Khairen Tumet

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 Khairen Tumet
"Some people just have something more important than their own life."

Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship None
Age 32
Occupation Adventurer/Foot Soldier of the 81st
Orientation Heterosexual
Alignment True Neutral


Khairen, is a self-proclaimed veteren-professional adventurer that has been out and about the lands of Eorzea for near three cycles now. Originally hailing from the land of Orthard across the sea, the man first arrived on this land with only his daughter and the clothes on their back. Despite his unusual appearance during the time and his lack of language skills the man has managed to adapt to his new surroundings and, to a degree, prosper.

After years of toiling alone without any definitive ally, he has opted for a more stable job with a free company, putting what skills he has for the benefit of the realm.


Short for his race, Khairen stands barely at 6' 2" when he isn't slouching one way or another. He has dark tanned skin with tangled mess of jet black hair with red streaks. The man is nearing almost 300 lb in weight, mostly muscle though that appears to be shifting after he has joined the free company and its overabundance of readily available food. His tail is skinny and long with his scales patchy and scarce due to malnurishment during his early childhood. A long jagged line of a scar runs across the front of his upper arms and torso. .


Friendly. Outgoing. Devoted. While the auri man does his best not to offend anyone, he is far from perfect and any who bothers to give a second look can tell this man only works for himself. His only real concern pertains to himself and his immediate loved ones and he couldn't care less for the well-beings of others or the heroics so many stories praise of. He isn't the 'hero', he would never claim to be one and if he thought it would benefit himself or his loved ones, he wouldn't think twice about committing any 'misdeeds' as well. Despite all, however, the man is genuinely friendly and enjoys social mingling among other activities and can often be seen engaging in friendly bouts.


Family. The idea of family is something he likes very much as well as the actual members of his family adopted or otherwise.

Gambling. Nothing wrong with occasional brawl with luck!

Fancy clothes and shiny objects. The more classy, the better. It symbolizes wealth!

Horses. Best animal! It also used to symbolize wealth back in Orthard.


Ship. Sea-sick, air-sick, any method of travel that isn't similar to horse-back riding.

Confined spaces. Claustrophobia.

Coeurl. Nasty creatures.

LOUD NOISES. His horns are very sensitive.

Sweets. They are suspcious sort of taste.


Dextrous. Rather acrobatic, speedy, and good with hands.

Adaptable. Rarely bothered by change of setting.

Open-minded. Everyone has their reasons.

Fast-learner. Self-explanatory.


Independent. Not used to team work.

Gambling. Things..can be addicting.

Coeurl. Nasty creatures.

LOUD NOISES. His horns are very sensitive.

Greed. May or may not do regrettable things.


This is a list of the items that CHARACTER currently is keeping on THEIR person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 11/16/2015.

  • Leftover Oranges: Half-eaten orange with shriveled up peels and the like. Generally disgusting

  • Crumpled parchment: A terrible looking stick-figure drawing is scrawled on it. It is well weathered and tattered but it's obvious the man has treasured it through out the years.

  • Various potions: In case of emergency!

  • Coin pouch: Handful of gils.

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
Feel free to use and edit this template to better fit your needs. However, please be sure to leave all credits in place. Thank you!
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