything related to Love Hina.