Khalun Ejinn

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Khalun Ejinn
Wandering Astrologian

Name... Khalun
Age... 27
Birth... 11/16
Gender... โ™€
Height... 59 ilms
Weight... 93 ponz
Orientation... Bisexual
Marital... Taken
Deity... Azeyma, the Warden Azeyma
Residence... Limsa Lominsa
Occupation... Healer
Alignment... Neutral Good
Art by Leroy Murrand

Khalun is small and slight with a swimmer's body. Her natural hair color is a bright red, though it's often dyed depending on her mood. She carries a few unusual traits from the Ejinn tribe, including her mostly soft, leathery scales and a body that is almost hairless apart from her head. She also exhibits the more common auri trait of limnal rings around her iris, though they're an unusually dark shade of blue, giving her green eyes an odd tint in the right light.

Scars & Markings: She seems to collect freckles on her pale skin instead of tanning, despite all the time she spends outside. She has a large scar in the shape of a lopsided "X" on her back.

Voice: Khalun's voice is fairly high-pitched, but not grating. She has a unplaceable accent due to practicing the common tongue around travelers and merchants as a child. Thanks to her exceptional Ejinn lung capacity, she's a fairly competent singer despite lack of practice.

Clothing: Khalun tends to prefer bright colors and fashionable, feminine clothes. She loves the heat and will happily dress down for it, then bundles up at the slightest sign of a chilly breeze. Recently, after an extended trip to study in Sharlayan libraries, she came to adopt the style of clothing common there and still wears a rather dour and dark outfit of a collared robe, gloves, and long, thick boots.

Khalun is generally a bubbly, friendly young woman, though years of interaction with some less-than-honest individuals have prompted her develop a healthy amount of cynicism. Still, she remains eager to help where she can. Due to her upbringing in the nomadic Ejinn tribe, and her arrival in Eorzea only a few years ago, Khalun often has difficulty with Eorzean customs and conventions, and sometimes gets tripped up by slang or sayings.


  • Swimming
  • Warm weather
  • Fishing
  • Pretty clothes
  • Studying healing techniques


  • Snow
  • Being fooled
  • Ishgard
  • Ishgardian Astrologians
  • People being lewd at her sister


  • Being abandoned
  • Voidsent possession
  • Failure
  • Slimes/Puddings
  • Nicoletta Dalach's plans


  • Favorite Food: Any kind of fish or sweet
  • Favorite Drink: Doman Tea
  • Favorite Color: Blue
  • MBTI Type: ENFP


Khalun is a full-fledged Astrologian, currently studying the upper levels of astromancy. She took to healing magic easily, though she still struggles with the more metaphysical and fortune-telling aspects of the craft. In the interests of becoming a more holistic healer, Khalun also studies non-magical methods of healthcare and mending, which she is mostly competent at. Her biggest weakness is her nerves, which get to her when encountering unfamiliar situations.

Combat is not Khalun's strength, but she's not a complete pushover either. In addition to the few offensive astromany spells, she also knows some basic elemental spells and can wield daggers well enough that she's more of a danger to others than herself. She prefers to take up a supportive role, doling out shields and cards to better combatants at needed. Unfortunately, her luck isn't the best, and she often draws the worst card at the worst time.

As far as non-combat talents go, Khalun is an accomplished fisher. She's most proficient at spear fishing in shallow waters, but her ability at line-fishing is just as good as any Lominsan fisher. Part of her skill at spear fishing comes from her excellently lung capacity, a hereditary trait among the Ejinn tribe. She's a very skilled swimmer, using her long torso to glide through the water and her tail to help steer.

The Ejinn Tribe

Khalun was born into the Ejinn tribe with her exact parentage unknown. As was custom, children in the tribe were raised communally, with whoever was willing and able taking on the role of parents. As such, "tribe" and "family" were interchangeable. She was taught to swim (or at least float) before she could properly walk. The water, and being able to move through it and live off it, was the most important thing to the tribe. Their lives revolved around it. While nearly all Xaela tribes are nomadic to some extent, the Ejinn were one of the few that traveled mainly by water, and with limited aid from boats or rafts. This allowed the tribe to remain mostly untouched by conflict since chasing them was an exercise in futility for the larger, more violent tribes. They kept to the rivers of Othard and moved to small Doman islands as the seasons and currents changed. Their diet consisted primarily of fish and foraged plants. The Ejinn were extremely skilled at spear fishing and the best among them were the most influential in the tribe, aside from the elders. What they didn't eat of their catch, they would trade for whatever was immediately needed--no room for storing much in a tribe that let the waters carry them to their next destination.


Thanks to their frequent ventures into villages, mostly in Doma, to barter, the Ejinn were not as isolated from the ways of the rest of the world as many Xaela tribes were. Khalun learned the common tongue along with their native language, learned to read, and learned enough about various social customs to be able to interact with traders from the world over without too much awkwardness. Her interactions were rarely more than surface-deep, however, and she remained ignorant to many of the intricacies of relationships outside of what was effectively a commune. She would have no understanding of things like dating, marriage, or other familial structures for a very long time.

Khalun's place within the tribe was one of... well, mediocrity. She swam in the middle of the group. She cooked palatable meals. She met her fishing quotas. She was pretty, but other girls outshone her. The one thing that seemed to set her apart was her ability to tame and befriend animals... but it was hard to keep any in an aquatic tribe. While she didn't complain about her lot, as she knew it could be much worse, Khalun developed an itch to escape this "good enough" life. She felt it when she watched the best fishers praised, when the most beautiful girls got their pick of partners at every port, when the most talented would be called to entertain guests... This desire started to drive her away from her family, and as she grew into a young woman, she spent more time alone.

This came 'round to bite her on the tribe's last trip into Doman territory. Khalun was fishing much farther down the coast from the rest of her tribe, admiring some Garlean conscripts from a safe distance. When she went to reunite with the other Ejinn, she encountered a Garlean roadblock. With no way through, she decided to lay low and wait in hopes that the roadblock was only temporary. Unfortunately, it was not. As the days wore on, she became increasingly worried about her tribe. Why had they not sent a message for her? Were they unable? Had they been captured? Eventually, her anxieties spurred her to action. With the help of one of the conscripts she had been watching (or rather, stalking), they both made their escape just before Doma went up in flames. Crammed together on one of the many refugee boats bound for Ul'dah, Khalun wondered if she had abandoned her tribe... or if it had been the other way around. She had never been that important, after all...

A New Life in Eorzea

Like most of the refugees, Khalun and her conscripted miqo'te friend, Nadi'a, were denied aid from Ul'dah. But since the two were not unskilled, they made their own way in the desert city--Khalun with fishing, and Nadi'a with adventuring. After about a year and having attained a relatively stable life for themselves, they parted amicably due to differing paths. Nadi'a wished for more adventure and wanted to head out in the world. Khalun, knowing that as a non-combatant she couldn't follow him, returned to roaming coastal settlements and selling her catches. But oh, how she wanted to follow him. He was the only piece of her life across the sea that she had left, and she had developed a fondness... or rather, a crush on him.

Khalun kept returning to Ul'dah, hoping one day Nadi'a would too and she'd run into him again. But Ul'dah was entering a period of great unrest as tensions ran high with the refugees. One fateful night, she found herself caught up in a deadly riot, and only managed to escape thanks to a traveling astrologian. Though she knew neither their name nor their face, Khalun had been entranced by their magicks, and found herself motivated to learn more. She traveled all the way to Ishgard though she hated the cold and the way the Ishgardians stared at her horns and tail. In the Astrologicum Athenaeum, she found a warm welcome and, finally, something she was really good at.

Her life began to take a turn for the better. Even as she studied in Ishgard, Khalun still made frequent trips back to Ul'dah, just in case. She worked odd jobs in the city to pay for the long trips, and it was during one of these that she ran into her old friend once again. Overjoyed, she told him of her studies, of how they could adventure together now. Nadi'a cautioned her to take it slow, and introduced her to the Free Company he had lodging with. Khalun eagerly joined up upon learning that there was an accomplished healer staffing the clinic who she could study under.

Might & Magitek Estate

During her time with Might & Magitek, Khalun learned a great deal about the art of healing under Kiipa Nulstat, and was even promoted to manage the clinic when her teacher fell ill. She made many enduring friendships there, and even found family in another displaced Xaela. Sarantuya, or Sara, bonded over their shared experiences and tendency to be a bit airheaded... Sara moreso. Missing their own families, they decided to count each other as sisters. Khalun's relationship with Nadi'a also progressed... more-or-less. She attempted to "claim" him, according to the customs of her tribe where Ejinn would claim sexual exclusivity with a partner to avoid inbreeding. After much confusion on the miqo'te's end, the two agreed to become lovers.

For at time Khalun was the only astrologian at the company, and thus attracted some curiosity from others. Eager to introduce more people to her passion, she offered to teach the basics to a couple of friends. Little did they know, Sharlayan astrologians were monitoring Khalun and intended to make an example out of her and her would-be students to frighten the Astrologicum Athenaeum in Ishgard. Khalun was kidnapped from her room, and soon after Nadi'a and Khyra, his sister, found cryptic letters drawing them to the Coerthas Western Highlands. There, they found themselves players in the twisted game of an arrogant Sharlayan mage. He promised Khalun's freedom should they win, and the death of all three of them should he win. Day after day, as the torments of his games wore on them, the siblings hatched a plan with the help of a rather explosive member of the company and the aid of the Athenaeum's astrologians. The small army ambushed the Sharylan's in the snowy wastes and won a resounding victory, though the main masterminds managed to escape. Shaken by the incident, Khalun began training with Nadi'a to learn how to wield rogue's daggers, that she might be able to defend herself when her magic was of no use.


After over a year spent with her first Free Company, Khalun found she was starting to feel trapped. She had always been a nomad, and now she was very firmly tied down, constantly needed at the clinic to tend to the wounds of her fellows or to teach new healers. Realizing that this was not the life for her, or at least not yet, she parted ways with Might & Magitek, but remained in contact with the friends she'd made there. She left the company house in Ul'dah for an apartment on the beach in Limsa Lominsa, and relished in feeling the fresh sea breeze on her skin once again. She still had a home, but she would roam as she pleased.

Now free of her commitments as a company healer, Khalun decided to re-immerse herself in the study of astromancy. Her healing skills had improved, but if she intended to learn the most powerful spells of her craft, she had to go north once more, to Ishgard and even the Sharlayan library in the Dravanian Hinterlands. After a few months, she found her vacation interrupted by a cryptic message from her lover. It seemed Nadi'a's mission in Garlean territory had gone awry, and he required rescue. Khalun banded together with old friends and ventured forth...

Studying hard!

๐Ÿ’• Romantic Love
๐Ÿ’“ Desire
๐Ÿ’— Platonic Love
๐ŸŒŸ Best Friend
โญ Friend
๐Ÿ’” Former Friend
๐Ÿ’ผ Business
โŒ Hated
โ— Positive
โ— Negative
โ— Neutral
โ” Unsure

Family & Close Friends

Nadia icon.png
Nadi'a Lamore ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’“ ๐ŸŒŸ โ—

Khalun's lover, and currently, the only person she's known since before she came to Eorzea. Nadi'a loves to trick and tease, but he always comes through when it counts. Opposites in almost every way, the two of them are somehow making it work.
Sara icon.png
Sarantuya Avagnar ๐Ÿ’— ๐ŸŒŸ โ—
Soul of the Sword

Khalun's sister, by mutual declaration. Khalun tries her best to guide her somewhat gullible and airheaded little sister, while Sara is often the primary reason Khalun survives combat. Somehow they seem to get dumber when in proximity.

Friends & Acquaintances

Leroy icon.png
Leroy Murrand โญ โ—
Might & Magitek

Leroy was often the voice of reason in Might & Magitek while Khalun was there... until he got himself a pretty young girlfriend. Then, she found herself chasing out her most frequent "customer" in the clinic. She still respects him, but now she's aware of his perverted-old-man side.
Fhil icon.png
Fhilwyda Eyrihaerzwyn โญ โ—
Might & Magitek

A good-natured, if loud, Roe. While initially intimidated by her size, Khalun came to find her a reliable and earnest friend, though sometimes she takes her role of "protector" a little too seriously.
Mana icon.png
Mana Kami โญ โ—

They got off on the wrong foot... multiple times, but eventually the two of them moved past all the miscommunication and became friends. Somehow. Conversations are still risky because if there's a way to misinterpret something in the worst way, it's probably gonna happen with those two. Still, Khalun will always recognize Mana as a woman of principle.
Nicky icon.png
Nicoletta Dalach ๐Ÿ’“ ๐Ÿ’” โ—
Might & Magitek

After meeting in... poor circumstances, Khalun and Nicky later made up, agreeing that the first impression wasn't great (understatement) but that they could move past it. And they did... for a while. Like Nadi'a, Nicky was a trickster, but her tricks were cruel. Khalun has a lot of regrets about this girl.
Khyra icon.png
Khyra Luriihn โ—
Might & Magitek

Nadi'a's estranged sister. A source of jealousy for Khalun for both her chest and maturity despite being younger than the Xaela. Is she ever not pregnant?
Keim icon.png
Keimahl Sterrgeimwyn ๐Ÿ’ผ โ—
Might & Magitek

Gave Khalun free porn and life advice.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


โ—ข Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    โ–  "She's almost single-handedly funding my childrens' educations." -Ul'dahn Clothier
    โ–  "Scraped my knees on those damned barnacles and she fixed me right up" -Limsan fisherman
    โ–  "Does she not live here?" -Novice astrologian at the Athenaeum

โ—ข Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear.

    โ–  "She'll read your fortune for free, if you ask nice." -Ala Mhigan Refugee
    โ–  "Saw her pawing over some miqo'te boy the other night at the bar. Couldn't keep their hands off each other." -Drowning Wench Patron

โ—ข Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    โ–  "Of course I remember her. She'd spend the whole day diving for fish when were stuck at sea." -Doman Refugee


โ—ข Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    โ–  "I saw her levitate once... I think she really can fly and just doesn't tell anybody." Sarantuya Avagnar
    โ–  "Definitely somebody you'd want to be friends with. How she puts up with dating Nadi'a though, well, that's just a damned mystery." Fhilwyda Eyrihaerzwyn
    โ–  "insert quote here" name



Personal RP Limits

โ–  I will play pretty much anything as long as it makes sense for Khalun to be doing. Temporary injuries/effects and incapacitation lasting a day or less is fine.
โ–  Ask about any long-term effects, including injuries, marks, or curses. Also let me know if she's healing your character and you want it to go a certain way or want her to find something!
โ–  I won't play permanent character death or creepy/non-consensual sexual situations. I may bail on a scene if it gets uncomfortable but I'll give you a heads up OOC.
โ–  Please hit me up OOC if you think I hate you/I'm mad at you/I'm ignoring you/etc. It's probably an accident or a miscommunication. I try to be as considerate as I can in RP but I'm liable to miss or forget things especially if I'm tired. Maybe it'll feel uncomfortable to approach me about it but I promise it will be way less painless to rip off that bandaid and work things out than to stew on it.
โ–  CT (UTC - 6)
โ–  Often online in the evenings, otherwise it varies. I love schedules so if you want to catch me, just ask and we'll set something up.
โ–  Balmung

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would literally be trash.

โ–  Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
โ–  Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
โ–  Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
โ–  Tabs by Suen Shyu.
โ–  Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
โ–  Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.
โ–  Misc Fanciness Shoshopu Shopu

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

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