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:<font style="color:#330033" size="3">■ </font> <i>"Appears to have lost that Highlander of hers. Probably took a run for it as soon he figured out they couldn't hide their indiscretion any longer."</i>
:<font style="color:#330033" size="3">■ </font> <i>"Appears to have lost that Highlander of hers. Probably took a run for it as soon he figured out they couldn't hide their indiscretion any longer."</i>
:<font style="color:#330033" size="3">■ </font> <i>"Her mother was a bastard, and now she is getting one of her self. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh?"</i>
:<font style="color:#330033" size="3">■ </font> <i>"Her mother was a bastard, and now she is having one of her self. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh?"</i>

Revision as of 00:37, 1 March 2016

Ishgard.jpg Virella Douront
Daughter of Ishgard
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Ishgard
Server Balmung
Age 29
Occupation Astrologer & Thaumaturge
Guardian Halone, the Fury
Relatives Partner: Domri Blackblade
Father: Ferdinant Douront
Mother: Alessa Douront
Brother: Leodaire Douront
Brother: Alexandre Douront
Sister: Teresa Allaire
Sister: Lyandrella Douront
Son: Adun Greystone

Virella is one of the many astrologians who used to work at the First Dicastrial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena, before she lost her job. Like any Ishgardian she is wary of outsiders, and prone to make racist comments despite her curiosity of people of the other city-states. Despite being somewhat open-minded to outsiders, ultimately her loyalty remains with Ishgard.

Character page massively outdated; will be updated soon tm!



Being shut away in the Observatorium towers, and her studies often lasting from the early evening till the early morning, it is safe so say Virella doesn't have much in the way of a tan, being as pale like many native Ishgardian elezen. The most colourful features upon her face are her freckles, two bright green eyes and some usage of make-up; this all being framed by long thin hair, usually braided at the back. She stands at an average height for one of her kind, a physique fitting for a more scholarly type - she has little in the way of muscle. If anyone were to see her without clothes, she has a noticeable scar on her stomach, and one on her right upper leg.

As any loyal Ishgardian woman would, she heeds to the saying 'pure as peridot' and dutifully wears a peridot ring on her right hand. Next to this she wears a mythril ring to express her unity with her people's everlasting crusade against the Dravanian Horde. Even if her hairdo often does not allow it to be seen, she seem to be fond of wearing a pair of simple golden earrings. In truely mad Ishgardian fashion, she has the three spears of Halone carved within her right wrist.

When found within the Ishgard reaches, she dresses according to her job as an astrologian. Despite not being overly keen on her large pointy hat her fellow astrologians tend to wear, she only equips it within the cold reaches of Coerthas. Fingerless gloves is another thing she only seems to wear when the cold gets to her. But if one may find her outside her job's attire, she could easily pass for your typical tavern wench. A simply dress, leather corset and a smile to go with it all, she blends in as easily between a crowd of elezen commoners.


A far cry from a quiet wallflower, Virella seems to boast with self confidence. From the often spotted cheeky smile upon her lips, to the ways she walks, she almost seems to dare people to take an issue with her outgoing personality, especially within the reaches of Ishgard. Being far from shy around the other sex, Virella seems to revel in the attention of elezen men, and rumour has it her behaviour around them often ends up in what is borderline acceptable within Ishgardian society; and even worse when to be found outside Coerthas or Ishgard.

But this all is of course when one were to meet her in a situation it would allow her to behave as such. When she is on duty, whether it is star gazing, making calculation or doing anything else what requires her attention as an astrologian, she's drop dead serious, and far from easily swayed from the tasks bestowed upon her.

Despite not being overly keen on other races and nations as a whole, she tries to judge people onto an individual base. Her curious nature often gets the best of her in any case, and in the end race, nation and gender seems to matter little to her while she tries to pry as many things from people's lips. Although while being very laid back, especially so for one with Ishgardian roots, insults directed to the Church, Archbishop or Halone are met with everything but kindness. She has the tendency to be overly zealous, like many other from her city-state, and would defend her people's ways with her dying breath.

Overall she is a very pleasant elezen to be around, always eager to strike up a conversation, whether it to be a serious one, or just mindless chatter. Politics, however, are best left out.


Born to an Ishgardian knight, Ferdinant Douront, and a lord´s bastard, Alessa Lescieux, Virella ended up being the third child out of five gifted to the happy couple. Blessed with a relative easy childhood, Virella didn't saw many struggles. Her family, as if blessed by Halone herself, had seen little in the way of losses to the Dravanian Horde.

Virella stood out like a sore thumb compared to her siblings. Her sisters mostly interested in typical girly nonsense, her brothers more so in hitting one another with wooden swords, Virella ended up sticking her nose between the books her parents provided.

Her parents saw the potential from an early age within their young daughter, and eventually had her whisked away to the towers of the astrologians. As expected the young girl became obsessed with their craft. Once she had reached a suitable age, she started to study underneath the strict gaze of the Observatorium. It was there that she met Francis Falcke, the two became the best of friends. This all ended though when Francis' family got exiled, yet it didn't sway Virella from her path to become an astrologian. In fact it only caused her to work harder after she had lost her closest friend. At the same she entered her first relationship; her and Alueaux Dunant used to be very close, however, this ended when he saw their relationship as a thorn in his side, breaking off the relationship and focused upon his path as a dragoon entirely.

A plantpot and a year later, she found herself absolutely smitten by a young temple knight, Geralt Bellevieux. From the moment they met the two were nearly inseparable, spending every waking moment together if not split apart due to duties. Plans of marriage were being made but sadly enough the young knight saw himself fall before the Dravanian Horde before they were given the chance to go trough the bonding ceremony.

In the meanwhile, her brothers managed to get conscripted within the army of the Holy See, one eventually ending up as a knight, the other a dragoon. One sister became an inquisitor, whereas the other devoted herself to her husband and motherhood.

As for Virella herself, the young girl eventually turned into an astrologian in her own right, following the teachings of Halone by heart and serving the Holy See devoutly like so many others from Ishgardian soil.



Ishgard's culture
The Holy See
The Fury's teachings
Eating apples


The Dravanian Horde
Iceheart's heretics
People who speak ill of Ishgard
Unclear skies
The desert
The Elementals
Au ra
The Orthodox Church


Alignment: Lawful Evil
Favourite Food: Apples
Favourite Drink: Wine
Favourite Place: Ishgard & Coerthas
Hobby: Reading
Vices: Wildwood men, vanity, blind trust in Ishgardians


Crush Sexual Desire In love with In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Domri Blackblade – An Ala Mhigian mercenary she literally stumbled into. Ever since the two met, they have been spending a lot of time in one another's presence, despite Virella's bigotry regarding all things non-Ishgardian, and the arguments coming with that (what they both have no qualms with doing this in the open) - he appears to be handling her idiocy well compared to most, at least when they are together in private. Despite their futile attempts of trying to keep it a private affair, most people who've stayed longer then five minutes around the two figured out their relationship quite easily.
Alueaux Dunant - Once she and the Dragoon were in a most passionate relationship - this was until he decided the relationship became a distraction to his duty to Ishgard as a dragoon. Recently the two have set aside their differences, and seek to better their volatile relationship.
Enla Kertuh - While these two should hadn't get along by any means, oddly enough Virella speaks more openly and honestly with the woman than any other soul to be found up Eorzea.
Aldaric Travenchet - Another Ishgardian she happened to meet within her time in Limsa. Although after realising some of the rumours surrounding him she appears to be somewhat more reserved around him.
Katriane Hiver - An old friend from back at the Observatorium. The two Ishgardians get along very well, and are prone onto plotting and drinking together.
Caellane Graveless – After spending some time here and there with Cael, Virella found out Cael is one of the most reliable people to be found onto Eorzea. Oddly enough she finds herself to be quite protective over the young woman.


Adun Greystone - More prone to deny that she has a son with the highlander she loves, many of their close friends know of the halfbreed's existence.
Yvaine Lescieux - A cousin on her mother's side, and a fellow astrologian at that. Just like any member of her family, she keeps her close to heart.


Barengar Armsbreaker - One of the few hyur from outside Ishgard Virella gets along with. Always having enjoyed speaking with the man before, he gained her respect by coming up to Coerthas and aid the Ishgardians in their Crusade, despite knowing gil is the factor what lured him up north in the first place.
Nicholas Graveshire - Still she doesn't know much about this man, yet he has proven to be pleasant company, and appears to be reliable in times of need.
Camille Everardi - A midlander she met trough Domri. She is not quite certain why Domri persists onto calling her kin despite not being blood related at all; however she has accepted that Camille is an important person in Domri's life, and does find her pleasant company to be around.
Kiera Hawkeye - After spending a bit of time with Kiera when she was residing with Barengar at Domri's house, Virella gained some respect for her. And she likes her cookies.
Kolyat Dotharl - Meeting the stranger within Ishgard, he came to her to ask about Francis. It turned out he was seeking vengeance for what turmoil Francis had caused within Doman, however thanks to Domri and Virella has quest has ended.
Guiscard Vinsoix - A family friend to the Douront's and Lescieux' both.
Khyran Oisin - A strange, scrawny man who she met with after Virella catching wind of a few rumours. She finds him very strange, seeing absolutely no threat in the man due to his appearance and behaviour, but finding him interesting all at the same time.
X'ireth Rheema - Kolyat's companion. She finds her strange, and somewhat rude for awkwardly sitting there and remaining silent.
Brianna Dunham † - Even after Brianna's death, Virella still does not feel a shred of compassion towards the woman due to her connection with a heretic, who ultimately led her to her death.
Kaguya Nightsong - The first au ra she had the pleasure of meeting. Finding her strange, alien and still in doubt if she isn't some Dravanian creature, she keeps the woman at arms length despite her living in the same house as Domri.

Enemies & Rivals

Matthrian Gothmyr - After finding out about being exiled from Ishgard, branded a heretic, she has little love for the man. Due to a chain of unfortunate events, Virella's brother, Leodaire Douront, saw himself slain by the Dragoon, leaving Virella in a very, very bitter state.
Francis Falcke † - Once meant to become an astrologian like herself, the midlander's family got themselves exiled before his teachings finished. Despite Ishgard's habit of punishing relatives of supposed heretics, Virella never agreed with this. Till this very day she considers her childhood friend as one of the closest; however as all good things come to end, so did their friendship as Francis saw himself seduced by the Dravanian Horde and drove his dagger trough her midriff, shattering all trust and love Virella held for the man.
Lucaell Tareth'eian - A musician she met in Ul'dah. She finds her ignorant child who spits onto Ishgard's ways; it appears Virella is just waiting for the moment to accuse her of heresy if they were ever to meet in Ishgard again.


Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

"Talented Astrologer that one."
"Pure as Peridot she claims, well let me tell you, if there is any woman who insults the saying it would be Douront."
"Temple knight got her with child, or so the rumours go."
"An amusing sight when she's drunk, if you don't count that one time she fell off the table she was dancing onto!"
"Never seen without that Ala Mhigan pet of hers. Such a shameful display that an astrologer like herself degraded herself to consort with such a savage being."
"One of the Douront's ey? Pleasant lot to be around."

Uncommon Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"I heard this particular rumour that the child that she's carrying is of that Ala Mhigan beast of hers. May Halone have mercy upon their souls."
"Skipped out on her Thaumaturge trails on purpose- or wait, didn't she get stabbed by that heretic? Aye that was the reason, I remember now."
"Alessa's children may have blue blood running trough their veins like herself, but there is nothing noble about them."
"Appears to have lost that Highlander of hers. Probably took a run for it as soon he figured out they couldn't hide their indiscretion any longer."
"Her mother was a bastard, and now she is having one of her self. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh?"

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

"Woman's cursed. All her lovers left her or died on her. Stay away from her I tell ye."

Player Character Rumours

"She reminded me of a wounded chocobo. I want her to be the heroine of my next ballad." - Lucaell Tareth'eian
"One part snark and two parts pride, if I had ta make a guess, which is mighty progressive for a Frosty. She's smart though, wouldn't even consider measurin' her short." - Barengar Armsbreaker

Footnotes & Roleplay

Mostly of the time when I am online I am available for roleplay! - However keep in mind that Virella is mostly to be found in Coerthas, Ishgard and areas of interest to Ishgardians, and rarely outside that; of course exceptions can be made if needed, but do not expect her to be outside Ishgard often, so keep that in mind if you wish to roleplay with me.

I'm up for most sort of roleplay, however things who may have a lasting negative impact on her psychically or mentally, please discuss those with me ooc first.

Virella is not an easy woman, and unlike many Ishgardian roleplayers who prefer a more friendly approach, Virella is terribly defensive about Ishgard; I will absolutely take no offence if your character gets annoyed, angry or upset with her.

And I kindly ask you to keep in mind while Virella may be hard to get along with (for non-Ishgardians) and has skewed views, that I'm not her!
