Leroy Murrand
Leroy Murrand was born on the 29th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon to two Hyur parents within the Coerthas Western Highlands, somewhat far from Ishgard. A Dragoon with considerable skill, Leroy left Ishgard on behest of his trainer, suggesting he take some leave after an incident with a previous dragon attack. He decided to agree to his trainer's counsel and left for the southern lands for a bit of sight seeing and relaxation. Upon meeting with the free company Might and Magitek, however, Leroy's plans to return home have diminished. He now takes up the job of a combat instructor within Might and Magitek, and is currently training several students on the path of lancing, and possibly Dragoonhood.
Leroy is a down to earth type of man: easygoing, considerate, and only firm when need be. He tends to casually wear his battle gear like a security blanket, and is rarely seen without his lance in hand. For the most part, he tends to keep his history to himself and most attempts to ask about his past are met with brick walls and refusals to answer. Regardless, he tries to make himself useful to those who need it.
- Race: Hyur
- Gender: Male
- Age: 47
- Orientation: Straight(?)
- Marital Status: Widower
- Height: 6 Fulms
- Weight: 162 ponze
- Guardian: Nophica
- Homeland: Coerthas Western Highlands
- Family: Janine, Natalie, and Crista Murrand
- Residence: The Goblet
- Free Company: Might & Magitek
- Grand Company: None
- Occupation: Dragoon Instructor
- Disciplines: Dragoon/Guard
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
((OOC Note: Pending.))
Leroy was born within Coerthas Western Highlands to a farmer couple, and was the eldest son out of three boys. Close to the township of Hemlock, Leroy helped his parents and two other brothers on their farm. He lived a fairly simple life, content with the idea that he would likely inherit his parent's land after their passing. Those plans changed, however, when he met his future companion and wife, Janine Sufrey: a local Elezen woman who had some family renown and wealth. After a year long courtship, they married just before the early spring and began their new life together.
Shortly after their marriage, Janine gave birth to two daughters in the span of two years: Crista and Natalie Murrand. Though welcome additions to their growing family, Leroy felt unease with their current living situation and desired higher pay within Ishgard's armies. Realizing that Dragoons were held in high regard and needed, Leroy decided to begin Dragoon training with an Elezen named Ambroise Viare. Leroy quickly learned that his trainer was arrogant and didn't particularly like his presence. Despite this, Leroy remained his student out of his fierce conviction to succeed. Through many trials, Leroy attained his Dragoon title and became a dragon slayer of Ishgard by completing his training, and was granted rank and minor status. As time went on, Leroy gained local reputation and some renown as his escapades became public knowledge. For a long while, life was good for the Murrand family.
But as with all things, the Calamity changed everything.
The Dreadwyrm's destruction in the southern lands of Eorzea caused chaotic weather for Western Coerthas in the form of unceasing snowfall and temperature change. Verdant ground became icy wasteland in a manner of hours..Leroy, away on a mission, could not return home to his family to help them relocate with the multitudes of other communities that desperately sought help. As a result from the panic and the sheer volume of refugees, Leroy's family was lost and unaccounted for within the safety of Isghard's walls. Their fates remained unknown to Leroy, and hope diminished as days, months, and years passed by with no evidence to their disappearance. He eventually accepted that the liklihood of their survival was slim to none: his family was gone.
Leroy fell into deep despair, resorting to heavy drinking and risky missions to deal with his grief. It was clear to a few that he needed help. Unexpectedly, Ambroise aided Leroy in returning to some semblance of functional, but Leroy remained distant and quiet. Life went on and he continued his duties as a Dragoon, moving to Ishgard proper and continuing his service for five years. Blinded by melancholy and refusing any real contact, Leroy still attempted some semblance of normalcy; when duty called, he answered, and when orders were given, he followed. During a routine training exercise, however, Leroy fell into a particular accident with an ambushing dragon, resulting in injury. Concerned, Ambroise thought it best for the Hyur to take some leave for a while, suggesting he explore lands he had never set foot in. Leroy agreed to the idea. Shortly after his recovery he left for the southern Eorzea.
Leroy's plans to return to Ishgard after his little vacation fell through upon meeting with the Ul'dah'n free company, Might and Magitek. Charmed by the people in it and intrigued at the prospect of losing many responsibilities, he decided to become a combat instructor for the company. He now trains a few a students, and helps on some contract work requiring his skills in offense.
Beyond his teaching job, Leroy rarely goes out to do much. He has few hobbies to distract his inner melancholy and tries to search for something to do aimlessly. He will typically ask his friends on what they're doing to pass the time, hoping that he might find himself intrigued to start something new. This process has done little for him in the past months.
He is currently interested in a woman named Katja Hoax, as their conversations veer to the incredibly flirtatious side.
In his older age, Leroy is a down to earth and considerate man. He always tries to treat people respectfully, regardless of their actions or their demeanor. In most social situations he veers toward the side of caution, and usually waits to see how the conversation is going before revealing his more playful side or serious side. He does not enjoy talking about himself, and if the conversation veers that way, he attempts to steer it back to a safer topic that doesn't put him in the spotlight.
Despite his general attitude, Leroy puts himself to a higher standard in private. He consistently believes himself to be a failure in one of the most important aspects of his life, and likely suffers from depression. He likes to think he is not at emotional risk, but his drinking habits show a rather unorganized and a pieced together man. At current, he is challenging these emotions, but is usually unsure of how to handle it all by himself.
Leroy is fairly unfamiliar with many aspects of Eorzea due to his life in Ishgard, and is usually confused at many of the customs of its' citizens. Though curious about it, he doesn't really make any effort to understand or really know how a particular culture works. He doesn't do this to be arrogant or condescending, but this behavior is likely due to his easy going nature of not wanting to 'rock the boat' and remain mostly in the background.
In most instances, Leroy becomes a focused fighter when introduced to a combat situation. Frivolity and silliness have no place for him on a battlefield, and his down to earth nature is shed and replaced by a battle hardened Dragoon who's only purpose is the goal. In most cases he will not try to take command, as he is not comfortable with that kind of role; however, he is a soldier and is comfortable at performing highly dangerous tasks.
- Memorabilia
- Cold Weather
- Sarcasm
- Armor and Weapons
- Blankets
- Booze
- Wife and Daughters
- His Chocobo, Natalie
- Cold Desserts
- Too much heat
- Dragons, give or take
- Bullies
- Tragedy
- Himself in many aspects
- Being called "Old"
- Being forced to tell his secrets
- People being taken advantage of
- Natalie (Chocobo)
- Favorite Food: Medium Rare Steak with Mashed Potatoes and Asparagus
- Favorite Drink: Anything that gets him sleeping at night
- Favorite Color: Deep Blues
- Favorite Place: His proposal spot to Janine
Leroy is tall, broad shouldered, and in generally good shape for his age, though there is some definite signs of aging. His dark brown hair is graying, and his face is showing quite a few wrinkles. Despite this, he still retains a handsome if unkempt image. His eyes are a very bright shade of blue, which can make his gaze a bit telling.
He isn't a flashy person, and his sense of style could be described as practical and protected. His Dragoon armor is what he commonly wears, but he can be seen wearing simple long sleeved shirts, slim pants, and long boots just as well.
Despite his appearance and thoughts on the situation, Leroy is actually a very good baby sitter and child caretaker. Though he would rarely (if ever) offer these services, his experience as a father greatly helps him easily adapt around younger folk. Along with this, Leroy is adept at teaching. He is patient and understanding of his student's weaknesses, and tries to bolster them into bettering their skills without sacrificing what makes them unique.
Leroy is an expert lancer and Dragoon, and is fully capable of defending himself and others from danger. Though he admits his age slows him down some, he continues to prove that he is more of an asset on the battlefield than a detriment. Though if handed another weapon other than a lance, Leroy would have considerable trouble fighting. If unarmed, he does know some hand to hand, but excels at dodging as a last defense. He tries to work as best as he can within a party, and tries to communicate what he is doing before heading into a plan head first.

✞ Deceased
Janine was Leroy's wife and life long companion. She mothered Leroy's daughters, Crista and Natalie. Leroy remembers her fondly, and if discussed upon, he expresses he was deeply in love with her.
✞ Deceased
The eldest daughter of the Murrand family, Leroy states that as of now, she would be 26. She was interested in the art of healing and seemed to have a strong connection to nature.
✞ Deceased
The youngest daughter of the Murrand family. She was a bit of a rebel, but still a good child in Leroy's eyes. She challenged other's opinions with fire in her eyes. Leroy claims she looked more like him than Janine.
Fhilwyda is one of Leroy's first friends in the southern lands, and by happy accident they have ended up working for the same free company. His relationship to her is a bit like a teasing uncle. He is currently training her to use a lance.
Leroy doesn't know Nadi'a that well, but his experiences with the Miqo'te have been good ones. He finds him pleasant, if a bit of a troublemaker. Nadi'a is also technically one of his students.
Leroy's neighbor within Might and Magitek. He finds her bubbly personality to be welcoming, and admires her studies into Astrology admirable.
A talented cook that Leroy has done a few favors for. Leroy appreciates his imagination and skill with the culinary arts. He does feed him, after all.
Leroy finds Katja to be an absolute delight to be around. Though their relationship is mostly unclear to him, he finds their flirtatious conversations to be a great distraction from his normal woes. Her company is always greatly appreciated and filled with sensual tension.
Common Rumors
Rare Rumors
✨ IC Frequency: If online, I'm usually willing to RP if I'm not doing roulettes and such. If you're not sure, feel free to send me a tell and I can tell you what the timeline looks like. I'm pretty easy to get a hold of that way. ✨ Character Injury: Pretty okay with injury! If it involves death though, I would like to know. Don't need him dying just yet ;) ✨ Elezen/Hyur Children: He has them. So. That's a thing?
✨ Player Info: US Player; MST ✨ Server: Balmung ✨ Free Company: Might & Magitek ✨ Wiki Templates: Fancy Character Template ; Modified by Suen Shyu and Khyra Luriihn |