Sasha Rochester

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Sasha Rochester
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): • Astrologian
• Scholar
• White Mage
• Black Mage
Main Tradeskill: Alchemy
Preferred Role: Healer
Server: Balmung
Alignment: True Neutral
Reputation: Unknown
Occupation: • Freelance Mage
• Researcher
Education: Private tutorship and self-taught.
Marital Status: Married
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Guardian: Azeyma, The Warden
Free Company
The Ivory Tower
Items Carried
Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Age: 21
Height: 5 fulm 7 ilm
Weight: 134 ponze
Eyes: Green
Hair: Ash Brown
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Slim and toned
Notable Features: White birth mark on left cheek,the tips of her hair fade into white.
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity


Note: The information given here is very basic, as I don't want to risk people metagaming, if you're interested in more obscure aspects of her past, it's best to befriend her ICly.

With a devilish, inquisitive spark in her eyes and a mind for business, one can't be sure if this woman is trustworthy or not at first glance. Her demeanor is somewhat eccentric, but oddly friendly, polite, and flirtatious. Seeking to allure, her words will almost always be carefully picked to sell herself, keeping them loosely laced with a seductive undertone and a smile full of promises. Whether it's entertainment, services, or simple conversation, she's always looking for something.

Born into wealth, the girl is a result of generations of old money, and she plays the part. With a perfectly straight posture and a chin held high, it's rather obvious she was raised and spoiled as an only-child. Sassy, flirty, and a bit vain, one will surely be able to pick her apart from the crowd.


Standing at 5 fulms and 7 ilms, Sasha is on the taller side for a Midlander, her body is slim but toned, with a medium frame, despite this, she seems to have been blessed with a chest size and hips she adores to flaunt. Her hair is light ashy brown with natural white highlights that seem to be inherited from her father's side, she always keeps it clean, but prefers to wear it long, loosely and comfortably. She has forest-green eyes, framed by dark, thick eyelashes. Her nose is slim and classical, her face is small and delicate, and her lips are plump and naturally reddish in hue. Sasha is flawless in the sense that she never had any scars or blemishes on her skin, evident from someone who never had to deal with bruising in her life. If she gets scars, they are very short lived, as she goes to great extents to heal them to the point they become invisible. The one thing that stands out is a white birth mark on her left cheekbone that runs down her father's line, however, it is hardly noticeable since she tends to conceal it with her hair and/or make-up. Considering her appearance to be one of her best features, she can be somewhat vain, and will go to great lengths to preserve her looks.

Always dressing impeccably and elegantly, Sasha dislikes anything that won't allow her to feel feminine and and comfortable. She usually wears dark colours, which contrast with her pale skin. She changes clothes very often, since it bothers her to wear the same outfit for too long. Delicate, feminine, and dark would be the way her style is described by most. Sasha also has a tendency to dress rather provocatively, but refrains from overdoing it, after all, she likes to look like a lady.

Voice & Speech

Sasha's voice is smooth and warm, her tone is often seductive and inviting but it can change to sarcastic or cold in a second if she feels threatened or is generally in a bad mood. Her speech is often semi-formal, choosing to stick to vocabulary that would be comfortable for robbers and scholars alike, though it may vary depending on her company and what she is trying to achieve. She often speaks in metaphors, feeling deep appreciation for those who can follow her wits.


Equipped with smooth words, a disarming smile, and a keen eye for what she can use to her benefit, she sees the world as her playground for lies and deception. Her demeanor is pleasant and charming, always keeping a friendly though somewhat distant disposition. Seductive, provocative and perhaps a little cheeky, she takes pleasure from keeping others off-balance.

To those she can benefit from, this mask will be kept almost permanently plastered on her face, always willing to please and seduce. Analytical to the core, she will inspect and morph into what she believes others expect her to be, from the foolish, harmless damsel in distress, to the cunning archmage. Give her a stage she desires and she will put on a show. To her, all truths are malleable and easily bent, words are nothing but child's play. People she considers fools or threatening will see another side of her, however. And they will soon discover that the coy smile bears sharp teeth and a sharper tongue. While she doesn't seek to harm, her patience is often limited towards those she deems incompetent, and her sweet words will turn into bitter sarcasm and condescending arrogance.

Due to a distaste towards violence, she has a strong inclination towards battles of wit when facing conflict. Sasha also implements under-handed tactics, and more than anything, persuasion. She sees fists and blades as the arms of savages, and will frown upon those who see them as their first resort.

Despite her seemingly refined demeanor, she can be quite reckless and childish in her pursuit of magical power, having an absolute fascination for aetherial phenomena. She doesn't care that aether harms her. So long as she can feel the rush of magic surging through her veins, she will always be motivated to look for more. Due to her aetherial sensitivity, her obsession with magic has proven many times to be highly detrimental to her condition. She stubbornly insists on continuing to push herself further and further, caring not for the consequences.

Manipulative, self-destructive, scheming, secretive, and distrustful, it's easy to portray her under a negative light when people discover that part of her nature, but in her eyes, her tactics are nothing but a shell that protects her from a harsh, ruthless world. With few enemies and even fewer friends, she feels deep affection and loyalty towards those who choose to stand by her side, even after witnessing the best and worst of her.


Despite not openly talking about it, Sasha is rather religious and often goes to the Sanctum of the Twelve to pray, however, she seems very selective when it comes down to what gods she prays to, choosing to pray only to Thaliak and Azeyma before any of the others. When circumstances are dire, she may pray to some of the other gods depending on the situation. Recently, she has taken an interest in Ramuh, but hasn't acted upon it as of yet.


  • She has a weakness for those she deems vulnerable and helpless, often going out of her way to help them, even when it's a minor inconvenience for her goals.
  • Under extreme anger, she becomes overly sarcastic and almost whimsical in demeanor. She will smile while cursing you to the seven hells in the loveliest manner possible. It's extremly difficult to get her to this point, however.
  • She doesn't cope with stress very well, becoming flustered, tongue-tied and cowardly when put on the spot unexpectedly.
  • Sasha is rather ticklish, but anyone who dares to test this will most likely regret it.
Sasha Rochester by Soraname

Positive & Negative traits

Positive traits

  • Polite
  • Intelligent
  • Persuasive
  • Curious
  • Well-Educated
  • Composed
  • Cunning
  • Studious

Negative traits

  • Manipulative
  • Insensitive
  • Reckless
  • Self-destructive
  • Submissive
  • Selfish
  • Scheming
  • Cynical
  • Arrogant
  • Cold
  • Vain
  • Irresponsible
  • Secretive & Distrusting
  • Sarcastic



Blessed with a talent for the aetherial arts, Sasha is a magic-user. However, regardless of her magical skills, aether has proven to be unreliable during multiple occasions, as it may sometimes weaken or even kill her. Despite looking somewhat toned, she's surprisingly frail, and not particularly quick on her feet. Anyone who can get past her magical barrier could easily kill her, if her condition doesn't do so first. So, how does she fight?

She doesn't.

Other people fight for her. If diplomacy doesn't solve the issue, she will resort to the aid of her allies, and only when she sees herself truly cornered will she take the risk of taking matters into her own hands. Depending on her condition, she may be meek as a mouse, or a force to be reckoned with. An intelligent hunter wouldn't take the risk of rolling the dice unless they knew her weakness. However, she always avoids conflict if she can, since she has a strong dislike for violence.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Reading and research
  • Magic
  • Polite & well-educated people
  • Sincere compliments
  • To flirt & provoke
  • The night
  • Being a know-it-all
  • Deep conversation


  • Cruelty, she considers it "savage"
  • Stupidity
  • Being said "No"
  • False flattery
  • Slimes or insects of any sort
  • Being outsmarted
  • Strict morals
  • Competition
  • Making mistakes
  • Boring, mundane tasks
  • Wishy-washy individuals

Family & Relationships (NPCs)

Being the only child, she was always overprotected and spoiled. Her family is cultured and wealthy, but not the type to be sentimental or emotionally-supportive. The Rochesters aren't very famous due to their overly-cautious nature and dislike for public appearances.

Emeryck Rochester (deceased)
Sasha's father, a wealthy merchant, known for bringing in foreign high quality materials from around Hydelyn into Eorzea. He's stern, polite, and cool-headed. concerned for his child's safety, he was the first one to oppose her pursuit in magic, and went to great lengths trying to keep Sasha from practicing magic. Seeing that marrying her off would bring in more money for the family, he decided to arrange angagement between her and Sebastian Castlebane. He recently passed due to sickness, and made Sasha strongly reconsider their bond on his dying words. She'll never admit it, but despite their rough relationship, she mourned his death.

Catherine Rochester (deceased)
Sasha's mother. Lominsan by birth, she is another merchant, known for selling academic wares such as books, school-materials, and anything any guild or educational institution may need. Owner of one of the biggest libraries in Eorzea. She is described as being intelligent, diplomatic, and hard-working. However, Sasha's departure and Emeryck's death have profoundly scarred her, making her suffer both mentally and emotionally. It is constantly implied that her other greatly influenced Sasha's personality, and always had a rather tight "grip" on her, even when the girl ran away from home. While Sasha won't admit it, she shares a lot of qualities with her mother, especially the negative ones. Catherine's mental state deteriorated further when she failed to "protect" her daughter (Her idea of protection was... Severely skewed.) the woman died in a supposed uprising from the guards of the Rochester Estate, however, no marks of weapons were found on her body, and as a witness, Sasha is currently being observed by the authorities. Despite the official claim that she tried to save Catherine, a few sources seem to question the woman and other surviving witnesses of the event.

Relationships (Other RPCs)

Revamping! Some information here was severely outdated!

Rumors (True and Untrue)

Common Rumors

  • "Ah, yes, that girl! Heard her mother was killed by her own guards! Lost her father recently too... And fianceé. Poor thing, she must be suffering so much."
  • "I always see 'er readin' all those bleedin' books and askin' questions."
  • "She's usually accompanied by someone, usually a male or two.."
  • "I've seen her around with that bard a lot, quite an odd pair."
  • "She seems to have quite a few followers and suitors... Though she doesn't seem very selective."
  • "She strikes me as a spoiled, capricious child. All that money and no backbone for it! Ul'dah will eat her alive."

Moderate Rumors

  • "Eh... I've seen her hanging around many shady characters, I'm not sure I'd trust her."
  • "I've seen her hands start to shake randomly, it's very odd."
  • "Succubus, heart-breaker, enchantress... She has earned quite a few names."
  • "Ye know what!? I heard she has slept with ALL her bodyguards!"
  • "Never seen someone react so poorly to aether. I wonder why she even bothers to be a mage."
  • "She changes bodyguards like she changes clothes, she has multiple of 'em too."
  • "That lass seems to have a knack for stringing men along to get what she wants, silly girl will fuck with the wrong lad one day and get payback. You'll see."

Rare Rumors

  • "All the deaths surrounding that girl seem to be a tad too convenient for her, wonder if she's involved?
  • "I've seen her in multiple funerals of people close to her, and yet I've never seen her shed a tear. Frankly, I don't think she cares at all.
  • "She's a scheming little bitch. I don't buy her honeyed-words."
  • "I swear I've seen that lass before, wasn't she part of the crew in that shipwreck a few cycles back? Pretty sure it's her. "
  • "I heard she plotted the assassination of that Castlebane lad! Wasn't he her fianceé or something of the sort?"
  • "She'll suck the life out of you before tossin' you away, fuckin' bitch..."

RPC Rumors

Feel free to add your own! It can be good or bad, but make sure you stay IC please. :)

  • "...I will not suffer you asking questions about mine clients." - Zeryr Roemeaux
  • "S'pretty..." - Nureai Urezie
  • "I call her Ms.Trouble." - Liam Connor
  • "I apologize, I don't remember much. Perhaps you should try asking her?" - Rick Fairchild
  • "Lady Rochester was a valued member of my branch when she was part of my free company. I'll admit that I admire her drive to succeed, even though I think sometimes her methods are a bit questionable. I've not spoken with her in a long time, but I may try to reconnect with her in the future." - Lan Darklyn
  • "Sasha? She's a pretty gal. Always has a knack for attracting trouble though, and I wouldn't recommend getting on her bad side." -Locke Fairwind
  • "She kinda reminds me'f m'Princess a bit. ...'Course, ain' no one able t'compare t'her, but this woman has that same sense'f mystery 'bout 'er what mine does. Like there's more to 'er than she's willin' t'let ya see." - Val Nunh
  • "Mayhap she and I met at terrible circumstances. While I do not condone her actions in the past and I seem friendly with her now, I know 'tis best I remain cautious." - Garrett Slater
  • "She carries herself with an air of dignity and boasts a keen mind and sharp wit. I respect her quite a bit." - Graeham Ridgefield
  • "It is always a sincere pleasure to speak with someone of Miss Sasha's eloquence and studiousness. Though she strikes me as slightly impatient with buffoonery, which I can only imagine makes her life rather difficult. There are certain joys to be had in life that shall perhaps be forever unknown to her." - Lilia Lia
  • "Take care, lad, lest ye find yourself used up and discarded like yesterday's refuse when the next shiny new thing comes along, and you're no longer a convenience to her. She's a fake, that one. Through and through. Should you still wish to take your chances, though, enjoy her while you can. When I finally put down that traitorous dog, I'll be doing all the realm a favor." - Velenn Letourneaux
  • "....She coaxed me into work with her womanly wiles." Flynt Reddard
  • “She is quite an enigma, is she not? She and I are similar in some regards, yet drastically different in others. I have to wonder how she came to be where she is now. Perhaps she will enlighten me, sometime.” Edda Eglantine
  • "Highly dangerous, highly arrogant. If we were to match wits I'd say she is far outclassed, though...there is something in the way that she speaks, in the look in her eye that is utterly disarming and absolutely alarming. If you'd ask me anything else about her though...I'd say you should mind our own business while you still have the capacity for curiosity. " Slams his notebook shut. Lho'a Garanjy


Manipulative Bitch What she wants, she gets. If she wants something from someone else, she will gladly morph into a sweet and charming being to lure others into doing favors for her. From a victim to a lover, she'll play any role to reach her goal.

Deadpan Snarker She doesn't like taking shit from people, but she also doesn't like to directly insult others... So she resorts to sarcasm and snide remarks.

Make it look like an accident She likes permanent solutions, but prison doesn't seem very appealing to her, so she'll always hire someone to do her dirty work.

Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught Laws are silly, but prison and retaliation are not, so she'll always figure out a way to cover her tracks.

That wasn't a request Sasha usually doesn't take no for an answer, and though she normally takes the long run of swaying people, piss her off enough and you might bump into something far less pleasant.

Skewed Priorities Magic comes first, everything else normally comes second.

Femme Fatale The rumors speak for themselves.

Squishy Mage Great at magic, horribly weak otherwise.

Rich Bitch Spoiled to the core since she was a child, when in a bad mood or when dealing with those she dislikes, she can turn into a royal bitch.

Dark and troubled past She doesn't like talking about her past, mainly because of how resentful she feels towards her family.

Multi-layer Facade Keeping quite a few skeletons in the closet along with massive trust issues, it's difficult to tell where the real Sasha ends or begins.