Sapphire Redstone

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This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Disclaimer: This profile is split in two. There are currently two cannons with this character. One to go along with the current timeline of FFXIV and one roughly ten years into the future.

Sapphire Redstone

Sapphire redstone.jpg
Name Sapphire Redstone
Alias... "Saphy"
Age... Unborn/8 Cycles
Gender... Male
Race... Hyur/Au Ra mix
Clan... Highlander/Midlander/Xaela
Orientation... N/A
Marital... N/A
Deity... Menphina, the Lover
Nationality... Limsa Lominsa
Occupation... Unborn/8 year old
Place of Birth...Limsa Lominsa
A precious baby boy.

Sapphire was another surprise baby for both Dante and Fayne. The never even planned to have children in the first place. But things happen, and neither of them would have their lives any different. They love Sapphire to death and just like his sister, he is a mischievous little boy that is far too eager for his own good.

Height: Smol/4 fulms 2 ilms
Weight: Smol/57 ponz
Complexion: Tan
Hair: Black/Dyed blue
Eyes: Green
Particular Traits: Like any Au Ra baby he has little to no scales on his body and small nubbin horns. However being half Hyur, it is unsure how his appearance will change./Beginning to look a lot like her mother at eight years of age. Big green eyes, horns taking shape similar to Uncle Arik's, and a small sprinkle of scales forming on his body.
Voice: Loud and not shy.
Clothing style: Whatever his parents dress him in./He likes to dress comfortably, like his father. He would rather dress as the occasion calls rather than trying to be fancy all the time.

    Chewing on everything (Baby)
    Alligator Pears (Avocados) (Baby)
    Mashed Popotos (Baby)
    Pulling pranks on Mom and Dad (8 yo)
    Practicing his stunts (8 yo)
    His big sister (8 yo)


    Loud Noises (Baby)
    Being alone (Baby)
    Being in crowds (Baby)
    Peas (Baby)
    Sitting around too long (8 yo)
    Being alone (8 yo)
    When Mommy or Daddy have to leave (8 yo)
    His big sister (8 yo)


    Color: Raptor Blue
    Food: Alligator Pears(baby)/Rolanberry Cheesecake(8 yo)
    Drink: Aldgoat milk(baby)/Chocolate Buffalo Milk (8 yo)
    Place: The living Room(baby)/The Mist's Beaches(8 yo)


    The pick up game (baby)
    Cooking with Daddy (8 yo)
    Practicing the gunblade with Yihd Dyna (8 yo)
    Practicing black and white magic with Nanny Alia and Sysyf Aurora (red mage) (8 yo)
    Practicing the bostaff with Mommy (8 yo)
    Practicing the blade with Daddy (8 yo)


    To be good at everything!




    Probably the next WoL


    Sometimes pushes his jokes too far


    Cooking (8 yo)
    Magick (black and white)(8 yo)


    Basic understanding of aether and magick. (8 yo)
    High level of reading/writing. (8 yo)
    Basic understanding of fire arms. (8 yo)


Birth and Early Childhood (0-9)

Sapphire was a baby that never meant to happen, but the parents couldn't be more pleased to have him around. Dante especially, who now has a son to carry on his family name.

*Some of Sapphire's background may intentionally be left undeveloped or even not there to leave room for growth. Should new ideas arise or anyone wish to be a part of Sapphire's life, the openings are there to fill.
Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that Ruby has interacted with enough or in such a way for her to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Ruby, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions! If you think there is a mistake, please message me!
Last Update... 2/20/19
  • An asterisks denotes that Sapphire doesn't know the individual's true name.
Relationship Status Legend
💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Wants that person dead


Alia Bloodmoon ( Magick Teacher ) - Nanny Alia
Sapphire met Alia while still a very young child shortly after his discovery of his own magickal ability. Alia, being well versed in thaumaturgy and black magic, willingly took the child in as a student, and has been a babysitter for both Sapphire and his sister for quite some time now.
Cailin Rhaksal ( Babysitter ) - Auntie
Cailin was Sapphire's babysitter while growing up. Even after Cailin had children of her own. Sapphire grew up surrounded by Cailin's children, but Sapphire absolutely adores Cailin. She's always so nice and caring. She never raises her voice. Sapphire generally behaves for the Miqo'te. But sometimes he just can't resist being a little mischievous.




Dante Redstone ( Father ) - Da
Sapphire's father who he absolutely adores. As much of an Au Ra as he may look, he has taken a lot after his father. Including mannerisms.
Fayne Firestar ( Mother ) -Ma
Sapphire's very loving mother. Though Fayne may not be the best of moms, she does try very hard and Sapphire loves her all the same.
Ruby Redstone ( Older Sister ) - Rubles
Sapphires's older sister. Sapphire was born roughly two cycles after Ruby, so Sapphire has never known what it's like to be an only child. But he gets along with his sibling rather well.
Victor Redstone ( Grandfather ) - Bybbo
Sapphire's grandfather on his father's side. He doesn't see them as often as she would like due to them living on boats, but he is always excited to see them.
Aurora Redstone ( Grandmother ) - Sysyf
Sapphires's grandmother on his father's side. He doesn't see them as often as he would like due to them living on boats, but she is always excited to see them.
Alden Firestar ( Grandfather ) - Grandpa
Sapphire's grandfather on his mother's side. Sapphire has never met Alden, as he has been presumed dead for a majority of Fayne's life.
Mindred Firestar ( Grandmother ) - Grandma
Sapphire's grandmother on her mother's side. Sapphire has met Mindred a few times due to Mindred's persistence in meeting her own granddaughter. Which is absolutely fair, and after living away from her own mother for a time, Fayne is far more willing to try again to make amends with her mother. Though Mindred, in Fayne's opinion, is someone you hang out with in bursts. Especially since it seems as though Mindred might be trying to live vicariously through Fayne after the loss of her own son.
Dyna Redstone ( Aunt ) - Yihd
Dante's sister. Yihd Dyna is also very fashion forward and very willing to teach young Sapphire about magitech.
Arik Kha ( Uncle ) - Ihlma
Dyna's husband. He's an Au Ra like Sapphire, but he's got blue skin and very large, though similar, horns. Despite his large, somewhat scary look he is actually quite timid and fun to play around with. Arik and Aunt Tuli might be the only other Au Ra Sapphire knows.
Tuli Kha ( Aunt ) - Oba
Arik's sister. She's an Au Ra like Sapphire, but with blue-gray skin and ram horns. Tuli is very active and loves to play. She always brings sweets of some kind to Sapphire and is Sapphire's "favorite aunt." (When Sapphire says this he is rewarded with cookies). Though Tuli acts a fool sometimes, Sapphire knows just how dangerous she actually is. Uncle Arik and Tuli might be the only other Au Ra Sapphire knows.

These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to Ruby. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Add rumor here." --Name


A collection of screenshots of Sapphire that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain role-playing scenes.


A collection of artwork of Sapphire, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s), or drawn by me. Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.

Miscellanious Information

His current residence is with his parents (ward and plot to come).
His birthday is the 3rd Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon

Stories and Dabbles

The player or mun of Sapphire has low self-confidence combined with a desperate need to RP. Unfortunately these things don't mix, and so I don't get the RP I seek all of time. This is also paired with the fact that I RP when I'm bored, or have any kind of spare time (even if it's just five minutes). Please never feel like you are a bother to me! Do not be afraid to come to me looking for RP! I accept walks ups and tells in game, and I RP over Discord as well. Aside from that, I am also an artist! I do take commissions on occasion, just ask! I promise I wont bite, and I try to work with you every step of the way. Again, please do not be afraid to tell me something. But that is a discussion for another time. I am in my twenties, working five days a week and have little time to actually RP or do a lot of stuff in game. I try my hardest to always be attentive and I reply to everyone's messages as soon as possible! I do try to be in game when I can, and I am constantly on Discord (FayneFirestar #7298)! I try to be very understanding and open-minded, and I hate conflict. I am always trying to improve myself, so if you see anything wrong or weird, please tell me and I will fix it.

Things to Keep in Mind

Communication is very important Communication is something very important to me. Weather it's just a fun little slice of life RP or a heavy hitting drama, please be sure to talk with me and I will talk with you about what's going on. I want to make sure everyone is okay with what is happening OOCly, and that no stress will come of anything. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
OOC does not equal IC I have had enough drama in my life to know I don't want to confuse anything IC with OOC. Feelings, strain, conflict, anything that happens ICly with my characters does not equate to how I feel about you as a real person. This is why communication is so important.
I might be busy! As much as I try to stay on Discord as often as possible, I might actually be busy if I don't respond to you right away! I work often, five days a week 9AM-6PM. If I am AFK in game, I might be cooking dinner, or doing some much needed chores. I might also be asleep, as much as I wish I didn't need it. Please have patience with me, I will get back to you as soon as I am able!
I do more than just RP If it wasn't obvious I do also do actual content. There might be times I am running dungeons or have plans to farm a thing for the sake of getting a new thing. I'm not afraid to have you along, but a lot of time my party is full (I have premades all over the place), so please ask and I can probably set something up with you if you ever want to do anything!
I want your friendship. Touching a bit back on OOC vs IC, I would rather be on good terms with you, than have to force our characters to like each other for the sake of liking each other. If you can't RP, I'm always down for headcanons and discussing new content/ideas.
Parts of my character's histories are intentionally left blank Some of my character's backgrounds may intentionally be left undeveloped or even not there to leave room for growth. Should new ideas arise or anyone wish to be a part of my character's past, the openings are there to fill.
I don't get offended or super uncomfortable easily. I know I myself can get a little weird and uneasy to be around sometimes. So I'm going to show you a list of do's and dont's so you have a better understanding of what you're getting yourself into, and what not to ask of me (because I don't like some stuff, just like you).
I Will Not
Seriously injure someone without first talking about it. Going back to the communication thing, I need someone to talk to me first before making any kind of life altering decision is made. If you want me to stab, maim, any kind of NSFW, even possibly kill your character, or if you want to do anything of the sort to mine, please ask me first and we can discuss what will or wont happen as a result.
Take constant abuse. Having an antagonist is fine, but if it ever comes to a point where a supposed friend is doing nothing but hurting my characters or themselves on a constant basis just to have drama, I'm sorry but I'm out.
RP Smut. I'm sorry to those of you that I have RPed this with before, but I've run into far too many issues with it now that I just wont do it anymore, for personal reasons that I'd rather not get into right now.

I Will
RP darker themes' These aren't the most comfortable subjects, and I know it, and not everyone has to do them. But I will RP torture, rape, fights, drama. However please be patient with me. Sometimes it can be too much for me as a mun, and I need a second. It is not that I don't enjoy the RP, I just become too emotionally attached to my characters.
RP Relationships This is actually something I thrive off right now. IC relationships give me something to RP at all times, or even have discussions and cute draw ideas! Even though I wont RP smut, there is no reason not to imply it. Things will just have to fade to black, so please be patient with me. This is not restricted to romantic relationships by the way! Platonic, and business relationships are also very welcome! So long as everything is understood as to what is IC and what is OOC, everything will be fine. Communicate with me.
Do Ingame, Discord, Tumblr RP! Where I most prefer to RP in Discord, a lot of contacts are going to come from in game, and I understand that! Please do feel free to walk-up or send me tells if you see me in game. Otherwise, please ask for my Discord or tumblr information, or let me know if there is some other platform you would rather me try!
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but tell you more about the mun!
■ Final Fantasy Tumblr (Probably the best way to contact me: Faybexiv
■ If you want to see more of my art: Art Tag on Tumblr
Time Zone/Server
■ Goblin

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Color pallet selection found at

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

"Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate."