Mayuri Kotonoha

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Mayuri Kotonoha
Protected Commodity

Name: Mayuri Kotonoha
Nickname: Yuri
Age: Unknown
Race: Au Ra
Clan: Raen
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital: Protected
Deity: Unknown
Nationality: Doman
Occupation: Healer
Alignment: Good
*Artwork by Tovio Rogers

At a glance... Yuri has the introverted posture of a girl who is trying desperately to fit in; she tries to blend into the crowd as much as possible, whether by expression or by attaching herself to the side of someone who is as adept at it as she wishes to be.
Long white hair is a shock against her tan skin, speckled with gold colour near its edges and falling in around her shoulders unless she pulls it back. Her eyes are as pale as her hair, akin to a blanket of grey snow and without the usual limbal rings her people are so known for. The scales on her body seem pale, though a gold shine seeps through in certain light, glinting most in the sunlight.
Flexible and wiry, Mayuri is the picture of an acrobat, and if one were to watch her keenly they'd see this through the way she climbs her partner and rides his shoulder; this is only possible because of her diminutive height, standing as short as an Au Ra female can.

Scars & Markings: A handful of Mayuri's scales seem to have been pried off, leaving scarred flesh along her body to varying degrees (the reasoning for this is yet to be revealed by Mayuri.); there are various marks along her hands, legs, and arms, but they're small scars compared to the removed scales and are likely from branches cutting into her flesh when hiding in trees; beneath her hair, on the left side, is a long scar that looks to have been caused by blunt-force trauma, but it doesn't seem to have had any effect on her cognitive abilities.

Voice: Soft-spoken and kind, Mayuri's tone could be considered soothing by any who enjoy something more dulcet. She never raises her voice too far and always speaks in a clean, level voice, as if trying very hard to be understood. Because of her stutter (a result of trauma and shyness), she tries very hard to make every word enunciated, even if it takes her several tries to get them out cleanly and it's rarely hard to understand the tiny Au Ra. ( Nana Mizuki as Hinata Hyuga fits best. )

Clothing: She's grown fond of the idea of full coverage, even choosing to wear tights beneath shorts when she decides to wear them. Every now and again a skirt will make an appearance and show off her thighs, but generally she keeps it bunched down beneath her if she's sitting to avoid any odd panty-shots or otherwise.
She tries to blend in as much as possible, so the idea of showing off too much skin (and her scars therein) makes her feel far too exposed. To this day only a handful of people have seen Mayuri without much clothing, and even then she was as embarrassed as anyone could be in such a situation, if not more so.
There is room in her closet for things that are more revealing -- in fact she wore a strapless dress as a Christmas surprise and outfit for someone -- but generally speaking she tends to wear more rather than less; in the future the Thavnairian bustier in full will... feature, but it's tied to her past and must be conquered before it can be displayed.

Kindhearted, Healer, Protected, Meek, Shy
Character Theme: Watashi no Uso ~ Piano Solo from Your Lie in April


  • Peaceful moments with friends.
  • Jutat De.
  • Eating carrots with Lecede.
  • Silent work-dates.
  • Kind people.


  • Rude people.
  • Those who shun kindness out of selfishness.
  • Being underestimated, no matter how small.
  • Being alone.
  • People who abuse her kindness and try to take advantage.


  • Being alone.
  • Being found.
  • Darkness.
  • Failing Lecede
  • Disappointing Lily or Tayn
  • Losing Aurelia


  • Her fingers are constantly tugging and fidgeting with fabric, either on her own clothes or on Lecede's if he's in range.
  • She tends to try and take Lecede's fingers/hand if he's nearby; fairly new habit.
  • Eating carrots whenever she can; fairly new habit.

"It's too bright..."

Early On...

Some of Mayuri's earliest memories come through in hazy tones; smoke-wrapped visions of her as a child toddling around the feet of people seemingly more important than she is just generally being in the way. They're painful, and they're buried deep, and she rarely shares them with anyone. It's highly likely, though she is loath to admit it, that Mayuri was... meant to be something; a spotlight in some small part of Doma and Othard that had real tangible nature to it, but she has not only abandoned that past and that hope, but also sort of hates the idea that she was ever exalted above anyone... so she tries to blend in.

Most of her past exists in a closed box in her mind. Something so tragic had to have happened to cause her to literally block out much of her childhood and the years leading up to when she finally decided to leave --- not because of the strife in her homeland or the war on the horizon --- but simply because she couldn't stand to be there, in that place, with those eyes and those people always looking at and for her. Her past is shrouded.

She is, as she ever was, a closed book on this subject; not just to be rude but because every time she tries to recall the memories they create a flood of pain in her mind and she rejects all further thought on them.


Coerthas & Lecede

She had been spending so much time in the snows of Coerthas that she'd learned to live off the land entirely, and rarely did she need to interact with anyone. She was a silent bird in a tree, watching the comings and goings of the citizens of Ishgard and the building treaties with the men and women of the Shroud, Sagolii, and La Noscea. It got harder and harder to stay hidden, the forces of the Dravanian Horde started to make their move, extending their reach beyond the snows of Coerthas and attempting to destroy Ishgard and anyone who called themselves their ally. There were armies moving from all sides, whether large or small, and they kicked up a fuss in such a way that Mayuri found herself more than exposed in the one place she'd learned to remain hidden; it was unsettling.

It was around that time that she happened upon another Au Ra, a male, who was... as adept at she was at blending in in the snows of Coerthas; he was following the Dravanian Horde closely and watching from afar rather than interacting. After a while of watching him, she decided to approach, offering him food and a place in her own sort of shelter --- somewhat removed from the cold, as much as one can be in Coerthas --- and after he decided to extend his trust, they exchanged pleasantries and at least the beginnings of their stories. For Mayuri it was fleeing Doma and looking to stay hidden in Eorzea from her people on the whole. He, on the other hand, was thought dead by those who loved him and sought to keep it that way for their safety. Understanding, Mayuri and Lecede had an unspoken bond and a promise to protect one another in their time in Coerthas, and though she hoped one day to convince him to return to his sister and loved ones, she feared losing that tenuous attachment they had started to form.

As the tension grew near Ishgard and more refugees from Othard came flooding into Eorzea, Yuri managed to convince him to return and tell his family of his survival and of the coming tide, and fully expected to be left behind. But Lecede, as wordlessly as they'd survived all those months in Coerthas together before, extended a hand to her and pulled her up onto his shoulder to take her home with him... he had promised to protect her and he would keep that promise.


Jutat De & Home


This character has a propensity for...

  • Use of aether in healing applications.
  • Stealth in varying degrees.
  • Improving the mood of those around her through her own kind attitude.
  • Finding good in everyone she meets.
  • Bladed weapons.
  • Divining and other things tied to the Astrologian profession.
  • Kindness.

Some of these rumors may be untrue or speculation.
KEY: ♥ Family & Close Comrades | ♦ Allies & Business Contacts | ● Acquaintances | ✘ Offensive Persons


Lecede Aerowind: "My protector and my best friend"
Mayuri found Lecede, and in that Lecede found Mayuri, in a time when they both wished not to exist but needed (whether they'd admit it or not), something to keep them attached to the world as a whole. Hopelessness was Mayuri's bread and butter before Lecede came along, and after they met she decided her life would be dedicated to being kind and good so that people like Lecede had one place in the world they could look for a kind word or soft smile. Lecede exists as the turning point in her life, when she decided that they world was not worth missing because of fear of one's own past, and that some people would forever be in her heart regardless of their status. Though they spend all their time together, they do not so much consider themselves dating, though Yuri has expressed her love and Lecede has reciprocated in his own way; he's her protector and she his, and that is how it shall always be.

Aurelia Aerowind: "She's a much better and more unique version of me"
Yuri's first encounter with Aurelia was the other Au Ra female flying across the room to beat the hells out of her brother, and though she'd known it was coming she still felt a sort of fear that a girl that size could bring down a man like Lecede. It turns out that Aurelia's heart is much larger and more giving than her violence towards her brother would let you think, and each hit she strikes against Lecede is of desperation for him to not scare and/or leave her ever again. She's never really violent for the sake of violence, and is so proficient at her job it leaves Mayuri more than envious. Aurelia is strength incarnate, but wrapped in the love and warmth of a girl who wants to see the world as a good place, and finds joy in little things, and to Yuri she's become... more than family.

Tayn Zolin: "He's a hero who doesn't even realise it."
Representing a weird juxtaposition of new and familiar, Tayn Zolin stands as an anomaly in Yuri's life. He's open, honest, and doesn't pull punches in anything he says or does, and while she's used to the more reserved (or outwardly hyper types), he's an amalgamation of all the best and most interesting parts of the people around her. Though not inclined to get too close to him physically -- or anyone for that matter outside of Lecede -- there is a trust for Tayn that extends beyond the cursory, and he is like a mentor to her, forming the head of her new home and the comfort she's been searching for for years.

Lily Dawnsworn: "Her strength is both her wings and her anchor."
Lily is the quintessential mark of a powerful, confident woman in Yuri's eyes. She knows who she is and where she stands, and that's something amazing to the tiny Au Ra. Lily watches after Yuri as much as she can when they're in public and seems, for all intents and purposes, concerned for the well-being of those closest to her. Yuri, however, sees a sadness beneath Lily's outward steel -- a face made for the public to keep questions at bay and suitors even further -- and though she wishes to help Lily, she has no idea how to. That being said, Yuri's on the lookout to find a way to make Miss Lily more happy, whatever the cost.

Anton Borneheld: "... he frustrates me in ways I cannot put into words."
Happenstance brought Anton into her life, and though their interactions have been sparse, to say the least, they still know one another by name and have spent time pushing forward their respective relationships. Yuri is to blame -- the word blame is wrong here, but it's the one most used -- for Anton's relationship with Aurelia and Anton's taken it upon himself to retaliate by pushing the issue of Yuri and Lecede. Yuri, in reaction to this, is somehow more withdrawn when Lecede and Anton occupy the same space with her and finds it hard to actually place just how Anton feels about her, and their budding friendship, on any given day.

Aerius Destroven: "Miss Lily says it's complicated, and I believe her."
Yuri met Aerius in the Quicksand one time when he approached to have a conversation with Lily. Though he seemed nice enough, there was an underlying tension between the two that set Yuri's teeth on edge and after asking Lily about it, she found out how complicated the situation was, if not all the details. She does not regard Aerius with any ill-favor but is somewhat wary of his person because of this mention from Lily, and though she will not shy from speaking to him on the whole, she will use the utmost caution.


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "She keeps to herself." - Quicksand Patron
    "Never really alone, is she? Always got that Goblin following her." - Limsan Woman
    "Always checking her pockets, that one...." - Momodi Modi

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "Her aether presence is staggering --- it's eerie... and yet! Yet she never seems to push it..." - Mid-level Thaumaturge
    "She's totally into Lecede." - Unknown
    "..." - NPC or PC

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "..." - NPC or PC
    "..." - NPC or PC
    "..." - NPC or PC

Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

Many more screenshots can be found on the character's IC blog

RP Information

I will RP walk-ups, random hooks from below, longer-form plots agreed upon in advance, and generally darker themes are fine as long as they don't cross any of my specific lines.
Ask about damaging my character beyond a simple punch or otherwise; knowing anything about her from this page or that she hasn't told you; using her in a longer form plot you've created.
I will not RP permanent character death or rape; anything that removes my consent as a roleplayer or her consent as a character is a no-no; anything involving children in explicit situations; no ERP; and Yuri is currently (and likely forever) spoken for, so you can flirt if your character wants but it won't go beyond her polite refusal.
■ If you need to ask information, feel free, I won't bite and it'll help facilitate RP between us. If anything I do is annoying or uncomfortable, let me know and I'll do as best I can to remedy it.
RP Hooks
Blast from the Past: Someone who knew Yuri from her time in Doma might be open for discussion.
Need Healing?: Above all else Yuri wants to help; if you need healing approach her.
Twitchy, aren't we?: You've noticed her twitching or fidgeting and are curious; this might not always cause much engagement.
You want to hire Jutat De: If you need something (investigative or otherwise) from Jutat, Yuri is openly a member and wears their symbol proudly and can be a bridge between.
You look lonely.: Feel free to approach Yuri just because you want to chat; it's not a guaranteed in to conversation with her that extends beyond the polite, but it's better to try and fail than never try at all.
Mayuri is shy, meek, and stutters; this does not mean I or she are here to fulfil some weird fantasy of yours. I don't mind tells that you enjoy my character but it doesn't mean that I'm going to let you molest her. Though she is fairly easy to overpower, I, the player, will log right the hells off and leave you wanting if you try to force yourself onto me in a way that I do not enjoy. Also, as a warning, the player is fairly foul-mouthed but tries to keep it to her friends mostly.
Time Zone/Server
■ Balmung
■ Fairly open availability; just contact.
Additional Information
Some additional places where you can find information, photos, etc pertaining to the character.
In-character journal infrequently updated but open for contact.
Alt Characters
These are the other characters I RP with on FFXIV~

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Further tweaks and random changes by Frejyalen Ruyalen.
I can say that I have been the kindest me that I can.