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Revision as of 14:16, 2 March 2019

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Dante Redstone
"Im the smartest idiot you'll ever meet."
Dante Redstone
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander (Father is Highlander, Mother is Midlander)
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Place of Birth Aboard the Xiaah uv dra Cxiymm on the Sea of Jade
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Nameday 5th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Age 27 Cycles
Marital Status Married to Fayne Firestar
Occupation FC Leader


Dante Redstone was born on a ship called Xiaah uv dra Cxiymm (Queen of the Squall) in the middle of the Sea of Jade. His family, a group of Al Bhed sailors, owns a fleet of cargo ships that transport goods between varying nations. At the age of 19 he left his family and accidentally ended up in Vesper Bay after a week at sea. He has since formed alliances with various groups and become the leader of his own Free Company, Blade and Tonic, and become the Captain of his own airship, The Crimson Harlot.

Where the Hyur is normally a very nonchalant and easy going person that just likes to goof around and have a good time, but he can be extremely stubborn and hard headed when it comes to things he’s passionate about. He also hates seeing people upset or depressed and will go out of his way to try and cheer them up or help them in any way that he can. His natural ‘fix everything’ attitude has gotten him in more than his fair share of trouble. Though even when things feel bleak Dante will try and find a way to put a positive spin on things to brighten things up. Despite his childish and silly demeanor, he knows when to put his foot down and be serious, which can be off putting to people who are used to the former.

The airship captain married a woman named Fayne Firestar and has also become the proud father of two children, a little girl named Ruby and boy name Sapphire. After an incident involving the primal Alexander Dante has chosen to step back from his normal reckless adventures and has taken to handling the business side of his free company and delegating tasks to his employees. Where he enjoys being able to spend time with his kids he sometimes misses the life of adventures he once had.


Dante has a toned physique and sun kissed skin from his various activities including sailing, smithing, and adventuring. He has various enchanted ink tattoos, most notably the tribal designs on his cheeks, that help improve many of his physical attributes and his ability to use magic. There are various nicks and scars across his skin, though the most notable one is the scar across his face. He typically dresses comfortably, wearing a tunic with a pair of shorts and jack boots with his signature ‘captain’s coat’. He will occasionally wear doublets and trousers to mix things up. Dante likes to consider himself as fashionable when the occasion calls for it and he also likes to dress the part for various activities. I.e. if he’s hunting with a tribe he will dress in their garb or if he is going to a formal event he will dress in a tux.

When it comes to combat Dante much prefers light/medium armor to heavy plate to be able to stay agile yet still protected. He also doesn’t like large shields since he feels they weigh him down.

Height: 5 fulms 10 ilms
Weight: 205 ponz
Complexion: Tanned skin from sailing, various scars.
Hair: Very dark brown with Red highlights
Eyes: Green with swirled pupils (Al Bhed eyes)
Particular Traits: Enchanted ink tattoos on his cheeks, a scar across his face.
Voice: Slightly deep with a bit of rasp. Pitch gets higher when excited/happy
Clothing style: Varies on occasion


Dante is an open minded and adaptive individual. When he was younger he enjoyed going out to bars, taverns, and brothels to enjoy the company of others, though since he has gotten older and become a father he’s grown to appreciate more intimate settings. Having a glass of Blackbelly whiskey and a cigar with a friend is much more appealing to him now than going out and getting rowdy at a tavern.

He is very open and welcoming of others which are both his biggest strength and weakness. He’s quick to adapt to others personalities as a way to familiarize himself with them as well as gain a level of comfort and trust with them. Though when seeking the best in people, he’s quick to try and dismiss faults as a way of saving the relationship even if it can prove to later be destructive.

Over the years Dante has had many partners and is known to be rather lewd in nature, especially after years of doing art for courtesans in both Limsa Lominsa and Ul’dah. Luckily his wife shares his promiscuous nature and where they are both very loyal to each other their semi-open relationship allows them both to seek out their more carnal desires without fear of jealousy or lack of trust.

Despite his lustful and nonchalant nature he is still extremely family oriented and no matter what, his wife and kids will always come first.


Fayne Firestar
Ruby Redstone
Sapphire Redstone
Smoking Cigars
Strong Confident People


Being Stagnant
Cold Weather
Bland Food
People who are timid and insecure


Colors: Red, Black, Gold, White
Foods: Dzo Steak, Button Mushroom Saute, Salmon muffin, Sushi, Curry, Rolanberry Cheesecake
Drinks: Rolanberry Lassi, Grape Juice, Orange Juice, O'Ghomorran Mead, Blackbelly Whiskey, Crimson Cider
Places: Costa Del Sol


Designing Armor and Weapons
(Air)Ship Construction and Repair
Building Computers
Studying Thaumaturgy and Conjury


Hyper Focused


Easily Distracted
Loss of Motivation
Unintentionally Belittling/Insulting


What will happen to his family when he dies
Losing his family
Being alone
Being eaten by giant sea creatures


Various forms of Combat
Playing Guitar


Kinesthetic Learner
Bilingual (Al Bhed and Eorzean common)
Studied both Thaumaturgy and Conjury under his mother's teaching
Trained In Smithing while working for The Celestial Forge
Began studying Airship technology after stealing blueprints from a Garlean Castrum
Grew up learning sailing, construction, and engineering from his dad and the ship crew.
Trained with Hirilonde and Isilme Turuphant in gladiatorial combat
Studied Voidsent as a way to combat them and help prevent their influence.


"Seeing is believing" perspective
May unknowingly possess a form of the echo due to not being tempered by primals
After dealing with various primals and even traveling through the dreamscape to deal with Voidsent, Dante is highly unsure if there are actual gods, though he does believe that upon death some souls return to the lifestream and some can become crystallized Soul Stones.



Krieg has been with Dante ever since he was a young boy. He found him during a cargo delivery in Kugane hiding in the dock yard and scavenging food. He snuck the kit aboard the ship and even as a young boy his stubborn nature refused to give him up when his parent found out.


Nickname Butters
Leopold was given to Dante when he first began contracting work with the Eorzean Alliance. He has proven to be more than a loyal companion on a number of occasions and still goes with Dante on almost every job.


Vnaatus means Freedom in Al Bhed
Dante found Vnaatus captured in a bear trap set out by poachers in Coerthas. He had been stuck there for days both injured and starving in the cold snow. Dante immediately freed him and tended to his wounds as best he could, bringing him back to the stables for safe keeping. After eating several of the stable's chocobos and causing a huge ruckus he was finally set free and Dante thought he'd never see him again. Though to his surprise the gryphon continued to show up and seemed to be following Dante. Dante accepted the companionship of the gryphon and fashioned a whistle to be able to call him whenever he needs him.


PC stands for Precious Cargo
While transporting food and goods from the Dravanian Forelands to Limsa Lominsa Dante heard the sounds of something plundering and munching on food in the cargo bay of his airship. Dante began to follow the noise through the crates only to find one labeled as 'Precious Cargo' with a hole in the side. Inside was a bunch of broken pots as well as a Red Panda covered in peanut butter. Where Dante wanted to be furious at the creature, he couldnt help by have his heart melt at the sight and immediately adopted the little mischief maker. PC almost never leaves Dante's side since Dante is the provider of treats.



Nicknames Dampe
Current Residence The Blade and Tonic free company house. (Goblet Ward 2, Plot 12) And his personal home (Mist Ward 13, Plot 11)


Aesthetic link
Inspiration link
Music link


Links to off site stories


Over the years Dante has shown quite a knack for picking skills of all kind. Wether it be combat, magic, or general life skills, he is usually able to get a pretty solid grasp on most tasks he attempts. Though with spreading himself so thin he is very much a "Jack of all trades, master of none" with the exception of a select few that he has truly poured his soul into mastering.


Greatsword (Expert)
Sword and Shield (Skilled)
Daggers (Skilled)
Katana (Skilled)
Bow and Arrows (Novice)
Guns (Skilled)
Lance/staff (Novice)
Fist (Novice)


Thaumaturgy (Skilled)
Conjury (Skilled)
Arcany (Beginner)
Blue Magic (Novice)



Dante grew up being trained by his father in a 2 handed sword fighting style. Where Dante lacks the 'Dark' aspect of a Dark Knight he does still seek justice for those who have been wronged by the corrupt. He actively uses thaumturgy while wielding his sword and sees his personal fighting style as a dance of both blade and elements.



Growing up on a ship Dante had to learn how to properly defend himself in close quarters that fighting with a great sword just wasnt feasible. He's surprisingly agile and skilled with twin blades and chooses to use them when on stealth missions. He has trained personally with Tuli Kha, a ninja within his free company, to better his skills.



A lot of Dante's Bardic kowledge comes from his personal interest in music and instruments. Where he is far from being an expert bard, he does like to show off his musical talents on occasion to help boost morale or gain favor. His skill with a bow isnt terrible either, though he's about as good with a bow as most foot soldiers.



Being an engineer, Dante has come to gain some skill with maufacturing both machines and computers. He uses a lot of this knowledge with helping build equipment for his free company, including small gadgets like prototype 'Tomephones' and large things like the airships his company uses. The guns he uses were actually crafted by his sister Dyna Redstone.



During Dante's time in Doma he chose to take some lessons with a katana. Where he mostly uses it informally, he has been show to have some level of skill with it. This may be due to it's two handed nature and it being significantly lighter than the great sword he is used to wielding.



Dante picked up using a sword and shield while training under Hirilonde Turuphant. His greatsword had been shattered in a fight against some bandits and he couldnt find a smith to properly repair it so he decided to learn what he could from the family that took him in. Dante prefers not to use a shield if he can since they weigh him down, but if he does its usually a small hoplon or kite shield. He has participated in a few matches in the Ul'dah coloseum as a gladiator.



While Dante trained with his father in martial combat, he trained with his mother in the ways of magic. He took a great liking to the art of thaumaturgy, particularly fire and lightning magic, actively using it in almost every fight he gets into. He hasnt delved much into forbidden Black Magic spells, but he has learned some from his dear friend Alia Bloodmoon.



Much like thaumaturgy, Dante learned quite a bit of conjury from his mother. He doesnt have quite the connection to conjury as he does with thaumaturgy, but he is capable of doing basic healing if needed. At least enough to keep someone alive long enough to get them to a proper conjurer or chirurgeon.



Dante spent many years trying to balance both black and white magic despite his mother telling him doing so could gravely injure him. One day it hit him so hard that he became bed ridden from pushing himself too much. He one day recently came across a woman dressed in red doing both effortlessly and with such finesse that he was struck with awe. After learning he needed a crystal medium to balance the magic for him instead of his own body he's been steadily experiment with it, though after getting so sick he's a bit hesitent to delve too into it.



Dante had always heard of the mysterious ways of blue magic and as soon as he learned there was someone willingly teaching people in thanalan he jumped for the opportunity. Dante's natural connection with animals and creatures has greatly served in his accelerated learning of these skills and he's eager to learn more.


Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that Dante has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what he has been up to.

  • Opponent Name (Date) : Weapon. Details about the fight.
  • Opponent Name (Date) : Weapon. Details about the fight.


Birth and childhood (0-10)
Stuff that happened.
Teen Years (10-16)
Stuff that happened.
Teen years (16-19)
Stuff that happened.
Stuff that happened.
A Time That Happened
Stuff that happened.
A Time That Happened
Stuff that happened.


A Time That Happened
Stuff that happened.
A Time that Happened
Stuff that happened.
A Time That happened
Stuff that happened.
A Time That Happened
Stuff that happened.
A Time That Happened
Stuff that happened.
A Time that happened
Stuff that happened.


💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Wants that person dead


Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that Fayne has interacted with enough or in such a way for her to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Fayne, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions! If you think there is a mistake, please message me!

Last Update... 2/14/18

* An asterisks denotes that Dante doesn't know the individual's true name.

Nel Turuphant, Ex-Forge Leader.
Dante’s Thoughts: "Insert Dante’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.

Isilme Turuphant, "Izzy"; Ex-Forge Leader.
Dante’s Thoughts: "Insert Dante’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.

Miya Sha, Ex-Forge Leader.
Dante’s Thoughts: "Insert Dante’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.

Dante’s Thoughts: "Insert Dante’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.

Tuli Kha. (💗)
Dante’s Thoughts: "Insert Dante’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.

Tessa Jalloh, "Tess"; Ex-Forge Leader.
Dante’s Thoughts: "Insert Dante’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.

Person's Name, nickname or alias. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Insert CHARACTER’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.

Person's Name, nickname or alias. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Insert CHARACTER’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

Person's Name, nickname or alias. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Insert CHARACTER’s quote here.."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to Dante. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "Rumor rumor rumor."-- Source.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "Rumor rumor rumor."-- Source.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "Rumor rumor rumor."-- Source.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • "The sexiest man alive." -- Fayne Firestar, not understanding what a rumor is.

  • "He just draws on his abs, they're not real." -- Dyna Redstone being a bratty little sister.

  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of Dante that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of Dante, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s), or drawn by me. Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


Info about RazPan or Dante himself.


Communication is very important. Communication is something very important to me. Weather it's just a fun little slice of life RP or a heavy hitting drama, please be sure to talk with me and I will talk with you about what's going on. I want to make sure everyone is okay with what is happening OOCly, and that no stress will come of anything.
OOC does not equal IC I have had enough drama in my life to know I don't want to confuse anything IC with OOC. Feelings, strain, conflict, anything that happens ICly with my characters does not equate to how I feel about you as a real person. This is why communication is so important.
I might be busy! As much as I try to stay on Discord as often as possible, I might actually be busy if I don't respond to you right away! If I am AFK in game, I might be cooking dinner, or doing some much needed chores. I might also be asleep. Please have patience with me, I will get back to you as soon as I am able!
I do more than just RP! If it wasn't obvious I do also do actual content. There might be times I am running dungeons or have plans to farm a thing for the sake of getting a new thing. I'm not afraid to have you along, but a lot of time my party is full (I have premades all over the place), so please ask and I can probably set something up with you if you ever want to do anything!
I want your friendship. Touching a bit back on OOC vs IC, I would rather be on good terms with you, than have to force our characters to like each other for the sake of liking each other. If you can't RP, I'm always down for headcannons and discussing new content/ideas.
Parts of my character's histories are intentionally left blank. Some of my character's backgrounds may intentionally be left undeveloped or even not there to leave room for growth. Should new ideas arise or anyone wish to be a part of my character's past, the openings are there to fill.


I don't get offended or super uncomfortable easily. I know I myself can get a little weird and uneasy to be around sometimes. So I'm going to show you a list of do's and dont's so you have a better understanding of what you're getting yourself into, and what not to ask of me (because I don't like some stuff, just like you).


Seriously injure someone without first talking about it. Going back to the communication thing, I need someone to talk to me first before making any kind of life altering decision is made. If you want me to stab, maim, any kind of NSFW, even possibly kill your character, or if you want to do anything of the sort to mine, please ask me first and we can discuss what will or wont happen as a result.
Take constant abuse. Having an antagonist is fine, but if it ever comes to a point where a supposed friend is doing nothing but hurting my characters or themselves on a constant basis just to have drama, I'm sorry but I'm out.
RP Smut. I'm sorry to those of you that I have RPed this with before, but I've run into far too many issues with it now that I just wont do it anymore, for personal reasons that I'd rather not get into right now.


RP darker themes. These aren't the most comfortable subjects, and I know it, and not everyone has to do them. But I will RP torture, rape, fights, drama. However please be patient with me. Sometimes it can be too much for me as a mun, and I need a second. It is not that I don't enjoy the RP, I just become too emotionally attached to my characters.
RP Relationships. This is actually something I thrive off right now. IC relationships give me something to RP at all times, or even have discussions and cute draw ideas! Even though I wont RP smut, there is no reason not to imply it. Things will just have to fade to black, so please be patient with me. This is not restricted to romantic relationships by the way! Platonic, and business relationships are also very welcome! So long as everything is understood as to what is IC and what is OOC, everything will be fine. Communicate with me.
Do Ingame, Discord, Tumblr RP! Where I most prefer to RP in Discord, a lot of contacts are going to come from in game, and I understand that! Please do feel free to walk-up or send me tells if you see me in game. Otherwise, please ask for my Discord or tumblr information, or let me know if there is some other platform you would rather me try!


Random Link... [WWW.URL.COM Link Text].
Random Link... [WWW.URL.COM Link Text].

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