Dawson Colwell

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Gridania-transparent.png Dawson Colwell
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania
Age 33
Sexuality Bisexual (males preferred)
Occupation Botanist/Volunteer
Guardian Nophica, the Matron
Namesday 3rd Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
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Dawson is unmistakably Gridanian; his obsession with the forest and what it has to offer has colored his entire perspective on life. Above all, Dawson treasures nature and wisdom, and he strives to learn as much as he can from the land and the experiences of his tribemates. When he met Rhesh'ir, Y'lyfriel, Tahla'li, and X'linwh in the Shroud and decided to leave the forest for the first time, it was clear that Dawson's life would change dramatically. As he travels, he still thinks of home and longs to wander the forest again, but he is starting to see the joys of the world outside of the Shroud.


Dawson prefers simple robes and adornments; nothing flashy. He likes to traverse the wood barefoot so he can feel the earth beneath his feet, but sometimes he’ll put on sandals if the need is great. He is pretty unkempt from years of carefree outdoor living, but he has found that this matters little to most forest residents.


Dawson has experienced a great deal of love and loss in his life, and those events have granted him a sort of wisdom that defies his age. He is reflective, honest, and tries to see the deeper meaning in most things. However, his narrow view of the world up until now can sometimes seem alien and off-putting, depending on the subject. He is incredibly unsure of himself when placed in new and unmeasured situations.


Dawson has a good understanding of the aether around him and doesn’t hesitate to use his powers of healing and nature when the need arises.





Irreverence towards nature
Unreasonable rules
Small spaces
Thoughtless behavior


Gathering fruits and nuts
Tending to plants and trees
Practicing conjury
Raising animals


Favourite Food/Drink: Mulled wine, walnuts
Favourite Place: Beneath a shady tree
Favorite Weather: Clear nights
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Color: Dark brown
Favorite Scents: Earth, grass, baked bread


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

Y'lyfriel Sikah - Dawson knew as soon as he met Lyf that they would become good friends. She’s passionate about the tribe and works tirelessly to support them. He strives to be as generous as she is; he also longs to hear about what seems like a difficult past.
Tahla'li Tayuun - Dawson feels a sense of responsibility for Tahla'li now that he has become a fledgling thaumaturge. He spends a great deal of time with the mage to help encourage and oversee his growth. He's grown quite fond of Tahla'li during their stay in Ul'dah.
X'linwh Tia - Lin has the right kind of ferocity in Dawson's eyes. He's impulsive, but curious, which makes him a great student. Dawson wants to help Lin and Tahla'li resolve their conflicts, but he's not sure exactly how to do it.
Rhesh'ir Zhwan - Dawson has learned more and more about Rhesh'ir and it's only deepened his respect for the bard. He's experienced so much loss in his life, but despite all odds, Rhesh'ir manages to smile through it all. And what a smile it is.
Onuma Ahntifi - Onuma is a go-getter. Dawson admires her ability to tirelessly support Lotan'to as well as the rest of the tribe. He hopes to spend more time with her and learn from her seemingly endless experiences around Eorzea.
Lotan’to Jiub - He doesn’t know Lotan’to well, but he knows that the jokester and his mate are inseparable. He thinks of Lotan’to as the most capable warrior in the tribe.
Kodaro Ba'rococo - Kodaro is joyful and supportive, and Dawson admires the passion that he brings to his craft. It reminds him of when he began his own studies.
Rah'na Lihzeh - Dawson sees Rah'na as a kit to be taken care of, and fortunately, he's surrounded by a tribe of caring individuals. He hopes that Rah'na's lessons with Rhesh'ir will make him a skillful archer.
Surilian Blu - He's seen her dark side more than once and it scares him. He feels like he has a duty to protect the rest of the tribe from her.
U'dahsh'a Nunh - U'dahsh'a has proven to be an incredibly powerful ally against the Amalj'aa. Dawson sees him as incredibly passionate and loyal and hopes to spend more time with him one on one.
Sthalmoen Merlskyfwyn - Dawson wants to know Stahl better. Her aid in a serious time of need has demonstrated that she is loyal and trustworthy.

Enemies & Rivals

[Coming Soon]

Easily Overheard Rumours
"I’ve seen him wandering around. Nothing to worry about, other than the fact that he talks to himself a little too much." - Wood Wailer
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"He’s been living here forever. I used to see him a lot more right after the Calamity--he worked himself to the brink of death." - Hyrstmill Local
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"I heard he got in some serious trouble once. Not sure what he’d do wrong, though; he’s usually such a gentle fellow." - Innkeeper in Gridania
"I helped him bury each of his parents, the poor thing." - Hyrstmill resident
Player Character Rumours
"I haven't held a conversation with a hyur that actually made me think twice. Dawson is... Well, I didn't know such a gentle voice could deliver harsh words. I'll keep him around." - Rhesh’ir Zhwan
"Is he odd, or is he the epitome of the Gridanian? The conjurer? I don't understand an onze of it, only that, now, we both know what it is to leave one's home. He is a kind man, but I feel I'll never fully know him." - Y’lyfriel Sikah
" I find him strange, but that's not always a bad thing. You'd confuse him for a sage if he hadn't reminded you of his connection to the elements, physically or verbally. But I also think he's naive at times. Some of his beliefs just do not work in the world. At least, I don't think they do. Still, I'd rather prefer him to be as he is; true to himself." - Onuma Ahntifi
"Dawson always ran from me. Now I hardly ever see him, let alone smell him. It's a bit hard. Maybe if I make honey tea and put it in a box, I can trap him. Er...maybe not. He kinda scares me." - Surilian Blu
"That staff. When I get my hands on that stick. I'm going to shred it into slivers of wood. Then make him lay on it. See how that pompous windbag likes it. Then again he seems interesting to talk to. Perhaps I should attempt to...NAHHH" - Liana Blu


Dawson discovered the rest of his "tribe" when he witnessed Tahla'li hunting near the southern cave. After several visits, Dawson grew close to his new group of friends, and they spent their days hunting, fishing, and telling stories around the fire.

Several weeks passed; eventually, it was decided that they should travel south to Thanalan so that Lin could return to Ul'dah. After much hesitation, Dawson decided to leave his homeland and join them on their journey.



Theme Song: [1]

TV Tropes: The Seeker, Aloof Big Brother, Magical Minority Person, Spirit Advisor

Alignment: Neutral Good