Ruby Redstone

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Ffxiv 03072021 215632 301.png

Ul'dah-transparent.png Ruby Redstone
Ffxiv 01292021 021507 743.png
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Ul'dah
Place of Birth The Goblet, Thanalan
Guardian Menphina
Nameday 3rd Sun of the First Umbral Moon
Age 17 Cycles
Marital Status Single
Occupation Fighter


Ruby Redstone is a fun loving teen doing her best to live her life in Ul'dah.

Ruby is a light hearted, usually friendly Auri Xaela girl. When first met she can seem a bit out going and loud. She always means well and does her best to make sure everyone she knows is comfortable, even after first meeting.

Ruby confuses a lot of people at first. Her body doesn't match her age, at least not for how time flows in Eorzea. She was born in Eorzea on The Source only a few years ago, though her body is that of seventeen cycles. This is due to a kidnapping her and her brother endured to The First when they were still just babies. Their parents were able to find a way to travel to The First, to the time they were taken, and without a proper way back to The Source, Ruby and her brother were raised in Norvrandt on The First. For what was fourteen years on The First was only two months on The Source. So while Ruby was only two years old when she was kidnapped, she was returend as a proper teenager.

Because of this, Ruby has mannerizms that differ a bit from those of The Source, though many find that as part of her charm. On top of her funny curses from a different world, she is also bilingual thanks to her father.

Now doing her best to learn indipendance, Ruby now lives in the city of Ul'dah at the Quicksand finding work at the Coleseum. She's already made a few friends and even has her first real crush, but she still has so much to learn about her home world and the people who live in it.


Ruby considers herself to be both tomboy and girly at the same time. She finds ways to kind of mesh the two styles together. She isn't very fond of dresses, though she can be convinced, but she does love painting her face with make up. If she had the choice she would probably wear mostly pirate or steam punk asthetics. Just like her father. And because of her mother she loves to dye her hair.

Height: 5 Fulms 2 Ilms
Weight: 160 pnz
Complexion: Tan, like she's in the sun a lot. Ebony scales blot her skin, acting similar to smooth alligator scales.
Hair: Naturally dark brown, usually red or pink dyed in.
Eyes: Green
Particular Traits: Swirled pupils
Voice: Mild and appealing
Clothing style: Pirate and/or steam punk.


Open-minded. Intelligent. Extraverted. Ruby often considers herself the life of the party, though if she were honest she hasn't been to many. Though she has found it easy to make friends once she became more indipendent. She doesn't have any fear that she'll look like a fool when introducing herself to others, and has no problem walking up to strangers. She tends to reserve her judgments of people until she gets to know them a little better, and prefers to make up her own opinions rather than just believe in what someone else tells her. She seems to always has energy and loves to be with friends. She often finds herself lonely at night in her room. Aside from just people, Ruby is very curious and is very intelligent, sometimes too much for her own good. She would rather discover the truth of something for herself before just believing a rumor. If something piques her interest she will often chase that interest until it gives her all the information it can.

Compassionate. Brave. Creative. Along-side that craving for information, Ruby is also very creative and kind. If she is faced with a problem she will do her best to find a solution rather than just give up. You put a wall in her way and she'll do her best to knock it down. On the flip side of that she absolutely refuses to be held back. If she is told no she will look for any loophole or even break the rules entirely. She cannot be held back creatively, or physically. Aside from being so headstrong in the field, Ruby does know how to relax. Though how she relaxes may not always be what others consider "relaxing," her down-time activities do allow her to unwind and release some tension in her muscles and thoughts. She believes that everyone should take time to have a good look at themselves and take time for themselves.


Sparring/combat practice
Dying her hair
Make up
The night sky


Being bound in anyway
Being Alone
Being Stagnant


Color: Red
Food: Meat
Drink: Rolanberry Lassi
Place: The waters of Costa Del Sol


Make Up


Strong (Physically)


Hardheaded or stubborn
Touchy (Mentally - She doesn't know how to handle being called out)
Short attention span
Can hold a grudge
Doesn't always think ahead


Being unable to protect those she loves
Losing everyone she loves because of her own foolishness
Being alone


Short range melee combat


Kinesthetic (She learns physically, IE. touch and action).
High school level of reading/writing
Bilingual (common|Al Bhed)
Basic knowledge of metal working
Large knowledge of aether
General knowledge of many weapons
Skilled in hand to hand combat


None specifically. She will pray to whatever god will listen.
Questioning the existence of gods at all.



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Nickname: Little Shit
Zero is a whiley little ferret that was gifted to Fayne by Dante, after he found that giving her a companion of her own would be highly beneficial. Ruby's pet by association.


PC stands for Precious Cargo
While transporting food and goods from the Dravanian Forelands to Limsa Lominsa Dante heard the sounds of something plundering and munching on food in the cargo bay of his airship. Dante began to follow the noise through the crates only to find one labeled as 'Precious Cargo' with a hole in the side. Inside was a bunch of broken pots as well as a Red Panda covered in peanut butter. Ruby's pet by association.



Nicknames Rubles, Firestorm
Current Residence The Skyforge Sirens free company house (Goblet Ward 2, Plot 12), Her own room in The QuickSands, mother's boat house in The Mist (Apartment in Mist Ward 4, Appartment 053), and the family home in the Mist. (Dante's personal house. Mist Ward 13, Plot 11)



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