Myllor Aurelion

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Myllor Aurelion
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ul'dah
Nameday 18th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon, 1546
Age 31
Guardian Nald'thal (Worships Byregot and Azeyma as well)
Occupation Tavern owner, Smith with Nal'diq & Vymelli's, Miner with Amajina & Sons, and a solo Mercenary.
Marital Status Single




Sword: Myllor has known a sword since he was a mere five cycles old. He is more than proficient, and has nearly mastered the sword in most of its many forms.

Shield: In his time in Eorzea, Myllor was a practitioner of the way of the Shield, to defend his allies. He has ceased its use, as it has not served him well.

Healing: Another of Myllor's older skills, he received training in several healing arts, but does not use them often anymore.

Smithing: His craft of choice, Myllor took up the hammer to learn a trade that would serve him well. And serve him well it has, as his wares fetch a pretty gil.

Mining: Mining was important to Myllor for gathering the materials to fuel his passion for smithing, but he also discovered it's practical uses. He can prospect many valuable gems, and incorporate them into his weapons and armor to increase his profits many times over.

Lance: Myllor has been trained in a lance, and was quite skilled with it, but it is not a go-to weapon in his current trade.

Others: Myllor is proficient in the use of hand-to-hand combat, the use of an Axe, and archery. He does not prefer these styles, and will only adapt if needed. His Archery in particular, is very poor.

Pre 1.0 Backstory:

0: Myllor was born in a small mountain hamlet in a land to the south he knew of as Salernum, but does not exist on any Eorzean maps. He was born there to the Captain of the local guard, Sir Markus Aurelion, and the beautiful Rose Aurelion.

5: He held his first sword. His training was something his father had looked forward to most, since the day his sister was born, the brilliant Kikianna. It was a proud time for him.

10: Myllor was growing bigger, and stronger now, becoming a force to be reckoned with with his newly standard-issue, full-size longsword. He was proud, he was good, and he was nearly ready to squire for the honorable Sir Walter, his father's best man, and closest friend. Only one objected; Stefan. The man was known to be ambitious, and it was his path to power, to take on the Captain's son as a squire, and he vied for it vehemently. He was kept in line by the guard, but on one particular night, some ale was had, some words exchanged, and a brawl occured. The man disgraced himself, and stole away from the village under the cover of night. Even the best hunters and trackers failed to bring him back, and some of them failed to return at all. And so It was all but forgotten, until he returned.

It was a night Myllor would never forget. Stefan returned with a sizable band of brigands. He killed the guardsmen stationed at the top of the mountain pass, and snuck into the hamlet in the dark of the night. He managed to sneak a few dozen men into the village, intent on his revenge. He started with Rose, Myllor's mother. He ambushed them, disarming them all in the midst of sleep, and made Myllor and his family watch as he cleaved his mother's right arm off at the shoulder. That was more than enough to make his father fly at the fiend in a rage. Unarmed and undressed, his father met his fate, but his actions spared his children. Stefan's revenge satisfied, and his fun ruined, he ordered the village razed.

The events that followed happened very quickly. They tied the three of them, his mother, sister, and himself together, and left. The men blocked the exit, and set a torch to the doorway, and soon after, the flames came. They had been left to burn. It was his sister's brilliance that saved them all that day. She shielded them, and stopped the bleeding on his mother's arm through cauterization. It was difficult to watch, and would only have been harder had she still been conscious. How his mother survived was beyond him, even now, after many moons of training in the healing arts. All he can remember is not being able to get out of Kiki's protective barrier until there were only ashes around him. The Athenaeum, his mother's precious library and place of learning, was completely destroyed, along with all the knowledge, history, and secrets kept within.  In some places fires still smoldered, and people could be heard crying, but what remained of his father's men had rallied behind Sir Walter, and fought deep into the night to protect the hamlet. In the end casualties were not nearly as overwhelming as he had imagined, due mostly to their efforts.

A rage burned within him that day, and he swore vengeance. His young mind was confident that he could not only find the man who killed his father, disfigured his mother, and destroyed his home, but that he could kill him himself. So he did something foolish; he left. He was determined to go out and train in the world, hunt down Stefan, and have his vengeance. This was, of course, a grand notion for one of merely ten cycles, but his motivation was there. Ambition flowed off of him and the ever vigilant Sir Walter knew immediately his intent, but said not a word that day. The knight simply followed Myllor when he set out, trailing him for a half a sun before confronting him, and offering to take him back. When Myllor refused, he educated him on the difficulty of what it was he proposed. The quest had been clear as day to the young Myllor, but the reality of the situation quickly humbled him. Much to his surprise, however,  Sir Walter did not lead them in the direction of their ruined village, but toward that which Myllor had been intent on following. They stopped only once that day, to direct a courier back to the hamlet with a missive. The two traveled for many moons, and many cycles and the great Sir Walter Fern personally oversaw Myllor's growth, and trained him in his father's absence.

19: It was a long time, nearly another ten cycles before they had their chance. By then Myllor was a man grown, and had outgrown Sir Walter's lessons. At the age of just ten and nine, he was every bit the fighter. Rarely did he find a match, but he was often employed slaying creatures, not men. One day, a few moons short of his twentieth nameday, Myllor caught wind of a man fitting Stefan's description. Upon hearing he was heading a band of bandits, brigands, and cutthroats, Myllor knew he had his man. He was known as Reaver, for the enormous axe he carved his victims with. Having discovered Reaver's next target, a small seaside port, they set off to intercept. They arrived in time, met with the elder of the port town, and convinced him of the danger. Within a few suns, they had helped the town and its local guard defend itself, and captured Reaver.

The man hanged that day. They stayed there with a group of healers, while a wound Sir Walter had sustained was treated. They were men of the faith who called themselves priors, and were very similar to conjurers, though more focused on healing. It was also there Myllor discovered his passion and ability for healing, and so there he remained for more then three cycles learning the arts. Sir Walter only stayed a few moons before he and Myllor bid their final farewells, and he headed back to their hometown. Myllor had hoped to return with him, but he had so much to learn. Around the time he completed his training, a rich trading vessel sailed into the port. It hailed from a distant place known as Ul'dah.

23: Myllor heard many things of Ul'dah that night, of all the dangers it faced, and he saw an opportunity. He sent a message home to his mother, and apologized for his extended absence, but he knew what he had to do. The next morning he found himself on the vessels deck, beginning his work across the wide-open sea. This was quite possibly one of the hardest times for Myllor. Between the young scrags that berated him, and the harlots making life difficult, not to mention the motion sickness and the illness, staying aboard the ship was certainly a challenging task. The journey was several moons long, but eventually he arrived at a small port in the desert to the south-east of Ul'dah. Before you saw the shore, you could see it, looming over the horizon. Ul'dah.

Ul'dah was magnificent. Enormous and magnificent. Even from afar, it was all he could do to contain his enthusiasm. While he sat awestruck off the coast of Thanalan, however, something fell from the sky. This was Myllor's first garlean encounter. It was what is known as a Garlean Juggernaut. It was a very near miss. As it fell, it struck the center mast, and nearly tore the ship in two. Resulting in a long afternoon spent rowing the rest of the way. A few bells later, the ship made it to shore, and docked for repairs. With this he was finally free to disembark and begin his adventure in Eorzea. The first few suns were uneventful, and his fourth and twentieth nameday passed quietly.

Myllor Aurelion is a filler.



Given Name: Myllor Aurelion "My-lore Ore-el-ee-un"
Aliases/Nicknames: Myllor does not have any aliases, but he has been called 'Ser' and 'Aurelion' before.
Current Residence: Soliloquy, Coerthas
Marital/Relationship Status: In a relationship
Religion: Follower of Nald'thal, Byregot, and Azeyma


Height: 6 fulms, 2 ilms - He may have embellished a wee bit...
Weight: 220 ponz - Myllor is tall, and very muscular. Particularly on his arms shoulders and back.
Body: Myllor is tall and wide. From his broad shoulders, and large arms, to his sculpted back, and thick legs, he is very well built. His arms and shoulders are his most defined muscles, as he spends most of his time smithing for Naldiq & Vymelli's, or doing his own independent work. His back is honed from the many bells he's devoted to chipping away at the stone walls of the world in pursuit of rare gems and metals. His legs are perhaps his least defined muscles, but from his cycles of time spent in full heavy armor, which weighed upwards of 80 ponz, bringing his combat weight to a staggering 300 ponz. He carried quite an arsenal, sometimes as many as five or six total blades, and his large scutum in addition to his full armor.
Complexion: Originally fairly pale, Myllor did not, despite working outdoors frequently, ever tan much. Upon his recovery from injuries inflicted in the Calamity, his skin has darkened some, particularly in areas that remain scarred.
Face: Myllors face is fairly well scarred, along his jawline, and around his mouth, so he tends to wear high collars to cover up. What is visible is fairly leathery and rough. His eyes are a hazel color, though they tend to lean green more often than not.

Hair: Myllors hair is a rich brown, with strokes of silvering greys. His facial hair is spotty where he does allow it to grow, and atop his head it is cut fairly short. He keeps it flat, but it has a tendency to get pushed up in the center, akin to a faux hawk.
Garb: Myllor is not one for fashion, preferring to dress for function. He has a variety of outfits, but the one he is most well known for is his full Cobalt Plate set. He wears a Cuirass, Gauntlets, Sabatons, a Cobalt Scutum, and a Cobalt Plate Belt over a doublet, padded trousers, and a small pair of leather shoes. The appearance is very light, shining a metallic silver in direct light. His armament was varied, as he possessed a number of weapons. He most often wielded his Cobalt Scutum alongside a blade he designed specifically to be sheathed into empty space behind the shield. He also wears a Cobalt Winglet down his back beneath the shield, and he wears two blades on his hips, the first of which is a Cobalt Falchion on his left hip, and the second an ornamented Ul'dahn shortsword on his right.

These days for his solo mercenary work, he upkeeps a Darksteel Breastplate, and Darksteel Sabatons, with a single Darksteel bracer on the outside of his left hand. He wears it over a similar Doublet and Padded Trousers, however the coloring is darker. Typically black with gold embroidery and gold ornamentation. He typically covers it all under a similarly colored silken haori that runs the length of his body, and has a high collar that extends up his face. He wields, almost exclusively a large blade resembling a single-edge broadsword, of his own design.


Speech: Myllor is well-spoken, but typically on the quieter side. When he is angry his voice becomes crisp and he speaks fast.

Demeanor: Myllor is a very serious fellow, spending most of his daylight hours working he has little time these days for friends. He is not immune to the silliness that comes to men in their cups, however, and this is typically when he can be seen cutting loose.

Quirks: Myllor has a tendency to dwell ono the worst in people, and is poor at making new friends. Outside of 'professional' relationships.

Education & Commonsense: Myllor was educated to read and write in his homeland, though that does not help him now in Eorzea. His Eorzean is rudimentary at best, and though he can speak the common tongue perfectly, he cannot read or write much. He has the know how when it comes to basic survival needs, including hunting and cooking, but he is slightly less proficient in mixed social settings.



  • Style
  • Specialization
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Armor



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  • Favorite Food: Steak
  • Favorite Drink: Water
  • Favorite Alcohol: Imported Whiskey
  • Favorite Creatures: Snurbles
  • Least Favorite Food: Fish
  • Least Favorite Creatures: Aldgoats



  • Father: Markus Aurelion (1512 - 1556) (44 - Deceased) - Filler
  • Mother: Rose Aurelion (1523 - Living) (54) - Filler
  • Sister: Kikianna Aurelion (1544 - Living) (33) - Filler

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Rumor Mill:

(Please post your IC rumors here! Make sure they come from your characters perspective, or a potential random NPCs perspective based on what you know about Myllor. Do not Meta them, or I will delete them, and please make them anonymous!)

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