Y'uraq Tia

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Y'uraq Tia
The White Jaguar
Barachanji, as drawn by Berrod Armstrong
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): Paladin, Warrior
Main Tradeskill: • Armorsmith
• Blacksmith
Preferred Role: Tank
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Neutral Good
Reputation: N/A
Occupation: Adventurer-Scholar, Mercenary
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Free Company
The Fireborn
Items Carried
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Sun Seeker
Age: ?? (Looks between 19-22)
Height: 6 fulm, 1 ilm
Weight: 157 ponze
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Tanned
Physical Build: Lithe
Notable Features: Muscle tone on a Lala!?
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Y'uraq Tia (3rd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon), .....

Basic Info

Y'uraq is a young, and spirited Sun Seeker miqo'te currently living his life to the fullest. From researching tomestones and translated texts to the possible locations of lost Allagan artifacts, to indulging his creative side as an aspiring artisan, and design the most unique, elegant, and sought jewelry and fashion through weaving and goldsmithing. While certainly on the Bashful side, Y'uraq is generally friendly to those he's come across in his travels. As far as doing whatever he feels is right for those he cares for, he is loyal to a fault. No matter how certain the dangers may be, Y'uraq has had no hesitation putting himself in harm's way and stand his ground with those who can't stand on their own, or mend their wounds through conjury and lesser healing magic with the best of his abilities, should circumstances allow it.

Y'uraq has no love for unnecessary conflict, unfortunately his travels have often faced him with unpleasant situations, from thwarting a bandit in Eastern Thanalan, to defusing what could had been an explosive, and disastrous barfight with a hulking roegadyn at the shifting sands.

One can now often find Chachanji running to and fro about the desert city, usually running errands tasked to him by the Adventurer's Guild by way of the Quicksand's own Momodi. When he's not doing that, he can most likely be found in the company of the surprising number of friends that he has accumulated thus far during his stay. With his eagerness to help and genuinely caring disposition, it's no small wonder that so many would count the Doman Lalafell amongst their allies. Not to mention there are a few that he stubbornly considers his friends, whether they like it or not.

At Chachanji's side often enough is stalwart, little Gran; a baby behemoth that has quickly become the Lalafell's heroic sidekick-slash-mascot. Originally an oddity that was handed off time and time again between vendors and easily-tricked consumers across Eorzea, the little purple porker has somehow wound up under the Lalafell's care. He's not complaining, though, considering the ample supply of entertainment and treats. Whether or not he's actually a baby behemoth or a piglet made up to look like one is still up in the air.


The Immortal Flames.
Thanalan's hot and dry climate.
Visiting and exploring unearthed, ancient sites around Eorzea.
Advancing his studies on conjury and the elements.
Training in alternate forms of combat.
Time alone in his private quarters.
The colors white, black, and red.
Styles, fashion, and fine embroidery
Spicy foods


Seeing people in trouble.
Not being able to do/know things.
The Monetarists.
Being left out.
Taking medicine.


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Favorite Food: Yellow Drops
Favorite Drink: Champion Chachan
Favorite Color: Yellow

Appearance & Personality


  • A bit of an oblivious dork, zeroing in on things that catch his interest and often missing things that haven't. Due to his training as a smith under his father, this often include focusing on someone's arms or armor.
  • Speaks with a cobbled-together "Eorzean accent" that he's picked up to hide his Doman heritage. While it slips when he's suitably distressed, he's gotten quite used to using it and maintains it more often than not.
  • While relatively fluent in Eorzean thanks to the Garlean occupation, he has a harder time wrapping his head around more complicated words (and names) and often breaks them down into oversimplifications, like "in-keg-neato" and "thundermentals." Others he mispronounces as part of that "Eorzean accent," and has stuck to them out of habit - "halp" and "swording" being two of the most common.
  • As a little hero to be, Chachan often jumps in to try and "halp" people whenever there's a problem, even if he can't solve it. This has included an incident where he tried to talk a thief out of being a thief. This often leads to him taking on more than he can handle, and is likely to lead to him getting frustrated and throwing a fit.
  • Strengths

    • Energetic and positive, always eager to go out and make things better.
    • Always willing to lend a hand, which often leads to him doing all sorts of tasks and errands.
    • A loyal, if oddball, friend who will always try to be there for them.
    • Surprisingly knowledgeable about armor and weapon materials, and knows his way around a smith's hammer.
    • Weaknesses

      • Terrible decision-maker, used to family making the big decisions and cleaning up his messes.
      • His friendliness and willingness to help also makes him easily fleeced and taken advantage of.
      • A bit of a crybaby, and can shut down if things go south for him.
      • While he's been learning how to use sword and shield to protect people, he hasn't learned some of the other necessary points to help people, leading him to a couple "round peg, square hole" situations.

      • Y'uraq's past and present.

        Life before the mystery



        A Stranger in a Strange Land

        (Nov 16, 2014 - Jan 6, 2015 - 2.4) - A sad mystery turned into a grand journey for a lost wanderer.


        Echoes from the Void

        (Jan 14, 2015 - February 8, 2015 - 2.5) - Seeking to find a greater purpose in his new life, Y'uraq turns to the distant past in search of answers for his uncertain future. ...

        Y'uraq has been overwhelmed researching over a lost Allagan artifact for the past moon, only to find dead ends as every scholar and archeologist from the Sons of St. Coinach deemed it as mere "fable". Regardless, Y'uraq has been making frequent trips between La Noscea and Mor Dhona, in search of anything that might suggest otherwise. His trips have usually included a night or two in Gridania on the way. In his efforts to understand the links between Allag and the voidsent as well as their potential dangers, Y'uraq has enlisted under the Thaumaturge's guild guidance in Ul'dah

        Pink-Convenient Truths
        With the return of Jancis, along with the help of a few others within Coral, Memeli managed to recover from her aetheric imbalance and returned to her normal, bombastic pink-haired self. While this would be cause for celebration, this also meant a sharp uptick in her pranks and antics. Which led to Chachanji being witness to one, but two duels that followed her recovered strength, wherein he learned just how out-of-hand she could become in the heat of battle. One was a (initially) more friendly match between Meli and Virara where he intercepted a flaming claw that would've pierced the latter's chest, and the other a much angst-ridden clash against the spurned Koporo that almost ended tragically via fireball overkill. While the youngest Gegenji managed to step in and prevent both potentially fatal blows, the fact that Memeli always seems upset about his doing so has become a bit worrying. And that issues are not just between the Lalafellan couple.

        In fact, the fallout of the fight betwixt her and Koporo has actually soured Chachanji's relations with the Lalafellan Sultansworn, with the latter going so far as to blame Chachanji personally for all the recent downturns in his life. Tensions have arisen even with Ser Warren and his newly wedded wife Sei Castille, with their warning of the boy's favoring of his sometimes-violently erratic girlfriend. Sei even went so far as to consider their relationship a mistake and that Chachan should seek to control Meli's wild tendencies, much to the Dunesfolk's chagrin. He adamantly believes that he isn't favoring Meli over anyone else he cares about, and would certainly rather guide her to more responsible decisions over an out-and-out attempt to force his will upon her.

        Such concerns came to the fore as Little Lady's Day drew ever closer, an event that was nerve-wracking enough for the little Lalafell considering he planned to give both Memeli and Virara gifts in return for their Valentione's Day chocolates (Meli's gift requiring the assistance of fellow Coralite Jajara Jara). A misunderstanding over one of Meli's numerous teasings and flirtings resulted in confusion over the state of their relationship, confrontation over what both Lalafell wanted out of it, and an eventual reconciliation. However, the other subject of the teasings - Virara, whose understanding of love and relationships was even worse than Chachan's - didn't quite come out so unscathed. In fact, before she declared the events of the day never happened, the youngest Gegenji discovered that the soft-spoken Plainsfolk may have feelings for him as well.

        Memeli had demanded that Chachanji to give her gifts when her heart wavered, to talk with her when they had disagreements. Most of all, however, she had demanded that he not be willing to let her go - even going so far as to be willing to fight for her - which raised concerns in the little Doman until the situation with Virara was resolved through a heartfelt discussion in Meli's room. So, it should come as no surprise that - after an altercation with a spirit resulted in the stealing of the pink-haired popoto's face - he would do all he could to help her, even if it meant suffering such strange events as getting his mouth wired shut after failing the ghost's riddles. However, be it due to this strange, confidence-crushing situation she found herself in - or perhaps just a bit of that devil-may-care whimsy that attracted him to her in the first place - Meli seemed to heel-turn on her prior desire for staying together and broke off the relationship with the little green-haired Lalafell, claiming lost interest and a desire not to be tied down given her situation.

        It had been Chachanji who had broken up with Yukumazi in his first ever relationship, so he had only seen the fallout from the side of the instigator. Being on the receiving end was... less than pleasant for the little Lalafell, and it took a bit of quiet introspection in front of the forge to come to grips with it. However, Meli had at least stated that she still wanted to remain friends, so he was able to take some comfort in that, along with an enigmatic hinting that he was free to keep "fighting" for her if he so wished. And yet, he still worries about imposing on that free spirit of hers he enjoys so much, and certainly does not wish to tread the same path Koporo did when she broke up with him. Which leaves him at an impasse.

        Where does he go from here? Should he seek her again once the matter was resolved? Or was he truly just not enough to keep up with the bombastic personality that is the "Pink Primal?" All he can do is remind himself (and Virara, who seemingly took the news worse than him) that things are still okay. While they may not be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, at least they are still... friends.
        Wake Me Up Before You Gogon
        Amongst matters of face-stealing spirits, stealthy attackers after Virara to get at her Master, and the fallout from the whole cultist situation where Jancis was initally kidnapped, a more personal matter arose once more amongst all the others. Perhaps by chance or a fate spun by Nymeia's wheel, Chachan's "adopted sister" Leanne happened across Chachanji's missing older brother at the Bobbing Cork in Fallgourd Float. And it was not a pleasant meeting.

        A conversation turned into an altercation upon the arrival of Annunu Nunu that resulted in a shattered linkshell, a temporarily paralyzed hand, and a disturbing bit of information. For some reason or another, Gogonji believes his brother and his family to be dead and sees Garlean threats on all sides. Are they real or are they merely figments of a paranoid mind? After all, he accused Leanne herself - a rather notable bard and adventurer in her own right - of being little more than a Garlean spy before escaping into the night, his retreat covered by Annunu.

        What had happened to the reserved but loving brother that Chachan remembered from his childhood? And what does he plan to do, incited as he is by his belief that his family is dead and the Garleans after him? All Chachan can do is wait for word back from Leanne's various contacts, and hope that he might be able to speak to his older brother face-to-face and let him know that his family is okay.

        That he can come back home.



        ◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
        "He's a little too enthusiastic about fashion and glamour, if you ask me. Even his armor looks like it was built for show as much as practicality! Yes, all of them!" [Weaver's guild receptionist.]
        "Hmph, he just showed out of nowhere! Probably another damn refugee looking to scrap after dropped coin." [Brass Blade]
        ◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
        "Hm, I've never seen that boy walking with a thaumaturge staff before... Just what kind of research does he do?" [Ul'dahn merchant]
        "He's always so quiet! for a while he's just been coming in and finding somewhere to sit and read his books after buying a drink before leaving a while after. You'd think he was waiting for someone?" [Quicksand Personnel, Ul'dah]
        ◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
        "I heard he lost his memories, I say he's not telling us everything." [Ul'dahn Gossiper]
        "There is a savage soul possessing that meek looking fellow. Don't believe me? Watch him in combat sometime!" [Grindstone Spectator, Ul'dah]
        ◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)

        Please feel free to add your own rumors!

        "He seems to have some potential, but his mind is clouded... I want to teach him, but I think for now, I am happy being his friend and not his teacher." - Rahn'a Lihzeh


        Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
        Shas Tarry
        Rhesh'ir Zhwan
        Y'lyfriel Sikah
        Ralamano Nulumano



        Fun Tidbits:
        * Won the Run'n'rumble competition on May 23, 2015! His winnings were earned after enduring some very rogue-ish trials, armed with a sword, a shield, and his instincts. His winnings are saved aside for a Building large enough for his future goals in the world of scholarly academics.

        Theme Song: Underdog

        Templates by Bancroft Gairn and L'aenoh Tia