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Revision as of 13:22, 19 December 2014

 Xavarian Mystrife
Xavarian Screenshot01.png
Gender Male
Race Elezen (Duskwight)
Clan Mystrife
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age ~20 (young adult)
Deity Thaliak, the Scholar
Namesday 24th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Xavarian Mystrife is a thing. And this is a huge WIP, as you will soon find. Anything is subject to change as of current.

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♦ General

Xavarian Mystrife is a young, excitible, (yet occasionally nervous) duskwight mage, eager to explore 'the surface' world by the darker hours and learn as much as he can about all he can get his hands on. Subjects of Aether and power particularly have his ears, and he takes to studying this prevalent force as it occurs throughout Hydaelyn. Just about everything concerning Aether interests him: how it can be used, what its capabilities are, where something new may be discovered - and more often than not, he can be found studying something or other trying to find any Aetherical connections. Though in his search for knowledge, he hopes to encounter any number of different people along the way, even despite his nervous-seeming demeanor. By trade, he claims to be a mage, an adventurer, 'a scholar of sorts', an artifact / relic hunter, a bookbinder, bookmender, or a scribe, depending on the situation. ... He's even actually proficient at some of these things.

When dealing with the mage, it's likely one might notice occasional shifts in the temperature near him, often between cold chills and notable heat. A dark-colored chocobo whom he calls Vathen, is often in Xavarian's presence, packed with all sorts of bags, satchels, and scroll cases. Ruins, places of aetherical potency, or darker corners of the outdoors are likely places to find the duskwight, whereas he tends to avoid bustling cities for more than quick trips, and keeps his distance from larger crowds and bars when at all possible. Also, he's very likely to hear you coming, as he has excellent hearing. But if he can give any sort of impressive reaction to this knowledge is up for debate.

Getting information from Xavarian about his origins is like trying to hold a gallon of water with open fingers. If he gives his last name at all, then you're lucky. Instead, the chances favor a pile of vague, quickly spoken and brushed over answers onward to a different subject.

♦ Appearance

Xavarian is about a 6 fulms, 8 ilms tall duskwight elezen. His build is a bit more slight than the average elezen might be, having shoulders less broad, and limbs a bit lacking in length. His skin is a dark, charcoal grey, with bright teal eyes that squint and dart about, starkly contrasting the bright, crimson markings around them. The duskwight's face takes a rounded, ovular shape, with a single scar visible on the right of his jaw trailing down his neck just a small ways, and a large, bridgey nose above often-pursed lips. Dark, subtly red-streaked hair is a living mess on his head that only seems to curl further down the ends and flip out whenever it can, and the man appears to have an uneven number of gold piercings favoring one long ear over the other. Looked at closely, he seems to have several odd, almost blotchy scars on the backs of his hands and arms, however clothing typically covers anything more underneath. The clothing Xavarian wears gives him the impression of someone arguably well off – a theme seems to be the colors black and gold, but there are a number of red accents, and a silver symbol that repeats itself often on clasps and motifs on these clothes. Most often, he's seen wearing a split coat, something that falls nicely on either side of the chocobo he travels on. Packs and pouches of all sorts line his belt, staff strapped to his back, and a large tome at his side. On a single shoulder seems to hover an odd, aetherically placed red gemstone of sorts, right in the middle of one of those repeating symbols, large and made of some silver metal like a poor shoulder guard. From certain angles the floating gem looks like an eye… however, it doesn’t appear to have any real purpose, and simply remains in place like any other part of his clothing might.

♦ Demeanor

Cryptic and often awkward are generally good descriptors of a first meeting with the duskwight. He seems to have any number of thoughts, many of which change at any given moment, and in order to account for the most possibilities (very important), his speech is littered with large amounts of pauses, corrections, and amendments to his own words. That said, Xavarian is extremely curious, intellectually minded, and quite excitable about the subjects of his interest. On certain topics, instead of his awkward and carefully corrected vaguer, he seems to ramble on about them 90 malms per minute, thoughts spilling out of his mouth before he has a chance to grab them and keep them in. Likewise, when he speaks he often gestures, as though these vague movements somehow convey words that he can't always get out of his head. Whether they help or not, however, is debatable. It's not a stretch in the least to call him somewhat eccentric. Still, he values intellectual thought, logic, and reason, and is not afraid of being wrong or being corrected. When making a decision, going with the choice that 'makes the most logical sense' and brings him closer to his goals is most likely. Of course, if the goals themselves make logical sense is a different matter entirely.

Which would bring us to Xavarian's sense of humor. When he isn't struggling to get some thought across in speech, (or sometimes when he is) he'll often speak with a lilt to his voice and a smirk on his face. He smiles, grins, and snickers fairly often, to be taken as what could be a mischievous (though at times, paranoid) take on life. More often than not, he'll laugh at himself, realizing how his own antics might come off to others, or sometimes be proud or amused of his own vaguer. Granted, what amuses him isn't always what you'd expect to amuse someone, and it may get him some strange (or mortified) looks now and then...

When speaking or left to his own devises, Xavarian tends to shuffle around some, lean against something, or sit down if he has the chance. Along with this, he's likely to pull out a large book he always seems to carry with him, and start writing notes mid conversation. Though it'd be soon clear that he's still aptly listening, and will often continue the conversation like this while asking questions and writing simultaneously. Common expressions of the man include any number of amused smirks and smiles, pursed lips, huffing, darting eyes, squinting, and weird faces at what he considers equally weird thoughts.

Even though Xavarian will awkwardly approach people that catch his interest, he often feels much more comfortable with little to no company, and in a state of study. Caught alone (or mostly alone) Xavarian often mutters to himself, speaks to Vathen (his chocobo) as though he were a person, or becomes entirely caught up in what he is doing, so he will hardly notice much else around him. When focused on a task, an experiment, or even his own thoughts, he becomes very difficult to distract, and may become agitated if disrupted.

A list of traits include: Cryptic, Vague, Mischievous, Curious, Silly, Chaotic, Amused, Determined, Questionable, Dorky, Strange, Paranoid, Verbose, Intelligent and Intellectual, Eccentric, Relativist, Rational, Reasonable, Diplomatic, Morally Grey, Strong-Willed, Awkward, Typically Withdrawn, Introverted, Observant, A Goober

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Vague History

For Associated Duskwight Clans

Show text

For Anyone Else

The Shroud

For quite a time, during the nights, the duskwight might've been seen around Little Solace, spending time with the Sylphs. He always seemed incredibly cheerful with them, pleased to help them how he could, even if he fell behind them at times in their haste. Regardless, he would gladly partake in their customs, join them in (and be subject to) their tricks, give them any number of gifts, and sometimes be seen sitting among a group of them, exchanging riddles. 'Rhyming One' was a name he soon gained around Little Solace, and it never ceased to please him when addressed by it.

It's unclear how he got his first inklings of Conjury. Perhaps someone explained it a bit to him during inquiry, or perhaps he made enough trips to spy on 'the walking ones' with the Sylphs to pick something up. But once he found he could use his own abundant Aether for healing, he decided to see if he could figure out more on his own. A lot of trial and error was to be had, and occasionally, his struggles gained small pointers from passing adventurers, or conjurers who caught him during his attempts. It wasn't all that long until he learned the way he'd been going about it was all wrong. There may have been an attempt made to go to Gridania, to learn more of the 'right way to do things'.

However, the attempt made was never quite an attempt fulfilled.


By the time Xavarian got to the Thaumaturge's guild, he was a mess. However, that very mess made it clear just how much Aether the duskwight had, and the guild was quick to take him in and teach him. Xavarian took to the studies of thaumaturgey like a fish to water, near literally. Some in the guild would say that it really seemed to give him quite a bit of life, and in turn, he devoted long hours to studying, practicing, and discussing theory and application. His ambitions were high, and he was willing to learn from near anyone who would speak to him. Though close to the outset of his studies, his Aether would take uncontrolled turns even when he wasn't meaning to cast. Despite the duskwight's promise and diligence, the guild of thaumaturges also preferred their resources intact.

They decided it would be better for him to practice more in the field, to get a handle on his Aetheric inbalances, especially now that he seemed much more lively than when he came in. They would call him back when the time was right. Xavarian gladly took to this suggestion.

More Recently

The dark duskwight and his charcoal feathered steed may be seen in the night time hours doing gods know what outside the cities. Often times, there is Aether involved. Others, there is climbing over ruins, peering into holes, running all about the land and stopping at various formations, inquiring from unsuspecting travelers about Aetheric anomalies, or talking to his chocobo about their current situation. All the time, there are notes being taken.

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Recently, the duskwight has been about the Shroud, particularly taking an interest in the undead around Tam-Tara Deepcroft. For one reason or another, the Wood Wailers have been tolerating his presence around the entrance, but if that continues or not is yet to be seen.

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★ RP Hooks and Potential Connections ★


Xavarian has a large amount of Aether in his person, and various things either held or on him occasionally seem to mitigate it. If your character can sense that sort of thing, they may find him interesting.
Xavarian is a giant nerd who would always appreciate the company of other nerds. Especially Aetherically inclined, or scientifically minded nerds.
Xavarian often investigates ruins, or explores and wanders throughout Eorzea doing various things, and wouldn't at all mind someone else interested coming along.
Xavarian, at times, often has a lot of artifacts, scrolls, relics, and so forth in his tow. Trade with him, rob him, oogle at him, stop him for questioning; any and all are free to happen.
Anyone who spent a great deal of time around Little Solace during the night hours may recognize him.
Xavarian would be very interested in relic or artifact retrievals, or if asked about such a thing, would definitely appreciate taking part. ...Certainty of all relics returned is not guaranteed.
He would also be interested in various scribing jobs, binding books for those interested, or mending damaged tomes. He's started advertising this, and his thread involving that can be found -Here- on the RPC.
Xavarian loves experiments. Please, let him help you see what would happen if you do the thing. He really wants to know.
Xavarian is almost always lost. For the love of the gods, please show him the way to get ...anywhere.


If your character is a duskwight of the Shroud caverns who had ever sought others for information, either already held or to be obtained, they may know of the Mystrife family, and possibly Xavarian.
If your character is a duskwight who ever had a book made, legitimate or forged documents created, or any other sort of scribery done, they may know of the Mystrife family and/or Xavarian.
If your character is a duskwight (or was a dweller of the 'shady side of the Shroud') who is interested in books, artifacts, relics, Aether, 'uncommon knowledge', or history, they may have heard of the Mystrife family.

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Aether (Its study, use, application, experimentation, theoretics, etc.)
Mages + Magery
Experimenting and the Unexpected
Obtaining Knowledge and Power
Puzzles + Riddles
Ruins + Caves
Books, Tomes, and Scrolls
Relics + Artifacts
Causing little mischiefs
The Sylphs
Black, Gold, Red
The Sea
High Places


Being treated poorly (esp. due to being a Duskwight)
Destruction of Knowledge
Destruction of Aetherically Intriguing Objects / Beings
Partaking in Physical Combat
Those who severely lack intelligence
Crowded places
Having Secrets Revealed
Loud noises
Being kept against his will
Getting in trouble caught (esp. by his family)


Aetherically Adept: Though still learning on many fronts, he has a strong talent and interest in studying and weaving Aether.
Riddles and Puzzles: Very good at solving puzzles and riddles, and actually, has a penchant for creating them himself.
Seeking Knowledge: From everyone, everything, all the time.
Reading and Note-taking: If there are words on a thing, he'll try to read them. And if he can't, he'll take them down in his notes so he can read books on how to read them. And then take notes on the books he reads too. As well as taking notes on the person who talked to him about where he can find the books.
Book-binder and Tome Mender: Can make books of low to good quality, and though better at the simple literary sort, he's also capable at creating Arcanist tomes and 'Specialty tomes' which are specifically commissioned items with a 'unique' purpose beyond the average book. In addition, he has the skills to restore and mend old tomes of either variety that have seen better days, though may fall short on Arcanist grimoires where an Arcanist-tome mender may do better. (As he is not an Arcanist himself, some of the intricacies may be lost on him.)
Scribe: Can write letters, notices, and various other texts in a variety of scripts for those that need the service. May or may not also be decent at forging documents and copying signatures.
Exploration and Travel: Very curious, and knows how to hold his own on various expeditions.
Artifact / Relic Retrieval: Decently apt in methods of relic extraction and transportation. Not the best, not the worst, but has had a hand in it a number of times.
Excellent Hearing: As per most duskwights, Xavarian has great hearing, to where it surpasses his eyesight as his primary sense.


Control of Aether: Despite his strong interest and ability at casting spells, controlling his Aetherical potency is more of a challenge; at times it manifests in small ways when not intended, and can be problematic in certain situations.
Poor at Physical Combat: Might be able to block a few strikes with his staff, but that's about the best luck he'd ever get. If he tried to punch anyone else, he'd probably hurt himself more than them.
Socially Awkward: Stumbles around a lot in social interactions that aren't revolving around his subjects of study, might ask a lot of odd questions, and is often vague or cryptic. Understanding what he's asking isn't always easy.
Terrible Directional Sense: Despite his travels, he often gets lost. ...Basically anywhere he can get lost. Even if a map shows him where to go, there's only a percentage chance he'll make it, barring all else. Luckily, he finds interest in just about everything, so being lost isn't often an issue on his own.
Addictive Personality: Though it manifests often in ways of getting sucked into projects with little regard to his health, if he finds something particularly appealing, he may grow obsessively attached to it, or insistent on seeing an objective through to completion. (This doesn't apply to people so much, but moreso things like power, substances, ideas, etc.)
Light Sensitivity: Moreso nocturnal than diurnal, he has a light sensitivity that would be comparable to most people stumbling about in the dark. He can see fine in darkness, but when it gets brighter, he has a much more difficult time discerning things.
Sick..?: There were rumors in the caverns around the duskwight being often sick somehow. Are they founded? Might something be ailing him? If so, it's certainly not very easy to tell now... is it?

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♦ Related Images

[a lovingly crafted book, artist Xavarian Mystrife]

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Crush Platonic Love Romantic Love In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Those Close

Solivuire Mystrife – Xavarian's quiet, "tiny", rogue-esque, informant, cousin, working 'under cover' at times as Xavarian's retainer in order to 'take care of his affairs'. Typically they get along. However, typically Solivuire makes a point of climbing in through Xavarian's inn-room window unnanounced, (if he's staying at an inn,) and typically Xavarian has a thing or two to say about it, which she thoroughly ignores. They act a lot like odd siblings. Odd siblings that can have conversations with expressions, and only a few choice words. Solivuire thinks she's the only reason Xavarian has managed to stay alive this long out here, despite her frequent absence in his endeavors. Xavarian just plots how he can lock her out of his room.

Those Further

Lenti Anorand – A fellow student under the same mentor, and also an inner-Aether caster, Lenti has proven to be interesting to Xavarian in a number of ways. Being the first person he's met with an 'Aetherical situation' similar to his own, Xavarian is eager to learn more about the young mage of both elezen and lalafell descent. While Lenti's initial fear of the duskwight amused Xavarian, he's also pleasantly surprised by Lenti's more recent kindness and interest towards him. However, Xavarian can't help but test the worried Lenti's limits when attempts are made to stop the duskwight's curiosity. . . unfortunately for Lenti.

Lafiaht Dwinani – Xavarian is fond of this Keeper Arcanist, even though their meeting consisted of accidentally knocking her from a wagon by a misplaced spell while he raided a small caravan. That she wanted to speak with him at all after was a sign well taken; nevermind they seem to share the same waking hours in the night. Her tough and intelligent, if vague, demeanor is welcome company, and Xavarian finds himself pleased to have had their paths cross on every such occasion.

Jigumundo Darkbore – When Jigumundo, a self-proclaimed Professor of Aetherical Studies, offered to take Xavarian as a student in Thaumaturgey, it was not something the duskwight was like to refuse. The Lalafell strikes Xavarian as one willing to do quite a bit for the sake of Knowledge and Power, nevermind having an affinity for nearly all of Xavarian's own interests, so he is someone the duskwight can easily get along with. Since the Professor sent Xavarian a linkpearl to be part of this Aether Science group, the duskwight has been happily, and excitedly, taking part in these studies, and only looks forward to them continuing.

Ellemeare Valastriehl – A quiet mage met by chance on several occasions, she has overall been fairly friendly to Xavarian, and somehow, seems to think more highly of him than he'd have expected for knowing someone in such a short time. Having met her again recently, and learning that she had 'taken on the black', Xavarian was both glad she had made it out of her messes, and very intrigued by her newfound power.

L'yhta Mahre – The approach of this energetic Miqo'te sorcerer inspired any number of ideas and goals for Xavarian, and while not intentional, he certainly was grateful for the unexpected knowledge. Though he finds he knows very little about her beyond her nonchalance about jumping off balconies into the sea, and that she really doesn't care for children, he's eager to take her up on an invitation to meet again.

Eamont Desormaux - Met very recently by his good luck in finding a not-very-towerly 'tower', Xavarian finds the older Eamont to be both interesting and intelligent. They didn't have a long conversation, but the Wildwood's unwavering kindness to him upon meeting, and particular Aetherical interests left Xavarian with a good impression, and further curiosity. As Eamont mentioned wishing to speak with Xavarian again sometime, the duskwight would quite like the same.

Chachanji Gegenji – A young, excitable Lalafell blacksmith hells-bent on being a hero. His enthusiasm and eagerness to learn endeared him some to Xavarian, and though he knows little about what the Lalafell seeks to know, Xavarian offered to help all the same. The result of their meeting inspired Xavarian to more aptly practice his small knowledge in Conjury, so should the time come to teach anything to the eager learner, he can do so with at least a little aptness.

Warren Castille – Though the paladin was certainly friendly during their small meeting, from Xavarian's discerning, he seemed quite law-bound, causing Xavarian to be a bit wary. Unsure what may offend, or be the 'wrong thing to say / do', he feels like he needs to be careful around Warren.

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◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"What a freakin' nerd." -- A Dasair
"Look at his NOSE." -- An observant drunkard
"Don't get too close, you might get bumbling mage cooties." -- A weirdo
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I heard he sleeps with his books." -- A brothel worker
"Stole one 'f me mate's spare legs on 'count of 'm callin' it a 'relic'. Bet the creepy coot took me mate seriously, by the looks've 'is finger wigglin'. *spits* Finger wigglers, can't trust 'em." -- A pirate
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Psst. Everything you heard in this section is in progress, don't take it seriously." -- Xavarian's Player

Player Character Rumors

(( Feel free to add some!))

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♦ Footnotes


RP Preferences and Directory Page
Character Journal: The Books of Xavarian
IC Scribing and Book-binding Services
Character Tumblr: Prelude to the Unknown

Contact: PM on the HRC

More on Character:

Xavarian: Sins and Virtues (11-26-14)

(I'm also very serious about my WIPs. 8| Extremely serious.)