Asheya Jaqhir
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This template and its icons were created by Lucaell Tareth'eian. Please do not use and alter the template without explicit permission of Lucaell Tareth'eian. Do not claim the artworks and icons as your own. If you do alter it heavily, please state in the footnotes. Based on Bancroft Gairn's.
Asheya Jaqhir is a former pitfighter of Halatali, currently living as a criminal/mercenary in Ul'dah. She is partially responsible for the creation of - and maintaining of the Black Chocobo Gang. Ashe is loyal to her friends to a fault - but spares little thought for anyone outside of that circle.
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- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a lacus quis metus scelerisque tristique eu id magna. Aenean a lectus et diam sagittis rhoncus. Nam finibus ullamcorper aliquet. Aliquam fringilla auctor nulla, ac venenatis enim commodo eget. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras malesuada eu dui consectetur imperdiet. Vivamus nec egestas quam, ac tincidunt tortor. Praesent lobortis dui et bibendum sodales. Praesent rhoncus pretium quam, tempor placerat magna aliquet quis.
- Nunc at pharetra eros, at aliquam erat. Praesent nec consequat mauris. Etiam urna leo, porttitor nec ullamcorper at, aliquet at est. Nunc enim neque, gravida sit amet euismod eu, cursus quis metus. Fusce aliquet, urna eu posuere sollicitudin, quam eros iaculis massa, ut cursus nunc ex at elit. Curabitur id rutrum est. Quisque eleifend nec nisi a vulputate. Sed volutpat nunc quis fringilla congue.
- Sed mattis posuere tellus, sit amet fringilla quam pharetra ut. Etiam suscipit turpis nisi, non venenatis nulla iaculis nec. Nunc porttitor est ultricies, volutpat nisl id, venenatis leo. Sed rutrum bibendum nunc ac tempus. Aenean bibendum vitae nisi nec bibendum. Nam placerat sollicitudin nisl nec fringilla. Nam mattis sagittis nisi quis ultrices. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam magna quam, scelerisque vel urna ac, viverra euismod tellus.
- Born to X'vexha and X'jaqhir in a Lynx clan near the border of Thanalan and the Black Shroud, Ashe spent most of her formative years hunting and otherwise learning the ‘trade’ of being a tribal clan member. As she grew closer and closer to ‘breeding’ age for the tribe, she became disillusioned with the concept of spending the rest of her life pumping out more miqo'te children. In the dead of night just after her fourteenth birthday, she savagely wounded a clan hunter and ran away, leaving her old life behind.
- On the run from her clan and without gil to pay her way, she resorted to petty theft and banditry to survive. Ashe made the unfortunate mistake of attempting to steal from a member of the Amajina & Sons mineral concern in Thanalan - she was promptly caught by the Stone Torches and dragged before the head of the household. Instead of being executed, she was put to work in the local mines. Here she met a hellsguard roegadyn by the name of Coal Lung, who would influence Ashe’s personality and viewpoint towards extreme disdain for the wealthy and prosperous. She and Coal Lung later began a revolt against the overseers of the mine - Coal Lung was executed, and Ashe was next up for the chopping block…before the greedy son of the household, Papahata Rorohata, opted to instead enter her in the fighting ring of Halatali.
- Within Halatali, Asheya would earn her title of Iron Ashe thanks to her stubborn refusal to surrender a match. She grew strong fighting against biasts, mamool ja and other gladiators, until the invasion of the Garlean VIIth Legion would wind up bringing Dalamud down and unleashing Bahamut - the Calamity. As she was recalled to Ul'dah during the event, she and many other gladiators were 'freed’ into the streets to help quell the riots. In the aftermath, Halatali was closed down and abandoned, leaving her to fight in the Coliseum. Papahata soon was embroiled in a match fixing ring - one Asheya would have no part in. In her steadfast refusal to forfeit matches, she bankrupted Papahata on a poor bet.
- Swearing he’d kill her for what she did, Ashe was on the run once more. As she escaped from mercenaries and Brass Blades, she ran into the elezen Lancelaux Fiermont - who would help her kill her pursuers. From this point on, she stuck with him, beginning what would eventually become the Black Chocobo Gang
- The rest is history.
- ■ SWORDSMANSHIP - Asheya's been fighting with a sword from a young age - practically as soon as she was able to walk, she was training to use a blade. This only was further honed via her time in the pits of Halatali and Ul'dah, with her sword being her preferred weapon whenever she could get her hands on one. She's able to wield a blade in either hand, but prefers to be using one in her right hand. Her specialized bladed shields amplify her swordskill, by allowing her to have multiple avenues of attack.
- ■ PUGILISM - You don't always get a weapon when you're pit fighting. As such, Ashe made do with her bare hands, claws and teeth, when she had to. While she's not as skilled as say, a monk, she can hold her own in most combats with just what nature gave her. She's aided in this by being a miqo'te, slightly sharper teeth, elongated claws, and powerful leg muscles all help her brutalize people who think an unarmed foe is an easy one.
- ■ HUNTING - As a former tribal, Ashe is skilled enough with a bow and arrow, plus most knives, to adequately feed herself. While she couldn't hunt people with them, she can land most other prey, generally sandworms and other desert-dwelling beastkin.
- ■ LANCE-WIELDING - Ashe has basic knowledge in spear-fighting, earned solely through having to fight with one when no other weapon was available. She can stab, thrust, and twirl with the most basic of recruits, but anything that would be useful in warfare or practical, non-show fighting is beyond her grasp without further training.
- ■ WRITING - Ashe, first as a tribal, then as an indentured miner, then as a pitfighter, never had to learn to write - so she doesn't know how. She's been attempting to teach herself (avoiding help out of embarrassment), to little avail.
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