Ramona Grande
Ramona Grande | |
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Character Information | |
Full Name | Ramona Grande |
Nickname(s) | N/A |
Race | Hyur |
Subrace | Highlander Hyur |
Gender | Female |
Sexual Orientation | Lesbian |
Relationship Status | Engaged |
Age | 34 |
Guardian | Rhalgr, The Destroyer |
Birthplace | Ala Mhigo |
Occupation | Mercenary |
Family | Deceased |
General Information
Put your general overview of your character here!
Ramona is tall, standing at (height) and surprisingly muscular. Her long hair is a deep auburn, worn loose and straightened, making it look thinner than it actually is. Before she does her hair in the morning, it looks much thicker and out of place. Lavender eyes glint with judgment, and thick lips purse in lack of interest. Her chest is of average size. Eyebrows seem to be permanently angled downward. She wears a bright shade of red eyeshadow on the inner corners of her eyes, which only accentuate her light colored eyes.
Personality Traits
- Self righteous
- Stoic
- Distant
- Short Tempered
- Strong Willed
- Judgmental
- Disinterested
Ramona is often times bored with any given situation around her. Though she does go to places like public bars, she doesn't really enjoy talking to strangers. Or most people, for that matter. She has a handful of people who she feels comfortable around and either likes talking to them, or just tolerates them. To get close to Ramona, one would have to be rather persistent, as she isn't exactly the nicest person to talk to. Beneath her cold and stoic exterior, she seems to have a sense of humor. Though, even to those closest to her, she scarcely shows any real emotion. As for her mannerisms, Ramona can be found clicking her tongue, running her hands through her long hair, and most often, raising a single eyebrow.
Philosophy & Ideals
Everything Ramona does is in her own best interest. No matter what it may be. She does not care how the outcome of her actions may affect others, as long as it benefits herself. This can earn her a lot of enemies. Not that she cares. She has quite a hard time seeing things from other people's perspectives, usually feeling that she is right in any given situation.
- Quirks
- Go
- here.
Likes | Dislikes | |
Skills | Education | |
Strengths | Flaws | |
Fears | Favorites | |
Early Life
She was born in Ala Mhigo, and named simply 'Ramona'. Her family was average. Her father, Vemund Armstrong, was a retired soldier and her mother, Maria Striker, was an archer. Maria is where Ramona initially began to learn to shoot. She was an only child to the couple, who were a bit older than most new parents.
The Garlean Empire took over Ala Mhigo when Ramona was thirteen cycles. Soon after, her parents were killed; by soldiers, or by rioters Ramona still does not know. Her time spent grieving the loss of her parents was short, as it was around this time she began to cut off her emotions. For the next seven cycles, she kept a low profile, teaching herself to shoot. Though, she knew a life as an 'aan' was not for her.
At nineteen, Ramona joined the Empire, working her way up the ranks. Eventually, she found herself working in a covert operations unit as a long distance sniper under her superior officer, Adelaide quo Levenson. At this point, she decided it was time to appoint herself a fitting last name. Along with her newfound Garlean rank, her full name was Ramona oen Grande. After a few cycles working in Levenson's unit, she became rather close to a woman named Charlotte pyr Stellaris.
Recent Times
Notes about where your character has been the last few months go here.
Common | Uncommon | |
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Rare | Player Character | |
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Relationship Status Key
- ❤ Romance
- ✿ Attraction
- § Complicated
- ♫ Friend
- ✔ Good Standing
- ✘ Poor Standing
- ● Neutral
- ✫ Uncertain
- ✞ Deceased
Close Friends | Family | |
Friends | Acquaintances | |
Likely Locations | Affiliations | |
RP Hooks
Mercenary for Hire
Ramona is always on the lookout for (well paying) jobs that require her expertise. This usually involves stealth, and long distance sniping. However, if the job pays well, she'll accept simpler tasks as well, though they usually bore her.
Former Soldier of Garlemald
Ramona could possibly be recognized from her time working for the Empire, though she wasn't an especially high rank. For someone to recognize her, they'd most likely have to be from Ala Mhigo, as that is where she was often stationed when not on covert operations.
Hook Name
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Acceptable RP | Unacceptable RP | |
Player Info
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My Policies
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OOC Character Info | Links | |
Wiki Info | Credits | |
This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.
Last Updated: April 23, 2019 |
Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!
This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people:
A big thank you to all these lovely people! |