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     [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Vg2YS-sFE Chapter Theme]
     [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Vg2YS-sFE Chapter Theme]
Trouble seemed to follow ever step of Colt's new venture. He quickly became fed up with it and decided he needed to find purpose for himself, not just for others. He approached Arala who'd suggested he finally face his past. Together they left toward Ishgard, entirely unaware of what was waiting for them when they arrived.
Trouble seemed to follow every step of Colt's new venture. He quickly became fed up with it and decided he needed to find purpose for himself, not just for others. He approached Arala who'd suggested he finally face his past. Together they left toward Ishgard, entirely unaware of what was waiting for them when they would arrive.

Revision as of 13:51, 3 June 2017

Robert Colt (Or just Colt as he prefers to be called) is a generally whimsical man who will go out of his way to help nearly anyone who asks. He tries to do good as often as he can but finds that trouble always seems to be just around the corner. Despite this he felt it was necessary to bring doing good to the greater community and as such created the New Conglomerate in the hopes that even if he was unable there would always be a force fighting for the sake of good.

Gridania-transparent.png Colt (Robert Colt)
Robert Colt FFXIV.jpg
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania
Place of Birth Ishgard
Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Nameday 20th Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon, 1543 (Age: 35)
Marital Status Widowed
Occupation Director at the New Conglomerate
Theme Payback

Basic Info


  • Robert Delacroix
    • Given birth name
      • Meaning: In the glory of the cross.
  • Colt
    • Given to him by a passing carpenter in his youth
      • He prefers to be called Colt and never tells anyone of his actual given name
  • Emerald of Thanalan (By Arala only)
  • Crimson Dragoon

Current Residence


"Mess with me and I will let karma do its job. Mess with mine and I'll become karma." - Colt

Colt's Creed

Good and evil are always relative.
Even the purest light will always cast a shadow.
Emotions are a powerful tool, but never to be used as a weapon.
Virtue should be nurtured while rejecting nihilism and the inherent vices within.
The only true peace lies total oblivion, but in the chaos of destruction no one will find peace.


Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170 lbs.

Complexion: Fair skinned

Hair: Dark brown with blue streaks

Eyes: Deep reddish-brown

Particular Traits: Has several scars along his body. Most notable is his chest and left arm in which an automail prosthesis extends from his shoulder down to his hand. On his chest is a receptacle containing an elemental sprite core which powers the arm.

Clothing Style: Tends to wear duster coats and riding kecks.



  • Mixing drinks
  • Cooking
  • Training his mind and body
  • Tinkering with simple crafts of metal and wood


  • Women
  • Good food
  • Wine
  • Peace and gods damned quiet


  • People who call him Robert
  • Rude people
    • Specifically loud ones...
      • Even more so, people who consider themselves gods or invincible
  • Unnecessary violence


  • Color: Green
  • Food: Anything he can make
  • Drinks: Lagers and ciders
  • Scent: Smell of a fresh snow
  • Place: Anywhere quiet with a view of the stars


  • Find personal peace
  • Spread peace and love throughout the world


  • He believes in Religion as a tool
    • Will frequently discuss many different religions as they fit to the situation at hand


  • Good and evil are always relevant. He walks the line between.



  • Has a tendency to try to laugh off everything
    • Finds his peace through humor


  • Continually will put himself in physical danger to prevent harm to others
    • Despite not being armored enough for it


  • Harming the people around him directly or indirectly
  • Flying in airships
    • Recently lost a friend in an airship accident reinforcing this concern


  • Coming up with exotic drink combinations
  • Cooking fresh food


  • Pretends to be an idiot most of the time
    • Actually is very smart but does this to try to put those around him at ease


Other Characters: Malcolm Reynolds

Anime Characters: Vash the Stampede, Spike Spiegel, Roy Mustang

Abilities and Skills


  • Has a big heart and uses it to protect and help as many people as he can


  • Skilled with most physical weapons in combat
    • Chooses to use few of them


  • Magic and Colt don't mix too well.
    • Anymore... If attempted to be sensed he does not appear to have any aether save the cores he uses to power his arm.


  • Armorer
  • Culinarian
  • Blacksmith
  • Carpenter

Family and Relationships

All what is written here bears absolutely no OOC feelings, and may be subject to change as the story develops. If your name doesn't appear in this list, I have probably forgotten, or my character just doesn't remember you. Please do not use these information to affect you ICly or mess with my character's feelings. Use of OOC information will be flagged as god-moding and I will not react to it ICly if I feel this is what you're doing.

Living Relatives

  • Yuna
    • Colt's neice
      • Very talented summoner, lives with mother now
  • Amelie
    • Colt's half-sister
      • Inquisitor of Ishgard

Deceased Influences

  • Melanie (Age 20)
    • Robert's wife
    • Passed during a dragon attack
  • Aurora (Age 2)
    • Robert's daughter
  • Michel (Age 10 months)
    • Robert's son
  • Church (Age ~mid 30s)
    • Former comrade in arms
      • Colt: "..... we used to call him Church.. he'd always pray over the lot of us before a fight." *chuckles lightly* "He always told us that he prayed for us because he- well, heh... he said the Twelve gave him visions. I assume it was echo now. He said they showed him how he was going to die so he never had any fear in combat... never once did he think this could be the end because he already knew all along it wasn't his time.. Imagine living your whole life knowing how you were going to die... Then one day, mid-sentance, the bastard up and croaks right there at the dinner table. Still don't know what happened to him, but- for his whole life he lived with no fear. What a way to live..."
  • Richard Rahl (Age 28)
    • Former NC "accountant"
    • Worked with Heather Ironsong behind Robert's back hoping to clear his name in Ishgard
    • Was killed in an airship accident which was fired upon by allied Ishgardian forces claiming a dragonslayer misfire.
      • "Coincidentally" in the same airship accident the information to clear Robert's name was lost to the fires of the burning airship


  • Arala Makeo
    • Skilled Paladin he met over a random dinner one day
      • Cannot Cook Enjoys her Donuts... excessively.
  • Aya Foxheart
    • Former coworker and waitress at the Quicksand
  • Ninifae Nira
    • Skilled alchemist and mage who has accompanied Colt over many adventures
  • Aviha Chai
    • Quiet but resourceful associate whom always helps out in a bind
  • Tana Firesong
    • Has had a very rocky relationship with Tana at first but has since resolved their troubles
  • Markus Krosse
    • Strong associate in the NC
      • Showing great promise in the growth of his skills
  • Scarlet Snow
    • Met a form of her through Lilith Blackheart but doesn't know what to make of her anymore
  • Lyseldra Snakeskinner
    • Close friend of his and companion in the formation of the new NC.
      • Made for her a prosthetic claw style arm that is not fancy but minimalistic and functional
  • Kianna Vantes
    • On and off friend over the last moon.
      • He senses she is deeply troubled and wishes he could help her see just how much she could change the world if she believed in herself
  • Tsuta Satsuki and Altan Kogan
    • Two of the newest recruits taken on in the NC.
      • Currently undergoing training.


  • Amelie
    • Mother of Yuna
    • Tasked with recapturing Robert Colt and seeing his death sentence carried out


Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be either true or false.

"Colt is the kindest man you can ever come across." - Arala Makeo

"I love it when he's working the bar ~ he's so much fun!" - Aya Foxheart

"..He is.. A rather interesting man.. But it is in a good manner. It seems like there is more to him then meets the eye. But I am happy I got to meet someone like him." - Mizore Dorne

"I adore Robert. I don't think there is one bad bone in his body. Always so caring and sweet." - Yuki Kurenai

History Prior to the Calamity

This information includes his past prior to the Calamity and is not public knowledge. This is mostly for OOC referencing for parts of his past he may have shared on very rare occasion. PC shared knowledge would likely begin at the next section.

Early Years

Robert Delacroix (Actual given name meaning: In the Glory of the Cross) was born in Ishgard proper to two servants of a great house. The house that they served is to this day that house is not shared by Robert. As he grew up he was taught the ways of a servant so that he could continue to honor his parents by continuing their tradition of stewardship. When Robert was five he witnessed one of the other men of the house, beyond drunk, attempting to lay with his mother. In anger, little Robert tried to attack the man but was easily thrown off. His father heard the commotion and came into the room finding Robert on the ground and the man standing over him threatening kill him for interrupting him. Robert's father yelled at the man and pushed him on the ground. While they argued, before anyone realized what was happening Robert picked up the bottle of wine that the man brought in and struck the man on the head. The still drunken man lay unconscious on the ground leaving the family stunned and scared. Unsure of what would become of them and their child, his mother and father sent little Robert to stay with his uncle in Gridania. He knows not to this day what became of his parents.

Growing Up Gridanian

Robert was sent to Gridania on very short notice with little knowledge of what was happening. His uncle took him in and informed him it would be best to forget about his parents and learn to pretend he was his uncle's son. Robert, thinking this was a game like his uncle frequently played, took to the part and began to pretend he was someone else's son. As years passed he realized that this was not a game and he would not be returning home. One day, Robert's uncle went out for a few hours leaving Robert home alone. Robert was ten at this time and in his boredom he came across a spear in his uncles bed room. He brought it with him outside, and despite it being yalms larger than him, he began to swing it around the yard. One of the men passing by yelled out to him, "Careful there, young Colt. You shouldn't use a spear like that until you've ridden with the big horses." The man laughed and threw him a long unsharpened branch from a nearby tree. The stranger showed him a few tricks on making his own spear from branches and told him about a place where men and women trained every day to protect the residents of the forest using spears much like his uncles. When his uncle returned home seeing his spear on the ground Robert was spanked thoroughly for going in his uncle's room and learned quickly not to go through his uncle's things.

Colt's First Run

Overcome with curiosity and desire to learn more, Robert set out to find this place where people practiced with spears and after only a few days he found it. The lancer's guild. He watched the people there practicing day in and day out. He spent weeks observing the thrusts, slashes, and swings of the spears while always practicing it at home with his sharpened stick. One day while watching them the guildmaster noticed Robert and asked him to come over. He said to him, "You are always here watching us every day, why don't you come inside and see what you're made of?" Overcome with both excitement as well as anxiety he agreed and went inside. Once inside he saw the man whom he met all those days ago, he was a carpenter commissioned with creating spears for the guild and its new members. The man laughed and said to the guild master, "I see you've found the young 'Colt.' I suppose it's a good thing I brought my toothpicks with me." With a smile the man removed a small spear Robert's size from a crate of spears and handed it to the child. It was a perfect match from the moment he held it. The guild master assigned someone to show Robert a few stances and thrusts. With his first official stab at the dummy there was a wonderful *CRACK!* Robert startled jumped back as a nearby soldier had attempted to mess with Robert by hitting his spear with his own weapon causing the tiny blade of Robert's spear to break off and fly through the air. The blade had sliced just passed Robert's cheek leaving a sufficiently sized gash on his face. The guildmaster immediately rebuked the soldier and brought Robert to the nearby medic where he thoroughly checked over the boy. Overcome by worry the guildmaster brought Robert home. Apparently Robert's uncle was friends with the guildmaster and they were old comrades. Robert was sent to his room for running off but listened through his door as the two regaled tales about their former fights as Wood Wailers. After a few drinks they even discussed how Robert came to live in Gridania. Before leaving, the guildmaster suggested that Robert take up a profession, possibly as a lancer. His uncle forbade it without another word and the two spoke no further on it.

Trading Blows with a Dragon Named Fate

Several years pass and Robert is now 14 years old. He was working with his uncle regularly now performing trades with the various towns and villages. During several of the trips Robert observes the work of the wood wailers defending people from the local beasts and even some Ixal tribespeople. During one particularly standard seeming evening he was moving north to Coerthas to trade with locals from the town of Ferndale. Upon arrival to the town they find naught but a large burned ash pit of destroyed buildings and small remaining fires. Nidhogg, the great wyrm, had struck and entirely destroyed the town. In the distance a great roar could be heard. Robert's uncle immediately commanded Robert to stay down as they turned to escape back toward the safety of their home in Gridania. However, soon, safety eluded them. The great wyrm flew overhead engaged in combat with a man- or something- he couldn't recognize. Robert could not help but marvel at the amazing skill that this 'thing' fought with. It was like watching an orchestrated ballet between an elephant and a mouse. In the end, the two beings landed before the cart preventing any further travel. Both were heavily wounded and unable to continue fighting. The wyrm had begun to lash toward the cart but the dragoon defended causing the dragon to instead fly away. The battle had ended as fast as it had arrived, the dragoon collapsed nearby and Robert's uncle took him onto the cart as they sped to the nearest town they could find. Upon leaving the dragoon to be cared for by his own people, Robert's uncle returned to the cart where he left Robert and they rode the entire way back toward Gridania. Robert asked, "What.. who was-?" His uncle interrupted, "A dragoon of Ishgard. They are the mightiest lancers of the realm. They make the wood wailers almost seem like... well.. like you playing in the yard with that stick of yours..." Robert blushed not realizing his uncle knew of his pass times. His uncle continued, "You saw what that man fought. He is like not to survive the encounter... That's the life that a wood wailer, a dragoon, any soldier has before them. You fight until you die.. and for what? There's no glory in the lichyards, son. There's only death and those you leave behind to mourn the loss."

History of a Hero

No more than a week had passed before Robert had made up his mind. He would become a wood wailer and maybe, one day, a dragoon. The only question is how to convince his uncle to allow it. He decided he would meet with the lancer guild master to discuss his thoughts and determine a course of action. Upon meeting with the guild master he shared his plans. The guild master thought for a time, then told Robert the story of his aunt and uncle.

Some time ago, Robert's uncle and aunt were both wood wailers. They were both good, but they each had different strengths. His uncle was unyielding with a spear and could out fight nearly any of the lancers at the guild. His aunt on the other hand was very nimble and quick. You would have more trouble spearing a fly than her. There was a day where the Ixal had attacked in the northern shroud. During the fight one of the Ixal had thrown torches onto a nearby housing settlement. Without hesitation Robert's aunt broke off of combat leaving her uncle to fend off the hoard with several other strong wailers, the guild master included. While they fought she went to work without a second thought. She broke in the door and began helping people escape as several families were unaware that the building was on fire. Upon getting as many of them out and to safety as possible a woman yelled that her baby was missing. Even over the sound of the inferno, a cry could be heard from the building. The Ixal had been defeated and the remaining wailers began attending to the villagers to treat their burns or any injuries. Despite his uncle's pleas, Robert's aunt was intent to find the child. She was the fastest one of the group and could be in and out faster than anyone else. She didn't have time to argue, she ran into action. It was only moments after she got inside that the building collapsed under its own weight, claiming both the child and his aunt with it.

He ended the story with, "So now you know why your uncle is against you becoming a fighter. Maybe you could try archery. As long as you're far enough back he might not be so scared of losing you." The guild master then sent Robert away while he returned to his many duties. Robert returned home with his proverbial tail between his legs and spoke of this story to no one.

Fate is Opportunity Meeting Action

No more than a few weeks later there was yet another attack by the Ixal on the Northern Shroud. The commotion would have awoken anyone as the Wailers stormed out of Gridania toward the besieged village. Robert had seen plenty of soldiers training in the barracks but never once saw actual combat. His curiosity bested him and he followed the soldiers keeping a distance to not get into danger. He watched from a nearby overlook as the battle raged below. It seemed very one sided with the Wailers continually defeating the waves of Ixal.

A rustling had come from behind followed by a loud squawk. An Ixal squad had come to flank the army and in doing so found an unarmed Robert in its path. Robert screamed and ran toward the fighting, assuming he'd find safety with the wailers but on his journey he slipped on loose rocks and tumbled down the hill. Fearing his life over he turned over to see the Ixal approaching him confidently. An Ixal blade made its way towards his face before it was halted be untimely death. A spear had pierced through the back of the Ixal. A spear Robert had seen before... The spear withdrew through his back and it quickly spun through the air as Robert's uncle.. no, a woman with the same spear, slashed and stabbed at the Ixal left and right. All lay fallen on the ground before the woman offered him her hand and told him to leave this place at once. Her armor was blackened and aged, she had countless feathers affixed to it to almost appear like an Ixal herself. It was... his aunt. He didn't know how or why but it was just too coincidental. It had to be her. He asked her if she was in fact his aunt and she simply shook her head and told him never to speak of this moment again. She smiled however and broke off the tip of her spear. "Give that to your dad, will you?" She then disappeared as soon as she'd appeared in the first place.

Upon returning home Robert's uncle had been waiting at the door and began to rebuke him for his actions. Robert tried to explain himself but knew he was in the wrong. He then simply said, someone gave this to me and handed over the spear head without further word. His uncle fell silent. After some time he asked, "Where did you find this?" "Some woman gave it to me, she didn't say her name." Robert responded. "Go to your room, now and don't come back out until I call for you." Robert acknowledged his uncle and went into his room.

It felt like days had gone by but finally his uncle had opened the door and asked him out. Robert exited his room and his uncle continued to beckon him outside. "Don't keep me waiting young man." When Robert exited the house there were two Wailers and the lancer guildmaster waiting with a smile on his face. The guildmaster started, "You might just be one of the youngest students I take on, but your uncle and I agree.. you might have what it takes to be great." Robert stood confused looking between the guildmaster and his uncle. "Wait... you're serious?" Robert said, now dumbfounded. Robert's uncle sighed and presented him with a newly crafted spear, tipped with the blade he gave his uncle. His uncle then explained. "You remember what I told you about fighting, death, and glory?" Robert nodded. "Never forget that, but if you must fight, fight for the people you love. If you must die, do it for the betterment of the world. Lastly, don't go out looking for glory, because all you're going to find is trouble. But if you do good by the people you fight with, glory will instead find you. Then no one will ever need to mourn you because all they will remember is the greatness you became." Robert's uncle teared up slightly as Robert rushed him with a hug.

Robert began his training that afternoon and with little time beyond that began doing sorties with his unit. He was a skilled lancer that only became more and more skilled with time and practice. Soon he had out skilled that of what his teachers could show him and they sent him out in search of a higher calling.

Dragoon Rising

Meeting the Child's Hero

Robert, now sixteen years old, was sent to Coerthas to seek out potential training with a group of people that called themselves dragoons. The best lancers of all the realm were told stories of these skilled warriors of the pole arm. Given his previous success at the lancer's guild and all of the praise he had received until now he was confident he'd take to this new style with ease. He however.. did not. The training proved difficult and exceedingly rare was it to have such a young dragoon from outside of Ishgard that he was frequently hazed, playfully, by the older dragoons. Fortunately they were very supportive of each other. Knowing that at any time, no matter your place in training, a dragon could attack and you'd be responsible for each other's lives was a heavy burden none of them took lightly.

A month into training they had a visit from someone. Robert recognized him. It was the dragoon that fought Nidhogg those years before. He survived! Amazed, Robert tried to see if he could talk to him and receive some advice from a true dragon slayer. The man saw him and, to Robert's disbelief, remembered his uncle bringing him to safety. It was a dream of Robert's to actually be like him, let alone meet the man himself. Ser Alberic was accompanied by several temple knight's, one of which was named Ciceraux Bastille. The temple knight ultimately took over command of Robert's unit and showed them the ropes of team combat away from the drills against dummies and training bags.

During one of the many training instances out in the fields Robert began his attack on a wyvern. During the encounter he tried to show off his new jumping prowess and failed to communicate his intentions. Himself and another dragoon began their descent toward the same wyvern and unable to stop the two collided mid-flight. Robert tumbled toward the ground and the only thing he had to slow his descent was the spear his uncle gave him. Upon impact the spear shattered and, unable to continue combat, Robert was ordered to retreat and watch. He could not find the spear head and nor did he have the time, the wyvern began its counter attack and Robert had to escape back to camp. Ciceraux had evidently collected the broken piece and returned it to him later that night.

Ser Alberic heard from Ciceraux what had happened and he ultimately asked Robert to his home. Knowing Robert was likely in trouble for his earlier actions he went there feeling very defeated. Instead however, Robert met with a very unexpected encounter.

Fight Not Without a Purpose (Or a full belly)

The food was excellent. Far better than barracks food which Robert had become accustomed to. Ser Alberic was there with his family. His wife, two young sons, and a beautiful young woman roughly Robert's own age. He could barely keep his eyes off her, but the situation was not one for chasing girls. Alberic took him aside after dinner and brought him to a trophy room where several plaques were hung.. but were empty. Robert looked around and then questioned the empty plaques. "Dragon head trophies.. you'd think they'd be all around the room, but I'm not sure those are moments worth remembering." Alberic responded. Robert just stood confused looking toward the man. "All that fighting brought was death. I did it to protect innocents, yes. But the cost was another life. I keep these plaques here not as reminders of all those I killed, but of the people I'd saved." Robert nodded in response, "I want to do the same. I want to be a hero like you are." Alberic chuckled lightly. "Was.. I've not been a dragoon since that time you and your father rescued me." The two spoke for the night and Robert learned a lot about the history of Ishgard, Alberic, Nidhogg, and what Robert fought for. Robert didn't know then what he fought for, but he would by the time the night ended.

After their talk, Ser Alberic sent him off and he wandered about the town a bit before returning to the barracks. While he was walking he spotted the young woman. She was an unofficially adopted daughter of Ser Alberic. Ishgardian, long dark hair, beautiful and well skilled with tending gardens. She was walking around outside tending to the gardens and generally minding her own business. He just watched her in her grace as she went from one plant to another, tending them with her gloved delicate hands. It was... mesmerizing. He didn't know how long he watched her, but evidently she did. "You know, it's generally considered weird to watch people so intently without saying a word to them." She stated. Robert somewhat embarrassed and mostly panicking from being spotted looked around to see if there was another she was talking to. Alas.. it was only him there. He tried to play it cool. "Well I was- uhh.. you missed a weed, you know? I was going to point it out before you went inside." She cocked her head sideways then looked over to where he was referring to. "That's not a weed, you dullard." She said. "That is a Halone Gerbera that hasn't bloomed yet. And if you didn't know that, I suspect there's a lot you don't know about what happens right in front of you."

The two of them talked well into the night until she was called back inside. Despite him looking like a fool, he went back there every evening to watch her tend her gardens. After a while the two of them became fast friends and over the following years they fell in love and began a new journey together.

Love Is an Unstoppable Force Meeting an Immovable Object

She could be a particularly stubborn girl and he was generally a wild individual that never wanted to stop moving. She didn't much care for him being a dragoon in the fields but she loved him none-the-less and always made sure to give him something from her gardens on ever mission to make sure he had a piece of her with him at all times. He would travel off into the lands and return telling her all about his fights with wyverns, dragons, and other fauna. Meanwhile she would quietly listen to him, rolling her eyes and tell him of the new seeds she wanted to get from Gridania. No more than a year into their relationship Robert decided he had no choice but to marry his love Melanie. Partly out of love and partly because she was just so darn cute. He went and spoke to Ser Alberic who gave his blessing having watched the two over the last year. The two wed and after a few months began discussing a family. Robert wanted to have a family but knew his work would take him away from it very frequently, meanwhile she was confident they could find a way. They continued to argue over what to do over a few months, all the while Melanie knowing she was pregnant with their first child. Worried about what Robert would say given his objections, she finally told him. He looked at her very seriously. Then a smile came over his face and he picked her up in a hug shouting excitement about it. Before she could get another word in edgewise he had already run out of the house yelling to anyone who was in the streets about him becoming a father. Nine months later Aurora was born. Seventeen months after that followed Aurora's little brother Michel.

He wasn't the only one with a family forming here. He soon learned through his mentor that they think they found his half sister. A child brought about by the indiscretion of his parent's former masters, she was a skilled inquisitor who upheld religious doctrine and helped out frequently in the determining of who was or wasn't heretics. She was apparently a few years his elder but had a husband and children of her own that lived in the same town. They became close quickly and shared a few laughs over how fate brought them back together. Perhaps there was something to this fate thing after all...

With his new family, Robert quickly began working with a more specialized force with the dragoons. The jobs may have been more dangerous at times but the hours were much better considering the rarity of a catastrophic dragon attack. He raised them as best he could and Aurora helped her parents as well as she could for a two year old. They were a happy family, full of love and caring for each other. It was like a dream for Robert and he wished it would never end.

What Goes Up Must Always Come Down

You Fight

His skills were advancing far beyond anyone's expectations at the time. He could kill several dragons faster than the others could even react to the strike from one. He would jump with skill and speed that was blinding to most people. No matter the foe, Robert was the first one to scene. He always put his friends over his own safety. Even though he had a family to worry about he had an urge that pushed him to the front. Yes. He knew why. The others are skilled, no doubt, but he was the better of them. Younger, faster, stronger. He would use this to his advantage and give no quarter to any foe. He made a name for himself quickly... on all sides of the war.

That was not to his advantage.

The Heaven's Ward are a proud group. They defend their city with everything they have and would stop at nothing to do so. However with this new dragoon army, their place in the defenses was being questioned by some of their congregation. In response, they did what was necessary in order to restore religious order and maintain their high position in the archbishop's good graces. They would not suffer an "outsider" to steal their glory.

Soon the Dravanian army had their target in sight. They knew their forces were failing to make Ishgard as long as Robert was in their way. And what a way he had to travel to intercept them. He did not live in the city proper and as a result when he had to leave his family he would have to fly out to the fields from his home. Another attack was signaled and the horde swarmed upon the city. Robert and his team quickly leapt into action leaving for the city. However, it was a bait and switch. As they were traveling to the city what appeared to be a small contingent of wyverns broke off to attack Robert's village. His team knew that if they continued to the city they could stop the horde but they would lose the village, but if they all went back for the village the city would be missing a strong part of their defenses. In response they split up. Robert and his best few comrades returned to the village while the remainder went to defend the city. They made it just in time, slaying the wyverns before they could make it to the village. They rallied and prepared to leave toward the city until... "Dragon!" Robert screamed. A great wyrm landed just outside the village borders. With less than half a dozen breaths he destroyed more than half the village. It was no Nidhogg.. but it was damned close and it seemed to have just as much rage. It was massive... way bigger than Robert expected. Robert cursed, "It doesn't make sense! Why would he be here of all places?!" In fact that's why they lived so far out from the city. The dragoons wished to protect their loved ones and as a result some chose to keep them hidden from the remainder of the city in a small, remote village. There was no way they could defeat the beast so their only other option was to evacuate.

  Fire has killed his desire to not be cold as he expires. (Musical Theme for the following two sections)

The three dragoons that had come to the village's defense agreed and began to move as many people as they could to wagons, carriages... anything they could use to escape. Robert went to as many homes as he could intentionally making his way toward his own home. He turned to see the dragon engaging one of the dragoons. Dead in moments. Didn't even stand a chance.. the great wyrm's rage was hotter than the flames that he could release. Robert made it to his house as he saw the second dragoon attempt to dissuade the great wyrm from continuing into the town. Two down... Robert did not like his odds.

You Die

It doesn't take long for a beast of a wyrm like this to burn through a small town. It just isn't like them to waste their efforts on it. Something must have changed. Robert made it finally to his house where his family was hiding in the bottom floor. The building was made from stone, a trick figured out quickly when you fight fire breathers for a living. He made his way inside where his family had holed up in the lower floor to wait out the attack. Robert quickly yelled to them that they need to evacuate while Melanie asked what was going on. He didn't have time to explain, he grabbed his newborn son while Melanie took Aurora and they went toward the back door to escape toward the nearest stables. Before they could make it however a large swooping tail demolished the building. The stones flew around them like leaves on a windy day. Everyone was thrown to the ground from the impact of the dragon's tail. Robert watched in horror as his baby boy rolled out of his hands down the street, lifeless. It delayed naught a moment as it stepped down, crushing the tiny child with one claw. Robert became enraged and quickly drew his spear ready to charge the beast until something- stopped him. He thought he'd felt a hand on his pauldron. He turned behind to see Melanie screaming in anguish. Tears flooded from her eyes at the fate befallen their child, to make matters worse Aurora lay on the ground with one leg crushed under the debris of destroyed homes. Robert looked around seeing all of his neighbors, friends... his family even torn apart by the beast. He was but one more victim of a countless massacre brought on by Nidhogg and his horde. Time seemed to stand still for him as the people around him fled in fear. He could see the flames scorching his loved ones, the building crumbling around people trying to hide from the best. Chaos is insufficient to describe the scene. No one saw this coming. Why did no one see this coming? Melanie was there frantically trying to free her daughter, and his own newborn son, crushed literally beneath the weight of a thousand years of war. However.. time was not standing still and this dragon was not a yielding force. He inhaled deeply aiming toward Robert. He prepared himself for the inevitable, he was going to die here. That was until he saw the great wyrm's head turn toward Melanie and his daughter. His feet almost reacted without thought, he jumped to put himself between the two of them and the great wyrm exhaled blasting Robert backwards into the rocks that his very daughter was trapped beneath. All he could hear was ringing in his ears.

Melanie jumped back startled by the impact and that's when she finally saw the great wyrm with her own eyes. His daughter was now either dead or unconscious. He couldn't tell, only that she was no longer moving. His wife stood only yalms away looking into the great wyrm's eyes. He needed to move, he needed to get her to safety, but... he couldn't. His body would not listen to his reasoning. Melanie broke eye contact with the wyrm turning to Robert. Her eyes, still wet from the tears, no longer contained fear. She looked upon him with pity. Perhaps she knew what was to come, but how could she? Time still felt as if it was moving slower than it should be. She continued looking at Robert pinned to the ground and began to mouth the words, "I lov-" as the dragon cut her off as he blasted her with his fiery breath.

When the fire had ceased there was nothing remaining where she stood. There was just... ashes.

A calm came over Robert. Everything he fought for was dying or dead. He knew now that there would be two ways this could end. Either the dragon kills him and the pain goes away or he kills the dragon and outlives his own children. Neither seemed like a good option. The great wyrm stood tall looking toward Robert seemingly contented in his days work. But the work was not over yet, there still yet lived one dragoon in his midst and a small militia that would sooner run than fight.

The dragoon stood, armor blackened even darker by the ash of the fires around him. He drew his replica of the Gae Bolg, the weapon of choice for dragoons in Ishgard. The dragon looked toward him with an overconfident look. Robert's eyes and body emanated a deep blue aura. His jumps were more precise, his attacks of greater strength. He had begun to feed off the aether of those dying around him and it strengthened him. His blood boiled with the fires of the dragons he fought daily and he fought in a way unseen since the first time Nidhogg lost his eyes. However despite Robert's great power, this dragon was not as foolish as Nidhogg was and he dealt a great blow directly to Robert with his claw. Robert's armor split and blood poured out from his chest. He landed on the ground in pain hearing a small voice. "Daddy.." He rolled over to see his daughter now awake and calling for him. "I'm scared daddy." she cried. While he lay bleeding, the great wyrm approached him to complete the deed...

He lay bleeding. He felt cold... It almost felt ironic given the fire all around him, he continued to look at his daughter, who continued to cry in both pain and fear. He took out his soul crystal. It was covered in his own blood. He knew that this beast could not stay of this world... he may not survive, but the wyrm could not either. An image formed in his mind remembering back to his first days training with it. They dragoons all got these crystals which were reportedly the source of their power. Inside of it was a nearly limitless amount of accessible aether that allowed their skills to be enhanced to jump higher, faster, and hit harder than any other lancer. He crawled toward his daughter hoping to comfort her, but before he could he was pulled away by a swipe of a massive claw. "Daddy!!" Aurora screamed again. Robert hit a nearby building which was quickly emptied by villagers scattering like cockroaches exposed by a lantern. He called out to her. "Don't worry Aurora... it's only a bad dream... it will all be over soon, sweetie. Don't be afraid... I love you."

He removed the small spearhead from his aunt's spear from a side bag on his armor and the great wyrm approached. The dragon roared and spoke, to Robert's astonishment, "Are you planning to irritate me further with that pathetic toothpick?" Robert eyed the wyrm with one hand on his spearhead, the other with his soul crystal. Robert had not the strength to respond, nor the words to say after what had happened. He rolled over onto his side, soul stone falling in front of him. He eyed the dragon once more then while repeating an incantation he'd heard, from a secret visitor long ago, he plunged his spearhead into the stone with all the remaining strength he had. Just before the blade could even touch the surface of the stone, he thought to himself, "At least I won't have to die cold." And then, everything went white.

For Someone Else's Glory

From the city the Heaven's Ward prepared for their glorious victory in combat. As the Dravanians surged toward the city there were small plumes of smoke coming from the distance. A lookout shouted that he saw dragons fly off but the knights could not abandon the city for a small village that far away. Shortly after they noticed the first fires a huge explosion occurred. Dust, ash, and fire filled the air. The horde stopped its assault and everyone turned to see both the amazing and horrible beauty of it. After a few moments the horde turned around and flew back away from the city. The city guards cheered and claimed victory. They knew that was the direction of the village where many of the non-house dragoons were. They had assumed the explosion was their victory over some great dragon. The Ward's glorious victory was snatched away by these outsiders once again...

Ciceraux was not the first one to the scene. Several Temple Knights had arrived following the Heaven's Ward. They had apparently had found something and were bringing it back to the inquisitor's for further investigation. Beyond that, there was nothing left. The town was but a crater surrounded by burning fields. There was no sign of survivors, no sign of a dragon, nothing at all. All that remained was ash, a crater, and... no... there was something else. Ciceraux reached down when he saw a small glimmer on the ground. He dusted away some dark soot to find a small purple gem stone. It was scarred and strange, yet there was no denying it was a dragoon soul crystal. Or.. a piece of one. Something else caught his eye. He dug around the area a little bit more and found a small spearhead. Attached to it was an unsightly image of burned flesh that must have been seared to it in an manner that turned his well stomach to imagine. That was no easy task for a knight with his experience. However.. it was familiar to him. He soon realized what it was he was looking at as well as the relationship between the two items. "Halone, have mercy.. what fury hast you brought this day, Robert?" Mercy was not something someone typically asked from Halone, the Fury, but this was no typical scenario. He gathered the two items in a handkerchief and kept it with him for nearly two decades.

Back at the inquisitor's chambers a busy group of people splashed water and toyed with the lifeless body of a dragoon. After several incantations of unknown magicks the white light returned. Robert weakly opened his eyes but saw darkness. He tried to look around but his body would still not respond. His chest hurt like fire where the wyrm had clawed him. An unknown voice called out, "He awakens." Questions launched at him faster than he could answer or even understand what was happening. "What have you done, Robert?" one of them asked, "How many must die for your blood lust? Are you so bored of hunting dragons you choose to attack unarmed villagers?" Robert tried to respond. "What? No. That's not." They continued to bombard him with questions. Finally a booming voice yelled, "Silence!" A masked and robed man, unclear to the fuzz of Robert's vision, approached. "You didn't mean it did you Robert?" Robert replied, "I.. was defending them." The robed figure nodded brushing a hand down the side of his head. "Tsk- tsk- tsk. I know young one. You were only trying to help. You did what you thought was necessary. However- No one can be able to find out that the dravanians somehow found the location of our hidden militia and thus, we can't have any one give up that information, can we?" Robert replied, "I don't understand.. what are you-" He cut off his words as he looked to his sides and saw that he was bound into a torture rack. On either side of him were the other dragoons of his unit, also in racks, even the ones that weren't at the village. None seemed conscious.. most lost a lot of blood. "What's going on here?!" Robert begged. The robed inquisitor looked around and chuckled. "Damage control my dear boy.. I swear if not for the Heaven's Ward's quick intervention your heretic lot would have done quite a bit of damage having invaded our cities ranks." "What?!" Robert replied dumbfounded and irritated at the blatant untruth. "Besides... you should feel blessed. Soon you will get to experience the love of Halone first hand. Oh how I envy you!" Someone from the side knocked Robert unconscious with a hard hitting blow.

While he was unconscious, his body and the story made up by the Heaven's Ward was marched through the streets. They announced Robert as a heretic who'd killed countless villagers for the Dravanians. He and his other dragoons were led to Witch's Drop where the pure will be blessed by Halone's fury and the guilty will be torn apart by it. Upon the caravan's arrival, himself and his entire squad, those dead or alive, were dumped into the pits. Beaten, broken, wounded, it's not hard to see that they could be brainwashed. None of them would ever see their families again... To Robert's misfortune, the inquisitors told each of the surviving dragoons during their torture, that Robert had killed their families in cold blood. Now they were being punished and sentenced to death for the sins of one of their own. It didn't matter if it was true or not... someone had to pay for it, and Robert was the perfect candidate. The battered dragoons began shouting at Robert demanding he fess up. He remained silent. Perhaps it was his fault, would they believe him if he said the astrologian's didn't predict a major dragon attack like this? Would it even matter to quench their thirst for vengeance. It didn't take long before a single sword had fallen into the middle of the pits from above. So the games begin, Robert thought. "I wonder how many of those inquisitors took bets on how long until I was killed." He looked up to where it fell from only to see one face looking down on him... Amelie.

The Mourning After

Twelve be good... she had her family in the same village too. Did they survive? Did anyone survive? I bet she also thinks I killed her fami- He couldn't even finish his thought as a swoosh swung towards him. He really thought they'd at least hold off on murder for a few more moments. But that was not to his advantage. What was to his advantage was that few of the dragoons trained with swords. The man swung carelessly at Robert while the others attempted to hold him down. He broke free just barely as all of them were injured from their recent tortures. It was like watching elderly men in a painfully pathetic fist fight.

The sword didn't last long, eventually Robert rushed - the statement almost ironic given their current speeds - the man with the blade and knocked it free. He didn't have it, but at least they didn't either. The people continued to curse and yell at Robert while they climbed on him and beat him. But fortunately, everyone was too weak to finish the job. They threw Robert's beaten body into the corner of the pit while they all awaited their undeniable death.

The sword was still on the floor as days passed in the pit. Some of the men died from their wounds early on. The others all started to go a little bit crazy from the quiet, the starvation, and the constant fear. Occasionally there'd be a wolf call but even they were few and far between. The hunger pangs didn't bother them anymore at least. Not this long in. One man went so mad as to start eating parts of the dead around him. Another impaled himself over the sword instead of waiting around for time to take him. Robert hadn't even had time to realize his family was now gone. He couldn't even believe it when he thought it. Everything went so fast it seemed like a bad dream. Now was not a time for living, now was a time for surviving. One man just started screaming for seemingly no reason... That night everyone went to sleep and that man did not wake up.

Two remained.

Robert and his former comrade eyed each other. The man weakly stood up. "You shall pay for what you have done to us, heretic." Robert did not know if the man was delirious or genuine, but he did know that his eyes thirst for blood. The man continued toward Robert and Robert stood with any strength he could muster to defend himself. The man punched and both of them fell to the ground, too weak to maintain balance. They both struggled to their knees and the man swung at Robert, missing in his attempt and falling again on his side. Robert tried to plea, "We don't need to do this. This won't fix anything." The man ignored him and continued his assault. Robert tried his best to defend himself without hurting the man he once called a brother but the fight was not going in his favor. Robert was now bleeding again from old wounds and he knew his time was not long for the world, but he couldn't just let this man kill him. Not over a lie. After the two grappled for a while Robert got his hands around the mans neck. "Are you calm now?" The man ignored him and punched him right in the ribs. "ACK!" Robert yelped in pain. Robert continued to squeeze the man's throat in hopes that he would just go unconscious and cease his assault. He did not. The man's head began to go deep red as the blood rushed there with no means of escape. Would these pits turn him into a murderer? Wasn't he already? The thoughts rushed through his head. Finally a dark voice came in. "Kill him!" Robert yelled back, "No!" Robert fell backwards and the man gasped for air, as he regained his breath he wasted no time running to Robert. He began choking Robert.. the roles had reversed. "Kill him!" The voice said again. "Kill him now!" Robert yelled out again, "No! I can't do it!" The man choking Robert tightened his grip so that Robert could no longer speak rebuking him saying. "What the hell are you on about?! Stop yelling!" Robert stood, the world getting darker and darker. "Kill him with the rock!" Robert instinctively grabbed a stone and bashed it over the man's head. The man lay there dazed, bleeding from the side of his bashed in cranium as Robert gasped for breath himself. Robert in a frenzy rushed the man as soon as he could and began choking the man once more. After a short struggle and the man kicking and flailing as much as he could Robert's eyes narrowed as he jerked his hands tighter. *Crack* "Good! Yes! Excellent work! More! More!" the voice said in the back of his mind. The man's body fell limp as Robert continued to squeeze. Nearly half a bell went by before Robert regained clarity of what was happening. He saw now that he was all that remained. Finally he was alone... Just him and the voice...

That night, the events of the last few days caught up with him and his spirit broke. He wept over everything that happened. His family, his friends, his brothers in arms. Everything he lived for was now dead. His spirit was dead and his body would soon follow. No one would mourn the loss of Robert, for no one remained who could ever know the truth. As he lay sobbing on the floor of the pits, the world finally went black. His body beaten and desecrated. His mind broken and unraveled. Nothing was left. It can't be known how long he'd lay there.. nor did he know if death had actually touched him or not.

A man approached at the side of the Drop. He lowered rope down and descended under the cover of night into the Drop. He searched all of the bodies, after some time he found the one he was searching for. He tied the rope to it and whistled. A few moments later a heretic's body that was beaten beyond recognition was placed into the Drop. The next Robert awoke, he was in a bed, sore and confused, with one companion... Ciceraux Bastille. "Stay calm, lad. You're safe now."

Recent History


This is not common knowledge of this character. You may only utilize this information IC if you have actually spoken to a person who knows it or were present throughout the time it happened. If you truly wish for your character to know this information you may approach someone who knows the story and simply ask them. Once again, use of this OOC information will be flagged as god-moding and I will not react to it ICly if I feel this is what you're doing.

After Witch's Drop

Much of what happened after Robert's time in Witch's drop is unknown. It isn't even certain how he escaped from there. None who knew him survived the explosion and few who cared for him remained in the world. He would instead start life anew. To do so, he would need to find a new land and a new name. He traveled south passed Gridania to a land where the only thing that matters is the gil in your pocket. He chose to take on the name Colt and perhaps he could forget his troubled past. Perhaps he could find a future worth fighting on for.

Arrival into Ul'dah

Robert tends to share very little about his past. What is known about him is that he recently arrived in Ul'Dah and started taking odd jobs just to make it day by day. One thing is certain, he no longer uses his given name anymore.. instead he chooses to stick with a nickname. Perhaps it is from embarrassment, perhaps it's to escape his past, but what's certain is he no longer uses his real name, nor does he reveal it to anyone he meets. From this point on, he is known only as Colt. One day, he decided to pull up a chair to talk to a local whom would soon become one of many companions in his life[1]. After some time he met Aya Foxheart whom helped encourage him to settle down into something he enjoyed. Bartending. He started working with her when he could and quickly came to enjoy the ambience of the Quicksand tavern. For a while he continued to help out his friends from a more passive position, tending bar and offering advice to the young adventurers that he served on occasion.

Formation of the New Conglomerate

After some time passed in Ul'dah he met several people whom he felt were upright strong individuals, capable of fulfilling his dream of protecting the innocent and bolstering the weak. He traveled with them a while and in time they decided to form the New Conglomerate Free Company. The founding members included Arala Makeo, Ninifae Nira, Leih'a Relanah, and himself. Together they grew the company together and worked hard to fulfill the needs of not just Thanalan, but all of Eorzea as a united force that transcended any individual Grand Company. Months later, the Crystal Braves formed and stole their thunder by copying their original idea and parading about the Warriors of Light and casting a dark shadow over the NC... bastards.

Leaving the Stables

Several moons after the formation of the New Conglomerate, Colt took a job for a simple delivery of weapons to an location in Northern Thanalan. The job was a success however; he had run into some people at the drop site that he had hoped were a long gone part of his past. There was a time in Colt’s life when he did some things he wasn’t particularly proud of, but he got a second chance and escaped that life. The people who’d previously ‘hired’ him thought he had died to a team who’d cheated in the Gladiator’s Guild seemingly killing him. After he was sent to the Lichyard following his defeat he had awoken, now with a brightly glowing firesprite core embedded within his chest.

The men he met at that job were his former ‘handlers.’ People assigned to keep him from escaping his new life of slavery within the Syndicate’s seedy underbelly. Knowing word would get back to their boss he immediately ran from them hoping to put as much space between himself and the New Conglomerate as possible to save them from any retaliation of his former owners. He got into a small scuffle with a few of the men and happened to break away from them. However, just as he was about to be out of sight of his pursuers they struck him with an arrow through his shoulder.

Wounded, he first hid within the Black Shroud where his friends had found him due to his linkpearl being easily tracked. Scarlet Snow was able to administer some first aid to the wound and restore some use of his arm. Rafael Cota and Arala Makeo arrived only shortly after this. In that moment the Syndicate sent a barrage of explosives toward the cave he was hiding in. The explosions sealed it off like a tomb, leaving him inside with his friends Rafael Cota and Scarlet Snow. Outside Arala Makeo was blasted backwards and immediately fought to tear apart the rocks that separated them. He had already brought harm to his friends by being too close to them. A mistake he wouldn’t make twice. Seeing a small glimmer of light in Scarlet’s packs he grabbed it thinking it was his linkpearl and slipped out in the darkness by traveling deeper in the cave toward Coerthas.

Riding the Nightmare through Hell

His firesprite core was greatly damaged in the explosion and his chest was bleeding badly. In a last ditch effort to keep alive he tore out the core opening the wound further. With nothing else he used the glimmering object he found and placed it in the wound to stunt the bleeding while he traveled home to see the only person he knew could help; Ninifae Nira.He escaped to the Free Company house and staggered into the doctor’s office. He was lucky enough to have her discretion as well as her help as she swiftly replaced the core from his chest with a more suitable firesprite core, saving his life. He knew he couldn’t keep them away much longer so he had only one option left, to fight back. Shortly after the operation with Nira he had started to develop a hatred for these people and he wouldn’t stand to let them hurt anyone else like they did to him.

His first target was a man who helped fund their operations. A man named Gel, currently imprisoned for crimes against a fellow member of the New Conglomerate. Colt used the short time he had left to track down the man to a Gridanian prison and ensure his funds would not continue in the fight against the company Colt helped form. He used glamours to pose as the man’s legal counsel and once inside killed him. In order to avoid trouble there he left the prison as quickly as wouldn’t be noticed, but it wasn’t long before the guard making rounds found the body. Now on the run from the Twin Adders as well as Syndicate grunts he traveled through the Black Shroud toward the place where he knew the Syndicate traded illegal skins with poachers. He found them and with great ease overpowered the poachers and pirates. The strength he had developed since his core was replaced was even greater than it felt in years. He quickly dispatched all remaining witnesses and took over the ship which he’d used to travel to the Silver Bazaar port. Here he found Scarlet Snow once more and helped her recover shortly before setting off once more on his mission. He brought her back to the Company house where he knew she would get help. Shortly before leaving he had heard grave news about Arala. He learned here he had only one way to save her, Thavnarian Mists. His heart shattered by this news he left at once toward Mor Dhona where he knew he would find the items he needed. Unfortunately, after he bought several and had them sent back to the home, he learned that those same Mists were stolen by the Syndicate he was hunting down. He had to face them if he was going to get them to Arala.

  Theme for Following Two Chapters

Breaking the Colt

He went to his former boss’s home and submitted to them an ultimatum. They continued to supply the Mists for the recovery of his friend or they die. Simple. They agreed, and shortly after they captured, beat, and submitted him to torture for all the trouble he’d caused them. Keeping with their word they continued to send a small supply of the Mist under Colt’s name for the sake of Arala, however they weren’t content with just that. They extracted his firesprite core and placed a tracker inside of it. Should Colt ever disobey orders, try to run, or try to turn against his handlers again they would click a button and the core would detonate ending his life immediately. For roughly a moon Colt, broken and heartbroken, he followed orders from the Syndicate and returned to the life he desperately spent his last decade trying to escape.

Someone Left the Gate Open

One night, waiting for his handler to take him back to the headquarters he came across an old friend Yuki Kurenai. After seeing her again he’d realized the good that he put behind him and the monster that he’d become over the last moon. Overcome with guilt and shame he had made up his mind. He could no longer live this way and continue to bring dishonor to himself, his friends, and family. His handler, drunk as usual, passed out and he reported himself going back to base alone. As the base of his operations happened to also be within the Goblet he made a slight detour toward his former home. He knew there was only one way he could escape this life of bondage. He went to the New Conglomerate’s on the night of the 24th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon. After what was only a short discussion with his oldest friend, knowing he didn’t have long before his handlers came to search for him, Ninifae permanently disabled the tracking device on his heart granting him the freedom he’d lost track of for far too long…


After roughly a week dead, Colt was revived unexpectedly by a few of his friends. Yuki Kurenai, Scarlet Snow, and Veroga Clades were all present at his gravesite when he had awoken without vision or control over his body. He was brought back to Yuki's residence where she and Veroga cared for him during his recovery. Out of fear that the NC was involved with Colt's untimely death Yuki was adamant that no one else is to know about Colt's revival. Colt was in bad shape and his left arm was unrecoverable. At this time Veroga and Yuki determined that the best course of action was to amputate and reattach an automail arm in the hope of returning him to some level of his former function. The operation was a great success and after some time Colt slowly began to regain his vision and some extremely limited use of his body. Though Colt felt very welcome in his new environment, he found that his home sickness was much more debilitating than his current state of health. He asked Scarlet to carry him home as well as she could. With the help of a few friends, Scarlet made sure to give him that mercy. Colt returned home and slowly began his rehabilitation under the care of Yuki and Ninifae Nira.

Have Fun Storming the Castle!

The following is a private journal kept by Colt during a time he spent in Coerthas trying to get into Ishgard. This is not public knowledge.

Day 1
8 am - Today I am meeting with a contact whom was suggested to me by an old mutual friend. Supposedly he'd escaped Ishgard a while back out of fear of the dravarians. I don’t know if he can get me in... but if he could get out maybe I can just double back the way he came.
10 am - That was a bust… the damned fool was just a liar trying to get his “street cred” up with his gang… well now he’s got a black eye for his efforts. Back to the drawing board I guess. I wonder what N’osa is up to right now?

Day 2
3 am - Watching the guards change… it seems staggered which, I must say, is pretty smart of them. Instead of changing out the whole shift at once they do it one guard at a time over some intervals… guess the front door is out.

Day 5
9 pm - There is a lot of activity around the Stone Vigil of late. Sounds like a great deal more dravarian activity happening. I’ve counted at least seven high ranking dragoons and platoons of temple knights enter that place in the last few hours. It’s as if there might be a major offensive happening soon. I can only hope there is enough confusion for me to sneak in with them.
10 pm - Nope! It was a drill… they caught me sneaking around and one of the soldiers threw a stone at me telling me to stop dicking around and get back to my home. Instead I ran off screaming some aldgoat shit about the coming end of the world and they had a good laugh calling me a nutjob. Well I’d rather be an anonymous nutjob than a dead “heretic.”

Day 7
12 pm - Been a week without any progress… I wonder if I should just go home, sometimes, and just forget about the crystal... But to abandon it is to abandon all those I’d lost. I can’t give up now. Arala wouldn’t give up on them.. Newton probably would…
4 pm - Newton would definitely just go home by now.
4:15 pm - I wonder where Markus buys his pants…

Day 8
6 am - While I was out hunting for breakfast I came across some other hunters who didn’t seem to know what to make of me. They asked if I wanted to come back for some lunch later and I decided to join them. We got what we could with our traps but for some reason I feel like they were suspicious of me. Being the new person in the area, I suppose I can understand that.
12 pm - Lunch was… really pleasant actually. We discussed things that seemed far less trivial than that which I tend to hear around the NC house. We covered a wide range of topics ranging from the current state of weather and food supplies to the politics regarding Ishgard’s seeming abandonment of its citizens outside the walls. These guys don’t seem to care too much for the Holy See, save the fact that they keep the dravarians from just consuming the land. They invited me back to eat tomorrow. I definitely will.

Day 9
12 pm - I went to the same place as where I met the guys yesterday but no one was there.
4 pm - Set up camp for the evening outside of Whiterun to scout out more activity at the vigil. Tomorrow I’m probably going to (The writing stops abruptly)

Day 12
??? - A group of people grabbed me a few days ago. I have no idea what time it is or even where I am.

Day 14
11 pm - Markus came and found me today. We didn’t exactly have the most pleasant talk. Seems most people think I’m an idiot for doing what I’m doing on my own. I can’t say I’d hate the company, but I don’t much care what anyone else thinks of my reasons. Scarlet wouldn't think I was an idiot. She knows I need to do this. What I do, I do for myself and those who I hold close. I do it to protect them...

Day 15
7 am - Training was pretty grueling this morning. They don’t mess around in this army. They keep trying to encourage me to ignore my soul stone, saying it would limit my mind. Force me to think like my ancestors and not for myself. I think they are scared of it. Given their last time seeing me with it, I suspect I can’t blame them. I wonder if Markus was serious about his dragoon spirit taking ahold of him. Could it be that what we do with the power of soul crystals is actually done under the influence of the crystals and not from our own choice? Alright… I’m stopping before I get any more existential.

Many of the following pages are torn out and missing.

Day 43
4 pm - It’s over now. I have reclaimed my soulstone and yet, I don’t know if it was all worth it. How long can a man fight a beast until he becomes one himself? Where is the line that separates dragon from dragoon?

There Must Be More to Living than Only Surviving

   Chapter Theme

Trouble seemed to follow every step of Colt's new venture. He quickly became fed up with it and decided he needed to find purpose for himself, not just for others. He approached Arala who'd suggested he finally face his past. Together they left toward Ishgard, entirely unaware of what was waiting for them when they would arrive.