Difference between revisions of "Tahla'li Tayuun"

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Line 14: Line 14:
| stat_2_value = Homosexual
| stat_2_value = Homosexual
| stat_3 = Occupation
| stat_3 = Occupation
| stat_3_value = Vagabond
| stat_3_value = Novitiate Thaumaturge
| stat_4 = Guardian
| stat_4 = Guardian
| stat_4_value = Oschon, the Wanderer
| stat_4_value = Nald, god of Life
| stat_5 = Namesday
| stat_5 = Namesday
| stat_5_value = 9th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
| stat_5_value = 9th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon

Revision as of 02:42, 21 January 2014

Ul'dah-transparent.png Tahla’li Tayuun
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 20
Sexuality Homosexual
Occupation Novitiate Thaumaturge
Guardian Nald, god of Life
Namesday 9th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
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Tahla’li Tayuun, a young Keeper miqo’te with very little obvious direction in life. For the past year, most of his time has been split between hunting, cooking, and camping, but it’s been an admittedly boring existence. Hoping to find some sort of excitement, he decided to start visiting the Gridanian outposts around the Black Shroud. On his first visit to Buscarron's Druthers, he found it.


Tahla’li has never been seen to wear anything but earth tones and practical leathers. And, being almost constantly on the move, he usually carries a pack or three and a bedroll on his back with his bow and quiver. Had he any money, he’d probably change his attire in a heartbeat, but it remains quite apparent that he hardly has any coin to his name.


Boisterous, brash, bratty, all words that could be used to describe Tahla’li’s usual temperament. On rare occasions he might be seen to be almost pensive, but immediately upon learning he has company, he’s back to his usual self.

~Elaboration will come after more RP~


Having been trained as a hunter since his youth, Tahla’li prefers ambush tactics and attacking from a distance with his bow. On rare occasions, when an enemy is particularly troublesome or hated, he will literally start spitting fire.

~Elaboration will come after more RP~



Red Meat
His Bow
The Moon


Bossy Females
The Sun




Favourite Food/Drink: Antelope/sweet mead
Favourite Place: Wrapped up in a fur blanket
Favorite Weather: Clear nights
Favorite Season: Late autumn
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Scents: Pastries, cocoa, evergreens


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

Rhesh'ir Zhwan – Tahla’li seems to have known this miqo’te for quite some time— he’s likely had a crush on him for just as long. For his part, Resh’ir only views him as a sort of younger brother. Though he's tried to accept this, his infatuation persists.
Y'lyfriel Sikah – Though rather slow to warm to her, Tahla’li seems to count Y’lyfriel as a friend. He’s even gone so far as to give her pointers in her archery lessons from Resh’ir.Over time, their bond has only grown, and it seems likely Tahla'li will be getting lessons of his own.
X'linwh Tia – Tahla'li doesn't exactly know what to think of Lin anymore.
Onuma Ahntifi – Though their first meeting was rather rocky (the words poacher and spy were bandied), Tahla'li has seemed to warm to her. At least slightly.
Lotan'to Jiub – Tahla'li doesn't quite know what to think of this moonkeeper. With so few words shared between them, Tahla'li has no impression positive or negative.
Rah'na Lihzeh – Happy to have finally met another male keeper that is attracted to other males (having gone for some time suspecting that he was the only one), Tahla'li spends quite a lot of his time with Rah'na.
Kodaro Ba'rococo – Although their acquaintance has only actualized anew, this oddly alliterative sunseeker has been accounted among Tahla'li's most agreeable associates.
Dawson Colwell – Tahla'li often refers to Dawson as the only Gridanian he likes. Considering how much he hates Gridania, that's saying quite a lot. Though the conjurer spends quite a lot of time getting himself lost in the wilderness, Tahla'li enjoys what time he gets to spend with him, being frustrated by and grateful for his sometimes cryptic advice.
Surilian Blu – Like many other female miqo'te, Tahla'li initially greeted Suri with suspicion. This, however, quickly dissolved away as soon as her hapless nature was made clear. He now views her as a friend, and despite her tendency to show up randomly without his knowing, he typically enjoys his time around her. That said, following a conversation with Resh'ir, he's agreed to help keep an eye on her...

Enemies & Rivals

None yet

Easily Overheard Rumours
"He is a little poacher! Has no respect for the lives he takes! And the leather and furs he tries to sell are amateurish." - Gridanian Merchant
"Boastful, annoying little brat." - Tavern Patron
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"Little guy? Red hair? Carries a bow? Yeh, I know o’him. S’got a thing for another miqo’te what comes around here. Thing is, th’other miqo’te’s another guy." - Regular at Buscarron's Druthers
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"He’s an embarrassment. After the third failed engagement, his mother had to look- outside- the tribe for a girl that would take him, but he ruined that too." - Member of the Molkoh Tribe
Player Character Rumours
"Like a boy trapped in a man's body, but still miqo'te. Still a Moonkeeper, through and through." - Y’lyfriel Sikah
"... He is bound to learn hard facts of life. But it will not be from me." - Resh'ir Zhwan
"He's a ball of fire, ready to burn up at a moment's notice. He's got a hard life ahead of him." - Dawson Colwell
"Tahla'li was the cutest grouch! But now hes just the cutest. Did you know when you pounce on him, his pretty eyes dilate funny and he makes the cutest GAH sounds!" - Surilian Blu


Originally from the Molkoh tribe, Tahla’li left less than one year ago with the intention to never return. His exact motivations for doing so seem to have something to do with being his mother’s third son and his refusal to allow himself to be married off.


Theme Song: TBD

Alignment: Chaotic Good