Anzio Zansio

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Anzio Zansio
"May Nymeia spin you the loveliest of fates."
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 24
Patron Deity Nymeia, The Spinner
Occupation Flame Sergeant
Height/Weight 3' 2", 86 Ponz
Orientation Heterosexual
  • Anzozo (Father)
  • Solshana Sana (Mother)
  • Anzula Sula (Brother)
  • Anepopo (Brother)
  • Lumi Wumi (Sister)

"Even if it's interupted, I know Nymeia is still spinning tomorrow's web of hope. And that is why I fight. Until the very end."
-- Anzio to Horace Rook in the lounge of Ul'dah's airship port.

Basic Info

Flame Sergeant Anzio Zansio is the third born son of Anzozo who owns the little known Obsidian Mining Concern. Despite the name, they mine far more than mere Obsidian and have lasted for generations within Thanalan. Despite his relative high born status, Anzio serves as a soldier on the line and considers himself no more special than any other Flame. Many consider him the textbook example of a Ul'dahn trooper. Others have said he's got a large stick up his arse. Never the less, he has served with distinction within the Immortal Flames for years and has quite a service record even fighting within the battle of Carteneau. Up until recently, he has been missing in action.


Specialties: Sword and shield
Trained: Bow and arrow, mixed martial and magical disciplines
Miscellany: Magitek firearms
Magical: Conjury (B), Thaumaturgy (D)


Pre-Calamity: Spoiled wild child/Flames trainee
Post-Calamity: Immortal Flames (Sergeant) [Demoted to Private]
Current Affiliation: Immortal Flames (Sergeant)
Unit: The Flame Yataghans


Vice(s): Alcohol
Favorite Food: Aldgoat Steak
Favorite Drink: Chamomile Tea
Elemental Aspect: Earth



◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He's told his sister and mother he's stopped drinking, but he hasn't. Hehehe." -- Momodi
"Used to see him 'round the Quicksand or tha Hall all tha time, usually in uniform. Then he just up and vanished for a few moons." -- Dezukuku, Flame Quartermaster
"I once saw a Roegadyn lass carry him out on her shoulder as he yammered on in a drunken stupor. Lucky guy, I tell ya." -- Quicksand Patron
◢ Uncommon Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"You'll be hard pressed to find a solider as loyal and dedicated as Anzio. He can be surprisingly flexible for how stiff he comes off." -- Commander Swift
"Heard he helped broker a deal with the Brotherhood of Ash. Him and the other Yataghans ended up in a fight with the tempered at their request that left some big named Amalj'aa Thaumaturge impaled on a spike of stone, a monument and a warning. That was Anzio's doing, I'm told." -- Shallow Grave, Flame Corporal
"It was wrong what the Flames did to him. Kicks over a Syndicate slaving operation and Command cave like a bunch a limp legged street walkers. He gave his soul at Carteneau and they busted him all the way back down to Private. Ain't there in honor in the bunch?" -- Siegfried, ex-Flame Corporal
"Heard he used to feed information to some Moneterist information broker along with the rest of his unit. Don't trust the pretty front the little bastard puts up." -- Silent Kettle
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"After he went and pissed off the Syndicate, I hear old Anzozo disowned him for muddying things with one of his business partners. Now the Flames are all the family he's got." -- Tyr Heavyhand, Flame Lieutenant
"He's totally different than the haughty brat of a soldier that marched out of here to Carteneau with the rest of his platoon. Only three came back. Guess that kind of crucible will make a veteran of any kid if they survive it. I hear he doesn't communicate with the other two. Wonder if there's something to that..." -- Wymond
"What? You want more? Alright then. I have it from reliable sources that his absence as of recent if because he was off on Dravania aiding some Ala Mhigan Resistance group. Rather or not it was sanctioned by the Flames is another matter entirely. After being gone without a trace for all that time, I can't imagine his endeavors went well." -- Wymond
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from Playable Characters, Feel Free to Add!)


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love     Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Kale Aideron - "I knew from the moment I met him that he would be a fine leader. While under his command I rarely felt frustrated with stupidity or ignorance. He's a damn fine leader. I trust Command has the good sense to make him a Marshal one day."
Moengeim Wistyrmanwyn - "By the Twelve! I never thought a Lominsan would make such a good Flame! I have to admit, in my stead I can't think of a better soul to helm the Yataghans as their Sergeant."
Antares Omni - "She's... an interesting lady. Not bad per say, but I thought I might have to arrest her a couple of times."
Ghost Forge - "Mister Rook's primary goon. I wouldn't fight them unless I had to, but I am confident I would come out the other side... more or less."
Horace Rook - "I am not exactly sure how I feel about Mister Rook. Nymeia must have some purpose for having spun his presence into my life when she did, but hells if I know what it was. I would almost believe he bribed her keep it that way."
Ryanti Veanysus - "His father has done a lot for the Flames and Ul'dah as a whole, I think he will too. And I aim to be there to help him in whatever why I can along the way. Nymeia seems to have woven our fates together tightly."
Nhari Viqqoh - "A lot of folks have ill things to say of Miss Viqqoh, but I shall never forget the skill with which she treated my injuries. I've seen nothing but professionalism from her."
Sigyn Shieldbreaker - "Wherever she may roam these suns I certainly hoped her attitude has improved."
Lubdbryda Haldlahzwyn - "Never will you find a bigger racist! Were I not duty bound I would not mind to put her in her place."
Endemerrin Rosethorne - "Nymeia seems to have introduced him at just the right moment in my life. Any sooner and his origins would have given me cause for concerned and 'reason' to feel threatened. What fate lies in store for us both I cannot say, though it depresses me to admit, his is likely more interesting than mine."


MS Saga Sountrack - Life Before the Fall


Credit goes to Bancroft Gairn for the page template! Thanks to Moengeim Wistyrmanwyn and Osric Melkire for things I thought were cool on their pages.