Sasha Rochester

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Sasha Rochester
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 20
Height 5' 7" (170 cm)
Deity Azeyma, The Warden
Aligment True Neutral
Occupation Freelance Mage
Server Balmung
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Note: The information given here is very basic, as I don't want to risk people metagaming, if you're interested in more obscure aspects of her past, it's best to befriend her ICly.

Born in Ul'dah on the 1st Sun of the 5th Astral moon. Sasha Rochester is a young Hyur woman who comes from a wealthy background but has a tendency to hang around the less savory types. She's often walking aimlessly around the city, looking for answers and interesting people alike. She has cut ties with her family years ago, choosing to live a life of adventure and freedom instead. With a fascination with magic which is borderline unhealthy, she is a very knowledgeable sorcerer in all areas (Arcamina, Conjury, and Thaumaturgy.) However, due to a genetic condition, she's unable to rely on magic at all times, since aether has the potential of weakening or even killing her, this is why she sometimes relies on others to do her bidding.

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With a height of 5'7, Sasha is on the taller side for a Midlander, her body is slim but toned, with a medium frame, despite this, she seems to have been blessed with a chest size and hips she adores to flaunt. Her hair is light ashy brown with natural white highlights that seem to be inherited from her father's side, she always keeps it clean, but prefers to wear it long, loosely and comfortably. She has forest-green eyes, framed by dark, thick eyelashes. Her nose is slim and classical, her face is small and delicate, and her lips are plump and naturally reddish in hue. Sasha is flawless in the sense that she never had any scars or blemishes on her skin, evident from someone who never had to deal with bruising in her life. If she gets scars, they are very short lived, as she goes to great extents to heal them to the point they become invisible. The one thing that stands out is a white birth mark on her left cheekbone that runs down her father's line, however, it is hardly noticeable since she tends to conceal it with her hair. Considering her appearance to be one of her best features, she can be somewhat vain, and will go to great lengths to preserve her looks.

Always dressing impeccably and elegantly, Sasha dislikes anything that won't allow her to feel feminine and and comfortable. She usually wears dark colours, which contrast with her pale skin. She changes clothes very often, since it bothers her to wear the same outfit for too long. Delicate, feminine, and dark would be the way her style is described by most. Sasha also has a tendency to dress rather provocatively, but refrains from overdoing it, after all, she likes to look like a lady.

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Voice & Speech

Sasha's voice is smooth and warm, her tone is often seductive and inviting but it can change to sarcastic or cold in a second if she feels threatened or is generally in a bad mood. Her speech is often semi-formal, choosing to stick to vocabulary that would be comfortable for robbers and scholars alike, though it may vary depending on her company and what she is trying to achieve. She often speaks in metaphors, feeling deep appreciation for those who can follow her wits.


Though not much is known about Sasha due to her tendency to hide her true feelings and refusal to get too close to anyone, Sasha has a very flirty, friendly, composed, and charming demeanor. Often confusing people who seek to get closer to her when they meet her (true) aloof and distrusting nature. She rarely seems angry, upset, or sad. Always keeping a whimsical, witty, and sweet manner of dealing with strangers, she makes many friends, but none that are aware of her true nature. She desires to know as much as she wants from everyone and everything she can, but immediately backs away if someone makes the effort of getting to know her feelings. Sasha has no problem telling people about her thoughts and problems if they insist enough, but when someone asks about her emotions she becomes vague and defensive. She is, however, always willing to help others and dislikes seeing others suffer.

Sasha on a negative note can be quite manipulative, and uses the "damsel in distress" act to make herself look weak and vulnerable, so that others open up to her more easily and are thus more easy to control. She often plays victim and uses seduction as one of the many ways to bend others to her will. And while she doesn't lie, she hides a great part of the truth and plays dumb when confronted about it. Sasha does not like to resort to violence and often avoids conflict whenever she can, often preferring to battle others through wit and charm before drawing weapons. However, if weapons are drawn, she often relies on others to do the fighting for her, as she dislikes "to get her hands dirty". Ironically, she despises being called a "damsel in distress", and sees it as an insult.

Additionally, Sasha also seems to have very little to no patience for what she considers "stupidity" and will often act arrogantly and rudely sarcastic towards those she considers fools. Her demeanor can go from pleasant to haughty in a moment. This behavior also shows itself when she sees a situation spiraling out of her control. And the moment she loses respect for someone, she can come off as mean and often downright cruel.

Due to her relationship with her parents and Sebastian, Sasha always expects people to want to take advantage of her, and due to her submissive nature when it comes to those she cares about, she is usually walked over. She highly dislikes conflict despite her reckless nature, deeming conflict with other people as "unnecessary" and "exhausting".


Despite not openly talking about it, Sasha is rather religious and often goes to the Sanctum of the Twelve to pray, however, she seems very selective when it comes down to what gods she prays to, choosing to pray only to Thaliak and Azeyma (The god of knowledge and the goddess of Inquiry) before any of the others. When circumstances are dire, she may pray to some of the other gods depending on the situation. Recently, she has taken an interest in Ramuh, but hasn't acted upon it as of yet.


  • If she purses her lips, chances are she's withdrawing some information, measuring her words, or feeling embarrassed.
  • Under extreme anger, she becomes overly sarcastic and almost whimsical in demeanor. She will smile while cursing you to the seven hells in the loveliest manner possible.
  • Sasha is rather ticklish, but anyone who dares to test this will most likely regret it.
  • She can be pretty spoiled and loves being pampered, but will never admit it.

Positive & Negative traits

Positive traits

  • Polite
  • Intelligent
  • Kind
  • Curious
  • Charming
  • Composed
  • Cunning
  • Studious

Negative traits

  • Manipulative
  • Insensitive
  • Reckless
  • Self-destructive
  • Submissive
  • Arrogant
  • Cold
  • Vain
  • Irresponsible
  • Secretive
  • Distrusting
  • Sarcastic



Being fascinated by magic, Sasha is mainly a magic user. She always avoids conflict if she can, but she is by no means a weak fighter. Despite being very skilled with magic and powerful, her mana pool has a tendency to randomly drain itself (she has yet to figure out why) leaving her defenseless against anyone she could be fighting. She is also prone to having what she calls "aetherial bursts" where she becomes faint and weak when she is unable to control or block the aether around her, leaving her in a very fragile state, she's by no means physically weak, but she's is nowhere near a skilled fighter when faced with someone who has experience in the disciples of war.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Books
  • Magic
  • Polite & well-educated people
  • Sincere compliments
  • Helping others
  • Knowing just about everything
  • Exploring historical sites


  • Rude, obnoxious, and cruel people
  • Stupidity
  • When she puts other people in danger
  • False flattery
  • Insects of any sort
  • Caring about others
  • Looking weak or bad
  • Competition
  • Making mistakes

Family & Relationships (NPCs)

Being the only child, she was always overprotected and spoiled. Her family is cultured and wealthy, but not the type to be sentimental or emotionally-supportive. The Rochesters aren't very famous due to their overly-cautious nature and dislike for public appearances.

Emeryck Rochester (deceased)
Sasha's father, a wealthy merchant, known for bringing in foreign high quality materials from around Hydelyn into Eorzea. He's stern, polite, and cool-headed. concerned for his child's safety, he was the first one to oppose her pursuit in magic, and went to great lengths trying to keep Sasha from practicing magic. Seeing that marrying her off would bring in more money for the family, he decided to arrange angagement between her and Sebastian Castlebane. He recently passed, and made Sasha strongly reconsider their bond on his dying words. She'll never admit it, but despite their rough relationship, she mourned his death.

Catherine Rochester (deceased)
Sasha's mother. Lominsan by birth, she is another merchant, known for selling academic wares such as books, school-materials, and anything any guild or educational institution may need. Owner of one of the biggest libraries in Eorzea. She is described as being intelligent, diplomatic, and hard-working. However, Sasha's departure and Emeryck's death have profoundly scarred her, making her suffer both mentally and emotionally. --- WELP, SHE'S DEAD FOLKS!

Relationships (other RPCs)

  • Please note that the relationship standing may be subject to change as the story progresses. Also note that if your name isn't here and you feel it should be, please send me a /tell and I'll fix that.

Positive Standing

X'elo Maimhov
It's interesting how you can make friends in a place like the Quicksand, but one day, there was a very charming bard who happened to be sitting at a table when the rest were filled up, and that's when Sasha sat in front of him and they began to talk. At first, "Mr.Jello" struck her as irresponsible, frivolous, and weak, despite being kind. However, she realized she judged him poorly when he offered to escort her to Coerthas when she didn't have any body guards around. Seeing he was strong with a witty sense of humour to match, she grew to respect him and now considers him one of her closest friends. X'elo was there for her when circumstances were dire, and though he is capable of helping her, she often pushes him away in fear that he might get hurt. She, however, deeply cares about him, and she wouldn't think twice if she had to defend him. They used to be in a relationship, but Sasha decided to break it off after work became overwhelming for her.

Velenn Letourneaux
A charming masked Mi'qote that she decided to strike-up a conversation with, immediately, she felt drawn by his eloquence and the mystery that seemed to surround him. Velenn is someone she considers very much like herself, which is one of the reasons she initially had a hard time trusting him. However, they grew to become rather close in the light of recent events, mainly because he always stood by her side without being overly-protective of her and always reassured her that he would want to see her grow. Sasha profoundly cares about this man despite how little people seem to trust him. While she was drawn in by the initial mystery and thrill he offered, she stayed for his intelligence, strength, and determination. Since he saved her life in the past, she feels in debt with him and has even grown to love him. Unfortunately, after rescuing her, he never returned, and to this day, his whereabouts are unknown.

Lan Darklyn
The Martial Saint at Harbinger's of Dawn. Despite his very strict and serious demeanor, Sasha feels like he's the only leader within the free company she actually respects, choosing to obey his orders, and his orders only. He seems very protective of her like a father would be of his teenage daughter. Despite her deep appreciation for him, she believes that he is often blinded by his hatred towards certain groups of people.

Wolfskull Nortyrdaeg
Sasha's first ally and friend since she came back to Ul'dah. Looking for protection, she hired Wolfskull as a bodyguard in case anyone would want to attack her during one of her aetherial bursts. Proving to be more than an ally, a friend, they became quite close in a short time. Wolf is the force that keeps Sasha's feet on the ground, always telling her to be careful and to not do anything too reckless. Unfortunately, Wolf started to develop "feelings" for Sasha that were not reciprocated,leading them to have a split, at least until the flame of Wolf's heart burns out. However, they are still friends, and Wolf will fiercely protect her if she ever finds herself in danger.

Nakami Tenbe
A sweet Mi'qote girl that Sasha has considered one of her oldest friends in Ul'dah. Cheerful, kind, and always willing to help, Nakami has proven to be a fantastic ally, even when the times were dire. Their relationship was further improved when even during times where Kazuto and Sasha were at each other's throats, Nakami kept her feet on the ground and kept the situation from getting worse as well as being supportive. However, they are not as close as they were once, since Nakami betrayed her by selling information to Sebastian. Despite not disliking Nakami, Sasha no longer trusts her, and will probably take a long time to rebuild what she broke.

Stefan Delumiere
Though Sasha does not trust this man fully, she doesn't completely distrust him either. She is aware of his reputation across Ul'dah, but chooses to turn the other cheek. She never saw this dashing man commit any crime, and hence, she ignores his reputation. Though they both claim to be "associates" Sasha considers him a lot more than that, especially after he saved her life a couple of times, even when she saw he wouldn't benefit from risking it. Still, he has proven to be supportive of her so far, and unfortunately, Sasha begun to develop certain affections for him that she prefers to keep to herself. Stefan seems to go out of his way to help her, despite people's insistence that he's incredibly selfish. Sasha refers to him as her "wild card", someone she contacts as a last resource when circumstances are dire, while she does not trust him with her heart, she does trust him with her life.

Kuro Shimizu
Kuro was the second person Sasha made friends with after Wolf, when they were going to Gridania, she began a conversation with thisa dorable Mi'qote and grew quite fond of him. He'd always been nothing but sweet to her and others, with a true heart of gold, though Sasha believes he's far too kind and innocent for his own good. She respects his diligence, his wisdom, and his kindness, a person she would never bear to see get hurt.

Zeryr Roemeaux
It's difficult to talk to Zeryr due to his silent, broody, and cold demeanor. But when Sasha was looking for a new bodyguard to hire, he seemed like the perfect kind. Despite his cold approach to people, he has proven to be one of the most responsible, down-to-earth and honest people she knows. Finding a few things in common, it was difficult for Sasha to simply hire him once, and has ever since hired him for a couple of missions, even when he warned her they were stupidly reckless, he did not allow her to go alone. Sasha respects this man greatly, and despite their relationship progressing slowly, they seem to get closer by the day... Or seemed to, until they both started distancing themselves from each other.

William Harrowton
Having a soft spot for gentle, shy, and sweet people. Sasha immediately was drawn to this adorable Mi'qote, despite the fact that communication between them isn't always as open as it could be, he's very shy, and she keeps secrets from him, nonetheless, she cares about him and gladly calls him her friend.

Neutral Standing

Loetdoen Rhetifoensyn
30,000 gil for a girl that had been missing for 2 years surely sounded good to this adventurer, so as soon as she saw Sasha, he saw money. Taking her away from her bodyguards when she was unable to use magic was his first step towards their relationship, he let her go in what Sasha thought was an act of kindness. Instead, he later showed up again claiming that if she did not pay him to do things for her, and a generous amount at that, he would reveal her location to her parents, and for a while, they were stuck together like glue. Even though they treat each other horribly, there have been cases where he has shown to have a kinder nature, this, of course, gets overshadowed by his less tasteful self.

Dulin Garlin
It's hard not to like the blunt drunk Lalafell who kept drinking a little too much, when sober, however, Dulin has proven to be wise, kind, and honest. Though he hasn't been around lately, which slowly made him fade in her memory.

Faye Covington
A former superior of hers, Sasha always tried to keep their interactions polite, even friendly, but concise. Despite her standing in the free company, the girl thinks that she often burdens others with tasks that she could do herself, often engaging in willful ignorance when chaos was breaking right under her nose. Because of this, while Sasha does not see her as an evil person per say, she sees her as someone with a lot of bark and no bite, often hiding behind others and using her position as leverage.

Garrett Sacnsaron
Sasha's favourite captain in the realm, despite the fact that she believes that nobody respects him as much as they should. Despite her relationship with Stefan, Sancsaron stuck by her side and is always willing to help, this, of course, is mutual. Sasha considers him a friend, but more than that, she considers him someone she greatly respects. However, they haven't talked much recently, and they don't seem to cross paths often.

Negative Standing

Cyril Sorel
He used to be her bodyguard, and for a while, they were quite close, but thinking he was being manipulated, he cut ties with her, and their relationship slowly decayed as he started to act bitterly towards her. Nowadays, she can hardly stand him, but she still talks to him because it's the polite thing to do. He actively seems to go out of his way to slander her when he has the chance to, or so she thinks. Best to keep them away from each other.

Xavalien Oirellain
Xavalien certainly seemed like a decent noble at first, though mildly irritating. However, this changed when she found herself forced by him to sign a contract that basically enslaved her to this man. Sasha did not take this very well and ended up plotting against him to earn her freedom. Once she executed the plan, he was forced to withdraw the contract, which led their dislike for each other to intensify. However, she remains rather sneaky about it and they both (usually) treat each other with civility in public. Nowadays, Sasha actively avoids him and anyone who might be connected to him.

Sebastian Castlebane (deceased)
Someone Sasha hates to this day. Sasha's so-called "fiancee", however, Sasha never knew this man too well since it was an arranged marriage, and they had only exchanged a couple formal words before one day, when Sasha collapsed and was extremely weak and vulnerable due to one of her "aetherial bursts", he tried to take advantage of this by trying to force himself upon her, Sasha panicked and ended up absorbing part of his life source by impulse, nearly killing him. Ever since, she holds a strong grudge against him, this intensified when she heard he was going around Ul'dah recruiting bounty hunters to come after her and drag her back home. Sasha plotted and carried out his assassination.

Rumors (True and Untrue)

Common Rumors

  • "Ah, yes, that girl! Heard her mother was killed by her own guards! Lost her father recently too... And fianceé. Poor thing, she must be suffering so much."
  • "I always see 'er readin' all those bleedin' books and askin' questions."
  • "She's usually accompanied by someone, usually a male or two.."
  • "I've seen her around with that bard a lot, quite an odd pair."
  • "She seems to have quite a few followers and suitors... Though she doesn't seem very selective."
  • "She strikes me as a spoiled, capricious child. All that money and no backbone for it! Ul'dah will eat her alive."

Moderate Rumors

  • "Eh... I've seen her hanging around many shady characters, I'm not sure I'd trust her."
  • "I've seen her hands start to shake randomly, it's very odd."
  • "Succubus, heart-breaker, enchantress... She has earned quite a few names."
  • "Ye know what!? I heard she has slept with ALL her bodyguards! WHORE!"
  • "Never seen someone react so poorly to aether. I wonder why she even bothers to be a mage."
  • "She changes bodyguards like she changes clothes, she has multiple of 'em too."
  • "That lass seems to have a knack for stringing men along to get what she wants, silly girl will fuck with the wrong lad one day and get payback. You'll see."

Rare Rumors

  • "All the deaths surrounding that girl seem to be a tad too convenient for her, wonder if she's involved?
  • "That lady is insane! Saw her running out of these ruins, her hands were shaking and her eyes looked unnaturally bright, pretty sure she was attacking her own companions!"
  • "She's a scheming little bitch. I don't buy her honeyed-words."
  • "I swear I've seen that lass before, wasn't she part of the crew in that shipwreck a few cycles back? Pretty sure it's her. "
  • "I heard she plotted the assassination of that Castlebane lad! Wasn't he her fianceé or something of the sort?"
  • "She'll suck the life out of you before tossin' you away, fuckin' bitch..."

RPC Rumors

Feel free to add your own! It can be good or bad, but make sure you stay IC please. :)

  • "...I will not suffer you asking questions about mine clients." - Zeryr Roemeaux
  • "S'pretty..." - Nureai Urezie
  • "I call her Ms.Trouble." - Liam Connor
  • "I apologize, I don't remember much. Perhaps you should try asking her?" - Rick Fairchild
  • "Hmm, Lady Rochester seems to be a brilliant woman despite what other fools might say. I'm happy to have her as a member of my branch. And I have no issues with putting someone in the ground for messing with her." - Lan Darklyn
  • "She kinda reminds me'f m'Princess a bit. ...'Course, ain' no one able t'compare t'her, but this woman has that same sense'f mystery 'bout 'er what mine does. Like there's more to 'er than she's willin' t'let ya see." - Val Nunh
  • "Mayhap she and I met at terrible circumstances. While I do not condone her actions in the past and I seem friendly with her now, I know 'tis best I remain cautious." - Garrett Slater
  • "She carries herself with an air of dignity and boasts a keen mind and sharp wit. I respect her quite a bit." - Graeham Ridgefield
  • "It is always a sincere pleasure to speak with someone of Miss Sasha's eloquence and studiousness. Though she strikes me as slightly impatient with buffoonery, which I can only imagine makes her life rather difficult. There are certain joys to be had in life that shall perhaps be forever unknown to her." - Lilia Lia
  • "Take care, lad, lest ye find yourself used up and discarded like yesterday's refuse when the next shiny new thing comes along, and you're no longer a convenience to her. She's a fake, that one. Through and through. Should you still wish to take your chances, though, enjoy her while you can. When I finally put down that traitorous dog, I'll be doing all the realm a favor." - Velenn Letourneaux