Shance Arvisu
■ RACE & CLAN... Hyur, Midlander ■ NAMEDAY... 28th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon. ■ GENDER... Male ■ AGE... 23. ■ ORIENTATION... Heterosexual. ■ MARITAL STATUS... Married |
■ NATIONALITY... Eorzean ■ RESIDENCE... Various Inns ■ OCCUPATION... Professional Chocobo Jockey ■ PATRON DEITY... None. ■ HEIGHT... 5'11. ■ WEIGHT... 157 ponze. |
Shance is an athletic looking hyur, muscles toned from physical activity. He sports disheveled black hair, fair skin, and two blue eyes. He stands on the taller end of Midlander hyurs, though he is known to slouch from time to time. He often stands confidently, an amused grin usually plastered on his face. He often wears cologne to cover up his constant work with chocobos and their smell. A small satchel can usually be seen on his person, typically containing gysahl greens.
Shance is not a soft spoken man, often giving his opinions on things with little regard for how others will receive him. Nonchalant with his arrogance, this can make him difficult for some to hold a conversation with. However, should he begin to respect those he speaks with, he will approach conversations in a more humorous sense, teasing and making jokes all he can.
Though Shance hates to be serious, he can be when the situation calls for it. However, he usually tends to be on edge in these scenarios as he is not as proficient in combat as he would like. In dangerous situations, he does prefer to run over fight, despite every part of him loathes being a coward. In a race, he is fiercely competitive and isn't afraid to trash talk the competition. He will remain a good sport if he loses, but you can bet he'll have a couple of excuses when the dust settles.
Attributes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strength |
P.Defense |
Dexterity |
M.Defense |
Martial Prowess |
Intelligence |
Magic Affinity |
Luck |
Typically lazy and laid back, Shance doesn't often get into fights. Part of this is because he prefers to spar with words, though the other part is his lack of confidence in the area. While his cousin trained with him long ago, once he got into racing chocobos his combat skills took a back seat and became unrefined.
Shance is knows how to throw a punch or kick, but could hardly be considered an adept as a martial artist. He much prefers to fight with a lance and his use his agility to maneuver himself into better positions. He often works in many flourishes with his attacks, partly to show off, partly to throw off his opponent. However, his combat senses are not trained, and while he may put up a good fight, it is likely his stubbornness will not see him through in a fight with a real warrior.
Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
Common Rumors (Easy to overhear)
- "That guy? Looks at all the ladies."
- "He's an arse, plain an' simple."
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
- "He knows a thing or two about chocobos, that's for certain. I've heard him talk for quite some time on them."
- "Word has it he races those smelly birds. Don't know how anyone makes a living around those things."
- "That man is not afraid to get punched or slapped by the people he talks to."
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
- "I've seen him hunting in the woods sometimes. Not terribly brilliant at it, scares them off a lot."
- "Heard he married some miqo'te woman. Didn't exactly seem like the settling type either."
- "Worst fisher I've ever seen."
PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
- "He's lazy, cocky, and all around difficult to talk to. But if you think of hurting him, you best hope I don't hear about it." -Zikenma Arvisu
- Chocobos
- Competitions.
- Teasing friends.
- Heights.
- Spontaneity.
- Bacon Broth.
- Lounging around.
- The Gold Saucer.
- Vegetables of all kind.
- Coerthas.
- His lack of courage.
- Rules.
- Silence.
- Seriousness.
- Those with a lack of appreciation for Chocobos and Chocobo Racing.
♥ | Physical Attraction | ♥ | Platonic Love | ● | Positive | ● | Neutral | ● | Negative | ☠ | Deceased | ? | Uncertain |
♥ Raih Dakwhil | Expand"The Endearing Challenge" |
A miqo'te woman Shance married. Despite this act, one could be forgiven for thinking they aren't even a couple. Though they constantly bicker and sometimes sling insults at the other, it doesn't change that Shance loves the woman with all his heart. They have passed on skills to each other and been there for each other through the roughest of times. At the end of the day, Shance is glad Raih keeps him on his toes. |
● Zikenma Arvisu | Expand"The Serious Sulker" |
A man Shance considers too serious for his own good, Shance tries to get Zikenma to often lighten up when the two share space together. Whether it works or infuriates the man, Shance considers either situation a victory. Also around Zikenma, Shance will boast with no reserves. |
● Chiharu Yamauchi | Expand"The Energetic Chick" |
A Raen Shance recently met in the middle of Ul'dah, he appreciates her upbeat attitude. He finds she is willing and able to join in his jesting with others and even himself. Overall, Shance feels he naturally gets along with her. |
● Raikemi Maiagaru | Expand"The Strange Hyur" |
A hyur Shance found amusing on several instances. He finds her humor to a bit unpredictable but finds her antics entertaining all the same. Though he hasn't seen her in some time, he still would readily banter with the hyur given the opportunity. |
O U T - O F - C H A R A C T E R
- RP walk-ups, whether starting myself or receiving from others.
- Join in for long term plotlines that make sense for the character.
- Combat RP, preference towards freeform.
- Most mature themes in RP are okay, though consult if they could have long term effects on my character.
- Tolerate meta-gaming.
- ERP, I've no problem with it, but I'm not here for it.
- Character death, or limb removal, without my consent.
- Would prefer not to acknowledge fantasia plot lines, as I find them be tension and immersion breaking.
- Dragging IC issues into OOC. I do not mind clarification of course on certain things, but my character's views do not reflect my views.
This Template was ripped completely from Atlas Irvine, who took inspiration from Coatleque Crofte, Unnamed Mercenary, and Gharen Wolfsong!