Shane Ma'iitsoh

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Shane Ma’iitsoh
Arcanist-in-training. Medical Assistant. Stuttercatte.
Sea-waves 23-2147515914.jpg




Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Sh-ai-n Mah-it-so


RACE & CLAN... Miqo’te/Keeper of the Moon

GENDER... Male

AGE... 20

NAMEDAY... 2nd Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Homosexual

MARITAL STATUS... Engaged to A'ayzi Tia

Other Statistics


RESIDENCE... The Mists

OCCUPATION... Assistant Medic

PATRON DEITY... Agnostic

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms 1 ilm, 112 Ponze


General Information
Hair & Eyes

When Shane was born he had bright cerulean blue eyes, yet while the left eye has retained the color the right has faded and grown cloudy due to an injury that has completely stolen the sight from it. He is at least able to get it to focus along with his good eye, though it can see absolutely nothing. Said blind eye is normally hidden behind dark curled strands. Often mistaken as black as first (Often due to his black ears) it is actually a really dark brunette. Slightly curled and often messy from hair ruffles it tends to add to his youthful appearance.

Physique & Markings

For lack of a better term Shane’s physique is runty. Short and scrawny he looks like he could with a few good meals. His build tells a good deal about his upbringing, stunted in his growth likely due to a rough childhood. As for markings the little Keeper is absolutely covered in freckles, on his face the majority seemed to be focused about the bridge of his nose and cheeks. They cover his body like some took a paintbrush and thoughtlessly flicked paint at him. Other than that there is no other visible scarring or markings.

Hygiene & Attire

Shane is very well-kempt (except for the occasionally messy hair) he likes to be clean and bathes often. He tends to smell strongly of mint and soap. As for attire… Well there is a running joke that Shane had a closet full of ponchos of just different colors. And it is fairly accurate. He prefers the heavy fabric to snuggle into. Often wearing only oversized clothes, he is always dwarfed in his outfits... Almost as if he is using them to hide in.

Psychological Profile

Skittish and nervous, Shane tends to be wary and shy of strangers until he gets comfortable. Though even if he is uncomfortable he does try his best to be polite, especially since joining the Order. Typically wearing a meek smile it is rare to catch him full on frowning. Yet Shane is full of self-doubt and no short amount of anxiety, he is always questioning himself and the actions he takes which tends to lead to a good deal of hesitation when quick thought is needed. The only time this doesn’t normally happen is during medical treatments, one of the few places where he is actually fairly confident. When it comes to other people he has a really hard time trusting them, with a good deal of bad experiences, moments of pain, he has started to feel that many people are just wanting to use or hurt him. However, when someone does earn his trust he is incredibly devoted, many jokingly referring to him as a faithful puppy when he finds a person he has grow fond of.


Shane’s tone is very quiet and soft, closer to a whisper than an actual speaking voice. Yet that tends to be due to the bad stutter that he suffers from. Catching on and stumbling over words, which leaves audible hitches in his speaking.


Shane can often be seen toying with the hems of his sleeves or poncho, always fidgeting and rarely completely still unless he is absolutely exhausted. He tends to hide behind his hands and the baggy sleeves of whatever he is wearing, whether he is smiling or frowning. Though he hides away his face often his ears are incredibly expressive as well, and very telling of his moods.






●Heavy Blankets






●Being the Center of Attention

●Speaking Publicly

●Being alone

●Feeling abandoned

●Failing others


● Novice Arcanima

● Basic medicinal skills

●Basic triage
