Madoc Parnell

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GIVEN NAME. Madoc Parnell
AGE. 34
RACE. Au Ra, Xaela
OCCUPATION. Mercenary & Bartender
WEAPON OF CHOICE. Two-handed Weapons
BIRTH NAME. Madoc [Surname Unknown]
NAMEDAY. 28th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
TRIBE. Unknown
BIRTHPLACE. Western Steppes
FAMILY. Unknown
ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Neutral

Jackal & Hide - A salvage shop and doer of odd-jobs. Also runs a monthly bar event.
The Dreamer's Reprieve - A small inn where Madoc works part-time as a bartender.
The Rose of Iniquity - ???
The Rujaz'an - A ruthless group of sellswords from a lower point in Madoc's life.
Solaris Mercenary Corps. - Co-led with Istellia, a ragtag group of mercs based in Revenant's Toll.
La Noscea - Madoc's region of choice. He gets most of his work here, and it's where he lives.
The Goblet - He's picked up a job as a part-time barkeeper and bouncer at this location.
Basically Any Tavern - He loves to tavern-hop, testing the local ales and meeting new faces.

With his myriad scars, muscular stature, and decorated broken horn, Madoc can be a rather imposing-looking xaela. His tall posture is relaxed most times, moving with a confidence as if he owns whatever place he walks into. Almost always present is a smug little smirk, and a low, earthy chuckle often rumbles from him. His black eyes are much more observant than he first seems. He appears to be the laid-back sort and one with whom a good drink and story could be shared.
Simple leathers, furs, and cloth make up the majority of Madoc's everyday wear. Sometimes plated boots cover his legs and arms, but otherwise he's a man of simple means. His upper half is rarely covered, exposing his tanned skin and the diverse marks scattered across his well-built form.
Madoc has been chided on more than one occasion to put on a shirt, yet he stubbornly refuses. 'The abs need to breathe', he would claim with a little teasing grin. Lately he's been seen wearing a dark red coat, and this seems to be a compromise of sorts with whoever convinced him to wear it.
Many. Each one has a grand story that goes with it, or so he claims. Whether they are true or not, no one can say for certain, and even Madoc seems coy on the matter.
On his head, two small scars are etched below his left eye, cutting through the scales of his face. There are also a few small scars that jut past his hairline, unseen until it was shaved. His left horn is noticeably broken a good 3-4 ilms in the front and the back.
Various other scars litter his body, from the small ones on his neck and arms, to larger scars that run across his torso and lower back. These are all easy to see, as Madoc makes no attempt to hide them. Instead of shame, he seems quite proud of his collection.
Madocitem1.jpg"Vadriak" : Madoc's primary weapon, a large greataxe wrapped in chains for added weight, power, and intimidation factor. He inherited this monstrous weapon from his leader and father-figure, Wolf.
Madocitem4.jpg"Noboru" : This greatsword displays expert craftsmanship, often used when Madoc wishes for a (relatively) smaller blade. Within its interlocking parts are inscribed three symbols in Doman: te ma me.
Madocitem2.jpg"Malcontent" : Taken from Stanton's defeated corpse, this currently hangs on Madoc's wall instead of on his back. A malicious aura swirls around it, but Madoc thinks that just makes his prize more badass.
Madocitem3.jpgLinkpearls : Madoc has a lot of them, with a few hanging from his horn, yet he always seems to know exactly which one to touch.
Madocitem5.jpgLiquor : One can almost always find a leather-wrapped flask hanging from Madoc's waist. It's his number one way to occupy some empty time and break the ice.




Madoc 03.png



Istellia Montagne
One of Madoc's confidants, a shrewd and no-nonsense elezen whose love for paperwork never fails to make the xaela's eyes glaze over. They've gone through many successes and failures, and Istellia is one of the few people that Madoc would go to if he was in real trouble.

Though he hasn't heard from the woman in a while, he at least knows that she is well, thanks to her significant other, Temame Kajiya.
Temame Kajiya
Having known her for almost as long as Istellia, Madoc thinks rather highly of this raen. She's proven to be a trustworthy ally and friend, and he greatly enjoys getting to know her better. He has noted how she emulates him, and can't help but feel at least a little proud of what she's accomplished.

He recently ran into her at an inn in the Goblet, and the two hit it off again nicely. They've agreed to talk more often, and she has requested his advice on a rather curious matter.
A woman sometimes heard on Madoc's linkpearl, referred to only as "Red". Her relationship with the xaela is unknown, yet judging on how often he can be overheard seeking her advice, she seems to be someone on whom Madoc greatly confides.

Rumors lingered that "Red" had recently been residing in La Noscea, same as Madoc, but the xaela would merely shrug if asked.
Erica 'Milly' Mikhori
Madoc has a long-standing hesitance of this miqo'te, especially since within the first few seconds of their meeting, he discovered that she had used to magics to swap his body with Istellia's. And then took them through a deathtrap where Madoc wound up with a speech impediment, much to the glee to his teammates but ire of the au ra.

Since then, he has noticed her attempts to get at his good graces, and though he is willing to get along with her, it is not without an air of suspicion. Gifting him with a new hunting dagger was a good start though, and it earned herself a few brownie points.
Phi Atsuho
Madoc met this miqo'te at the Reprieve, and he soon discovered that she had drank one too many. She poked his horns; she fell asleep in his lap—they're basically best friends now.
Madoc met eyes and shared little eyebrow raises with Sehn, who visited the Reprieve one night. They seem to share similar interests: a love for physical strength, fighting flaming bears, and zoning out at the mention of paperwork. Madoc approves.
A songstress and storyteller who Madoc has met few times. There is an air of mystery about her that Madoc is eager to learn more about. She mistook him for someone else due to the rare appearance of his coat, and thus lack of abs, so he has sworn off the garment unless absolutely necessary.
A midlander hidden beneath a white mask and plated armor, Ruran hired Madoc's services for a rather uncharacteristic request: to keep distant watch over a family. Despite not being his typical line of work, the coin is good, and thus Madoc has kept his word. To Ruran's dismay, Madoc easily figured out the man's identity, but he remains quiet on the matter.
Hitsurugi (NPC, deceased)
A thorn in Temame's side. Madoc doesn't understand the details of his history with her, and he doesn't care to. Hitsurugi managed to shake Madoc's trust of Temame, which only kindled the xaela's ire all the more. He was not present when Hitsurugi was taken down, but he is pleased to hear it all the same.
Stanton (NPC, deceased)
One of the leaders of a rival group of mercenaries. Stanton caused nothing but danger and trouble for Madoc and the Solaris mercs, which led to an undying dislike of the man and a desire to see him defeated. Madoc fulfilled that desire by lopping off the head of the midlander in a final battle and taking his greatsword as a prize.
The Rujaz'an (Organization, deceased)
Madoc will speak very little concerning the Rujaz'an and his time in their ranks. With a sneer, the xaela would say that they have all rightly perished.

...I mean



I'm not looking to attach myself to one particular person; I want a wide spectrum of players and personalities! While I consider myself a heavy RPer, work and personal projects (as well as doing PvE dailies) keep me busy sometimes, so if you're looking for an RP partner with whom you can spend most of your time, I'm afraid I'm not for you. I'd still love to meet your character and develop a story, but possessiveness and jealousy are huge aversions for me.
Want to RP? All you have to do is mention it in my presence, and I will try to make plans. It's that easy, don't be shy!
If you're uncomfortable? Tell me; I will do the same for you. There is little that can happen in an RP that will make me squeamish, so long as it is OOCly consensual among all parties involved. I prefer my RP to be a little gritty and I ask that at least an attempt is made to be lore-consistent, but otherwise I am open for all kinds of RP.
All of my characters are located on the Balmung server. My timezone is EST/GMT-5, and I'm often online after 6pm Monday-Saturday, and Sundays I'm available all day. I also enjoy Skype/Discord RP, for those who have a busy schedules/time conflicts, enjoy para-posting, or want something laid-back that takes place over casual windows of time.
This character was originally active for RP in 2015, but he has since undergone a few retcons and changes, resulting in a 'reboot' of sorts. If you've met Madoc before, please let me know if you would like to be re-added!
The Hundred Blades is Madoc's aesthetic/IC tumblr. Asks/reblogs are placed here. May be slightly NSFW.
The Hand of Mercy is my main account, used for OOC reblogs/art, and general FFXIV content.

Ruran VasOrrian Servais

■ All art, unless otherwise specified, was drawn by Ruran Vas.
An amalgam of codes and ideas from several layouts. I don't know how far the rabbit hole this goes, but here's what I know!
■ Skeleton code was created by Bancroft Gairn
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera (now Jaliqai Qulaan)
■ Adapting the adaption and spinning pieces around by Ruran Vas
■ Headers by Atreus del Alumet (who is also Ruran Vas)
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu
■ Combat by Suen Shyu and some inspiration from Xeiz Feine
■ OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various credit to D'lyhhia Lhuil.
Thank you!