Alothia Starkwood

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Alothia Starkwood
nophica’s patron
menphina’s keeper
eternal atoner
Gridanianflag 50x55.png
Blackmage 50x55.jpg
Thank the Twelve...
Aly profile.png
26 (31 if it wasn't for the Calamity)
28th sun, 6th as, 1546
Jutat De
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Miqa'bobs. Particularly Tuna. It reminds her of home.
Ear Scratches. She's a sucker for them.
Bubble baths. Nothing more relaxing than a tub.
Quirky people. People who are interesting interest her.


Being Pushed Around. No one puts Aly in the corner.
Intolerance. Aly has spent many years being kind to others and learning their stories before judging. She wishes the same of others.
Conflict. While it is a necessary evil, she avoids it like the plague.
Rain. It makes her tail poof and her hair become matted. No to this. Unless it's the sound. She likes the sound of rain.


Being Alone. If anything scares the woman, it is this. A life of solitude.
Manipulation. In her past life, she was extremely manipulative, and she hates to think she'd become like that again.
Death. Watching people die is her least favorite thing in the world, and losing those close to her is her worst fear.
Cheating. She is very self conscious and is always scared that her significant others will stray.


Charisma. Alothia is charismatic and it enables her to approach people of all walks of life for conversation.
Thaumaturgy. She's great at blowing stuff up.
Handwriting. She was taught how to write at a young age, and she practices daily.
Organization. Alothia is great at keeping people organized. Not so much for her desk though.


Emotional. Alothia is often swayed by her emotions, whether good or bad..
Naive. Alothia takes most people at face value. She wants to believe in the best in everyone.
Clumsy. While she can be a strong magic user, she is not very deft as far as easy tasks, and can get even clumsier when flustered.
Weak. She is trained to use daggers in close quarters, but if it came to a match of physical strength, she would lose.


Gridania. Home of her youth.
Thal's Respite. She often goes there for contemplation.
Sanctum of the Twelve. Somewhat religious, this is where Alothia travels to center herself.
Hawthorne Hut. Favorite place ever. Quiet, nice view, hot springs. What more could you ask for?

(art by Croiei)
*Height: Tall for a Miqo'te
  • Weight: Averageish, slight tummy, full in the bust and hips
  • Body: Slender but strong
  • Hair: Long and tied back on the sides, Pink with blue highlights
  • Eyes: Lavender
  • Skin: Pale, some say pale to the point of looking like death
  • Clothing: Alothia prefers to wear comfortable clothing, but also clothing that shows off her assets. For a night out, she enjoys wearing her Coatee, but when working, Alothia wears Robes and other traditional Conjurer garb.

Put some stuff here too, k?


Blub blub blub.


Blub blub blub.


Blub blub blub.


Blub blub blub.


Blub blub blub.

NOTE: Information presented here may be used as RP hooks within reasonable means. It is mostly presented as a point of reference for myself because I am hella forgetful.


Alothia grew up in the forest of the Eastern Shroud, near Hyrstmill. She came from a small family consisting of her father, mother and younger sister. Her childhood was a happy one, with the only problem being that her parents were always working and didn't have a ton of time to spend with her. Alothia saw what this did to her parents, this constant working, and decided that she didn't want to be a slave to work. It was about the same time that Alothia realized that she had a gift for getting people to like her and befriend her...she had become a manipulator. With these skills, she left home against the will of her parents at the age of 15. It was not a peaceful leaving, and things were said and done at the time that Alothia doesn't like to discuss.

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The next few years of her life were not so good. She managed to do well for herself, but at the cost of others. Many people were used in order to keep Alothia afloat, including a young Miqo'te girl. She was one of Alothia's lackeys, and she was sent out to do a job...which ended up being much more than was bargained for. When the girl returned to Alothia; bruised, battered, and broken; Alothia finally saw firsthand the damage that she was doing to others. She stopped her illegal dealings, and managed to run into a childhood friend, Frosty Mouse, who managed to help her set up a small mercenary company.

The company thrived, growing from a small group of 2 or 3 workers, to a more extensive company. With the help of Zenge Eien, she named the company Corvus Cinis, after Zenge's old unit within the Garlean Army. While her company was thriving, she met one Mister Oskar Helvig, and they began a relationship. This relationship caused much dissension within the company as many of her employees did not like Oskar or the way that he seemingly manipulated Alothia.

About 4 moons into their relationship, Oskar felt that he needed a break, and he and Alothia parted ways. Lost in her loneliness, Alothia focused on her company, strengthening it's bonds and helping to bring new employees into the fold. She kindled a new relationship with colleague and friend, Zenge Eien with whom she feelt much more at ease. Their relationship was passionate and just what Alothia needed to bring her focus back to the company and what was important.

However, as the moons went on, Zenge grew more and more distant, spending much more time out on patrols for the Twin Adders. By the time the Calamity hit, Alothia and Zenge were completely separated. Zenge left, worried that his ties to the Garlean Empire would mean trouble for Alothia, and indeed they did. Constantly worried about being hunted down, Alothia fled deep into the Twelveswood to hide. She was not seen by the company nor any others for quite sometime. Yet the day that Dalmud fell, Alothia, determined to do her part, came out of hiding to help tend the wounds of those in the battle. While she did not see any of her companions there, she felt that she had at least done her part when it mattered most.


Right Afterward

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I Just Can't Stomach It

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The Tale of Souyo Xander

((This summary is copied from the AST/CC forums, and was written by Eric Verus))

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Time Together

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Welcome Home

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Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ COMMON RUMORS - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"I heard that she used to date did she manage to put up with him?" - Finicky Friend.
"Didn't she run that company...Corvus Cinis? I heard they needed a new front door every week." - Crotchety Carpenter.
"She sure knows how to control the elements. All of 'em too, from what I can tell." - Tawdry Thaumaturge.

◢ UNCOMMON RUMORS - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"She does all of her books herself...won't let anyone else touch her gil. I wonder why..." - Badgering Bookkeeper.
"I hear she's quite good with Fire...used to be good at healing, too, from what I can tell. Hasn't seemed to try healing anyone for a while though. Strange...." - Busybody.
"I've heard she lets her boyfriends abuse her. Poor thing, she really ought to stand up for herself!" - Busybody.

◢ RARE RUMORS - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I've heard that if you're in the mood for a good time, she knows a woman who does that sort of work. Rates are reasonable too." - Patron.
"Her past is kinda shady...I hear she's just nice to everyone to cover that up. - Shady Dealer.

◢ PLAYER CHARACTER RUMORS - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"Feel free to add your own rumors here!" - cuideag
"We two sides to a coin. Yet I am honored to call her...friend." - Lily Dawnsworn.
"I will kill anyone who wishes her harm, that woman has saved my life and she does not realize it." - Deirdre Ta'ea.
"She is ... an above-average detective.... when she's got my help." - Rhu'to Brom.
"I've watched her kill to save the one's she loves. Anyone like that is a good ally to have in my book." - Vash Ashford.
"I'd hit that. Just saying." - Tayn Zolin.
"The Boss Lady's pretty smart, but she's got really terrible taste in men is all I'm sayin'." - Rio van Rosch.


Romantic Attraction | Platonic Love | Positive | Negative | Neutral
note: Characters with whom Jajara has had little interaction with will be gradually cycled out. Also trying to be more active with her in RP after a long sort of hiatus so please forgive me if your name has slipped my mind!

Eric Verus ( ) - Brother/Friend.
Eric was a new member of Corvus Cinis, and had managed to secure a place in Alothia's heart. She likes that he sees her for who she is, someone who was broken in the past but who is trying to make amends for her past. Aside from the emotional and physical attractions she has for him, she also thinks that he is generally a nice guy, and she appreciates his thoughtful commentary. Recent events brought to light the fact that the curse he is carrying is actually the beginnings of a voidsent. Alothia helped him remove the curse, but it was not over so easily. There is more to Eric's story...
Kassandra Dawn ( ) - Kassabanana...
Alothia sees Kass as a good friend, someone she could tell most anything to without fear of it getting out. Kass used to be an innocent soul, until she started dating Endricane Feltaro. Their relationship became quickly serious. Kass got with child from him, but was separated from him during the Calamity. During the five year interval, Kass changed greatly, and unfortunately grew distant from Alothia and Corvus. Alothia longs for the friendship that they used to have, but knows that Gwen is Kass' priority now, so she doesn't intrude.
Lily Dawnsworn ( ) - ...Serious Business
Another employee of Corvus Cinis. Alothia respects Lily deeply, often wishing that she had as much skill and training with weapons as she does. Lily left after Heavensturn, and returned briefly around the time of Little Ladies Day, only to disappear again. Once Alothia returned to Eorzea from the time rift, she met up with Lily once more. After the dissolving of Corvus, Alothia again lost touch with Lily, only to end up working for her at her own company, Jutat De, which does much of the same stuff that Corvus did.
Oskar Helvig ( ) - First Love.
Alothia's ex-boyfriend. She was deeply in love with him once, and still doesn't quite understand what went wrong between them. She wastorn with her feelings because she would like to be friends, but doesn't feel that that was an acceptable move. Still has some feelings of resentment over the breakup. She did not need to hide her relationship with Zenge, as Oskar moved on as well. They still remained cordial up until his untimely disappearance from the usual haunts. Alothia believes that Oskar returned to the Caves of his family, perhaps never to return to the surface again..
Paradyme Capellago ( ) - Ex Fiance.
A red-headed hyur she met one evening at the Mineral Concern. After a night of drinking and drinking games, Alothia ended up making out with the fellow, which she quite enjoyed. Since then, they've gone out on a couple of dates, spent some time chatting and other things, and began dating seriously. They were both being watched by Para's brother and torturer, Joshua Nightcross. Alothia managed to overtake the man, killing him, and freeing Para from the man's tyranny. A few suns after the incident, he surprised her by proposing. Only a few weeks after that, however, Paradyme grew increasingly worried about his relationship with her. In a flash, he changed his mind, and ended the relationship, leaving Alothia feeling quite dumbstruck. While they will not return to what they once had, Alothia believes that they can still be friends, and actively works on trying to make at least that work.
U'zhan Tia ( ) - Strange Bedfellows.
Alothia has known U'zhan for almost 3 turns now, and finds that he is a fine friend to hang around. She enjoys teasing him, even if he is no longer as easily flustered as he once was. Their friendship often finds them flirting and joking, and ends up with them destroying segments of her bedroom. She understands that this arrangement is not permanent, and seeks to enjoy their fleeting fling while she can.
Zenge Eien ( ) - Real... real kindly, her.
One of Alothia's closest friends, turned boyfriend. She enjoys Zenge's company, and his broken Eorzean speech patterns. She sees him as a kindred spirit as someone who followed the wrong path in the past and who is constantly trying to better himself and atone for what he did. She finds him a refreshing change from Oskar, as he is more of a partner than a controller, and is far more open with his thoughts and feelings. She still feels bad about what she did to Zenge regarding his Garlean heritage, and this drives some of her interactions with him. Shortly after Heavensturn, Zenge accompanied a group of scouts with the Twin Adder to run reconaissance on the Garlean forces. He was ever more absent from her side, until eventually he broke off all contact with her completely due to threats from the Garlean Army. Alothia has not seen Zenge since a moon before the Calamity..


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Potential Hooks
Past Life. People who may have been involved in crime syndicates from back before the Calamity may have known Alothia
Outside Links:
Menphina's Keeper - A Tumblr blog. Alothia’s IC journal, as well as some inspirations pics and ask prompts.
Misc Info:
Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera / N'hadiya Khei. Further edited and adapted by Jajara Jara / Delial Grimsong. Even more edited by Alothia Starkwood